
Eccentricity Quotes

There are 1088 quotes

"His fridge has a live chicken in it. The guy's unhinged."
"The man freaking steals a piano and brings it to a sewer for an epic moment."
"At face value, he is a discombobulated, frantic, frazzled eccentric muttering and murmuring man, yet he's likable, friendly, seems harmless, and comes across as completely genuine."
"The most obvious of the unconventional approaches... occurs when an eccentric plants a flag on an oil platform or a disputed patch of dirt and declares themselves king of nothing."
"The eccentric Emperor Norton would stroll the streets of his dominion of San Francisco in an elaborate blue uniform, attending to the needs of his subjects."
"There are entire industries like pet cloning that exist because of weird rich people."
"It said that Henry Ford ate literal grass sandwiches."
"Just look up any history on old nobility, you'll crack open a pinata of brain spiders."
"I guess I'm just a kind of an eccentric guy who's really just putting out all of my interests and they happen to overlap in terms of multiple domains."
"I think that Jeff Goldblum... most people can't give themselves over to their eccentricities and still be broadly appealing to pretty much everybody."
"The eccentricity of being ultra-rich, that's cool, but it kind of wears thin."
"I have no interest in aging gracefully. I want to age eccentrically."
"I think it is less weird to get advice from your Diet Coke valet and more weird to have a Diet Coke valet."
"I'd rub it all over my nipples." - Kevin Smith
"This thing's so wacky but I love it. I truly do. I love this."
"Pathfinder is one of the more eccentric and enthusiastic legends in the game who at the moment is really all about his tactical ability the grapple."
"Florida man is my kind of people; like the crazy cousin that comes over during the barbecue and says 'hold my beer.'"
"The song is far weirder than you ever thought."
"Perry mother-tucking styles let's talk about while at 25 first the hair is ridiculous and I love it the crown is ridiculous I love it and the look is ridiculous and I love it."
"Embrace your individuality, embrace that need to be eccentric, and embrace that need to have progressive thinking."
"The Winchester Mystery House has six kitchens, 2,000 doors, 10,000 windows, and 160 rooms."
"Karl Lagerfeld left a chunk of his near $300 million fortune to his cat, Choupette."
"The imagery and just the bizarreness of this journey is perhaps not for everyone, but I did honestly really like it."
"Remember when people used to get bullied out of being weird?" - Reflecting on societal attitudes towards eccentricity
"There's a lot of just like, you know, weirdos in a good way kind of doing their own thing."
"I am absolutely out of my mind 90% of the time."
"We're gonna be super popular and super weird all at the same time."
"People who watch the news and [ __ ] but lunatics who actually get on and become guests and [ __ ] like that."
"To the entirely stone-deaf audience who can't hear the music, the man dancing by himself must appear to be insane."
"Renaissance fashion: sober, restrained, tasteful... except for the codpiece."
"Do you think you're eccentric? Oh, yes. Now that I'm rich. Before I was rich, I was just called weird."
"Nicole Williamson who played the role of Merlin like no other. He is eccentric and over-the-top with his delivery but can come across as menacing and slightly odd."
"This is just the tip of the iceberg for Tomodachi life, it is a crazy crazy game."
"We want to see everything. We got laser, we got freaking sharks with laser beams on their head."
"Most people who are that level of genius throughout history, you find out from different accounts they're a little eccentric."
"I learned that if you want to be a good artist, you gotta be [expletive] weird. You have to, like, do some crazy [expletive], you gotta cut off your ear and you gotta die."
"It's still full of mad eccentric story stuff...proper Kojima-style crazy."
"Jem was so barefaced in its lunacy one of those things that shouldn't work and yet it works it shouldn't be and yet it be it was just it was truly outrageous truly truly truly outrageous."
"That [ __ ] is crazy wow like wow man, in a chemical sandwich."
"What a turnaround! I know some of y'all were probably like, 'hey this preacher's crazy,' well I'm so crazy that I'm willing to go the extra mile for Jesus because he went the extra mile for you."
"Kenneth Copeland defended his lifestyle in the weirdest and creepiest way."
"Tesla's attachment to these pigeons likely arose from his growing social Detachment and loneliness during his last years."
"I like weirdos. I like crazy people. That's what makes it tick."
"You are a unicorn, you are very eccentric, you're very different."
"Spawn was like that uncle you had growing up that meant well but would give you shots of tequila."
"He takes that head, he's lugging it around with him everywhere."
"Holy foolishness: acting insane to be closer to God."
"His acting was equal parts brilliant and bonkers which makes it so hard to match yet somehow jean-claude Van Damme found a way."
"I love trash. Anything silly or out there or else worlds."
"Oh, my God! The Venom crystallizing in my mustache, that's so metal!"
"To be successful at anything, you have to be a little bit crazy."
"We've got millionaire ten-year-old billionaires who don't shower and I swear to God true blue Mathematical trillionaires."
"A surprisingly eccentric and brilliantly written plot."
"What can you expect from this mogul's Xanadu 2.0? A trampoline room, for starters."
"Coming home is like coming home to an empty house if I don't have the odd skull to make it feel like it's all lovely and cozy."
"My morning routine is absolutely ridiculous. My whole family knows about this."
"Amherst went and became Dwight Schrute with some drastic follow-through as a mad scientist."
"Earth is strange, bro. Earth is real strange for us right now, you feel me? Earth just out here doing unearthly and things are just changing, man."
"Be nice to weird ass fools out there, they don't know they're weird."
"That's what made me want to do this, you know? It's that crazy, off the wall [ __ ]."
"Well, the Brits are eccentric, a little bit wild, a little bit weird, and I love this stuff."
"Ken Russell was one demented [ __ ] so it's no surprise that Lair of the White Worm is a pretty demented movie."
"Family above all else, basically. Even if they're absolutely bonkers, you know?"
"I'm just always trying weird [ __ ] as Shirin, I'm a weirdo."
"If you do abandon me, leave me with that David Sampson weirdo because he was the weird one who would eat an egg salad sandwich while clipping his toenails into the trash can and ranting about Ronald Reagan."
"Glad you could make it. Just a fair bit of warning, my friends are little, should I say, eccentric. They're cool though. Make yourself at home and introduce yourself around."
"Artists are some of the most nuts people sometimes, in the most positive way."
"I think there is an openness to it, yeah, and I think some of the guys are actually just trying to be as strange as they can be."
"The Doctor had always been an eccentric, but his fourth incarnation took this eccentricity to a whole other level."
"A perfect mix of being super out there and super compassionate."
"We've never seen a multi-multi-billionaire with such a big personality... banging aliens or has fascinations about that."
"Being weird is sometimes the best survival strategy."
"We're all unique Aquariuses, we're all little strange, we're all eccentric, we're all weird."
"No one understands me but people love me because I'm crazy."
"He's crazy, but he's a very good basketball player."
"But out of all of these colourful cast members, perhaps none are quite as strange and unique as that of Blanca."
"I bet my grandpa was the kind of guy who wrapped his cash in tin foil to keep the government from knowing what he had."
"I figured he was either crazy or perfect for this show, or maybe both."
"I consider myself just another one in a long and distinguished line of naked kooks."
"Something about a little ape with a craving for eccentric treats just was so appealing to me."
"It's a palace to celebrate the weird proclivities of things we can't stop paying attention to." - Kevin Pereira
"What is it with eccentric rich people and weird houses?"
"You see some little fella you know he you know he dressed up like a mermaid pickers throw his little ass up you know put him in an aquarium bruh repurpose that little bastard."
"If it was able to do eccentric, I would fully commit and I would love it."
"You want to be a headliner just so whatever weird thing you have, you're like I'm gonna make everybody have to do my weird thing."
"He's like the most patient maniacal psycho grandfatherly weird uncle." - Star Wars Theory
"This site seems pretty similar to Sentimental Corp and is used to showcase art in a bizarre and unnerving way."
"People can be eccentric or say stupid things and make mistakes, but if they're putting out high-quality work, the public generally forgives them."
"We like to be innovative, we like to be different, eccentric, and future-thinking in our career status."
"Jimmy Neutron as a whole is weird, but in the best ways possible."
"I'm trying to start a cult. I want to be the Big Baby Leo King Lido, and I need you to join."
"This guy, this dude right here, is absolutely mad, but I love it."
"People are just weird, bro. [__] is mad weird on the internet, that's my point."
"I'm sort of a weirdo at prepping... I do all kinds of crazy stuff."
"Eccentric, fun, and shocking, this is the fashion of Elsa Schiaparelli."
"The guy is completely unhinged, in the most positive manner that someone from the west coast of America could possibly be."
"Everybody gets a little crazy; it's interesting, very."
"Scarlett Johansson blew her nose into a tissue, put it in a bag, signed it, and listed it on eBay. The tissue sold for $5,300."
"As expected from someone who created a series like JoJo, Araki is a really eccentric guy."
"You have no idea how crazy this event is; it's bizarre, it is absolutely nuts, and I love every second of it."
"I am like objectively very, very weird."
"He could have been walking around in a dashiki and really been on one, but he was beyond humble and focused."
"Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for watching, definitely subscribe, check out Nags's games, I love you, too, alright, Nux, stop trying so hard, have a wonderful evening and remember to stay weird Fab."
"He was a pretty funky guy, you'd definitely consider him to be a little different, but people really liked that about him."
"Aren't we all a bit crazy in some ways?"
"It is the stupidest, most ridiculous restaurant to exist, and I love it so much."
"...they too had a penchant for the wild and wacky in their wrestling."
"Often times, a grain of Madness is the best of art."
"Uranus is associated with things that are eccentric or off the wall or offbeat."
"Hanging around me long enough and you go crazy."
"You should be more weird when it comes to gardening."
"I'll take a good hearted weirdo any day."
"You can have a nice, normal-looking, red pillow. And you got Nicholas Cage!"
"He's a hard worker and is willing to devote literally insane amounts of time and effort to really odd and kind of pointless things."
"Sometimes my genius is just crazy."
"I'm a big fan of weird internet things."
"People are crazy, especially in Vegas."
"This is the part of the YouTube video where things start to get a little weird. It's best not to ask questions."
"I mean, at the moment it's like an organized particular type of protest that I maintain just brings out a bunch of weirdos, yeah, sure, because there's like fire twirlers and anybody who's like I would like some attention, please."
"Stories of the strange old lady who spent her time reading mystery novels by a lamp, accompanied only by her dog, Dingo, led to Margaret being nicknamed the 'Lady of the Swamp.'"
"I believe that it's the job of an eccentric billionaire to X xicly push eccentricity."
"Bonkers off your head, but I'll tell you a secret: All the best people are."
"It is just so off-the-wall and Looney in the best possible way."
"The internet is big enough and friction-free enough such that you can be a complete lunatic who everyone knows is a complete lunatic and yet you create an ecosystem that enough people love."
"I'm not going to be another YouTuber that talks about biting someone all the time. I'm not going to be like Army Hammer that wants to just Nosh on someone's toes and chop off the leg and be like, 'what if I kept a piece of you in a bag with me?'"
"The Addams Family is a comedic work of Genius because with them we've established a world where not only are strange things treated as though they are normal but normal things are treated as though they were strange."
"Hell yeah, we're going to have clowns jumping and rolling around, killing people. Penguins with rockets on their backs. It goes wild but feels so perfect in the world that Tim Burton built for this."
"Things that I read about my career, it's almost never, 'Man, he was strong,' or 'He really did, you know, he did this or that.' It was always, 'This guy was just bananas, he was crazy.'"
"Geniuses are considered weirdos in their time."
"Everyone's wearing ears here and that's one thing about the Japanese, I feel like they're so eccentric and what they wear and I love it."
"I give to you the world's only screw-headed T-Rex!"
"What a show! It was the promise of the two-headed T-Rex that brought me back here to Augusta, Georgia, but what a show! The performances lasted between 5 and 6 hours."
"I finally got to meet Eric, the lizard man, who told me: 'Don't call him Eric, call him the lizard man, because there's so many Erics but only one lizard man.'"
"I love that. The crazier, the better."
"There's something extremely charming about this and just downright silly. This is prime oddware. I love it."
"When he walked in the room, you knew he was there and you looked at that guy like, well, he may be crazy as a rainbow trout in a car wash, but he owns this whole thing."
"To be the best you gotta be one crazy son of a [__]."
"I feel like he's the good kind of weird."
"Luffy is the 'I will fight anyone over a grilled cheese sandwich' crazy."
"This woman is out of her mind, in the best way."
"Sometimes it just takes eccentric people to do something as amazing as save history."
"It's bonk, it's gone full bonkers."
"There's a dude who lived in Harlem with a tiger in his apartment. That's the most insane thing of all time."
"Merles would wear the same t-shirt in Vegas for four days straight."
"This is one of the most unique weird Oddball wacky cars anywhere on the planet."
"This is a pretty wacky ride all in all, but that's what I like about it."
"Their private life was even more bizarre than Dali's art."
"Leave it to Patreon to declare the winner to be one of the most batshit films in Fulci's filmography."
"It's a fantasy movie so fucking crazy that it's one of the few 80s fantasy epics whose poster actually does represent the insane shit that happens in it."
"God must love crazy people. Why they make so many of them?"
"We're creating a hero's journey for this guy. He doesn't know it but we're surrounding him by this group of sort of wonderful weirdos."
"I feel like Jim Carrey is just actually that weird but it works out in most of the characters he plays"
"Celebrities are [ __ ] weird man."
"Honestly, this movie has the best set of characters. He has the most bizarre proportions and a permanently purple thumb. This is repulsive and I love it. I absolutely adore it. Like, I'm the biggest fan."
"What stands out about him is his admittedly outrageous costume, but not much else."
"I'm the crazy lamp lady and welcome to my channel."
"If they want to be crazy and do weird stuff, it's a big world, and you'll be happy regardless."
"Angel Man was the first ever true Gourmand... attempting to smell like something edible."
"If you want to watch a dude that's willing to piss in the overflow tank in his basement, that's who I am."
"He's nuts. That's well, it's like a scoop."
"Some people might think this is weird, but I love weird, creepy looking cute things."
"He bought his own house and put a slide in it bro."
"He's right. He was right about you being both eccentric and trustworthy."
"John Voy was definitely my favorite he was a hot mess I think he was like wearing like pajamas half the time um and like his looks I thought were just so psychotic but um I really enjoyed him he was definitely my favorite part of this movie."
"They put a thing in our local paper, the Bloomer Advance, covered the event, and the guy thought we were nuts, of course."
"In the 16th century, Tycho Brahe was a renowned astronomer...he didn't have a loyal dog or a house cat for a pet like most people, instead, his animal friend was a drunk moose."
"She left us with the crazy, unhinged dollification over-the-top personality, and we love her."
"Everyone loves a good English eccentric, I think."
"We're an odd mix of people... We're a little bit crazy in a good way."
"When you speak about Jesus, people get afraid. All my friends are like, 'She's cuckoo for Jesus!' Hallelujah, praise God!"
"I'm not crazy. I'm completely bonkers."
"Only you, you're a complete freak."
"There's nothing wrong with being eccentric."
"I certainly think Gary's an eccentric in the very best sense of the word."
"I love paint, I know I'm a weirdo."
"That's up there for me. Comment down below, can you remember a story I've read where it involves a person quite like this? Top-tier crazy bloke."
"Nothing makes sense about this car, but I love it."
"The C6 was different, with a stunning interior that for some reason had a small tree growing out of the centre console!"
"Maybe I'm crazy, maybe that's what it is."
"Goth allows you to be an eccentric lunatic. That is what I love about it. That is the thing you should embrace."
"Looking at me weird right now, and I might be a little bit crazy, but just stick with me."
"Compulsively weird and I love it."
"You don't have to be crazy, but it helps a lot."
"A few sandwiches short of a picnic."
"A crazy pastor from Sacramento with facial hair that seems a little out of control comes up and starts talking."
"Welcome to your new crib. Go to the fourth floor. It's a bling bling punk funk mod kind of world up in here. Stake your claim."
"You got to be just right or just crazy."
"I'm thoroughly enjoying the weirdness of Sutton."
"What's the weirdest thing Jack has done? Probably hump the plant."
"Apparently, they have a requirement that to be in this gang, you have to wear something weird on your head."
"Your family's going to think I'm insane anyway. What's the difference?"
"You gotta realize if you do some whack-a-doo [ __ ] like eat pancakes out of a Shoe Store bag on an airplane."
"There's something distinctly more Doctor-ish and alien when she dashes around in the tattered remains of an old man's suit."
"It's kooky and weird and filled with personality."
"They walk around on silver stilts. They're like crab people, asymmetrical crab people on stilts. They're so weird and strange and just so chaos. It's great."
"Trust me, my people may be a bit crazy at times, we know much even if we act as fools."
"In every tradition, there is a component of the tradition called crazy wisdom."
"Welcome to the Crystal Cove Animal Asylum for the criminally insane."
"The fact that he took a whole bite out of an onion, Jim Carrey, you are a mad lad."
"The clown motel was built in the 1980s by Leona and Leroy David in memory of their deceased father, who was a clown lover."