
Reversal Quotes

There are 566 quotes

"For the first time, we have the ability to reverse the age of cells."
"Flips your preconceived notions on its head."
"A disease that can be put into reverse, that's what we should be doing."
"Remember, the first shall become last, and the last shall be first."
"Yeah, Shrek and Donkey. I completely agree, but guess what? No, no." - Rhett
"Identify the lie, reverse it, and use it as power."
"Flips everything we've seen so far on its head."
"I have seen slaves on horses and princes walking like slaves upon this Earth. It means things are upside down. God's people were supposed to be Kings upon this Earth and they're walking around like slaves."
"Water-rise. No, this footage isn't being played backwards, that's a waterfall flowing upwards."
"Stunning reversal. The next time you will lose the game this turn instead of draw seven cards, and your life total becomes one."
"The subdued is overcoming, the last is becoming first."
"Great play from Beth, made. I take back everything I said."
"Instead, I guess this is another reverse cancellation. We're canceling the people who have tried to cancel the gender roles because that's just never actually going to work."
"The tables had been turned. Sparta was forced to withdraw."
"If I can fix metabolic health, most of the things that people come see me for will reverse."
"Upon discovering that Farsight had pulled the old Switcheroo on him, the Tau did a 180 on their opinion of him."
"The meat has fallen and is begging to be grabbed. Step one: get meat. Done. Step two: get rid of meat."
"The hoax has turned around. Now it's turning out that the hoax has turned around."
"We're actually gonna be using their own weapons against them."
"Fnatic had opened this so well... but genji now, they're the ones with the massive lead."
"The conditions for reversal are incredibly clear at this point."
"The carnivore diet, the keto diet that you've been eating has reversed multiple risk factors that you have for heart attack and stroke."
"The only diet on the planet that reverses and gets rid of fatty liver is keto, ketovore, carnivore, a proper human diet."
"The last shall finish first, the first shall finish last."
"All the growth of 2021 and 2022 has completely reversed."
"You could reverse a lot of the damage."
"Type 2 diabetes... it's a disease that can be reversed, but you have to do it in the proper way."
"The goal of type two diabetes care is not management, it's reversing it."
"This can reasonably be called the biggest U-turn in British economic history."
"When I started learning about Islam, I learned that with Islam it's the opposite."
"Let's turn this thing completely on its head."
"We have so much time and so little to see. Wait a minute, strike that, reverse it."
"You really got a feel for someone whose game went from pretty much perfect to down the drain in the space of a single afternoon."
"The student has become the teacher."
"This is a complete 180 in his life."
"Shinji's bonkai releases a pink mist that reverses the idea of enemy and foe."
"Oh my, how the tables have turned."
"It seems the tables have turned again, Dr. Evil."
"Instead, they brought the cannibals their dinner."
"I think I'm just gonna have to go backwards. Yeah, that's probably a good idea."
"Voilà, nothing a little polarity reversal won't fix."
"I laughed loudly, saying that my evaluation had done a complete 180° turn."
"An example of the strength of nature and how it can reverse the damage we caused."
"The imminent field reversal will have a radical effect on human civilization but it will also threaten the survival of a number of species."
"It's like the ultimate Uno reverse card on someone who thinks they're about to get away with something."
"God is going to flip the script and turn things around in your favor."
"The way of the Cross is a complete reversal; it means that the worst thing in your life, your cross, turns into the best thing that ever happened to you."
"He went from believing everything to believing the reverse of everything"
"Barney starts off the fight winning but a kick from villain changes the tables."
"It's never too late to reverse the aging process."
"The women are always saving the men around here."
"Reversal of heart disease is possible, just conceptually I think that, you know, the body can heal itself so why wouldn't it be able to heal this damage when it can heal all other sorts of damage?"
"Barry needs to go back in time and reverse everything that has happened."
"You can reverse your severe obesity by following the simple steps."
"They reverse the snap and restore all the lives it took, including Peter's."
"The hunter is going to become the hunted."
"You can literally stop, slow, and even reverse cognitive decline in so many patients."
"They found not only did people with cognitive parent not progress, not only did they not just stay stable, but they also reversed cognitive decline."
"The roll has been reversed as far as the aggressor getting against."
"Destiny turned into disaster and somehow that disaster was turned back into Destiny."
"Stephen Hawking ultimately changed his mind and came to the conclusion that the information would come back."
"We've had a reversal of fortune in the chip count."
"The heels got the baby faces in submission holes. They just took the old spot and did it backwards."
"The thing that you're most afraid of happening, you actually get the opposite result."
"You created this. Then I forgot about it. And you'll undo it. I will."
"You're not going to age faster. In fact, you'll age backwards."
"Game over. Well damn, not no more."
"Improving my diet in these very fundamental ways reversed almost every problem I had."
"The last will be first, and the first will be last."
"Sometimes being wholesome is just the ultimate Uno reverse card."
"Don't you just love it when the tables have turned?"
"The tides have turned and now they are foes as they can be."
"Biological aging can be reversed... it's not too late to win those years back, extending your life."
"It's not the opposite of practicality; it's like the Contra positive, like the best laid plans of a biophysicist got flipped upside down and played backwards underwater."
"Captain Hook, savior of the Lost Boys."
"Wow, we've really done a total 180 here."
"Immutable snapshots provide an unbelievable undo button."
"'But many that are first shall be last and the last first.'"
"Now the hunter has become the hunted."
"One flip of a switch and you're back outside."
"Almost feels like the tables have turned."
"Bray Wyatt is usually putting people in their place, and now he's having the crazy tables turned on him."
"What a laugh, he just pulled an UNO reverse card, turned a bad moment into a Victorious One."
"It's funny how quick the tables can turn, how somebody that was once somebody can quickly become nobody."
"Back in the Roman Empire, people just get [ __ ] up and the slaves would be able to run around do the thing, slaves would get to party, the masters would serve the slaves, that was the whole idea for three days."
"Let's roll the time back one week."
"First shall be last and the last shall be first."
"The tables have turned effectively it's the circle of life."
"When you're trading a potential reversal, it is absolutely 100% necessary to identify where liquidity has been purged."
"Whatever you think it is, think the opposite. That ought to be where you ought to start."
"Cena reversed a calf crusher into the AA for the win."
"The fellas could flip the script."
"The best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people."
"Most people have no idea that their diabetes can be reversed."
"What starts out as an innocent attempt to raise money for a dream turns into a reversed situation of simply trying and failing to stay afloat."
"They didn't return to their own bodies, they returned to each other's, meaning Raven's soul is inside of Starfire and Starfire's soul is inside of Raven."
"Americans had stereotypes about what Asians were like, and he took those stereotypes and just turned it upside down on their head."
"The curse will be broken right okay that makes sense they're going to break the curse but does knowing the curse mean that you can reverse like are all curses reversible what if it is reversible but the way to do so has nothing to do with how it was made in the first place."
"Back out of the shed, pulling a Pontiac down the road backwards."
"Oh my God, hold up! Oh God, really? Hit that Uno reverse, help this man."
"Goku could cause a lot of damage but that damage can be reversed if you just use the dragon balls."
"Faust is saved rather than condemned."
"The fundamental meaning and moral of the tale is reversed."
"The world got stupid one person at a time. It can go the other way one person at a time."
"So the last shall be first, and the first last."
"The hunted was becoming the hunter."
"It's a miracle, and I wasn't running from that kid, he was running from me."
"When a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a Trader's stead the table would crack and death itself would start working backwards."
"Irony pervades the situation as they are now reversed from when they first met."
"I remember when they killed her and then they went JK she's back."
"God can flip things upside down. He can make the very day that was supposed to be a day of defeat and destruction a day of victory."
"The idea of a self-saving princess is something that I don't think any of us saw coming."
"The Head and Shoulders pattern is the most effective and my favorite reversal pattern."
"Azor Ahai is the Night's King. The hero is the villain. That's the general idea."
"Head and shoulders are massive reversal patterns."
"A building exploding in reverse and then rebuilding itself and vice versa is absolutely stunning display of visuals."
"Feels good to be on this side, is that how it is? Tables turned, my boy."
"Rescission is the unwinding of a transaction, and it's done to bring the parties as far as possible back to the position in which they were before they entered the contract."
"You were the bully, you're the bully. This is just so good."
"You weren't bullied, you're the bully. This is just so good."
"Luckily artery disease can be reversed."
"I know it's like the roles are reversed, all this time I've been numb although a part of me feels happy now that she's got a taste of her own medicine."
"The not operator reverses the expression."
"He found the tactical avenues necessary to turn the fight around."
"Y'all take the opposite of the Don Carson angle, how do we take this and do it in reverse?"
"Jesus is saying it's a political thing but it's an upside down political thing it's the reversal of all the power games that the world is playing and yet it is the most powerful thing of all."
"...everything they say about me is true if you reverse it."
"...they have done the exact opposite which I think is pretty exciting."
"Red is the curse technique reversal of blue and has the ability to repel."
"From hero to zero. He was the chip leader not too long ago. To be exact, I think three hands ago he was the chip leader. Alex Foxon now on the rail. What an absolutely epic turn of events."
"In conclusion, Hulk has been utterly assassinated. All of his core character traits have been arbitrarily reversed."
"God said he's getting ready to reverse some things in your life."
"We can reverse that biological process and actually get younger as we get older."
"The mammal evolved backwards into the ocean."
"Piper counters the punch and Rick ends up getting whacked with his brass knucks."
"This is actually great. I take back what I said."
"So the last will be first, and the first last."
"Reed begins his studies to find out how to reverse the effect caused by the radiation."
"You can reverse it with just painting it back white."
"The biggest economic expansion in human history. What caused that? Just the reverse of what caused the first part."
"We need to reverse an evil spell."
"That means that the momentum is going down, okay, so there is a sign of reversal."
"Wow, the tables have turned, huh?"
"A day would come when men would call Darkness light and light Darkness."
"What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?"
"so I think he can reverse the soul which is insane that is yeah but it means that megi is pretty much safe yeah"
"It's better to get it before you enter a stage of decline; it's harder to reverse it."
"What if all the battles we've seen so far completely switched up and all the roles were swapped? This is the culling game reversed."
"Need to make her change me back. Back to what? Human, not wolf."
"It's almost doing the reverse in that way."
"A reversal is a process, it's exciting, it's a sigh of relief."
"If rhs can find the handle, he'll do it himself. Forget it, it's going the other way."
"He's going to reverse the entropy."
"Looks like the tables have turned."
"And I just started thinking about like all the hullabaloo around the proposal, yeah, for Batman and Catwoman like we should totally just reverse that, such a Spider-Man move, yeah."
"You've gone from half the husband and all the money to half the money and all the husband."
"God is gonna turn everything that was calculatingly put together to tear you down and destroy you, and now he's reversing it."
"that's it for Hanna launches the ball and he's being chased down this game the terms of the emotions still not done but Jeromy Pruitt has somehow reversed course on this season for Tennessee."
"Raglan knew without a doubt that the long streak of luck he'd enjoyed since America fell had finally run out."
"At the heart of Christianity is the principle that the first will be last and the last shall be first."
"From the jaws of victory, well, now I spoke too soon."
"In the blink of an eye, the tie has turned."
"Every curse over my life is reversed."
"I really really like this match and I think that it's a great reversal of the story from the previous one where Austin would do everything to win but now rock is desperate to prove that he can actually beat Austin after losing to him twice."
"It happened incrementally and it's going to have to be undone incrementally."
"Reversing time around the world again, again. Oh my god, there's so much reversing time, isn't there? It really is."
"But, everything is scarier in reverse."
"So we'll just pop it in the opposite way around and I'm doing the job a few fellas don't know as well."
"The prey became the hunter, the peasant defeated the king, the people with no Army defeated the man who had a big army."
"You're very fortunate because what I'm seeing is that if it hasn't happened already, this is what's about to occur, tables are turning."
"It's got to be the other way around."
"For once they're all gone, Arnold was able to turn the tables and use his wit and survival instincts to take down this thing."
"That's literally the reversal of the Spider-Man story, right?"
"The tables have turned. Who's going to save you from me now?"
"I don't want the surgery anymore, put it back how it was."
"If you watch the movie Jaws backwards, it becomes the heartwarming story about a shark who swims around giving arms and legs to disabled people."
"A world without Word Girl takes everything we've come to know and take for granted and flips it entirely on its head."
"...look what happened in 38 days, he'd reversed his diabetes."
"The message is the reversal of status of rich and poor, weak and powerful."
"You thought inflation had been conquered it's back again this is a reversal back to things that people used to do that they stopped doing because it wasn't a problem anymore."
"Can aging be reversed? Now, that's an interesting question."
"...using an atr for the reversal is a good indication."
"You can reverse diabetes in most cases if it's type 2 diabetes."
"It's never too late to start. Like, you can be 86 years old with heart disease and there's still a pretty good potential that you can reverse some of that damage if not all of it."
"It's like they've taken the basic tenets of the Indie movies and reversed them in a character like that."
"What's on the table this week is: can diseases of the mind and the soul be reversed?"
"I was literally going to go over there to do the complete opposite, actually give her words of encouragement."
"Carefully and gently put the boat in reverse."
"If we go back to our roots and eat these healthy foods, we can reverse a lot of the diseases that we have here."
"It's not so funny when the shoe's on the other foot, is it?"
"Following months of outrage, the Pentagon finally reversed course."
"Recovery involves a reversal of the experience of trauma."
"The markets have a strong tendency to actually reverse on three."
"I promise you every time pun says that something comes around that he starts and I reverse it right back."
"You can reverse and heal by stopping the damage."
"It's not life, but the person that you were you just feel like you're gonna have to face it and this just totally reversed that."
"In Bartimaeus, you see the perfect example of the last become first."
"As far as the weeding goes, you basically want to weed in reverse. Basically, everything that you would normally remove, you actually wanna leave behind and everything that you normally leave behind, you will wanna actually remove."
"They call good evil and evil good."
"It's a reversal to end all reversals."