
Slowing Down Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We have a new understanding of what causes aging and even how to slow it down."
"Reconnect, you know, be off grid, slow down a little bit and just, you know, appreciate the humanity that's all around us."
"All we have to do is slow down and stop long enough to be still to hear."
"There's more to life than increasing its speed." - Gandhi
"It just makes you slow down and really enjoy the world."
"Slow things down a little bit so you're more mindful of what's going on around you."
"The frustration of not being able to slow down is a really important first step."
"I'm just tired and I think what I need to do is just kind of slow down a little bit and not push it so hard."
"In order for you to receive rest, you have to slow down."
"The main overarching goal of the Year for me being Simplicity and just like slowing down."
"We become stress intolerant and so we do need to slow things down."
"Slow down," he thought. "Slow down more."
"It's okay to slow down and not to be on this hamster wheel that is on fire."
"Being slow means never rushing just for the sake of it."
"It's beautiful and it does make us slow down."
"The slowing down step is necessary but not sufficient for the real insight. It could be sufficient if sometimes just slowing down dissipates the energy."
"Sometimes it's nice to just slow things down."
"People just need to slow it down a little bit."
"You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life."
"I just want to slow down a little bit tonight, I'm in need of a little bit of slower time, a little bit of self-care time like kind of Desperately."
"This is a year to slow down and come back home."
"they're nice about time man they slow down"
"What can be really helpful when you want to slow down smoothly is make sure you let engine braking do some of the slowing down for you."
"I just want to slow down, you know?"
"The speed of love demands that we slow down."
"The need of the hour is for a slowed down spirituality."
"Slowing down, everything is not urgent. Rest is going to be the priority."
"Time is slowing down and you're fully able to enjoy your life."
"I honestly feel like it's the world telling us to slow down and just be like, yo, stop, relax, listen to other people, listen to yourself."
"For me it was more about an opportunity of being able to slow down for once and to really look inward."
"Now it kind of slows down a little bit for me because I'm doing a lot more thinking."
"You gotta surrender, you have to slow down, you have to lower the volume of life, you have to lower the intensity and just... that's where the healing and the health is gonna start coming in."
"You don't lose anything by slowing down except the chaos in your soul."
"We're not in a rush anymore. We're definitely slowing down."
"I feel like I constantly live my life in a rush to do things, which I need to slow down because girl, life is going by so fast."
"All we're doing is slowing down, reversing the tendencies of conditioning to look outward, outward, outward."
"Slow the F down, slow the F down. What is the rush?"
"You actually have to give yourself permission to slow down."
"Stay bricky babies, don't be in a rush. Slow down."
"I just want to do absolutely nothing and so that's always my sign of like okay slow down."
"I really slow down and just experience joy more."
"Feel your worries ever way as you sense that the things finally slowing down."
"Restorative is about learning to slow down."
"It feels nice to slow down a bit, doesn't it?"
"It's amazing, once we get to slow down here after some of these things are in the ground, we'll go through the garden a little bit slower."
"It's interesting, the slowing down almost starts organically."
"I want to be able to relax and take it a lot slower when I'm 30."
"They're finally slowing down to see that love is all around."
"I'm kind of just coming to terms with the fact that I need to slow down a little bit."
"Take everything ten times slower."
"One of the things I loved about it is that we felt like our life was speeding by and all of a sudden it's slowing down again."
"When we feel the urgency to speed up, that is typically the instant we need to slow down."
"As things start slowing down... I want to take back a little bit more privacy."
"So tonight, we're putting on the brakes and slowing things down."
"If you go too fast, you pass everything up and you don't take life in."
"Fox walking teaches us to slow down, and by slowing our body, we slow our mind, and we walk as one with the heartbeat of creation."
"Your spirit guides may have slowed things down for you in order for you to be able to rest."
"It's best to slow down, so from now on I'll be patient and take my time."
"Now I find myself constantly slowing down."
"I'm trying to find peace in the slower moments and learning how to slow down in a healthy way."
"When I get a little older and I might have lost a step in speed, it may be one of the best things that happened to me because now everything just slows down."
"Now it's time to think about slowing down."
"Slow down and pay attention to all the little details around you."
"When your world gets too fast, there's a trick all sloths know: slow down, don't be speedy, just go with the flow."
"Slowing down to emotionally connect with people... can really have profound effects on everything that you're doing in your life."
"Knowing there is more in life than to simply increase its speed."