
Mary Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
"Consecrated to Mary, we can follow in her footsteps, leading us to Jesus through her humility."
"The biblical certainty that Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant."
"The shortest, fastest, surest way to God is through Mary."
"There's no more powerful intercessor than Mary."
"As they say, the law now becoming flesh and by Mother Mary, who instead of the ark of wood and gold housing the law, we now have Mary's womb housing the flesh."
"If a piece of wood is sacred and holy, how much more is the womb of Mary sacred and holy?"
"Mother of God doesn't mean Mary created God... she's the person that gave birth to a divine person."
"Mary is the queen of heaven and earth, to whom God entrusted everything, including His own son."
"Mary said, 'My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.'"
"In every Marian apparition, Mary gives a message. What was her message? Evangelize, spread the word of my Son."
"The present statue [of Our Lady of Pui] is made of black marble and has Mary seated on a stool, holding Jesus, the baby Jesus."
"The doctrine of Our Lady's co-Redemption doesn't put her on the same level as Christ."
"If enough people respond, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be hastened."
"Catholicism has a unique position of being the mother of God."
"Everything about Mary directs us to her son, our only savior, in anticipation of whose merits she was Immaculate and full of grace."
"Know that there is consolation for you in the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"Victory when it comes will be a victory through Mary."
"The history of Christian piety teaches that Mary is the way which leads to Christ."
"If Mary is viewed as a new ark... Psalm 132 is already applied in a Messianic sense in the New Testament."
"Mary is a new ark of the New Covenant."
"...when we look at it all, the conclusion is very obvious: Mary was created without any stain of sin."
"If it were not for Mary, I would be damned. Mary has saved me."
"While Eve brought forth children in sorrow, Mary, being the new Eve, will rejoice in bringing forth her son. - Genesis 3:17"
"Woman, behold thy son. Son, behold thy mother. - John 19:26-27"
"Jesus led his mother to a throne of glory in heaven next to his own. - Jesus crowns Mary Queen of Heaven"
"Beloved, that you make it to heaven with no doubt and that you will receive Eucharist as you never have before."
"Jesus is Lord of Heaven and Earth. Mary is Queen of Heaven and Earth."
"Mary exalts the Lord. The Lord doesn't exalt Mary. And furthermore, she acknowledges that God is her savior."
"Mary gave birth to a person, not a nature. She gave birth to a divine person."
"Religious practices have also developed as a result of these appearances, such as the wearing of The Miraculous Medal and scapular medal, both of which bear images of Mary."
"The hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplication."
"Mary truly suffered that martyrdom, that along this path, along this Via Dolorosa, our lady is experiencing a spiritual martyrdom, a martyrdom of the soul in conjunction with her son."
"Mary is a martyr of the church, the only Saint who suffered true martyrdom of the Soul by being so present to her son at the foot of the cross."
"Simeon said to Mary, 'A sword will pierce your own soul too.'"
"Mary was the mother of Jesus but she also needed Jesus to be her savior."
"Mary's identity as the new Ark of the Covenant reveals who Jesus is on a deeper level."
"Mary went in haste. She knew who she was and what she had to do. She took on her mission."
"Mary treasured these things in her heart. She thought about them very deeply indeed. And that's why she's the center. She's the seat of wisdom."
"Mary and Joseph were welcomed by an elderly man named Simeon... A sword will pierce your own soul too." - Luke 2:34-35
"Because Mary and Elizabeth were cousins, Jesus and John were also cousins... The birth of John is regarded as a divine miracle." - John the Baptist
"Mary is the greatest of God's creations because of his work of grace."
"All of these explanations about Jesus's brothers and sisters are all attempts to explain them away. The problem comes when you see Mary as perpetual virgin. She clearly can't have any more children, and so the references to Jesus's brothers and sisters clearly can't be that."
"In saying the rosary, Mary invites us to join her on a journey through the life of Jesus."
"When we see someone who's morally beautiful... we see something breathtakingly beautiful and that's when we call Mary the Immaculate Conception we're saying then something more than that she's spotless we're saying that Mary is beautiful."
"Though she was human just like everyone else, Mary exhibited attributes that led her to be chosen to birth Our Savior."
"Joseph's marriage to Our Lady is so important. John Paul the Second said that the marriage of Joseph and Mary is as important as the virginity of Mary in looking at the conception of Jesus."
"Mother of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Wow, what a woman, what a lady, what a queen."
"It was Mary who was the very first person to preach that Jesus was no longer in the grave and it was Mary who was the very first person on the planet Earth to preach that she had seen him alive."
"Mary is Blessed, but Rome has taken that blessed and made her immaculately conceived and sinless."
"Mary gave birth to Christ without having known a man's touch"
"He speaks of the church as the new Eve rather than Mary which I found just interesting."
"Mary is the quintessence of deification."
"Mary is the gate through which Christ entered the world."
"Regularly we get asked, 'Why do you Catholics make such a big deal about Mary?'"
"Mary appears to be the fulfillment of the Ark of the Covenant."
"Here's your mother. I share my mother Mary with you."
"Nobody else can bring us into the divine and human dimension of the mystery as Mary can."
"The salvation of the world began through Mary."
"No one after God loves us or can love us as much as Mary."
"When Jesus is most helpless and vulnerable, during his birth and crucifixion, there was only one constant presence in both of those occasions: Mama Mary."
"If God himself needed the presence of Mama Mary when he was vulnerable then we need her when we are vulnerable."
"It'd be a mistake to read it like that, going on the primacy that is next cited Mary is asked to procure for us forgiveness."
"The virgin Mary's greatness is chiefly expressed by the fact that God considered her worthy to be full of grace, to receive His Son, and to be the means by which He would become incarnate."
"The virgin Mary will always keep before the face of the church the glory of motherhood, which is a uniquely feminine reality and the glory of all women."
"Then Ryu starts eating food which looks so cute that Mary cannot stop smiling."
"Mary was married? That's absolutely false. So what we're going to do, you can go to any pale do now and say, 'What's one of the number one reasons why y'all refer to Mary as a...' and they will say, because she never got married."
"May you always find comfort in the arms of mother Mary who loves you so much."
"It's Jesus Mary and Louisa, and it's all part of the Triumph of the two hearts of Jesus and Mary."
"Mary, ever lovable and full of grace, always has delivered the Christian people from the greatest calamities and from the snares and assaults of all their enemies."
"Mary is the mediatrix of God's covenant love."
"Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant is revealed in the Old Testament."
"Mary is the Queen Mother of the Son of David."
"She's the co-redemptrix, as the new Eve she is also the Mediatrix."
"She recognized that those few small cells in Mary's womb were 100 man and 100 percent god."
"Mary already may I think knew she was going to be the queen of heaven."
"Mary cooperated in the redemption and she was there at the foot of the cross."
"Mary is the mother of the church. The church is the mystical body of Christ."
"She was not subject to death but she chose death to conform to the image of her son and to be a first fruits for us."
"Raise her up to become his queen. That's why Mary's the queen of heaven."
"The deepening of faith in the virginal motherhood led the church to confess Mary's real and perpetual virginity, even in the act of giving birth to the Son of God. Christ's birth did not diminish his mother's virginal integrity, but sanctified it."
"She is joyfully anticipating that all generations are going to look at Mary and see in Mary God's masterpiece."
"We don't even know what happened to Mary outside of the pages of the book of Acts."
"The text instructs its readers to honor Mary on certain days and it associates Mary especially with agricultural prosperity as well as healings."
"Mary is in full possession of that justice that was lost in the garden."
"May each one of us, precisely through the concrete reality of Mary's universal motherhood, fully acknowledge her as our own mother and trustingly commend ourselves to her maternal care."
"Mary is the perfect instrument in God's hands, the perfect mother of his only begotten son, and there are no words that can be spoken on the face of this Earth that can ever diminish the greatness of that in the sight of almighty God."
"Mary is very important for one's vocation."
"O Mary concede without original sin."
"The Blessed Virgin Mary is just the most profound example of what we all need to know as Christians."
"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
"Mary's role in Luke's Nativity Story is much more significant than in Mark or Matthew, portraying her as a central character and prophet."
"But even though she has that great dignity as mother, she even has greater dignity for another reason. And that is because she is the greatest disciple of Jesus."
"Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the most famous but least known woman in history."
"I want her to walk around Jerusalem with me because I want to ask her questions like, show me the house she lived in, what was it like in those days."
"Mary's the matriarch of the movement... Mary Magdalene and Mary the brother of Jesus are very united."
"I think that Mary lived out the rest of her life in Jerusalem."
"I see Mary as a spiritual teacher of Jesus and James."
"The reaction that Mary has to the announcement that she is going to give birth to Christ is one of the most beautiful hymns in the Bible."
"I couldn't explain it, or even at this time fully understand it, but I could feel a pull towards the mother of Christ."
"This thing that has come to Mary is from the Holy Spirit."
"It's another way to know the Divine Will, reading the Virgin Mary book because it consists of 30 or 31 days."
"Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus miraculously."
"We call her Mother of God because she is the Ark of the New Covenant."
"Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin Mary too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did."
"Jesus came into the world through Mary, so we should also go through Mary to get to Jesus."
"He could not become man unless Mary was His mother."
"The title of Mary's dowry for England can be traced deep into England's Catholic past."
"The official title of dowry of Mary can be traced to King St. Edward the Confessor in the mid 11th century."
"This is your dowry, O pious Virgin."
"Jesus and the Jewish roots of Mary: Unveiling the mother of the Messiah."
"The woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."
"Our Lady is seen as the Queen Mother, the new Eve, and the Ark of the New Covenant."
"She was free from every personal sin."
"This works because as I said, nobody knows Jesus better than His mother."
"...Mary has a whole chapter about her in the Quran and is the only woman mentioned by name."
"Mary's role is inseparable from her union with Christ and flows directly from it."
"Mary is always the space of Revelation."
"She often appears in images of protection... putting her veil as a protection around the church."
"Life with Mary is a huge part of the religious life for the Carmelite Order."
"Our Lady had already received the Holy Spirit... from the very beginning of her life with Jesus."
"These Hermits chose... a chapel dedicated to Our Lady."
"Mary's role as Prayer, as contemplative, is so much at the core of the church."
"By wearing the garment of the brown scapular, we're visible witnesses of Mary's life in the Church."
"The church calls Mary the Queen of Heaven and Earth."
"Mary is our greatest advocate; she is our mother."
"God's perfect choice to bring salvation into this world was Mary."
"The Most Blessed Virgin Mary... was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven."
"May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our advocate. Amen."
"If I couldn't find something, I could honestly just ask, and if Mary had it, she would bring it back."
"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women."
"We need a mother; we've got to have a spiritual mother, and we have one, and her name is Mary."
"I attribute it all to the mother of the Lord."
"Mary, the mother of the Lord, is powerful with her son."
"Turn to Mary, the woman clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet."
"Mary is the one who crushes the head of the serpent."
"The whole gospel is encapsulated in the phrase 'Theotokos, Mother of God'."
"Many amongst men attained Perfection, but amongst women, none attained the Perfection except Mary."
"The beauty of the Catholic Church's teaching about Mary is that true devotion to Mary is always animated and comes from a love for Christ."