
Carbon Emissions Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"If they're serious about being about carbon in the atmosphere, then they must be pro-nuclear."
"Market forces are moving forward, getting rid of cars and reducing carbon emissions."
"Humanity to date has extracted so much carbon from the ground and put it in the atmosphere that our climate is changing."
"A coalition of environmental groups sue the U.S over the permitting for the massive carbon poisoning Willow project in Alaska."
"Energy production from renewables is cheaper than fossil fuels, but the regions of the world that are producing the most carbon emissions are developing economies that either don't have the money to make those investments or have other more pressing things to spend it on."
"More than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades."
"Lighting accounts for 5% of all carbon emissions. A full switch to LEDs could save an estimated 1.4 billion tons of CO2, equivalent to taking almost half the cars in the world off the road."
"The carbon from the car...it's new carbon that we are putting in the atmosphere."
"Traditional farming of cattle is carbon positive, but regenerative agriculture is clearly carbon negative."
"Fashion production comprises 10% of total global carbon emissions."
"By 2025, all carbon emissions will be flowing from electricity."
"Carbon in the atmosphere and methane does increase warmth."
"Most developed nations' carbon emissions have peaked and already are naturally on their way down because of human adaptation and advancement of technologies."
"A new man-made blanket of carbon is now in the air and it's been trapping more heat on our globe and warming it."
"Our production of carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on earth systems."
"The U.S. has the best record of carbon dioxide emission reduction of any country in the past decade."
"Once you get 600 parts per million of carbon particles in there you're done right and so I just don't think we're gonna get there in time."
"Making China by far the largest carbon emitter of the last 20 years."
"The United States has cut its carbon emissions 15 percent in the last 20 years. It's gone down, not up, down."
"If we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide, climate change will become so severe that it would be a threat to humanity as a species."
"We have the best carbon emission numbers that we've had in 35 years under this administration."
"Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 51% of global carbon emissions."
"If every American cut out one serving of chicken from their diet every week for a year, it would cut down the same amount of carbon emission as taking 500,000 cars off the road."
"Most people think global carbon emissions have been rising."
"If they really cared about carbon emissions they probably wouldn't be flying in private planes or blowing up the Nordstrom pipeline."
"A Dutch Court says Shell must reduce its CO2 emissions by 45 percent by 2030."
"Governments don't need to subsidize solar farms or roll out carbon taxes just yet, but perhaps they should stop subsidizing major emitters."
"Renewable energy dominance over the next 20 years will lead to a substantial reduction in carbon emissions and a more sustainable energy sector."
"Moving to a continental grid would reduce the U.S electricity sector carbon emissions by 80 percent."
"We have to move to sustainable energy. The question is between now and then, how much carbon do we put in the environment?"
"We know that 99.8% of the carbon that is in our atmosphere is caused through natural causes..."
"If we can convert around 30 percent of our cattle ranches to rotationally grazed high-dense cattle, we can offset all of the carbon emissions in the United States."
"If you want to live on a planet that is like, you know, has clean air, water, and soil, alright, let's set carbon emissions aside for a second 'cause there's a lot of controversy on that, but like everyone wants clean air, water, and soil, right?"
"We need to reduce carbon emissions very rapidly."
"We have made tremendous strides in cutting carbon emissions, and that has been in large part because of government investment."
"Carbon emissions are not the problem that we should be worried about."
"If you really wanted to cut carbon emissions, you should switch to nuclear energy."
"You have to stop adding to the natural carbon cycle, you know. It is relatively in balance without our contribution."
"The cause is us. It is the increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels."
"And big picture cutting back on carbon emissions can make a dent in the long term trend of worsening fires around the globe."
"We are currently knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe, and we need to be reducing our CO2 emissions instead of greatly increasing them."
"70% of Earth's permafrost could be thawed by 2100, potentially releasing 120 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere."
"So, we need a reduction in human-generated carbon emissions, and China's population is declining. Like, that's as good as it gets, right? That's what you want. Fewer humans are going to generate less carbon."
"The real challenge is how do we generate all the power we need without dumping carbon into the atmosphere."
"One cruise ship causes as much carbon emissions as the entire continent of Europe and its cars. Okay, that's insane, all right."
"America was leading the world in reducing carbon emissions through American technology and energy dominance."
"We must lead the fight to cut carbon pollution emissions."
"The idea that carbon emissions are chiefly coming from the United States is a lie; last year the United States was the number one country on planet earth in reducing carbon emissions."
"An exponential increase in CO2 gives you a linear increase in temperature."
"When we harvest the peat and we use it, we're now releasing that carbon back into the atmosphere and that has been shown to increase global warming."
"Aviation is responsible for 12% of CO2 emissions from all transport sources."
"Carbon emissions are a huge problem and many businesses are trying to come up with ways to reduce their carbon footprint to benefit us all."
"How amazing to think that until 2020 100 tons of carbon were emitted annually at Athelhampton and the aim of this project is to cut carbon emissions to zero."
"Taylor Swift would have to fly her jet 140,000 years to emit the same amount of carbon."
"We could be looking at cutting the world's carbon emissions in half or more if we do this."
"Imagine if all these people who just don't give a [ __ ] about driving were relegated to genuinely zero-sum carbon things."
"The beauty of nuclear is that as base load power, as reliable sustainable power, it ranks very, very highly, but it has the added advantage of not generating any carbon whatsoever."
"...what's the point of building a zero carbon City if it produces 1 to 2 billion tons of CO2 in the first place?"
"This reduced size means less energy is needed for heating and cooling Living Spaces resulting in lower carbon emissions."
"We have the opportunity to transition from an electricity-generating sector largely dependent on fossil fuels into energy sources that do not produce any further carbon emissions."
"Amazon ordered 100,000 Rivian delivery vans in 2019 to help achieve Bezos's 2040 goal of net zero carbon emissions across operations."
"First off of carbon emissions, okay first off the planet."
"The average resident in a typical Western US city contributes approximately six times more carbon to the atmosphere per capita than an average European city resident."
"The production centers will see carbon emissions cut to zero helped by the development of new Manufacturing Technologies."
"Even if emitting carbon was good for the environment hypothetically, we would eventually face extremely high gasoline costs."
"We may need to go net negative ultimately, but the first step is to begin bringing them down."
"We've got to bring carbon emissions down by 50 by 2030."
"So we have to bring carbon emissions down by 50 percent within this decade."
"We believe that what we have learned and the actions we are taking make us uniquely prepared to help the world Advance towards a low-carbon future."
"By tearing down trees, burning forests, dredging wetlands, and plowing wild grasslands, we have released two-thirds of this historic stored carbon to date."
"Over time most industrially farmed land will emit carbon, become simpler in structure, lose its soil biodiversity, and its organic material."
"Despite the global drive to reduce carbon emissions, peat bogs such as these are good indicators of how our actions are having a direct impact upon the environment."
"Half of global emissions come from just 10% of the population. The top 1% of global emitters are responsible for twice the amount of carbon as the bottom half of the world's population."
"Net Zero allows you to expand the carbon budget."
"If we want to maintain the earth habitable for humans, then we have to reduce our carbon emissions drastically."
"Nuclear is low carbon... whatever you might think about nuclear power, it's very low carbon."
"If carbon emissions outpace uptake, the permafrost region may turn into a new source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere."
"If you consume less energy, then GDP economic growth goes down, which is a good thing for carbon emissions and ecological footprint."
"When that superheated exhaust gas... goes into this filter system, those carbon particles that were caught in the filter... are superheated and cooked until they're smaller and small enough to go through the filter and then out the exhaust."
"The amount of warming seen is pretty much what we expect to happen given the amount of carbon dioxide that has increased in the atmosphere."
"BT aims to be net zero carbon emissions by 2030."
"We are putting out 40 to 100 times more carbon dioxide than all of the global volcanoes combined."
"In just three centuries, human activity has produced and released into the atmosphere 30% more carbon dioxide than during the last deglaciation which lasted 10,000 years."
"Cuba is responsible for 0.08% of carbon emissions but like all the small island nations and global south in general, they are actually in the frontline and most vulnerable to climate change."
"Even the best of us can't avoid all our carbon emissions, but if we band together, we can each be part of the solution."
"Transportation comes in at number one: 27% of carbon emitted in the US is due to transportation."
"Carbon in the atmosphere is the big bad wolf of our time."
"It's far easier to stop carbon being added to the atmosphere than it is to take it away once it's there."
"The Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon dioxide than it can absorb."
"On average, Montana has the highest carbon emissions but the maximum carbon emissions for a single cell occurred in Idaho."
"The main type of currency are these purple cylinders which are called CEP, and CEP stands for carbon emission permits."
"The production and consumption of one barrel of tar sands crude oil releases 17% more carbon dioxide than production and consumption of a standard barrel of oil."
"Number one, primarily, it's carbon emissions because that has the biggest impact on global warming."
"Making a commitment to reduce carbon emissions is a very important step many companies are making as they look to transition towards a low-carbon economy."
"We can't actually keep to the Paris agreement targets of reducing our carbon emissions because effects like those due to Arctic ice changes accelerate global warming."
"Being carbon neutral means reaching no net carbon emissions."
"When we burn traditional fossil fuels, we're releasing carbon that's been locked up for millions of years."
"Global warming is an increase in temperature due to the increased carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere."
"Think of the atmosphere as a bathtub; emissions are what comes out of the faucet, and removals is what goes down the drain."
"The Paris Climate Change Agreement... aims to reduce carbon emissions below 60% of 2010 levels by 2050 and keep global warming below 2 degrees."
"We need Net Zero carbon dioxide emissions to hold the rise in global average temperature."
"You can reduce the potential carbon emissions while also increasing your throughput if you just operate your assets more intelligently."
"If we want to slow that rate and reduce the impacts of climate change, we need to stop releasing so much carbon dioxide."
"We are all alive during a few hundred year period out of the 300,000 years that our species has been Homo sapiens where we are drawing down ancient carbon 10 to 20 million times faster than it was sequestered."
"Air pollution... can produce solid particulates which are essentially bits of solid carbon or soot or carbon monoxide."
"Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide which creates global warming."
"This repopulation of the tundra and boreal forest of Eurasia and North America with large mammals could also be a useful factor in reducing carbon emissions."
"Considering those benefits, there's no question that thorium power offers the most economical avenue to bring on line massive amounts of new generating capacity without adding to current levels of carbon emissions."