
Privacy Issues Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Facial recognition is increasingly being used to scan and monitor crowds in public transportation systems, stores, banks, stadiums, and even public streets and parks."
"The surveillance problem first and foremost is a political problem."
"Every single time I've tried to do it privately, there have been briefings and leakings and planting of stories against me and my wife."
"Critics warn that CBDCs are the ultimate tool of control, censorship, and surveillance."
"In a world with no private life, abandoning social formations was a major revolution."
"Privacy is overrated criminals use as a cover to hide secrets."
"You can take DNA upon arrest without violating people's Fourth Amendment rights."
"Even if they were above 13, that behavior, shoving a camera in their face, 'Oh, you're not going to Disneyland,' it's just weird, it's just nasty."
"Naked bathing man neighbor asserting his dominance."
"Mr. Spears's instructions: Black box purchased an iPad which was linked to Spears's iCloud account, allowing the contents of her phone which was backed up to the cloud to be simultaneously accessed and reviewed from the iPad."
"There's apparently visual DRM where they'll recognize the person who bought the game and count the amount of people in the room."
"Apple is perpetrating some of their biggest security and privacy balancing acts ever all in the name of continuing to let us do what we want to do with our Macs but locking everyone else out."
"Why would he want to keep an individual record of individual girls and the means by which they became pregnant and the desires of whether or not they wanted an abortion?"
"Knowledge is power, but spying from Ivory Towers is rude."
"I think the real impact of those Snowden Revelations was to show a series of Lies by the government." - Impact of Snowden Revelations.
"Innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't look good but it's also none of our business."
"I'm worried about the weaponization of the judiciary and the spying and the censorship."
"You have no privacy. The cell phone that you carry in your pocket, you're giving permission to those apps constantly."
"The person who owns the computer is not necessarily the same person who owns the data."
"There's no excuse to be taking photos of someone's home without their permission. Why would you be taking photos? That's creepy, that's stalkerish."
"People in videos are seen harassing locals telling them we know where you live."
"San Francisco, first US city to ban facial recognition... they want it banned from public spaces."
"What stays in here in house is in house well that's not no that's no longer you know."
"Is it honest and fair for a company to fire a man, silence a man while day by day leaking his confidential moments and Communications within the company?"
"Why the [expletive] is she telling people where the [expletive] my staffers live? That is incredibly [expletive] weird to me."
"They're not asking to be famous. They're getting completely robbed of a normal childhood."
"I've heard this a few times, people saying, 'Well, why did you bring this to the internet? Why did this become a public matter?' But it became public the second she refused to take down a video of me that I asked her to take down."
"Many VPNs use misleading claims in their ads, promising anonymity while asking for personal info."
"Privacy is something that's really getting chipped away at these days, especially with actors. The more you know about an actor's personal life, you see it on screen when they're playing a character."
"People around the world are fascinated by this place not just stalkers."
"Could you imagine what would happen if CNN journalists' emails got leaked where they were mocking Trump supporters or making fun of this kid? It would destroy what little credibility CNN has."
"There is no privacy anymore, and the fact that we think we have privacy just shows how naive the entire world really is. There's no such thing as privacy."
"Your privacy disappeared a long time ago. Start living your life as if you have nothing to hide."
"Linux respects your privacy; Windows spies on its users."
"This private key that the FBI has access to..."
"Our identities are being sold by data Brokers with ease."
"Privacy will prevail in the crypto wars. It's an ongoing struggle."
"There is no privacy in this household when you have to eat in the car because you didn't buy enough for your siblings."
"We will end the secrecy, the censorship, and the surveillance."
"That's the problem with the internet now too, is that because we've been on it for so long, you can catch anybody in a gotcha moment."
"That's shady, especially when you're recording somebody."
"Edward Snowden revealed several US telephone and Internet companies have been providing the NSA with virtually all of its customers' records."
"It's as creepy as 1984, it's worse, it's real."
"Facebook may have started with relatively strong privacy controls, but it simply did not last."
"It's widely discussed as hugely damaging. Not great. Very big brother."
"Whatever you say and do online is going to be recorded."
"It's dystopian and slimy to put people under the microscope and comb through their entire life."
"This person's constantly stalking you online, trying to figure out who you are."
"The whole value of Facebook is that you unify them all together, but of course that value is exactly what's the problem with it."
"How can I even log in if she won't let me know the password?"
"Quix is extremely unique because it deals with all these issues but in a consumer product that the average person doesn't even really need to know all that stuff."
"Online commerce cannot support it, but what I want to examine today is the risk of financial surveillance in today's society and how the lack of a cash option really obliterates any chance of privacy."
"Although having such private moments...the scandal followed him wherever he went."
"If Elon was spending money for a private rotating address to avoid being doxed and it wasn't working he was still getting doxed I'm not surprised that he would eventually say enough."
"They have no privacy, they're public figures... they can't consent to any of this."
"Many modern home-based surveillance systems use web-based applications, granting companies a 24/7 live feed of what's going on in and around your home."
"Twitter was selling information... they were promising us that they didn't censor anybody." - Video commentator
"You're still posting your child either post them or don't post them at all but just don't exploit them."
"We need to restore privacy to restore democracy."
"Their software had not only done it for their target but other people who accidentally happened to be in the picture."
"When you take the wheel, you are not in control of who is watching you." - Jake Ward, NBC News correspondent
"Having a CBDC and then having that tracking device inserted in your hand, how you doing alcohol?"
"Facebook will categorize you as a hate agent for statements made in private but later made in public."
"When you're a public figure, it is everyone's business."
"If we stay sleepy and we let them Usher in the cbdc, they're gonna have total control over your life."
"How can anyone be in favor of this but not look at that and say wow that's a slippery slope to a complete surveillance police state?"
"Data includes Google searches, GPS coordinates, and visits to porn websites."
"There's something super creepy about a disembodied voyeur."
"You don't need to be in the Big Brother house to live in a Big Brother world."
"If you took their private conversations and put them in the public square, not only would they be ashamed of it, but our entire community would probably be somewhat ashamed of it."
"Doxing people, a little bit of a sketchy business."
"The scandal was because Facebook, in order to better help certain partners target ads to you, had given permission to apps like Spotify and Netflix to not only read your private messages, but see who else was in chat, and even delete them."
"The government has taken a tool designed to collect foreign intelligence and prevent terrorist attacks and has used it as a domestic spy apparatus."
"It's a complete and total invasion of privacy."
"They are always selling the data and data brokers are they're there to collect it all."
"We're vulnerable... we literally woke up to news crews pounding on our door."
"Police records show women are being stalked with Apple AirTags across the country."
"She called the paparazzi on herself and acts like she doesn't want him there."
"Everybody should have got banned for talking [ __ ] about Barron Trump when he was a little boy."
"Someone has had a camera in their face all right since they were three years old."
"We've got to accept intrusive surveillance...give up some privacy...the stakes are so high."
"Concerns have already been raised about facial recognition technology."
"Public judgement 24/7 when you put your lives out there."
"There is no privacy in prison. That's a given. But now it's no privacy and no dignity either."
"As someone that's been in doxing drama in the past it is absolutely abominable that this actually happened."
"But by recording everything and putting it on YouTube, they're engaging in an active destruction of privacy."
"The film also serves to document Tommy's personal life."
"Your privacy is not a fundamental human right, it's an asset."
"Private companies don't have to basically reveal any of that."
"Protect your data, especially since many of us don't even realize our data is being sold."
"Mandatory PDA and wrist monitor, cutting off sleep and agency."
"How is it that TMZ was able to get multiple angles of what went down from different phones? How much money was paid to these people to stay quiet and why the feds are not involved in this case?"
"To us, it's crazy because literally our home was the only place that we had to ourselves and people came every single day."
"It's not right to out anybody, but I didn't even think it was that big of a deal to be honest with you."
"They're using that spying activity to get information on an American citizen. Unmasking is spying."
"They treated you like family to your face but couldn't respect your privacy behind your back."
"Not having privacy is turning into a Public Health crisis."
"If only a person's lungs and health were as important as other people's inability to mind their own business."
"The legal worst thing that you can do these days is to have the perpetrators' career and what they do now exposed online."
"Social media can make and break relationships... people need to mind their business a little bit."
"Everything can be chipped... it's kind of beyond Orwellian." - Jason
"He can't walk into a public place without having 30, 40 cameras on him."
"Alexa is a dream come true for the KGB. If the KGB had Alexa, they wouldn't need to kill people."
"I didn't feel like we had any kind of confidentiality about anything."
"I think one thing that recent events have shown uh we've had a lot of things happen just in the past month that show the ridiculousness of bitcoin um in privacy."
"All these devices are currently monitoring us... and there's some people with the audacity to believe that a multi-billion platform... is some sort of platform for a dissident voice."
"This may be one of the most egregious abuses of power, privacy rights, and civil rights that I've seen maybe ever."
"During my time at Facebook, I came to realize a devastating truth. Almost no one outside of Facebook knows what happens inside of Facebook." - Francis Haugen
"It wasn't even like it was a parent or student that brought it up, it was someone that was just trying to be malicious."
"I personally have been doxxed and harassed, but it's not in that Wikipedia article though."
"Privacy is really an illusion... we're all very much connected as one."
"a digital dollar will also be the mother of all surveillance tools"
"If you want privacy or you expect privacy, you have to create that privacy yourself."
"Exposed all of his dirty laundry and cost him everything."
"Privacy isn't dead. It's one of those things where I think that it really is kind of too far."
"Monitoring them on that basis raises serious constitutional concerns."
"What I've asked for is fair access to my client, non-verbal communication without video surveillance, and a limited cell phone for review."
"iPhone push notifications are allowing developers to send out backdoor data."
"Gone are the days of cryptocurrency being anonymous."
"Fletcher was super cool until all the other paparazzi would film you eating."
"You're creating a monster if you're not allowing your child to actually be a normal kid. Stop that [__] right now. Privacy? Why? They're just trying to hold that word over your head."
"Elon is our gates so my question is would you want Bill Gates to have this information or access to neural link or build neural link right now if the answer is no I don't think we need this in the hands of him either at this time."
"This bill needs to be stopped and you will need to pay attention as they're trying to implement the digital AI Control grid with absolutely zero privacy at all and zero legal limitations on government overreach."
"It's a total violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution."
"Do you want to live in a future where China has your genetic material but the United States does not?"
"Tick Tock is not alone in this capability...everything is harvesting your data."
"They unilaterally put into service a surveillance program that mass violated the rights and privacy of every person on earth."
"Their most vulnerable state of grief and then showing it to the public... a real invasion of privacy."
"Think about the situation a lot of these young girls are in. They're made to feel guilty for wanting privacy."
"This method's goal is to update the GPS location, so we'll have to ask for permission from the user before we can make this work."
"Worldcoin with its Oculus Iris scanner is really idiotic."
"Tick tock is going to pay out 92 million dollars to settle a class action lawsuit over the accused theft of personal data."
"He's a man who owns his faults... he took accountability of texts that were never intended to be seen by the world."
"They need to shut down the data brokers, that's clearly a problem."