
Divine Experience Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"If you could just take a sip of the divine every day, your life would be transformed."
"Shed our garbs and recover the lost innocence of Adam and Eve, then only then will the Holy Spirit see fit to touch us and show us God's true love."
"I've been touched by the divine, and I do not know if it's a curse or a blessing."
"My first encounter with God was when the Spirit of God came literally in me. I felt an experience heaven literally enter into my entire being."
"We're missing out on the fullness of who God is and spending time with Jesus, seeing it in His beauty and His majesty."
"Seek, pursue God in all of His glory... you will be amazed at what God will do in and through you."
"Welcome to the fire. When you get close and want to live for Him, want to please Him, want to honor Him, want to exalt Him, want to draw near to Him, then heaven opens up and He lets you find Him."
"We just ask [__] questions really, like we just try and get to know the guests."
"You experience a lot of spiritual Evolution and transformation on your own, but then it also turns to this Dynamic where you experience and influence people's Evolution people's spiritual transformation."
"Creation is an exercise in God experiencing itself."
"We shall run with the vision, we shall see it with our own eyes, we shall experience God."
"God will give you a high that no one else can give you."
"It just felt like God was breathing on something and it was amazing seeing tens of thousands of young people come together."
"Jesus injected imagination and his stories into the people who heard them about reimagining what it's like to directly experience the divine."
"If you feel you want to embrace the whole world you have felt God."
"Here is one who is literally seeing God right at this moment, and it's expressed in his face. That's what stuns all of us."
"I want to see him in his fullness, don't you?"
"What inspires me the most is that God chose me to have this experience to be able to vocalize something very profound in our consciousness and in our time on earth as humans."
"The presence of the Lord... it felt so peaceful, so divine."
"It's about experiencing God; it's about joining in with the heavens."
"We are the god we were looking for, we are God having a human experience."
"The presence will be so tangible, it'll be like an open heaven."
"Spiritual enlightenment: the pursuit of realizing our true identity, experiencing God."
"Your eyes are going to see the supernatural glory."
"There is a very real spirit world, and if that's what's real, as I've just experienced, God is more real and more powerful."
"Through many years of hearing God, He is the most gracious, wonderful, sweet, consistent person I've ever known."
"The generation living today will see my glory as did Moses and it shall spread like fire, wow."
"You inspire so many people, babe, you're highly intuitive, you're a divine being having a human experience."
"God, you have now created an opportunity for me to see you at a level that I have never witnessed you before."
"This is magnificent, this is wonderful, this is Heavenly."
"You're drinking from the nectars of the Gods."
"True crime as a genre has absolutely blown up in the past few years."
"I want to have my own encounter with you, I want to experience your pure love on me."
"The presence of God was in the room, not just, I'm talking about something really heavy and thick."
"Many will gravitate to our ministry due to our love journey. They will witness a miraculous move of God through simply detailing our confirmation."
"We celebrate this festival and call it lights... it's like when you're in the midst of your worship and the Most High will touch you."
"Something broke loose, and we are just on a road to see the Glory of God!"
"What we're feeling right now is permanent. Just receive the fire of this new move of God, the glory of God."
"He sits there with us, and He communes with us, and when He laughs, the glory just comes forth, and you're just overwhelmed." - CS
"God's people are about to awaken to the supernatural in a way that they haven't been awakened before."
"We can perceive the mystery and experience divinity through love."
"Gratitude becomes a bridge that connects us to the heart of God, enabling us to experience the fullness of his love and grace."
"God wanted us to serve a god who knew what it actually felt like."
"The freedom to connect with that source that you experience as God."
"The reason my whole body is full of light, the reason my entire life is under the visible manifestation of the glory of God is because I have determined I am alive for one thing."
"I believed that God had revealed Himself to me."
"Everything that's experienced right now, everything you're seeing, this is pure divinity happening right now."
"We can actually taste heaven and taste god and have a personal relationship to the heart and god not later but now."
"Right here, right now, we can meet God. We can have the Pratakh Darshan (direct vision)."
"We live in the age of grace, and in this age, the fire that falls is the fire of God's love that penetrates our hearts and blazes within us until we can't stand it any longer and we have to respond to the love of God."
"When you learn how to pray, you'll see a greater experience of God's presence in your life."
"The Holy Spirit does all of that; he makes God daddy again."
"You feel a connection, an anointing, as though that individual had a connection with God."
"Do you believe that one experience with the voice of God is enough to change your world forever?"
"Our God is not a historical rumor, he's not a religious fairy tale, our God can be known, his voice can be heard, his presence can be felt."
"I was - I beheld the very Heaven of God, the very Heaven of Heavens, if you will. It was surrounded with the Glory of God, with the very presence of God. I entered into the very Throne Room of God."
"One encounter with the Holy Spirit changes everything."
"Joseph Smith recorded that the heavens opened."
"I felt that I was in the presence of God for the very first time in my life. I had never known such divinity."
"It was just so unexplainable, it was so holy... it was just a clear picture of what you were created to do, to worship God."
"God spoke to me; it was the first time I fell under power."
"I love that feeling, and so I literally, it was so clear and it was immediate, I felt the Lord."
"Witnessed angels at the four corners."
"In the Bible, there's a story of the two sons of Aaron who, in their great passion, ran into the temple to experience a divine transcendent."
"I looked up and saw the glory of God shining behind him, the light was pure like Crystal but imbued with color and regenerating from within itself, alive and exceedingly beautiful."
"God's peace is recognized at first by just one thing: it is totally unlike all previous experiences."
"That hunger in me burst for more of God."
"I felt like the hand of God reached into my soul."
"Sometimes the weight of God's glory lays us out in the floor."
"I was in the spirit and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet."
"A clear and new vision of Jesus Christ in all of his glory."
"For me at least, it describes more of a direct experience of what they might term the divine."
"I have never been so convinced of the existence of an ever loving god than I was in that moment."
"The face of the Lord appeared right there."
"Never have I felt such a move of God."
"There's a great ecstasy in being filled with the Holy Spirit."
"I just remember lifting my hands, and I just felt the peace of God hit me like a truck."
"I was in the Spirit, I was not seeing with my natural eyes."
"Jesus appeared to me... I felt His glory."
"I flew back from about 510 feet onto the ground actually into Patrick Patrick flew back into Patrick and I'm on the ground for about a half an hour just shaking in the power of God"
"...the realm of glory is opening for everybody today it's for the entire family to walk in and begin experiencing the divine supernatural realms of heaven."
"If only I could drink all of that in and hear the trumpet blast and then hear God's voice speak from heaven, if only I could hear all of that, man I would never sin again."
"All entertainment looks too stale and ridiculous once one has tasted the real thing."
"If the taste of the divine has come to you, then you will see entertainment doesn't mean anything."
"But right at that moment, I am not in the presence of God because in God's presence there is not just joy but fullness of joy."
"Unless you get that kind of experience with God, you'll never see what He desires for you."
"If you listen closely to this ministry today, you're going to take a risk of being impacted by the Holy Ghost because he is a man of the word and a man of the Spirit."
"God only experiences itself through individuality. God must individualize in order to look at itself. God is doing that through you right now."
"God only experiences itself through individuality. God only experiences itself through individuality. God is everything, but cannot directly know itself without individualizing. So God must individualize to look at itself. God is doing that through you right now."
"I am wishing for you that you would have the experience of God, that final hunger would be satisfied within you, that you would actually know from experience the reality of God."
"It's divine. It's amazing. It's perfect for this time of year."
"You're about to see the glory, the favor of God, the touch of grace like you have never seen before."
"The kabbalah is a map that maps out human consciousness and the experience of the divine."
"It doesn't take all night long to experience the glory and the power of God."
"...and the things that I would experience where I go, 'Wow, that was God. That was God. That was so cool. That was God. That was God. That was so cool. That was God. That was God. That was so cool.'"
"The Spirit is given, yes for our enjoyment; yes so that we can experience God and have his peace and have his joy, and know him, and talk to him; absolutely, 100,000% yes."
"...because you'll be literally in the presence of the Father, Jesus."
"Seek the glory of God... plead to God... 'There's something there that I can experience more of; Lord, would you guide me into it by Your Holy Spirit?'"
"I've really seen so much of Him [God] through it."
"Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'"
"The glory of God just came over me in that moment and suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke so clearly."
"You are Creator having a human experience down here."
"It was literally the feeling of being everywhere all at once."
"It is here, in the profound stillness of your darkest moment, that you encounter the Divine—an experience that transcends words, reshaping your understanding of existence and revealing the luminous truth of your true essence beyond the confines of the ego."
"It's a place of worship, it's a place of revelation, it's a place of communion."
"I was filled with this love of God that is indescribable... total love and acceptance and just bliss, ecstasy."
"Life is not meant to be about effort; we're actually here to have a very beautiful numinous experience of the Divine in matter."
"When you step out in faith and be obedient to what you know, you have now positioned yourself to experience the power of God in you and through you."
"Sikhi is about recreating that divine experience."
"We ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain."
"We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain."
"If we could experience the love of God... then we would have the fullness of God operating on the inside of us."
"He experiences God through variety and diversity."
"The Holy Spirit really visited us last night; we had just people break through an amazing breakthrough."
"That's what it's like to live in the glory of the Lord."
"When God invades your life with a supernatural touch, it's something you will remember."
"I'm a firm believer in the fact that relationships... give you a chance to experience God."
"The more we grow in mercy, the more we grow in our ability to receive and experience the mercy of God."
"God has given me a front row seat to see how his glory works."
"The goal of dynamic meditation is to experience the divine."
"If you find the source of the mind by asking yourself 'Who am I?', you will experience Him in your heart as your own self."
"Thank God this transition is heavenly; this is a divine transition."
"The firing power of God's spirit flew over me and through me with a power that is not of this world."
"I've had the most amazing experience of seeing God, I've seen angels."
"If you bring a whole bunch of hungry, hungry, hungry people in one room, you're going to see and experience God move mightily."
"He genuinely suffered, as even He genuinely raised Himself."
"...the Lord felt the Divine sensation and his eyes lit up with a bright yellow color."
"I heard a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder."
"Everybody's searching for God, everybody's searching for this experience that they can have with God."
"I spoke to God... it was beautiful like come with me."
"It's like the closest we can get to feeling like we're touching God, something beyond human experience."
"The limitation of organized religion is that it does not allow us to creatively live and experience the divine within."
"God can't be explained, he can be experienced."
"I have seen the face of God; I have seen the hand of God."
"We're giving you the glory because we know that in this next season you're going to reveal yourself to us like never before."
"If we'll all come with the right expectation and the right desire, we can see God move in a mighty way."
"As one star differs from another star in glory, so every individual believer will have a different measure of the glory of God in their experience."
"May you experience the anointing of God's spirit upon your life."
"Taste and see that Jehovah is good."
"We're gonna sense God, we're gonna see God, we're gonna experience God, we're gonna encounter God in real ways as we journey together."
"I've never been touched by a priest, I've been touched by God."
"Once you experience the goodness of God, you'll give up anything."
"...it was a question of coming in there and worshiping and the people that really got out after God got down and was filled with the Holy Spirit..."
"This experience we're living is the light and presence of God."
"We need a Reformation, we need an open heaven experience."
"Heritage of faith exists to be the source of experiences with the divine by which people cannot ever see the world the same after they've experienced God here."
"Every time you experience Him and you begin to acknowledge that experience of God, He'll show you more."
"That's when God gives us a little taste of heaven on earth."
"It's about really receiving a touch from heaven."
"Revival where people from all over the world can come and be touched by God."
"I expect to see and experience the goodness of God every day of my life."
"The experience of God means you experience God as existence itself."
"There is a moment when both anointings come together, and when that happens, it's heaven on earth."
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall experience God."
"Events don't change your life; only an experience with God."
"The only thing that an immortal, perfect, divine, limitless, and direct fractal of God wants is experience."
"That is exactly what God wants to have happen, for us to experience his love, not his tolerance, not his acceptance, but his love and his goodness and his graciousness to us."
"When we connect to the one and we experience the Divine, this will give us contentment."
"A direct encounter with something divine."
"I'm living days of heaven on this earth."
"The experience of the Divine through the Name of God."
"He saw an innumerable company of angels and heard the voice of God."
"I love that feeling of being touched by God."
"I was shaking at the end of that day because I knew that heaven had opened."
"God is the most fulfilling thing of all time; when I feel His Spirit, it's the most fulfilling thing ever."
"The being that is experienced by you is the experience of God."
"It's wild, it's awesome to see God."
"I felt peace in my heart and I knew that God had did something to it and I was okay with that."
"Knowing the voice of God is a very real experience; it allows you a sense of participation, communication, relationship in a real way."
"The bani is meant to enlighten you; it is designed to get us to experience the divine."
"We are the only nation in the world that stood in Mount Sinai and heard the voice of God."
"And in light of eternity, we will realize that they experience God in ways that we could never imagine."
"Once you taste God, then nothing but God will ever do anymore."
"Prophets want everyone to experience God's power and glory."
"I want them to enter into God's rest, to have joy and gladness, to experience the fullness of God's glory."
"The atmosphere of heaven was released and they felt a mighty rushing wind."
"The Holy Spirit is how we experience God here on Earth."
"God wants us to have a much greater experience; He wants us to know Him, not just know about Him."
"Every time you turn your hearts to God in humble prayer... you experience His light."
"My relationship with God has always been one where I had to feel God."
"Yes, I did see the plates on which the Book of Mormon was written. I did see the angel. I did hear the voice of God."
"They beheld the angels of God; they heard the voice of the Lord; and they were filled from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet with the power and inspiration of the Holy Ghost."
"We heard Him, we saw Him, we experienced Him, we were touched by Him... and now we're inviting you into participation in the love and life of God."
"The realm of the supernatural isn't a far-fetched reality but a divine invitation to experience God in dimensions beyond the ordinary."
"When God fills you with his spirit, it'll be the greatest moment of your life."
"This is just absolutely heavenly."
"I walk on miracles, signs, and wonders."
"If an experience such as this brings peace, brings joy, brings exhilaration, doesn't breathe in you arrogance and pride but gratitude, that's from God."
"Once you know your Creator, Almighty God, by experiences with you, you shall not have fear."
"I need to hear a word from God; I want an experience with God; I want a move of God."