
Spiritual Communication Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"If you want to change everything in your life, if you want to be in more communion with spirit 24/7... This one tool can help you to communicate with the other side."
"Hearing His voice is not a skill, it's a sense."
"I don't think it's happenstance that many of the prophets in scriptures were also poets...God can use people with creative gifts to speak hard words because it's more palpable."
"When you pray righteously, you pray with confidence that whatever you pray, God is gonna hear you."
"God speaks to us no matter what ailments we have, no matter how devastating those seasons of life are."
"We need to stop treating our relationship with Jesus like the little buddy that you talk to before you go to bed at night, and not be more vocal about all the things that God means to us."
"If I were to speak in the tongues of angels and men but have not love, then I am only a clanging gong or ringing chime."
"Mankind had finally found a way to talk to God."
"Our love and forgiveness are so wide and all-encompassing."
"If you pray the will of god then god hears you and if he hears you then he answers you."
"Receiving from the Lord through our dreams at night is one of the primary ways that God communicates to His people."
"The master in heaven is always ready to listen."
"It's not about the physical things anymore, it's a conversation with the energetic world."
"You might be seeing 1212 333 303 202. Like I've been seeing a lot of those numbers and my angels have been telling me like when there's a zero in between it's like you guys are kind of resetting fresh start new beginnings."
"Your loved ones can only reach you when your thoughts are clear."
"When your mind is quiet, that's when your loved ones like to come in and reach you."
"The easiest way that they can reach you is through your dreams."
"Keep an eye out for all the signs that your loved ones are sending you."
"Your knowing, mysterious as it is, is your sacred soul sister talking through you."
"Spirit does want to talk to you today and share those messages and give you the clarity and the support that you need."
"You've brought me so much peace. They want to communicate that you have brought so much peace to their heart."
"Your spirit guides really have been communicating with you."
"We are standing here in the Bobby Macky's. If there are any Spirits or entities that can hear my voice we are calling upon you. We would like to have a conversation and find out why you are still here."
"God never stops communicating his love to us in the gospel."
"Write your list down. Let your requests be made known."
"God speaks to us in dreams... God will speak to you in many different ways."
"Your higher self is trying to communicate with you."
"When you talk to God about what the Holy Spirit has put in your brain, the reason God has to answer it is He told you to think it in the first place."
"Tongues is like a hotline straight to heaven."
"We're on the beginning stages of next-level spirit communication."
"There is nothing anyone can do to stop [the Most High] from communicating with us."
"Every prayer you whisper is heard by God, no matter how big or small."
"You said, Lord, that I should never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day. No matter how softly I whisper a prayer, you surely listen, understand, and know the hope and fears I keep in my heart."
"Speak, Lord, for your children are listening."
"I hope we're appealing really to anybody. I'm not speaking just to Catholics, not even just the Christians, but I think to any spiritual seeker."
"Pray, especially in tongues, to hear God's voice."
"It was the Holy Spirit speaking to me directly through a prophet."
"Your tears aren't wasted, your words rise straight to me in heaven, you, you're wise to bend your knees in prayer."
"Once you get to that higher intelligence, it communicates through feelings, desires, intuitive nudges, inspired actions, visions, and dreams."
"I really believe that we were connecting with these spirits that wanted my help that wanted help in crossing over that were trapped that were stuck that were suffering and they now had somebody to communicate with."
"Communicating with my higher self and the Divine realm."
"Speak your truth to the moon, it's always listening."
"When the mind is quiet, the soul will speak."
"The universe is trying to speak to you pretty loudly back into your spirituality."
"There's a very important spiritual message coming to you."
"Speaking in tongues at best is a prayer language from heaven at worst it's a sincere expression of your love for God."
"It's your own spiritual language between you and God as you pray in tongues those things that you don't want to verbally speak."
"If the mind and the consciousness is peaceful by sound, spiritual meditation, and vibration, then that radiates through not just intra but intercommunication of all the different layers."
"God reaches through the cloud and he says... He troubled the enemy."
"Light language is embedded with key codes, triggers, and information."
"Divine encryption: God's way of communicating beyond what we can understand."
"There's a divine encryption of where God will allow you to be able to hear His voice."
"Nothing can get it out like light language can."
"Whoever sends Salam upon me, Allah will send an angel to tell me." - Hadith on conveying greetings to the Prophet.
"Hearing from God is not a once in a lifetime experience, there is a proceeding word from the Lord."
"Love is without question life's greatest experience; it brings one into communication with infinite intelligence."
"Trusting and feeling your intuition is how the universe speaks to us."
"Most spirits within a very short period of time learn how to try to let their loved ones know that they're still alive."
"Happily, Brenda awoke while still here in a physical body and that's why she was able to communicate with me the day after she passed."
"Moment by moment, I will reveal my purpose to you."
"God's connecting us, there's a reason He's speaking to you."
"It's very strange. It's not like a walkie-talkie either. I mean, it's prayer."
"Isn't that something when you really ask for a specific sign from the universe and they will show you?"
"When we wanna hear from God, we have to approach him believing."
"Universal language is that of spirit and love."
"Prophesy to the understanding of men before the spirit speaketh the truth..."
"There may be a message waiting for you from spirit today."
"Renewed hope... meditation is going to give you the communication."
"The man God is talking about the word he said he's dealing with him right now."
"God speaks to us through peace, the fruit of the Holy Spirit."
"God can open one door and close another, speaking through circumstances."
"Yes, once you learn how to communicate with your guides and angels, you can easily call in other special famous people from history and other guides and other angels to help you."
"We need to start cultivating open, clear communication with our guides."
"Our loved ones always enjoy communicating with us."
"Most of the other children were more skeptical however some of them at least believe that their mother wanted to bring them a message through Jenny even if it was not about Mary's reincarnation."
"God hears, God hears, God hears people asking."
"The Holy Spirit communicates with us, revealing spiritual truths using spiritual words."
"Prayer is not the means of exercising your own will; prayer is the means by which we cause earth to come into alignment with the Heavenly Realm."
"Our prayers are not the voice; our prayers are The Echoes of his voice."
"The Lord used that language so I read the passage from the King James version which uses that same language."
"Obedience increases the volume of His voice."
"Spirit always understands. Love always communicates."
"If I surround myself with the right people, God can speak to me through them."
"Let the messages that the Most High give us resound and permeate through our souls and consciousness."
"Every dream is a communication from heaven, to alert you of what is going to happen or to alert you to what has already happened."
"I thank you for every time that you communicate to us through your dreams. I'm just thankful because we are learning every single day how to get closer and closer to you."
"Trust your dreams, God speaks to us in different ways."
"If there are any spirits that were good that had communicated with us, we just want to say thank you so much. We really appreciate you guys."
"Encountering the number seven or its sequences like 777 is a sign that demands attention. These occurrences are not merely coincidental; they are intentional communications from the universe."
"The more you are communicating with Allah the better your communication will be with the creation."
"He's so real, and so with this real dialog, He just wants us to tell everybody it's for them too." - CS
"Hark how your glorified parents and your immortalized relatives cry saved hear you not the echo as it echoes from the blue sky of heaven saved."
"Dreams bypass all walls of defense to evangelize."
"A dream bypasses all walls of defense that people put up."
"At the beginning of each time of prayer, remember who it is you're talking to."
"God heard you the first time... sometimes prayer is about changing you."
"You have a game plan starting today the game plan is you're talking to Jesus every day in the Bible reading the Bible you are communing with Jesus and living in the gospel every day through the Rosary"
"Our prayers ascend before God, up to God, to heaven before him."
"Stop pretty praying stop it pray for real pray about things you actually think and feel pray about your doubts your fears your anger pray those things talk to God talk to God stop pretty praying."
"The thing that I love and appreciate the most about my dad is how he communicated the gospel to me."
"Tarot and prayer and positive intentions are my love languages. So the energy that you're putting out, I've already felt it. It's been amazing, it's been awesome, it's been such a major blessing for me already. So thank you."
"God's mission is telling about All His Marvelous works."
"God doesn't waste words, so really value what he gives you today. He might say one thing that changes everything."
"God speaks to us through dreams, revealing what's already done spiritually."
"But from a loving space, they feel like there's something else going on. So, I never see family members or spirits or guides come through with an aggressive or kind of an ugly personality when they're on the other side."
"We are being tested, my friends. We are really being tested and thwarted at these times to get messages of light out, but we just have to persist."
"If you're going to even remotely take prophecy seriously the prophet probably needs to come to you with some sort of specific prophecy."
"Such a joy to hear from you. As God has always done you be bountifully blessed."
"Prayer is not about just us talking and saying things to God, it's communication, it's not transactional, it's communal."
"Everyone has intuition, our spirit guides communicate to us, guide us through intuition."
"When our spirit guides communicate to us or guide us via events, it's not always going to be a seemingly negative event."
"Demanding that you give me a physical sign that you are present."
"Every time I said, you know, it occurs, you know 32 times, 34 times in the Surah every time I said this the Jinn responded we do not reject any blessing from Allah o Allah we thank you for these blessings."
"The message of Islam is one God and His messenger."
"Pray in the spirit, bringing spiritual truth into your conversation with God."
"When we speak to the Lord at the level of Heart to Heart, what the Lord does is he gives us what we need."
"When you pray in the spirit, you speak mysteries, things you don't know but the Spirit of God does know."
"This is extraordinary energy...a communication and a union with spirit."
"The universe is sending downloads individually to everyone and collectively as humans. It's like a portal, a portal of opening."
"Connect to the planet in consciousness. She will speak to you."
"They feel you are very intuitive, like messages from the divine."
"You have to connect using safe mediumship...Ouija boards...not needed."
"Black men in America, God is talking to you."
"Patients would send their prayers through the artwork as messengers."
"But you're simply not using one of God's most profound languages. We are focused everything on the prayer of words..."
"Recognize that you can't always have all the answers, and the spirit will communicate through other methods and people."
"Prayer allows you to express to God how you feel about Him, what you think about Him, how much you need Him, what you want from Him, and to give Him the praise due Him."
"Dreams are not just random firings of the subconscious mind; they are often a means of communication with higher realms, guides, and the deeper self."
"Be open to little urges and synchronicities, they could be signs from your guides."
"My prayer every single day is Lord, let them hear not just our words but that they hear our hearts."
"We made the call in automatic writing and started to hear from spirit."
"The voice of God is that still small voice, and we miss it if we have too much noise in our life."
"Inspiration is the language of Life, which man uses to talk with God; it's that deep awareness of consciousness of being."
"It covers me and people stop looking at me and they start listening to what he has to say through me."
"With thanksgiving, let your request be known to God."
"He does love you, and you will know his answers come from him because they'll be perfect in a way that's your language, your kind of song in your head."
"Speak up and let your ancestors, Spirit guides, and Star Family know your desires."
"Channeling is the process of having a conversation between me and those on the other side that I connect with."
"God wants to speak to you, God wants to restore you."
"Prayer is talking to God, it's relationship, it's declaring to him who he is."
"Prayer in its essence is a form of communication that's accessible to all."
"If one of the functions of the Holy Ghost is to give you dreams and visions, you shouldn't laugh at it. It's a serious method of communication about what you should be doing."
"Some people hear God's voice, and they dismiss it!"
"Thank you, San Delfon, for delivering my prayers to heaven. Trust that your guides can hear you, trust that everything you want is being taken into careful consideration, and what serves you the most is being delivered."
"I do see that you're gonna be receiving messages, okay? This could be from the divine, of course, okay? Your higher self, your spirit guides, angels, or this is with a person."
"Prayer is this ongoing conversation with the one who knows Us best and loves us most."
"Allow your words to be holy tools of the divine, to seek to heal not harm, to seek to bring in love not hate."
"It's a constant open dialogue with the Lord."
"God wants to speak to us anytime He wants to and we can hear Him because of the position we have in Jesus Christ."
"Prayer offered to God in faith, according to God's will, from a redeemed heart will be heard."
"God can't just give every information to ever he told me things he said because he could."
"Prayer is just communication from your heart to God."
"God is speaking and showing because the Holy Spirit is our guide."
"Expect some type of communication here, whether you're communicating with Spirit through your Intuition or this is someone reaching out to you for a new offer."
"Your spirit guides are trying to reach you in your sleep state."
"The sound of restoration is God speaking to someone."
"If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God."
"There'll be a communication of the spirit of Mary, rejected by the modern philosophies of today."
"Our prayer is to the Father, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit."
"God hears. Tell somebody next to you, God hears."
"There is a moment in life that you begin to speak out of his nature with the word of God."
"Come in, talk to God, pitch your knees, and cry out to Him for whatever you want."
"It matters not if they have already passed, they hear you. If they owe you an apology, give them a chance to offer it. Healing takes place across the veil, for the only veil which separates you is the flesh."
"In the quietness let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart... Jesus is going to touch somebody right now."
"It is possible to channel messages... without you sitting in a meditative state."
"Intuition is most important. Your intuition is God talking to you. That's right, that's Spirit talking to you."
"Thank you, devil, because the thorn in my flesh made me speak with God."
"Everything that I told you about you being an experiment that is being conducted by beings of light is actually true."
"My spirit absolutely was able to communicate in that spirit realm with Jesus, and that's something that I still am overwhelmed by."
"Every human being needs to understand is that the primary way of God speaking is in dreams."
"Moses was talking to a burning bush and was talking to something outside of himself."
"God doesn't whisper. He speaks loudly, clearly, and understandably because he expects those to whom he is speaking to be obedient to what he has said."
"Your tongue is the power of sending a letter to heaven, sending a letter to the universe, sending a letter to God. Whatever you want to call it."
"I believe that we can communicate with those who've passed on."
"You see this man staring at his grandchildren and they're dead and he's telling them tell the messenger of God."
"Every single thing that I've learned about heaven and the afterlife has come from speaking to your loved ones in spirit."
"Pay attention to your dreams, angels might be sending messages."
"Deep intuition is accessed when we communicate with our heart; it's a launch point for our deepest spiritual experiences."
"We can all Channel it doesn't mean we're all going to meet our guides like I did but we can all speak to our higher self or our soul."
"If there's no interpreter, tongues remain a mystery."
"God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit within us."
"Willingness to respond... increases the volume of His voice."
"You keep waiting on God to tell you something he already told you. He told you in the Bible."
"You prayed for further acknowledgement, but God is answering your prayers by acknowledging you and making you acknowledge yourself."
"We're about to go and sit at the table and try to communicate with some spirits, let's do it."
"Everybody has the gift; yours is clairaudience or clear hearing."
"Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities they're trying to communicate with you now you know in a whisper of a gentle guidance you may hear your name being called."
"Touch somebody and say, 'Wealth is assigned to you.'"
"Your spirit's messages aren't getting through to you as deeply as they should."
"What do you want forget about need here take care of it what do you want he's waiting for an answer what is in you what is what what's your spirit saying in you to reach out to something you never thought you could receive see what I'm saying."
"Between now and 11 11, because the veil is thin, the spirits are a store, they are talking, they are guiding, they are helping, they are delivering messages."
"Thank you so very much for communicating with me, spirits. All the names that came through, Elric, Raymond, everybody. Thank you."
"There is nothing this world has to offer to compare to saying I heard from God."
"She spoke to Christ, Mary, and the other Saints as casually as one friend talks to another."
"Spirit will never speak bad to you, spirit will never put you down."
"When I was eight years old, I realized that I could communicate with spirits."
"It doesn't matter if you're sitting here and your husband's sitting there or if you're sitting here and your aunt's sitting there, if there's a message for your aunt or your brother or whoever's in that house, spirit will find a way to bring it through."
"That is a spiritual marker, a spiritual indicator that I have some things that I want to share with you. Come talk to me for a while."
"Allah responds to anyone who calls Him."
"You must pray very much till the Spirit speaks."