
Bystander Effect Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Doing nothing is a form of doing something. Often sitting by and watching evil take place is an active thing you do."
"The argument is not for the person who harmed you; it's for all the people around you who are watching."
"The more bystanders observing an incident, the lower the probability that someone will intervene."
"There are no innocent bystanders. If you are aware of something, you acknowledge it, you know it's wrong, but you don't do anything about it, then it's the same as participating in it."
"Would people actually go and help? If I saw a shark attack, I'd probably go ankle deep and say, 'Go away, go away.'"
"Bystanders who sit there and do nothing are just as bad as the bully."
"Stand against gender-based violence and hold people responsible; bystanders contribute to the problem if they stay silent."
"Someone doesn't have to engage when they see another person doing something wrong."
"The people that were silent and didn't take action, they also were murderers in some way because they didn't do anything."
"I realized that I had been directing all my anger about it toward the people who had stood by and watched and not done anything."
"Diffusion of responsibility...the more people that witness a crime the less likely those bystanders are to do anything to intervene."
"What does it say about us that we allow something like this to happen?"
"The bystander effect remains a crucial topic in social psychology, contributing to our understanding of how individuals respond to emergencies in the presence of others."
"It's the concept of being a bystander while terrible stuff is going on, and everyone else is perfectly willing to let you."
"It's not so much the nut cases, it's the good people standing by doing nothing."
"I just stood there and watched while she systematically started to pound him to a pulp."
"It's like when you see a crime, you kind of think that someone else is calling 9-1-1."
"We cannot tolerate those who stand by and do nothing."
"It made me wonder why people were standing by and not doing anything."
"If you don't care about Jordan, you don't help, you just watch them do it wrong."
"The street in front of the house was filled with curious bystanders."
"If you see a crime, real talk, mind your business."
"We'll just be here eating our popcorn and watching."
"As long as you let innocent victims be abused then you're part of the problem to those innocent victims."
"Just because you're not committing the racist act, if you see a racist act and you turn your head, that's still racist."
"You stood by and watched bad things happen, not standing up for someone being hurt or abused."
"Our friend was raped, Stan. He was raped, and we all stood there and did nothing. Because we did nothing, they got away."
"I'm only willing to be accountable for my own behavior I can't tell you why everybody else no it's just simply they witness you doing that but they didn't feel comfortable enough to defend those women they didn't feel comfortable enough to speak up."
"Heroes act While others just stand around and watch."
"Despite most everyone having witnessed the dietitian's harassment, most still wanted her out or to leave me alone because it was disturbing them."
"Fence sitters are like bystanders watching somebody get mugged and not wanting to get involved."
"I think silence is the biggest problem and being a bystander is the biggest problem right now."
"Serena was beaten until she was unconscious, and once she was unconscious, you do hear a guy that's at the party saying like, yo Serena's done, like Serena is done."
"It's not enough to just be a bystander and say, 'Well, it wasn't me.'"
"Emotionally healthy people do not watch people be victimized and stand idly on the sidelines."
"A man that stands by and lets evil happen, he's as guilty as the one who does the evil."
"When a victim gets hurt, it's not so much by the oppressor as it is by the silence of the bystander."
"In all my life, I've only seen a dozen real killers, but I've seen ten thousand people who will sit back and let murder happen. Which is the greater evil?"
"The bystander effect attempts to explain why someone who sees a crime would not help the victim."
"When bystanders are present in time of need, people tend not to get as much involved."
"He saved me when I nearly drowned in that river while everybody else was just standing by."
"Like a lot of you, I too wonder why none of his or her friends who saw the video spoke up."
"An externality is an uncompensated impact on one person of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander."
"If you observe something that's wrong and you know in your heart that it's wrong and you just stand by and watch, that's making cowards out of men."
"No one did anything, and it kind of raises the question, why exactly is that? It's something called the bystander effect."