
Artistic Choice Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Why the artist chose to use LED lights to make the horse's eyes glow red, that's always been a lingering question."
"I don't pick beats or buy beats for a name's sake; it's all about the sound and feeling."
"Every cinematic element - from lighting to coloring to production design to cinematography to music cues - was carefully chosen in order to serve the higher themes at work."
"I didn't use any palm trees because I'd never seen Bob Ross paint a palm tree."
"Throughout horror history, the best artistic choices were often matter of budgetary necessity."
"I'm considering having overall neutral colors everywhere but only the hair with a really flashy color."
"They feared that having her sing through the whole show would have just made it another Annie."
"I had a really hard time thinking of examples where doing that actually enhances the film."
"Drama is the reason I'll choose to convert to black and white."
"It's very hard to see what's happening because the whole battle is so dark. And I understand they did this because they want to build this sense of dread."
"Black is just very powerful. It's very powerful. Depending on how you're wanting to work with it."
"We made a decision to keep all of the movies set on Pandora."
"They're literally album rejects, that is such an interesting thing to think about."
"It takes a master guitar player to be able to back off of complexity for the sake of the song overall."
"I really love that Zoya Akhtar took her time with certain scenes... the film really slows down in certain scenes... to allow you to live in those moments."
"Converting your photos to black and white can create a more artistic photo by removing the distraction of color."
"For a PC version, they decided to make the cover have this guy zoomed in real tight and got some DBZ eyes."
"With the advent of black and white software, I found I liked the pictures better."
"There's still a valid reason to shoot on film."
"I knew that it was all like kind of a thing to me that I wanted to like be blonde with the music."
"CG often focuses on trying to fit in everything while hand-drawn is more about cutting out what is not needed."
"Sometimes the best notes are the ones that you don't play."
"Why would someone who can paint a beautiful thing choose to paint an ugly thing?"
"I respect the fact that BTS hasn't done as many songs in English. That shows they're sticking to their roots."
"I feel like I put my weakest song out first just to jump back into the music, just to show y'all I'm going to be dropping."
"Let’s make something hardcore, ultra-niche, with pixel art and ridiculous difficulty."
"I like the space... it's not over produced and cramped."
"Putting a hedonistic pop rap modern hybrid thing on this album in particular makes zero fucking sense."
"The lighting choices work perfectly for each of their respective themes."
"Comic-book movies actually expand the horizons of the fandom because, well, I think that it's twofold for why they pick art."
"It's the reason why I'm gonna buy it is less Sam Mendes possibly directing it and more Nick Hornby being the guy that writes it."
"The decision was substantial and elevated the performance to a new level."
"There's no denying that the return to a classic art style immediately evokes the unmistakable look and feel of Halo."
"Put light where it actually matters and feel free to let some stuff fall into darkness for the sake of the overall image, for the story."
"You don't always have to use more than one color, right? That'll totally do."
"You can't pick a favorite kid. But this verse? It's like picking the most if you could pick that one."
"There are times I've realized that not drawing something is the key."
"Every movie has a unique run time that is right for it."
"I wanted to purely go on the physical appearance of the red panda and not mainland."
"I think that's good. I could just keep adding for days."
"Every single song on this album belongs here."
"The choices of colors to invoke different atmosphere, different feeling, are really intriguing."
"Well, it's the easiest to do, it's the quickest to do, and then people had started drawing that one, and I was like, 'Well, this is probably the one I have to stick with.'"
"Sure, she could have done a full-blown visual album like Beyoncé or gone on radio tours like literally every artist ever, but that's not what Bebe had in mind."
"I love the tunes though, the music they chose for these new stages is god-like."
"It's already looking better, we've blacked out her eyes with glue."
"Jack Black could have easily used his regular voice for the character, but we feel Bowser needs a much darker voice which Jack Black happily provides."
"Sometimes the choice of when not to cut is the most important choice an editor can make."
"Every choice an actor or director makes is an opportunity to flesh out and humanize their character."
"It's a craft, it's making the unconventional choice, it's like, it's a lot scarier."
"Especially when I'm making tracks, I'm trying to do one or the other."
"Kubo's decision to use limited backgrounds is often misunderstood by critics of bleach but in interviews he has revealed that he intentionally emits backgrounds so that emphasis can be placed upon characters and their emotional states."
"That's why I chose some of those pinks as I moved further away from the sun."
"Captain Marvel was rendered in a deliberately cartoony manner by Beck."
"John Williams elected not to score this film."
"Number one, why the Tarot dogs from Ghostbusters here? Well, because Mark Bagley wanted to draw them. And number two, these two pages come out of nowhere and they're not referenced again."
"The choice to transition into black and white, leaving only the blood colored, was a stroke of genius. It makes the upcoming gore fest stand out so much more."
"We're using people on ropes to paint and we're choosing to do that over scaffolding."
"...the choice of classical music in this film."
"...one is the signal red one is Anchor green and the other is Marine Violet."
"This display has both branded and artistic styles that you can pick from."
"I think it's a nice juxtaposition."
"Nick want a Zaytoven beat and tried to use it. That's true, I can't wait to not do it."
"You can time align and tune anything now, but just because we have the tools to make perfect records, doesn't mean we should."
"I'm thrilled that Elaine chose my work."
"I very much think of paper as part of my composition on every image that I create."
"I decided that yes I did want it to be darker so I went with actually a little bit more of an orange tone so it also kind of matched to the eye color and then accented headphones."
"The idea of making a film in black and white in this aspect ratio all the things that might be seen from the outside world as a hurdle or an obstacle are all choices decisions that as a filmmaker you made and that all collectively create the experience we just had."
"Bloodstream is totally a risk for what multiply is and I think it's a risk that pays off and that's why I respect it."
"When other artists were brought on board most of them did not like H.R. Giger's design but in the end Ridley Scott chose Giger's work to bring forth the creature we know today as Alien."
"I thought it would be interesting to start a new palette for this game just because I knew that thematically it was so different from what I normally make."
"I loved the less saturated, more selective use of the colors throughout the movie."
"Don't be afraid to put things way off center."
"For every two songs I make that get put out, there'll be like one that gets scrapped."
"Do you have to do that? No, but can you? Yes. Should you? Well, if you want it to really pop like that, it makes all the difference."
"I really love the color on this; I'm not always known for my use of color, but I really enjoyed adding in the blue."
"Good images are planned, and it's really important to build not just your ability to kind of render one of these amazing scenes but your ability to pick the right one to find the one that is really the best that is worth spending time on."
"It's interesting because music influences what pedals, right?"
"The neat thing about creamsicle is it's like a peachish kind of yellow, so it's a nice thing to add in your florals as opposed to a bright yellow."
"We didn't go for the kitchy, we went for the terrifying."
"I loved how I could use a limited color palette."
"The animation is phenomenal, though a little weird in certain design choices."
"I just found that the initial green was a bit too cold in temperature, so I decided to warm it up with the yellow ocher and turn this to be more of an earthy green."
"I'm going to make this kind of a partly cloudy day."
"As artists, I think we have to decide what we want you to look at."
"I'm using pink today because it contrasts nicely with this blue."
"I'm not too worried about accuracy; if anything, I try to make the ends look a bit more jagged and different with each other to keep it natural."
"It's really nice and for the tough flower, the lightest area I decided to do is in the middle."
"I choose which one I want to be a little more dominant in the painting."
"It's artists making different choices for different tones for different feelings."
"The color choices and placement are amazing."
"You find the parts that matter to you as an artist."
"If you like black and white or you like experimenting with black and white, it doesn't get any better than a dedicated black and white camera."
"It's going to come down to what lens you prefer and what focal length you think is going to be more useful for your type of photography."
"Vroom Vroom was a groundbreaking collection of experimental dance pop songs that showed Charlie had chosen to sacrifice a genuine mainstream presence for something far greater."
"Mixing sound selection plays a big role in how good the song turns out."
"I'm making them a little bit more warmer by adding some more yellow to the picture."
"I knew I wanted this piece to be dominated by earthy tones."
"I'm really pleased with it; I like just using one color family, all these different Blues."
"You can choose; you're the artist."
"I'm not doing color for the sake of actually making it look realistic and colored, I'm just doing hints of color just to add a bit of tone."
"There's a little bit warmer of a tone in the shadows and there's just more of a color spread throughout."
"I really enjoyed playing with that cool color in the foreground to make the warm tones really stand out."
"I like the colors of the full coverage version."
"What you don't play is just as important as what you play."
"Here's that one where I said you could do it real detailed, or on the right, I just painted one solid color for the flowers, and they're both beautiful."
"The decision to do black and white throughout the film was just genius."
"I'm personally glad he didn't do it because what we actually did... that's one of the amazing things about Prince."
"I'm gonna push the crap out of those grays and just make a gray painting because I love to do those."
"I think the face that we make today, I'll go for a younger, smoother, maybe more feminine."
"I want to go for really cozy and warm lighting for the drawing."
"I went with a lot brighter colors than it's actually inside the cockpit because the detail is so small."
"After testing out a lot of different ideas... I randomly decided to draw a moth and ended up liking it so I went with that idea."
"I like to just choose some colors that I know I love or whatever's speaking to me at the time."
"Decide what kind of art do you like and what do you want to make."
"I personally prefer the waist level viewfinder because it gives me a clearer image for when I'm critically focusing my portraits."
"You can keep your final design black and white if you wish to maintain that 1930s cartoon style."
"There is no objective value in something being accurate to real life unless that accuracy is chosen for a reason and succeeds in your goal."
"You know what choices would they make and why, because it makes your stuff look realistic very easily."
"It all depends on what kind of effect you want."
"I realized I liked that palette; that was my territory."
"The usage of strong prominent colors on the black, white, and gray backgrounds is always one of my absolute favorite artistic choices in any medium."
"It's all about trying to work out what bits of realism are worth sacrificing for the sake of a better effect."
"I loved the color combination I used for the brick wall."
"I really enjoy using them; I blocked out all the black lines on that building just to make it look a little bit more... not realistic."
"The more freedom you have, the more choices you have in terms of what to play."
"I really wanted that edge to be blurred on the top of the mountains."
"Your eye is going to go first to the lightest light and the darkest dark."
"Thank you so much for consistently choosing to do such elevative and artistically superior projects."