
Art Critique Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"However, I can agree that the horse certainly does look demonic."
"This is the highest rated image in the entire critique, rated by the community."
"Being over precise in a portrait when it comes to wrinkles and folds, for most artists, is the kiss of death."
"Modern Art can be weird, frustrating, and confusing, but rather than embracing and trying to understand those feelings, so many people choose to let that frustration trick them into thinking the art is at fault."
"Technically, it's a strong tattoo. It really does have a striking image. It's bold."
"The best part of the drawing right here I think you can do more with his face here."
"You really nailed the fingers here, I love how you can see, you know, the depth and like the plates of his fingers."
"That's art baby, that's really nice." - Crafty Corn
"Man, what a great take on surrealism here, just really playing with the in and out of focus of the different areas, different layers."
"His works are full of troubled, fearful, anxious, and melancholic figures."
"Photography is art is a thing in the end it's not just a JPEG or reproduction even though photography let's back up is a reproduction by nature because the print aspect of it."
"This woman isn't ugly, this is one of the most desirable and alluring women in art."
"This isn't just a deliberately shocking picture, it's also a deliberately sacrilegious one."
"I believe the best art can be very profitable."
"With this status as the world's most famous artist, Banksy was now inescapably part of the over-inflated commercialism, fashion, and celebrity of the mainstream art world."
"You made it look like bone, it doesn't come off as rocks. More than anything, you really surprised me, and it's a great surprise."
"You got the bio mech elements just right. The contrast you got from the monochromatic background, and then those red elements in the foreground, really gives it a punch. Overall good work."
"The textures, colors, shadows, and lines speak of a life once lived within the confines, and the absence is as empty as it is filled." - Mike Corral
"Definitely some odd drawings here and there but for the most part it was well done."
"The words of a critic can't diminish what art means to the person it's made for."
"Night Vale is art. It's overhyped, but it's definitely good."
"Art is messy, and being elitist about writing process is the stupidest thing ever."
"It's just some people's attempt at saying something about the human condition and it's fucking good."
"The artwork in Akira is gorgeous. It's a masterful blend of simple and detailed characters, with incredibly realistic backgrounds."
"It's so incredible considering how well and effectively they've used rich and deep colors."
"Every piece of artwork, you always go through a period called the hate period."
"Spectacle becomes entirely hollow without a deeper human connection."
"The potential fulfilled of this could have been masterpiece."
"The lighting is amazing, the detail and the texture throughout the piece is fantastic, the composition very simple is really effective, absolutely stunning."
"Avant-garde works could provoke incendiary reactions, in sharp contrast with the art of the past."
"As you look at this work, you clearly see the depth, the creativity, the boldness."
"When do we decide when a painting is done? It depends..."
"So, that's my opinion on Dream's song and the art scandal."
"Your nose is very large, we are gonna have to move her mouth, her nose is literally covering her mouth, can't have that."
"I am not wholly convinced that throughout all of history, the pictorial representation of the human figure has ever promised to be a representation of reality."
"There's nothing wrong with separating the art from the artist."
"It just comes alive...less is very much more."
"How can the Mona Lisa possibly be on this dark messages list? She's literally just chilling out."
"Finally! I was getting tired of modern art." - Lucky Ted
"I get this kind of weird feeling whenever I see art trying to mimic the events of this case. It just kind of leaves me with a weird taste in my mouth."
"Bold and brash, more like belongs in the trash."
"What do you think of the original? Is it real or a fake?"
"We've ended up with the glazes getting a knock on the door from alvarney who's ignoring the rain group."
"Nobody would like this but from a purely in a formalist sense if we're discussing its composition and the way that it challenges established convention, oh my my it is a work of art."
"If someone looks at your work and they like it, that's good. If they don't, they're not going to look at your work too much longer."
"Superheroes are political, comic books are political, art is political."
"It has the tonality, the detail, the scale, and the dynamics."
"Art is intended to provoke emotion and thought. If that's too much for you, then stay in your cave." - Darth Diulus
"Do not push rendering if you haven't fixed your anatomy and proportions."
"Raw powerful and intense but done with such a minimalist take, the art style really helps to convey a sense of yearning and feeling out of place." - Karina Stopensky
"I don't feel like that's what makes the picture. I really think it's just the placement, the composition and the placement of the colors."
"Critiquing art is the best way to see it improve."
"Is he fuzzy enough? I don't know. What do you think, John? How fuzzy is he? He's looking pretty fantastic."
"Art is subjective, always bordering the line of brilliance and delusion."
"It's visually intoxicating while also being haunting and disturbing."
"...this fur texture is on point and I absolutely love this little cat's teeth..."
"In his work, Shambi was able to capture diverse elements of Peruvian Society, representing his subjects with both dignity and authenticity."
"I know this is a little girl. Oh, okay, oh, I see, interesting. Your drawing style too. I think you got the influence from Van Gogh."
"So there is interestingly some use of foreshortening in the image up here it is quite subtle."
"Even if art is perfect for one person, it doesn't have to be perfect for everyone."
"I am separating the artist from the artwork I suppose."
"This to me is a great Whimsy goth piece."
"Remember, there's no one right way to interpret any of these lines, but we do want to get a sense of how viewers might react to them in our drawings."
"Art is made to be critiqued and also appreciated, and Black Butler is a standing testament to this, especially with its audience."
"This is a lion on Cyber steroids with very particular lines to its quadraped silhouette which communicates a message of strength and power."
"I really wanted Titus to do well today and I'm really pleased with this. I love the empty space, it balances out how much is going on in the top half and I like the pattern-making that he promised us."
"Performance is there creativity is there it smells great it's masterfully done and it gets a lot of respect in my opinion for good reason."
"It literally looks like someone just came all over this painting."
"Every element of the piece looks considered."
"What's so beautifully accomplished in this watercolor painting is the landscape far away in the background and then moving forward into the foreground with the car, and I have to say your watercolor technique is so beautiful."
"I really like how square you made her face."
"Black's stand covered is the piece I'm gonna talk about today."
"The composition and everything...really kind of blew me away."
"This piece is great too because it also has that animus effect."
"That's how you her neck so long her neck short I ain't going to lie that's that's well painted though"
"I think these are very nice. I really like this background specifically."
"I'd really love to have a clear focal point here."
"It's the most intriguing work of the collection; this unknown artist has achieved a masterpiece of the mysterious, of the macabre even."
"There's a horrible empty coldness about the whole thing; it's a masterpiece."
"The painting was atypical for the time it was created."
"It's just a beautiful painting with the colors and textures."
"It's a startling, exciting, extraordinary painting."
"There's so much life and personality to the piece."
"The granulation is beautifully random; the flat wash is smooth, and the gradients soften off as expected."
"I like to separate art from the artist."
"It's been referred to as a masterpiece."
"This piece is a 10 out of 10. It is just again a near masterpiece."
"This is certainly one of the greatest Batman statues I've ever seen in my life."
"You have done a great job, I think the colors, the back, the shoulders, the shadows, I'm really here for it."
"It's informative to also have this constant wide view of the image to see how things are reading from a distance."
"Look how realistic and happy they are."
"Great painterly dramatic feel here, especially in the sky."
"Even in the case of Christian Schad, whose work seems thoroughly focused on material representation, we sense an underlying quality of tension, anxiety, unease, strangeness that percolates through his work."
"Stand back every once in a while and look at the art and analyze how effective we are at creating these value and color relationships."
"The main thing that's making those other paintings look not quite as good is a lack of tonal contrast."
"Thankfully, I wrote an article on this very piece of artwork back in 1996 when it was all still fresh in my memory."
"I still think it's the best Silver Surfer statue out there, in my opinion."
"The coloration on this figure is fantastic. Looks gorgeous, looks absolutely gorgeous."
"Good music is good music, bad music is bad music."
"Other points of view are always going to help you pick out different things that you might not have seen before or different avenues that you can pursue in later artworks."
"True art is not like that; there's a balance."
"That's a great looking portrait, teeth look on point, love the anger in his face."
"The clay color, like that earthy tones on this figure, brings out a lot of that detail even more."
"Let me know what you think of them. Do they look realistic to you?"
"After this figure, these hands are incredible."
"I love the shading on her hair, on like the battle dress that she's wearing, all the chipped and weathering that's on the blade itself."
"I think the artist is trying to convey a strong sense of emotion in this piece."
"Over half of it is flat black, and yet, do you feel that this is a successful composition? Yeah, definitely."
"One of my biggest tips for beginner artists is to get critiqued on your work."
"Good art... questions what it is, it gives you a bunch of questions, which is what art is supposed to do."
"A beautiful and enchanting work, I have to say."
"Banal ideas cannot be rescued by beautiful execution."
"It's everything that I love about a dense, sophisticated work of art."
"I think that the sculpt is perfect, paints all that, I think it's just wonderful, wonderful statue, just amazing."
"Perhaps it's time to take a fresh look at LS Lowry, the artist who captured the drama of a crowded Northern street."
"My attachment fuels my curiosity; always though, the work must stand alone, unattached to time and circumstance."
"Overall proportion wise and everything, it looks solid."
"The unnerving resonance of Diego Rivera's vaccination art form is subtly disquieting; it gets under your skin."
"Van Gogh's painting here is very well executed."
"Cecily Brown is looking to the Old Masters' depiction of the erotic and the female nude, but she's trying to really subvert this male gaze."
"I'm generally satisfied with the line of action here and the pose."
"As an illustrative piece, that's cracking. I really really like the look of that."
"The painting is so commanding it really forces us to really be looking and seeing continually."
"That's a cracking picture in them, wonderful colors."
"Art, like a moon without sun, is air without breath."
"There's such a depth to this exhibition; it's given me the ability to discuss things I've never discussed in a critique."
"This looks like an ocean reef, or at least closer to this looks like somebody put a painting or a picture of a reef and just lacks all the rhythm and movement of a natural reef."
"This is an amazing piece and I have a lot to say about it."
"I wanted to go back and go sort of anti-Picasso, I wanted to go anti-art, I wanted to go anti-everything."
"I think this one's still my favorite," I say about one of the sketches.
"The Veteran in a New Field is one of Homer's most powerful and elegiac paintings to come out of the Civil War."
"The quality of the art in these books far outshines the quality of the content."
"When you get your edges and your value in your light situations working, you get crystal clear clarity."
"...tension is really what makes a painting good."
"The Mona Lisa is boring, what's safe, interesting, but was she smiling, do you think? No, no, no, I think she was frowning."
"I really just enjoyed the composition; it just felt really just nice, in my opinion."
"It's a very nice, very clean sculpt; it doesn't look muddy at all."
"Questioning the notion of portraiture and our understanding of the uncanny valley."
"Lord Fuheng is versed in battles, but he's not versed in examining paintings."
"This is up there with one of the best portraits they've ever done."
"The art style is near peak Kaneko and it's a chef's kiss."
"It has turned me into a fan of abstract art. I used to lambaste it."
"There is no such thing as 'just as' in art. It can be loose. It can be inaccurate. It can be wild. It can be experimental. But it’s always potentially a masterpiece."
"This panel is nothing short of stunning."