
Success Definition Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"Success is when your external life matches your vision for it."
"Success to me now is making great memories with people. That feels like a success. I've redefined what success means to me."
"Some people define success by the ability to reliably take care of themselves and those they care about."
"Success is the ability to love and have compassion."
"You're already successful if you're happy and if you're accomplishing what you set out to do."
"The definition of success is when the people who you want to love you do love you."
"The measure of success would be the fulfillment of one's personal interests rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power."
"Success often gets the wrong definition...the definition for success is setting a goal for yourself and achieving it."
"Success is not about how much money you have or how many possessions. It's about happiness and enjoying the simple, important things in life."
"We have to change the conversation in our society. Not in Southeast Asia, not in Malaysia, not in America, seven billion people need to change the conversation of what success looks like."
"The idea of success is being able to meet basic needs."
"Success is not you saying how much money you have in the bank account. It's about who you are and how you show up in the world, and how you show up for yourself."
"Success is not in the result, success is not in the achievement, success is not what you get at the end. That's not what defines success. According to spiritual teaching, success is in your endeavor, your intention, your effort, the character that goes behind the noble thing that you're trying to do."
"Success as defined by God is different from success as defined by men."
"Winning looks a lot like losing until you win."
"Success is when opportunity meets preparation."
"Success can never be about the amount of money you have in the bank. It is about how many people's lives have you been able to touch." - Naveen Jain
"Money is not everything. When you think of successful, I feel like it must be somebody who is winning a war."
"The definition of success today... it's out of order."
"Success is just standing up one more time, success is never surrendering."
"Success without ethics and integrity is not success."
"My goal is not to be successful, my goal is to be faithful."
"Success is love, success is your family, success is how much you laugh."
"Success for me is feeling like I'm in alignment with myself. Alignment for me is what I think is what I say is what I do."
"The biggest for me was that I aimed to do what was right. I didn't aim for success."
"Success is not measured by popularity, it's about doing what matters."
"I define success as the commitment to the pursuit of the fulfillment of your true potential."
"Success means making my family proud, being recognized by my peers, and inspiring others."
"Success to me is finding happiness, doing what you want to do, staying true to yourself."
"I consider anybody who gets to do something that they enjoy for a living to be successful on some level."
"The definition of success is the ability to grow."
"He is most truly successful who finds his success in service."
"For me, 'successful' means, in the moment, recognizing that I have enough."
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction."
"Don't just power through to the point where you're burning out because that's not the idea of success for you. The idea is that the journey is the success for you, the experience is the success for you."
"Success is feeling the sense that 'I'm here to grow, and I'm here to give something to the world, more than just myself.'"
"Real men pursue biblical success, possess focused ambition, and assume responsibility."
"Success is peace of mind from knowing that you made the best effort."
"It is when we are willing to uncover our unique definition of success that we begin to align with it very powerfully."
"You need to know where you stand, what your values are, what your definition of success looks like."
"Success to me is not a part-time thing, is not a full-time thing, it is an all the time thing in any industry athlete business entrepreneurship doesn't matter."
"For me, success is doing what you love for a living."
"Success to me is being happy and alhamdulillah I'm happy."
"You don't gotta be successful just to be famous or rich."
"Real success is living life on your own terms."
"Sanity is tying your success to what you say and do. Insanity is tying it to what other people say and do."
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
"You have to define to yourself what success is, and for me, success is freedom."
"What does success look like for me, and what is the unique process I must go through to achieve it?"
"Success is defined by you and it's different for everybody so that's number one you got to define what it is you want."
"You are actually... embracing... real true success."
"Success is about being fulfilled, not just achieving goals."
"Most people in this world are not [successful] and that definition of success is keeping somebody on their level and denying ones elevation and you can't let that happen you gotta be inspired by it."
"Success is achievement in the areas that matter the most to you."
"Being able to follow their own interests and talents... is how they define success in their own lives."
"My definition of success is not overcoming these people. My definition of success is economic identity to those who don't have it."
"Success is not in terms of what you have but in terms of what you contribute."
"We've been told so many wrong truths about self-worth, success, and what it looks like."
"As long as I'm building a life I personally love, then that counts as success in my book."
"Success does not define us, we define the success."
"Your version of success is learning to balance what you're capable of with what you actually need to do."
"Success is the knowledge to get whatever you want from life without violating the rights of others."
"Success is all the small efforts of every single day."
"Remembering that the definition of success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
"Success can be defined in a number of different ways... I think happiness has got a lot to do with it."
"What a success. Creating something that prospers, I would say that's success."
"Success means being happy and free, not having others think you're successful."
"Define what success is because if you don't define success, somebody else will define it for you."
"Success is just being still here. I'm not where I want to be but I'm not where I used to be."
"Success is not money, it's about fulfilling your potential."
"Success is the degree to which you've discovered true inner peace and freedom."
"I feel like success is very relative... if you're passionate about something and you're working hard, it almost doesn't feel like work."
"Success is being able to do comedy...have enough time with my family and friends."
"At the end of the day if we do something and we do it right that's a success."
"Success is super wealth. Whether it's a dirty word or not, if you ain't got it, you're not going to be successful."
"From the Christian Perspective what looks like winning and losing to us is completely different to what it looks like to the world."
"Being successful isn't just about having money, it's about feeling like you're enough."
"I always looked at having a family like winning."
"Success is not just how much money you have, it's the peace of mind that you have."
"I think when you have both of those together that is successful."
"You're doing work that is more powerful than you know... there's an underlying purpose that is so much bigger then what most people think success is which is money and numbers."
"Success in life is more about finding enjoyment and making progress more so than the end result."
"This is the ultimate success, your best life."
"Stop competing stop fighting for attention and confusing that for Success get back to innocence get back to your heart and you will find yourself you will find your power you will find your masculinity whether you're male or female."
"Success is different, doesn't mean fame and stars."
"I realized that success to me wasn't about the money."
"Success is getting what you want, and happiness is wanting what you get."
"Success to me is only a way to measure your connection to the public. If you're doing something right it connects."
"Success for me is being able to be fulfilled by the things that add to my... resources and security."
"As long as you are trying as hard as you can to do what you think is right, you are a success regardless of the outcome."
"You didn't get here by accident, you guys grind hard."
"What's your definition of success? Be a good person, be a good father, have a career that you really love."
"White people shouldn't be the ones telling you what success looks like for our community."
"Success is being occupied with your God-given task."
"Create your own personal definition of success."
"Success has been and continues to be defined as getting up one more time than you've been knocked down."
"You negotiate and you win. That's kind of like the definition of success in life."
"Success is not how much money you can make, success is more than that. Success is the impact you leave on this world and the impact you leave on people that you encounter."
"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value."
"Success is knowing who God called you to be and fighting to your death to live that out."
"It does not matter how we define success; these principles work for all."
"Success is faithfulness, success is a healthy marriage, success is a family, kids that love you and that want to live beside you."
"Success is really about big ideas. It's about creativity."
"What does a win look like? A win can look like a lot of things."
"Success feels like sustained fulfillment, meaning, purpose, and excitement to wake up most days."
"To me, that's the biggest success. That's bigger than any money."
"Being successful is not defined by necessarily how much money is in your bank account, but what you've done to form and lead a path for legacy."
"Success means being content with how the day went."
"Success is merely accomplishing what you set out to accomplish."
"Every time your brain has a success it changes the goal post of what success looks like."
"Success does not necessarily equate to how much money you have."
"My definition of success is controlling 100% of my time and having enough assets to generate passive income to sustain my lifestyle. That's it."
"Success is changing the situation from death to not death."
"I value relationships more than I value that level of success."
"Success isn't like 'oh I'm successful,' the dictionary will tell you the definition."
"Failure equals success. You cannot have success without failure."
"Success is not just doing what you enjoy and making money, but it's also touching other people's lives."
"Now, the goal and the success, is really just surviving and sustaining."
"Success to one person might be having a billion dollars, and success to one person might be able to quit their day job." - Defining success
"Success is if the people that you want to love still love you."
"Success is yours, but realize that success is empty if it isn't fulfilling and authentic for you."
"Success is not just about making money, it's about continually improving yourself."
"Success to me is waking up in a good mood surrounded by people who you want to be surrounded by."
"As long as you are learning, growing, and thriving, then you are succeeding."
"Being successful for me is about serving people and serving their journey."
"Success is simply just living your life the way you want to live it."
"The true definition of success is faithfulness."
"What does success look like and feel like for you?"
"Success is spelled M-A-R-I-N-E-S, that's the way you spell success."
"True success is about being your genuine self, giving and receiving love genuinely. Money and possessions are just derivatives of that."
"Allah defines success not by the result but by the striving."
"Success is going after what you think you want to achieve in life. And success, I don't think you can ever achieve, so it's the fun of trying."
"What is success? Enjoying meals with loved ones without stress."
"Success is when hard work meets opportunity."
"Success isn't measured by your bank account, it's measured by your experiences and your love for yourself."
"True success is being able to take all of the things that you have been so fortunate to adhere to gather and to be able to take a portion of that and to be able to be giving in that way."
"Success is doing what the failures won't do."
"Success is so much more than monetary value. I think it's just being happy and creating whatever you're creating and like getting in flow."
"Create a paradigm of what success really is."
"Success is everybody's aspiration success does not mean that only something big I'm aspiring for I want it to happen no with every single action you want success isn't it yes or no."
"I'd rather be unsuccessful doing something I love than successful doing something I hate."
"Success could be more money, better health, or better relationships."
"Success is way more than just about having money, right?"
"Defining success isn't a financial thing for me, it's happiness."
"Success is about perseverance and surrender."
"Success is about what you do and what you love."
"Success doesn't mean you don't have hardships."
"Success and prosperity are not always about money."
"Success is not about money, it's about are you happy where you are in life?"
"Success means doing the best you can, not doing better than everyone else."
"As long as you're having fun you're [ __ ] winning already that's that's the win in itself."
"The real definition of success is having internal and eternal peace."
"Successful to me isn't being rich or famous or having awards. It's doing work that I feel proud of and doing work that challenges me."
"What is success to you? Define success in your mind."
"For me, money is not my definition of success. Inspiring people is a definition of success."
"Success is the importance of spreading love, kindness, empathy, and compassion and bringing it into the world. These are the most important acts that you can do in your life."
"Everyone is quick to call you a flop or a failure if you haven't reached these high pinnacles of success."
"...we need to have a wider, like, a deeper understanding of what success looks like in this business."
"I defined success as peace of mind which can be attained only through self satisfaction in knowing that you made the effort to do the best of what you're capable."
"Whatever success means to you, properly define it. But always look at it in terms of, do I love what I do? Do I know what I'm doing? If opposition and adversity happens, will I still believe in what I'm doing?"
"Success isn't a place, it's a direction."
"Success is Not defined by what lives, it's defined by what doesn't die."
"Success doesn't look like that that's actually not a good result a success is being someone who's honorable to women and someone who's honorable to their family and honorable to their commitments of family."
"Success is not measured by wealth alone, but by the impact you make."
"Success is a relationship that you have with yourself."
"You have to figure out what your operational definition of success is what you want more of in your life and what you want less of in your life then you have to have a plan to get that."
"Success is defined differently for everyone. Society may measure it by money, but personally, creative success matters more."
"If we let others define what success is for us, we never achieve it."
"Success is just a word. I live my life by like am I happy or not. Do I feel good about myself when I wake up? And I do every day, so that's success to me."
"Success doesn't mean money; success means making an impact on humanity."
"What do you actually want your life to look like, and then back out success from there."
"I consider success the power of the brain, so the more intelligent they are, the more successful and powerful."
"Success is happiness, but away from that, being able to actually influence a generation."
"Success has nothing to do with wealth and accumulation; success has everything to do with how well we are embedded or connected with others."
"Success isn't about how much you put in, but what you get out."
"Success is the achievement of an objective."
"How you define winning and losing is going to shape not just your career but your whole life as well."
"Success to me means completing a task and when looking back, thinking I couldn't have done it better."
"Success isn't money to me... it just makes you comfy."
"Being able to give your loved ones whatever they need, that's success."
"We have pushed kids down a path for so long and said this was what success looks like and by the way if you don't do that you're not a success."
"Stop listening and letting other people dictate what success looks like."
"Success can happen any way, and really, success is whatever you deem it is."
"Success is when you're a happy, fulfilled person."
"Until I can make sure that my parents and my family are stable and they're not paying bills no more, and they're living rent-free, to me, that's success."
"Strong values make for a content life, regardless of material success."
"It's far easier to tell you what success isn't than to tell you what success is."
"Every step along the way if you're progressing, you're doing better and that is success."
"Success without direction means we'll never truly be satisfied."
"Just because you tried something and it didn't work out does not mean you failed."
"How you define success is really important."
"Success and failure are very interesting words; we've all got experience."
"The definition of success is when your children as adults want to spend time with you."
"It's not good enough for me to succeed. I need complete failure."
"We're all different, bro, and then success is success. They say this is what success is, but I've seen so many people that are so happy with their lives that would be so miserable in a different person's life."
"Success is, are you living life the way you want to live? If it's a yes, then..."
"Success isn't those titles and labels and the standard American dream."
"Success is not measured by the ways that we as human beings would tend to measure success."
"Gentlemen, try not to become men of success. Rather become men of value."
"Success is less about what we achieve materially and more about how much love we can bring to ourselves and other people."