
Societal Value Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"The value to the economy of giving people an extra year of healthy life is 86 trillion dollars."
"Free speech is only valuable socially if it is meaningful and if it helps us arrive at moral and truthful positions."
"One of the cornerstones that our society is constructed around is ‘success.’"
"Raising children is literally the most valuable societal role that exists."
"Good societies are very rare, and America has been a good society."
"A man is only valued based on how much he adds to the world."
"Video gaming is such a great hobby; it is so undervalued in society."
"Education is the one thing that society can't take away from you, regardless of what color you are."
"These are repositories of learning and wisdom that are deeply valuable for our society."
"Our elders are so important and they are a great gift."
"If it's industry, I'm not on the list, but when it comes to the people, you're on the list. Well, the people are all that matters."
"Society doesn't care about you unless you prove your value."
"I value a functioning society. It makes me personally happy to know that I have a functioning society."
"It's valuable to society to have an educated population, even if that is not measured in the amount of money they earn."
"Gold has what's called intrinsic value because we as a society, for all the aforementioned reasons, have chosen to value it."
"It's freedom of speech that is what people who have nothing still have."
"Our existence actually matters to you, to your family, and to the broader community in a really major way."
"They focused on the worth of a girl and her value to two families: the one she leaves behind and the one she joins."
"The work that women do, domestic labor, is a kind of welfare to parents and spouses and children and communities, but it's not valued as citizenship work."
"Essential work reveals the true backbone of our society."
"Trust is a common good; it's everywhere and it's an incredible lubricant for society."
"To be a computer nerd has obviously turned out to be a pretty good place to be in life."
"Let us focus not just on matters routine but also on transformational ideas. Ideas which can focus not just on creating wealth but also on creating value for our society."
"I've concluded that this show, possibly even all reality TV, deserves more respect than it's given even if just for the impact alone."
"Immigrants having to assimilate to be valuable, is just so fucked up to me."
"We don't have a good enough appreciation for science."
"The whole reason we have rights... well, there's a lot of reasons we have rights because we're of intrinsic value, and societies that don't recognize those rights collapse very rapidly."
"Disability or not, every person has worth, every person has value, and our world needs to have a place for Carter to be able to thrive."
"Our families have real value in society, and that is why you, the MLW viewer, deserves real true role models."
"If you give people the information and you give them a sense that they are important and you give them a chance to talk, they are actually worth listening to."
"You're assuming being a housewife has no economic value. Who is taking care of the kids so the breadwinner can be out there winning bread?"
"Language matters, we cannot have a society worth living in without it."
"2021 is going to re-define the game, it's going to introduce more value into everyone's lives."
"Femininity is always going to be a selling point for women."
"It is the teachers of this country, it is the staff in this country, it is the school nurses and the librarians that we should value."
"We saw during COVID it's not the CEOs and business, it's people on the ground doing the work."
"The spread of democracy... is worth fighting for."
"Millions of Americans with a renewed appreciation for the value of teachers."
"Freedom of speech is a freedom that's particularly important for people who don't have anything else, right?"
"The activity itself given fundamental human needs in human goods is worthy."
"Democracy is precious, democracy is fragile."
"Free speech is the most important value and virtue around today."
"We denigrate how valuable small victories and like local work is to the grand picture of things."
"Women are the greatest underappreciated and untapped resource in this country."
"15 years from now everybody is going to be looking at what's your value in society."
"Rural America is just as important as urban settings."
"We'll keep on raising respectful ruckus because these babies are worth it."
"Motherhood isn't compensated... it's actually one of the most important jobs."
"The essential workers are the absolute most important employees in this entire country right now."
"A woman is way more valuable to society at large than she could ever be to you in a relationship."
"People are realizing that essential workers matter... really appreciating the work."
"The most important thing for everybody is to have security."
"We have to be able to say to our kids your country loves you your country values you and your country will invest in you."
"Stop treating intelligence like a magic wand."
"People don't think it's a career if they don't think it's something worthwhile. They think it's a hobby."
"Real heroes are teachers, doctors, not Hollywood celebrities."
"The weight, the gravity of the right to speak freely is of paramount importance."
"Escapism is important. If it wasn't, they wouldn't be trying to take it away."
"The artist is showing us the value of maintaining our culture and respecting our culture."
"Art inherently or not, brings value to people outside of yourself."
"We like to teach and learn from each other. This is the source of our wisdom, in fact, it's the source of our wealth, in fact, it's the source of our survival."
"If these days the bird is flying everywhere, it is a small price to pay for the freedom of speech that our Constitution protects."
"Authenticity is so rare in this world, people crave it."
"After all, that's what art is for, at least the way our society treats it."
"Our value is not determined by [ __ ]. Our values determined by what value do we add to the world."
"Community is as important, if not more important, than ever before."
"The family is still the most durable institution in the world."
"Free speech doesn't mean anything to people who don't have anything to say."
"Creativity is very foundational for children and allows us to have more creatives."
"Lessons of any kind are valuable for both societies and for individuals."
"Free speech is incredibly important because it's the only way we can talk about any of this stuff."
"Your purpose is gonna be a combination of something that makes you happy with something that adds a lot of value to other people's lives."
"A common good product measures what really counts."
"To me, there are four pillars of male low sensual market value."
"Freedom of speech is priceless, but apparently, it costs $2,500."
"People really undervalue the stay-at-home mom."
"Every single person in our society is worth saving."
"Educating our kids is not only the right thing to do, it's the most important work in America."
"The real value of freedom is that it provides diversity, and diversity is the real protection of freedom."
"Beauty has always been a commodity, for centuries."
"We need groups like this. Without them, who knows when she would have been found."
"Janitors are extremely important for the continuation of our species."
"We've got to get back to just having real conversation with each other."
"If you want to get wealthy, you have to make money, save a lot, and find the ways in which you can add a lot of value to society."
"We must give in order to receive, and what we give must be something the world wants or needs."
"The societal value of a company doesn't come from platitudes, but from the quality of its products."
"So, I really salute my essential workers out there. I really do. I mean, they're going out in the world, subjecting themselves to risk, bringing that potential risk back home. I think that deserves a little bit more compensation, personally."
"The importance of education in today's world."
"Everyone looks down on plumbers until you get a clogged sink."
"The more that we take care of each other, the more we can help each other. That's what's truly going to create more value in our society."
"Marriage is a foundational bedrock of human society."
"Education for every individual is very important."
"If you're listening to this and you just live a normal life...what value have the Bidens brought the world?"
"We need to build structures that show people the value of cooperating with each other."
"Preppers are finally getting the respect that they deserve."
"You can develop even a little bit of empathy."
"A large population is only an asset if they're wealthy or productive and if they're neither it's a liability."
"Justice is always worth the price paid for its Pursuit."
"I think people forget that there is enormous value in the diversity of thought."
"This generation may be remembered as a great generation."
"The nearer any government approaches to a republic, the more worth is one honest man to society than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived."
"Being a stay-at-home mom is probably the most invaluable position, a job that you can have in society."
"Free speech isn't the ability to speak truth to power, although it is also that. It's way more than that. Free speech is how you think."
"Content creators make more than doctors, so who's doing the real work?"
"Science and reason are of inestimable value; anyone who attacks them is a fool and an enemy of civilization."
"There's no easy or past solution to any of this."
"Everyday Heroes who work hard to help other people are often not appreciated enough in today's society."
"Men do the hard jobs, the dirty jobs, the unappreciated jobs, and they may come out better than the ones with expensive degrees."
"The only currency that matters. Because without it, you can't say your thing."
"You're absolutely on the path to realizing your highest potential in terms of what you want to be recognized and valued among people around you."
"I've always respected people who can go and get a job, work, and contribute to society."
"This country is worth having and if we don't have it and if we don't keep it and if we don't cherish it, it will not be here."
"Justice never rests not until the truth comes to light."
"Children are our collective product, our collective future."
"The unique nature of women is something incredibly precious."
"Teachers rock, and society would crumble without you."
"It's preserving culture, I mean no matter what kind of culture you're talking about, you wouldn't want that to die out."
"Your compassion, your mercy – the world needs more of your kindness."
"Man's best friend has a special place in our hearts."
"Work isn't just a way to get a paycheck, it confers dignity."
"There's a lot that people with autism offer us in our society."
"You define your value by what you bring to this world."
"As a society, we should not take our police officers for granted. I would like to see increased recognition that being a police officer is the toughest job in the country."
"Firefighters are constant reminders of heroic behavior, risking life and limb on a daily basis to protect us and our property." - Host
"There is no other college major that can give you the high salary... and societal respect... than engineering."
"I personally believe that everyone should have a right to health care, no matter how much money they have."
"Individuals with disabilities have unique perspectives and many remarkable qualities to offer society."
"Ensuring constitutional rights aren't taken from the people is a huge needed asset in our society today."
"Are public influencers really worth more to society than plumbers?"
"This is a slap in the face to medics risking their lives and dying on the front lines."
"Immigrants are very, very, very valuable to the United States."
"Why aren't soldiers, builders, police officers considered high value men as opposed to athletes and rappers?"
"That's the real, you know what I mean people value that [ __ ] man."
"Education is important. I just wish we could change it."
"Free speech is the most important value there's no two ways about that."
"The young people of America are not a liability; they are not a clock ticking against us."
"True value is building products and providing services to your fellow human beings, not money in any form."
"He keeps the economy alive, he is essential. 100 percent S tier."
"Patriotism isn't always a bad thing; oftentimes it can be a very good thing."
"Multiculturalism, all of us together, is what makes us great."
"Free speech doesn't mean anything if you aren't actually using it."
"Children with autism are a gift to the world."
"We need to protect the fringe, even though most of what's there is garbage, because it's where progress comes from."
"Independence and thought is not a superannuated phenomenon but in fact empirical precept crucial to the continuity of a productive and harmonious society."
"Equal is the wrong word. The correct word is necessary."
"We want that there is value to everybody including white people to be educated in an environment where there are varied life experiences."
"Nothing worthwhile is easy, especially defending our precious society."
"The government has no right to tell you that you're not essential. Everybody is essential."
"I found that the majority of people are really nice."
"Mental health is more important than anything on the planet."
"Maybe we should pay the people on the front line our teachers more than a kid who isn't qualified to make fries quite yet."
"Pride was about to show everyone what the world would miss if they went the way of the dodo."
"We had to notice essential workers last year. Let's keep noticing them."
"Why should a financial engineer be paid for four times, 200 times more than a real engineer?"
"Freedom of speech means that people should be free to say what they think."
"...this necessity and the skill that we hold in our hands and the intelligence almost that we express through our fingers is something that we have forgotten and we lose at our peril."
"Picture a vend diagram with three circles: what you are good at, what you enjoy doing, and what is monetarily valued by society."
"...who is more important to society: someone literally paid to save lives with a scalpel or an injury-prone celebrity who scored one goal last season and gets five haircuts a week?"
"She was determined to determine her own sense of value to herself and to the rest of society."
"I've said this since I was younger, I think that a starting salary for a teacher should be about $75,000"
"People seem to think that when you quit your job to become a homemaker that you are like 'oh shame she's just gonna go home and maybe cook maybe clean and sit around her house watching TV and that she is no longer adding value to society."
"Infrastructure is the most valuable mean by which the society stores and distributes value."
"We need to embrace the difference that each of us brings."
"I want to see respect for African knowledge."
"...our society has really turned towards a life that diminishes friendships as a less important relationship."
"You have to find a way for us as a society to value everyone including the mentally ill and in fact, the mentally ill perhaps more than anyone."
"The most successful person in the world is someone who doesn't have money but can smile and hold his head up in society."
"Enterprises like that should often times be considered as probably the most valuable way that any two societies can get along with each other."
"If it wasn't for the tradespeople, our society would cease to run."
"Diversity is a source of strength."
"Love has become the top luxury product."
"Those are some of the most important people in our society, and that is exactly the kind of people that we should do everything we can to support."
"Older societies could be the best thing that ever happened to society."
"By creating value for society, a company is not sacrificing profits; it's growing the pie, ultimately enhancing profits."
"Freedom has never been more important."
"If you think about the value we have in the broader society... a lot of it has to do with our ability to deal with traumatic situations in a timely fashion."
"We're losing our culture and you know it just, things like this need to be around for the younger generation, that would be really awesome."
"The demand for psychologists is obviously rising, especially when our generation is realizing its value."
"What we do know is that the Star Trek society has found a way to decouple human value from work."
"A society where human value is not derived from selling hours of your life for a wage."
"The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors, but always most in the common people."
"Vaccine programs depend on public acceptance of their value."
"Not everything has to make money, sometimes things can exist so that societies can function."
"It's better to have more people like you in this twisted world."
"Black life is cheap, but in America, black bodies are a natural resource of incomparable value."
"Public services matter; they are the heart of our society and they are what should be prioritized."
"Can one's value in society solely be determined by the monetary value associated with what they produce and sell?"
"You are finding value in something that has been marginalized and prohibited by the society we live in."
"The work of women is indispensable for Iceland's economy and society."
"If people are born with magical abilities, that totally changes how magic is understood and the value of those people."
"That experience is of great value to society."
"I wanted to become a professional and have a skill because I wanted to be somebody that people or society needed."
"I think the freedom of the press is very important to society."
"It's utility bringing more value to the masses, and that's what we've got to accomplish this decade."
"Paul Volcker has said the last financial innovation that actually adds value to society was the ATM card."
"Old people have a lot to offer society."
"Every society has something to offer the clones, the Jedi, and even the Mandalorians."
"You have value because you have value to you, because you have value to me, because you have value within the system."
"Freedom of speech is really important."
"These places of peace and reflection hold invaluable significance for our society."