
Mood Lifting Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"She could turn anybody's frown upside down, anytime, anyway."
"Your personality is infectious at the moment, and you are helping people who are feeling down without even realizing it."
"Even if I was just feeling really, really, really sad, if I put Home Alone on I can almost guarantee that it would just lift me up and make me laugh."
"If you're ever in a bad mood just remember when Bob Ross puts squirrels in his shirt pocket so they could watch him work in The Joy of Painting."
"Was having a rubbish day... Looking forward to more hitman."
"It feels like a gift and it does and it makes me in such a good mood even though let me tell you about my morning here."
"This song is such a bop. It just makes you feel good when you hear it."
"It just instantly lifts your mood. It makes you feel good. You feel rich, you feel good, you feel fancy, you know? It's a really nice, a really nice feeling. Really, really, really nice."
"...it's fresh green and invigorating and it's one of them fragrances that can just instantly lift your mood and just make you feel upbeat."
"I feel like it's going to be a perfect book to put a smile on my face it's exactly what I need."
"What a way to lift your spirits on such a miserable day."
"It's just one of those themes that doesn't matter what mood I'm in, I will always listen to it and my spirits will always be lifted."
"If you're feeling remotely spring-like, summer-like, maybe it's winter, and you wanna be cheered up with a big fat-faced bumblebee, then this video is for you."
"You can put this movie in no matter how bad of a day you're having, it'll just make you feel better."
"French toast bliss on a gloomy day."
"'Thanks, babe,' his smile lit the house and he perked up after that."
"Just seeing a familiar face can really lift your mood."
"Driven only by curiosity, and their company might lift his spirits."
"This will lift your day. It's 101 of the world's funniest one-liners."
"She's the kind of person that makes you happy if you're feeling blue and makes you happy if you're happy."
"If I'm feeling blue, I'll put this on and it will cheer me up."
"A simple smile from someone else can lift your spirits."
"This just cheered me up; it made my whole day."
"This rock art has really lifted my spirits."
"If you're feeling a little down, this is a good soup."
"They make the bad days good, they cheer me up at any moment."
"It totally lifted my mood and I'm such a sun person, so I need that."
"You always make my day better even when I'm at my worst."
"Thanks, guys, this really cheered me up."
"It's the sound you can use, a kissy face song to chase your Monday blues."
"No matter what the situation, he could always lighten the mood just by opening up his mouth."
"Making music, preferably really loud, but it doesn't have to be, is what absolutely always, guaranteed, can pull me out of this slump."
"This is a warm-up, it's an exploration of mediums and methods and techniques, and it's just something to cheer you up if you're feeling a bit miserable."
"I really enjoyed reading them; it really helped to just lighten the mood."
"It's so easy to work with them, they're always uplifting your mood, your spirit."
"Peanut butter turns that frown upside down."
"This fragrance mist is going to lift your spirits."
"They just do something to me, they just lift my spirits, lift my mood, make me happier."
"It's just a whole lot of fun, that too, it's a very very fun song, it gets you excited and it just puts you in a good mood."
"Bring the joy, bring the joy, it just constantly reminds me throughout the day to bring the joy which lifts my mood."
"She's always cracking jokes. You can always depend on her to lighten the mood."
"It's kind of nice having something that's quite uplifting."
"It's the middle of winter here in central Pennsylvania, and I thought, what can I do to cheer myself up?"
"You guys actually make my day when I'm feeling down or something along those lines."
"Thank you for sitting here with me and listening to this, a definite mood changer and mood uplifter."
"It lifts your mood honestly, to me it kind of smells like this little patch of blue sky with cloud right here."
"It's literally one of my absolute favorite rom-coms; it just makes me, it always puts me in a good mood."
"Sometimes there are days when you feel super down... you can switch your mind a little bit and watch tick tocks; they're creative, they're funny, some of them are really beautiful."
"It's all in your record collection, you can go ahead and pull out a few albums, you can lift your mood, you can remember times in the past."
"If you're in a bad mood, pick these books up because they will elevate your serotonin, I am sure of it."
"But first, here's a kitty to help get our wholesome levels up before we bring them right back down."
"No matter what bad mood I'm in, your videos change it."
"It's fun, it's uplifting, it's a good mood fragrance for me."
"I'm here to brighten any January blues with some more ANTM content."
"You will catch yourself many times laughing... you can laugh because there's no one around to put you in a bad mood."
"I like your friends. They lift up the mood."
"It doesn't matter what mood I'm in, put this on and I will be in a better mood."
"I'm a big fan of your videos, seems no matter what kind of mood I'm in, your videos always make me laugh and smile."
"Nothing cheers me up more, so on a real bad day, you know, come home from work, works treating you rough, people around you weren't too kind, weren't too friendly, I got to tell you, sometimes all you need in life is a deviled egg."
"I really just want to prioritize like fun books right now just to cheer myself up."
"If you are feeling below a six, below a five, I hope that watching this live stream tonight lifts your spirits, makes you laugh a little bit, inspires you, makes you smile, does something to lift your mood."
"Put a little Ed Sheeran on, let him cheer me up, and just keep going."
"It's worth it, you put the song on, and it will pick you up."
"He puts his hand on your face and smooths out the grumples."
"Thanks for always being entertaining and cheering me up."
"I can see myself turning to this manga when I'm just feeling a bit down and I need a pick me up."
"It does lighten the mood of everything."
"Why is everyone so down?~ What's the problem, say something~"
"He makes everybody laugh, no matter what mood somebody's in."
"Just do yourself a favor and say the words 'bunny buns.' You can't say it without smiling; it's just a mood boost."
"There's nothing quite like a new pair of sunglasses to make you feel good."
"No matter what your grumpy mood, you can't resist this Christmas food."
"Going out for a walk really does lift the mood."
"You make my morning when I'm mad in the afternoons, you make me happy again."
"The stars in their eyes, the perfect antidote to lost lottery blues."
"There's got some really bright mad colors, but then you put them on and all they do is lift you."
"I highly recommend it if you're in a bad mood, a grumpy mood, any kind of mood at all."
"You sure know how to brighten up a man's day, don't you?"
"I think going on this fishing trip really cheered me up, guys, I appreciate it."
"We're just gonna make some fun rainbows today because it's a dreary day and everyone could use some of that."
"It's very happy making, very uplifting."
"Filming always puts me in a better mood and it's kind of healing for me."
"It's just so cheerful, and I need something cheerful."
"If you think fart jokes aren't funny, if you're having a bad day, that right there will just give you a little giggle."
"That's the type of stuff I like to watch, things that really just take me back and put me in a good mood."
"He's a hard guy to be in a bad mood around, you know?"
"If you ever want to be in a better mood just hang out with Seth for a few minutes."
"If you're having a bad day, do this for about 10 seconds, and see how you feel."
"It automatically brightens my mood and yes, this is a big compliment getter."
"You really made me laugh there, you really cheered me up."
"I highly suggest movies that make you feel good when you're not feeling good."
"When the sun is shining, you know it lifts your spirits."
"Good music brings out the best in you."
"I like that Willow is here. I came in in a real sour mood and I saw Willow and it lifted my spirits."
"Christmas can brighten up anyone's mood."
"Beyoncé's Renaissance album is solely coming to save us from seasonal depression."
"The festivity and spirit created by the brilliance of the holiday season can lift anyone's mood."
"If I'm having a down day, I tend to do something not only nice for myself but nice for somebody else."
"Anytime I feel a little cold and dreary, I hop on one of these things and it brightens my day up."
"Anything that can lift our mood, make us feel comfortable, make us feel good about ourselves, that's what I'm all about right now."
"Anytime I wear a pink coat, it's like an instant mood booster."
"It's just an instant mood booster."
"This is going to brighten up your winter for sure."
"It's just a really uplifting scent."
"Turn on your favorite music station and I promise you that in 10 seconds of one of your favorite songs, you are gonna be back to that sunshine, bubbly, happy, positive person that you recognize."
"He has a way of always bringing everyone's mood up."
"Really love it, put me in a good mood actually."
"I do find it kind of mood lifting when I am done and out of the blanket."
"Putting a fabulous look on our face has helped us to cure the winter blues on this fine day."
"Just a smile and a hello and welcome aboard can take a passenger who's probably irritated and brighten up their day."
"I'm feeling like an Easter decorate is gonna make me feel a little bit more lifted."
"Organizing and decluttering and even cleaning helps lift my mood and it makes me happy."
"I could be in the worst mood and then I will listen to that song and I will conduct."
"Showing you stuff that might lift your mood, showing you styling tips, showing you how we're coping through it all."