
Emotional Recovery Quotes

There are 487 quotes

"Our hearts will heal, our thoughts will clear, but in our hearts, we'll keep you near."
"You meet somebody else new, and you get over someone, the sorrow they caused."
"Your heart still beats, you still feel love, you still feel joy, you just miss them."
"This is a month of big healing. No more heartbreak, no more sadness, no more crying."
"Your heart can love more than once. I promise you that."
"There's been rips, there's been tears, there's been despair, but it's finally time to get off this roller coaster of emotions and turn towards home."
"The day will come when you'll smile before you cry. That's when you know you're going to make it."
"Everything can change, even someone with a heart of stone."
"Hope gives you the ability to forget and bury the mistakes of yesterday."
"The lyrics about knowing you have fully moved on from a place, that perfect guitar hook, the backing vocals from Lucius."
"It's a process, definitely a process to try to heal from somebody you were forced to let go of."
"Shame will see evidence that shame is healing, that the person's shame is getting less and less."
"That's a sign of healing, a willingness to connect with that part of themselves."
"Let go gracefully. Whatever has taken place in the past, it is time to move forwards."
"You won't allow yourself to go through that again."
"What I came back with was a feeling of love that I was loved."
"You cannot look for healing in the same place you got hurt."
"Healing probably takes years; you never get over everything."
"Every single time you think you've reached your lowest, every time that you're all super sad...the truth is everything usually gets better."
"Just limit the amount of time you let yourself wallow and then decide to keep moving forward into your new, better life."
"Going no contact is hard but my gosh it is so worth it."
"You can break free, you can go no contact, you can break the trauma bonds."
"No matter how much pain that you're going through, you're going to feel happiness again."
"But ultimately the healing comes from validation."
"Stop crying because that person left you, let them go."
"Time usually heals just about everything, particularly emotional wounds."
"They go through bouts where they think they're over you but then they get triggered by something."
"Uploader of the footage reiterates how the footage scared her and how she was still recovering from it. Now you tell me, what would you have done in her shoes?"
"Ryoma's tears kept flowing because this warmth, the one that he lost all those years ago, he was finally feeling it again."
"I feel way better now than what I did just 24 hours ago."
"Even after something awful, even world-ending happens, you can still find happiness and love."
"Time heals all wounds, I guess. It wasn't time that did it."
"Perhaps this was the beginning of getting over her."
"After a heart has been broken, it often takes time to heal and be made whole again."
"Sometimes it's hard to imagine meeting someone who makes us feel as good as someone else did, but they're out there."
"This book is such a feel-good vibe, even though the main character has recently gone through something pretty traumatic."
"Losses are part of the journey... lick your wounds, get around the most important people in your life, be around the people that love you, whether you win or lose, make sure you stay built up."
"Healing isn't just about this breakup, it's about everything you've been hurt from."
"There'll be a day when you don't cry over the heartbreak... and yeah, it's all okay."
"In the beginning, you feel like you're never going to be okay and you're always going to want this person back. And as the time goes by slowly day by day, parts of you start to forget about what it was like being so in love with them."
"I felt alive again. What I really felt was hope again."
"With the proper tools and help, you can regain control and overcome it."
"I feel better, there's a place that I lost and now you found it, it's like Columbus finding America."
"Do not use a new connection to distract you from past heartache."
"I'm able to smile about it now because I've processed the hard part."
"You have something really good, a commitment coming here in a relationship that's going to heal."
"The final stage in the healing process is gratitude."
"There's deep healing to a severed family situation."
"You don't notice the process of healing, one day you just realize you haven't cried in a while, you feel whole again."
"If you're sick of yourself, nothing will make you feel better than helping somebody else."
"Time doesn't heal everything, but things do ease with time."
"You're super moving on from a person or situation that wasn't giving you the love you deserve."
"I'm completely healed like literally when he moved out I came to terms of it pretty quick and I am one of those people that take things as a lesson and I move on from it."
"The best revenge you could possibly get is to move on and be happy and successful."
"Isn't that what we're looking for? To hear love speak again, to refine that which we thought was lost forever."
"Let go of this person, let go of this past person, and you're definitely gonna be doing a lot of healing the next couple of months."
"It's a time for healing things that you thought were not curable."
"He is re-experiencing the wound for the purpose of healing it once and for all."
"Analysis of his notes appears to show a message... notable landmarks throughout human history."
"Unfollowing your ex after a breakup makes it easier to get over them."
"The healing of that kind of thing is evident."
"I just happy to be over it, I'm happy, I'm relieved."
"Moving on right away after a breakup is not the answer. Give yourself time, time is everything."
"It's about regaining faith in a situation, in love maybe, in a situation that you thought was never going to happen again."
"If joy has been missing from your life, it's coming back. Ecstasy is coming, flow is coming, creativity is blossoming."
"There's going to be healing taking place on such a deep level."
"I think once the dust settles, time does heal most wounds."
"Time alone doesn't heal a damn thing. Healing is not a time thing, it's a work thing."
"You're moving past some kind of heartbreak, grief, pain, loss, betrayal."
"I did not feel healed from that for a very long time."
"For the first time in a long time, I feel happy again."
"There is a blessing attached to every part of me that means you're gonna have to give me my joy back."
"Time can heal those things, even if some hurt seemed insurmountable at first."
"You're getting over the heartbreak, you also have a new lover coming in, it's going to really make you happy."
"Maybe it's time to start trusting people again."
"Hurt people hurt people but healed people heal people."
"Forgive yourself for the times that you were depressed after a heartbreak and forgive yourself for maybe not being the best version of yourself in that relationship."
"Life moves on whether you get over the heartbreak or not, life will move on and so will you."
"Try to put pain, trauma, liars, tears, whatever, all of that, try to like take that out of your mind."
"There's some form of reinstated hope you have with someone possibly."
"Just to even be able to do this thing with him and see him back, it feels right to me. It feels like a little order has been put back into the universe."
"We all get in those terrible moods, and hopefully by the end of it you will have found what feels good."
"By this getting resolved you're feeling open again, you're feeling more loving and you're feeling more just emotional, you're feeling like in a better emotional state whenever this gets resolved."
"All is not lost with this five of cups, there is still love here."
"The last bit of anger and embarrassment was spent yesterday. We moved on. Let's get on with the show."
"Are you gonna, I don't know, heartbreak is so real, but also healing is so real too."
"Doing the opposite of what hurt you doesn't mean you're healed."
"I was having such a bad day but I'm feeling better now."
"The five of cups: just being completely down about the love that we've lost, but there is still some hope behind us."
"You're regaining your strength to love again."
"Be gentle with yourself. You've gone through the ringer when it comes to love."
"I needed me, I missed me, and I refused to be ignored."
"Acknowledgement of past hurt, but not dwelling."
"Time heals all wounds, but the wounds still remain."
"Love is worth it and connection is worth it but you need time to heal."
"Little did I know that your fists fight quite flashback every memory of the kid come back."
"The best way to move past something negative is towards something positive."
"Love will be restored; you are going to feel emotionally good."
"Let go of past failures and feelings of guilt. Choose to stand firm, to battle each day, and ignore the negative talk and assaults from others."
"Closure is not a one-time thing; it's a process that happens at periodic intervals."
"You're kind of getting out of the heartbreak of it all."
"Time heals all wounds, so just allow yourself the process of healing."
"You've brought their energy, their vitality back after this, this heartbreak."
"If you have benefited, then soaking yourself in remorse and guilt does not help anyone."
"I feel elated, my confidence is one of the biggest because it was gone, yes, my identity."
"I just genuinely feel like you guys have saved my life and you guys have been there for me."
"In my darkest moment, I'm gonna remember how to love myself... If I fan that flame, my light is just gonna grow until I'm back to being my normal self."
"Joy comes in the morning after the dark night."
"I just want to move past this and now be happy. I want to find like a happy moment in my life because it's been a while since I was genuinely happy."
"Time is the healer of all, like if you're hurting right now just [__], we've all been there."
"I have to let you know that this has been more healing than any counseling I think could have ever been."
"Your broken heart will be healed; a commitment is coming."
"Put your highest priority on healing this wound."
"Now is the time to move on from that disappointment. Wallowing in that energy doesn't propel you forward."
"Since the inquest, I'm a different person. It's given me back my life, well not all of it."
"Understand this, it, like all things in life, it does pass and it always when it does pass it gives way to you feeling more tapped in than ever you more inspired than ever."
"You're going to have the understanding and everything you need to finally come into a place of healing."
"I think there's a lot of plenty of love available to you, ten of cups, fortune after difficulty, happiness."
"Healing from something from the past, I would definitely make a wish with the star card."
"When you lose someone you love, the hardest time is usually after everyone else has moved on, but you haven't."
"Time heals everything, believe me. You will forget things, it will take as long as it will take, it will take years maybe, but at some point, this will wash out and you will find someone much better."
"The quicker you move on from this, the quicker the process of healing is actually going to come forward after this moment in time."
"Storms don't last forever with the healing rainbow."
"The real reason that he's been so miserable and so horrible to be around all these years is because he hasn't had food like that he does love food."
"Every one of us goes through it and I see that you have been going through it but you're coming out of it and you're gonna be stronger and wiser and happier."
"The pain that you feel is the pain you can heal."
"You're over it, quick, something's about to take off really fast for you."
"What it means to heal from a heartbreak is when you no longer need to avoid any part of your conscious experience related to that person or that heartbreak in order to feel whole."
"Someone's moving forward though, regaining something here when they get away from the drama."
"The Holy Spirit is reconnecting all the broken hearts of men."
"Every setback, every heartbreak, every pain, everything that you experience that creates a wound within, there is always a gift inside that wound."
"What broke your heart is now coming back to you in a new form."
"They say it gets better and for so long I was like a [ __ ] when and it does I guarantee you."
"Let me just like let myself move on because in a few days or maybe not a few days but in a few weeks you really will be like wow why was I doing all that."
"Recognize that healing isn't a straight line."
"Time has a way of healing wounds and softening the wounded."
"You're ready to love again, moving forward not only just in the month of September, but moving forward in general."
"Putting something to bed, leaving behind pain, and wounding."
"There's a capacity to feel again, to experience joy."
"Sometimes time heals everything... And it's gonna be okay."
"I loved it. It took me a few days to like really come out of that fog but I absolutely loved it."
"I feel like you're finally getting to a place of peace about it."
"They're trying to accept past losses and recover from their grief."
"When I saw you, I saw the other side of the storm. I saw the clear skies, I saw the good days, I saw the sunshine."
"Just remember that there's always something to be grateful for."
"You have to allow the healing process to happen."
"I'm excited about my future, which is something that was just something I hadn't felt for a long time."
"The cool thing about forgiveness... the healing's already started."
"Significant inner healing is taking place...you are on a powerful healing journey."
"If you're going through a breakup right now, especially if you're in the early, early stages of it, do know that things get better."
"Recovery means that one day you will hear their name and not feel a damn thing."
"You know you're recovering because you start to allow yourself to move forward."
"There is no misery that cannot be healed by just a good night's sleep."
"I'm honestly glad I'm out of that relationship now though it was toxic and draining."
"I'm not bursting into tears all the time now. I mean, you have transformed so much since last time I saw you."
"Healing doesn't happen in a straight line. It's not linear."
"It's like you're starting over again healing you know past um healing from what you thought needed to be or what was always going to be but wasn't meant to be."
"I feel like I'm having fun again, I feel like I'm happy again, I feel like I'm in a good place again."
"I think during my gap year you know I went through a breakup, and I really got to cherish my friendships a lot more."
"There's an energy here of healing, okay, and self-care."
"Rejoice in celebration, someone coming towards you that's no longer numbing their feelings."
"I just think with time, everyone is gonna be okay."
"Every time I felt like things will never be okay again, they got okay again."
"Took her time standing up, now admit not here to pretend. Had a bad split, maybe it's time that we shift gears. Show them the fanatic that you fear."
"I was mad. Now I've got it out of my system."
"You are giving them the choice to heal themselves, the choice to choose that peace within themselves and to join you in that place of Peace."
"You're releasing the past and finding gratitude, there's a silver lining."
"When I'm here, everything comes up. When I'm here, everything that's hurt heals."
"Change: going from feeling despondent to feeling much better on yourself."
"This Queen of Cups is stepping into a season of restoration... receiving her payouts, reimbursement, and offers."
"Putting in the work is what will get you the healing."
"Rise above situations that have pulled you under, allow yourself to muster your own emotions to move forward."
"For people going through a breakup, you need to treat a breakup like an addiction because it is an addiction."
"You didn't give up and now you came out and you're feeling so much better."
"I was in such a bad slump, I literally thought I was never gonna be able to read again or enjoy reading again."
"You can't heal if you don't acknowledge that you're wounded."
"No more abusive relationships, whether it's like abuse that's happening in the form of people withdrawing love from you."
"It really feels like bye-bye ex, hello new person."
"But now I have a complaint against you, you lost that first love. Get back that now."
"After sadness, happiness, and hope will return."
"You can just start seeing maybe if your field or a realm of your field is now available in a digital platform."
"This person really is thinking about you, you know, can you guys get back together? Will the situation improve? And they're wanting to recover this."
"Eventually, that will pass. You'll get through it, but you will be different."
"People's healing times are not valid. You take whatever time or less time you need to heal."
"Seven months of living in fear, and finally I can see an end."
"Gratitude is the fastest way to get ourselves back into an effortless state."
"Move it behind, leave it behind honey, move behind until you did."
"Even if you feel like it's taking forever to move on and you genuinely want to move on, you're just like, 'You know, I'm tired of feeling sad, I want to be happy,' you're getting there."
"Every single wound, be it psychological, emotional, requires responsibility."
"Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down, but get back up when it knocks you down."
"Lots of positive things come in after grief."
"Forgiveness does not mean that something bad that happened to us was okay. Forgiveness means that we choose to move beyond the experience and to release any ongoing need for retribution."
"That's how you start setting foot on the healing path."
"There's also an emotional component because there is the transition from cliff to jason and also just the willingness to say OK we've gone through an enormous trauma... but we've got to get back to it we can't just quit." - Lars Ulrich
"That's why I'm covered in stars, drawing a map with my scars."
"We're going to heal with love individually and collectively."
"Everybody heals differently, everybody takes time to heal."
"I had to shed his stench, his fingerprints that were deep on my very soul."
"The best revenge is the opportunity to heal."
"For the first time in a long time guys I have hope that it just might."