
Spiritual Discernment Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"The chief mark of counterfeit holiness is its lack of humility."
"Most of the time, the people I appoint in this ministry came through a fast because God will speak to you and give you discernment of things that you cannot get with a full stomach."
"The devil can appear as the angel of light. But the deception works only one way; the genuine and the good never appears as evil."
"Any man or woman that focuses on your flesh and not what God has deposited in you is not from God."
"The word of God cuts in half or separates soul and spirit."
"The Bible doesn't discount the existence of the demonic nor does it assign everything to a demon."
"Test the spirit, take it to the Lord, pray about it, and watch."
"Seeing with the eyes of the spirit involves having spiritual discernment."
"You can't use earthly success as an indication of heavenly favor."
"If something is not from God, then rest assured it's from the enemy's camp."
"The proof of real stamina in prayer and in the spirit is the ability to discern when seasons end."
"Get equipped with the scripture. The scripture dictates that what you're dealing with is an alien demonic deception."
"The more you know Him, the more you'll be able to detect when what you are hearing or sensing is not from God."
"Anything that comes from hurt is always evil. And anything that comes from God is always good."
"The good spirit will make you uncomfortable, unhappy; the bad spirit will make you comfortable and happy."
"Test the spirit by the spirit, okay? You will."
"Believers must discern these spirits and deal with them."
"We need to be able to discern and use the gift to discern when God is moving."
"That's the talk of Satan, not the talk of a good father named Abba."
"If it's confusing, if you don't have an interpretation, it's probably not God."
"If it agrees with scripture and comes to pass, it's likely from God."
"The Holy Spirit has something to prove about what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God."
"If you are filled with God, you will be able to discern His voice."
"False prophets and false prophecies... Critical examination and evaluation."
"Maintain a vibrant prayer life and intimacy with God to discern prophetic messages." - John 15:5.
"It takes the sword of the spirit to divide between the soul and the spirit."
"Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and wisdom to understand what your Spirit is saying."
"God's voice will always align with His word, sometimes your voice will contradict His word."
"Manipulation is a sign of false prophetic ministry."
"All of these people claim to hear from God regularly and yet they get major events profoundly wrong."
"My goal is to bring up your capacity to discern the voice of God."
"Spiritual things can only be discerned by the spiritual."
"Faith versus presumption: a crucial distinction."
"Discernment is key right now, the ability to discern spirits is something everybody who is a child of almighty god should be asking."
"The gift of discernment is the spiritual equivalent of navigating through the market of life, guided not by sight but by the spirit."
"Jesus never said you will know them by their appearance. He didn't even say you would know them by their sin. He only said by their fruits."
"You never want to follow a false voice because once you start doing that, you're in danger."
"Whatever this is is unbiblical, whatever this is is ungodly, whatever this is is not found in the word of god."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"Our assignment is not only to prepare sermons but to be discerning enough to see what God is saying and to understand what He is doing."
"Do not despise prophecy, but test everything."
"If you see that, those are red flags to let you know that's a church that you probably want to avoid."
"You may know for yourself what is true and what is not by learning to discern the whisperings of the Spirit."
"Not everybody's demonstration of charismatic gifts reflects divine approval."
"Any sane person even operating without the Spirit of God could look at this and tell you this is bizarre."
"Reflect on those stirrings so you can understand what is of God and what is not."
"Do not be deceived by false prophets and false teachers."
"Don't despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good."
"Do not quench the spirit, do not utterly reject prophecies, but examine everything, holding firmly to that which is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
"The sign that a false prophet is talking to you: there should not be confusion."
"Test the spirit, pray and see if this is confirmed to you in prayer and in the study of the word."
"Test the spirits: Confession of Jesus Christ is key."
"Since the devil is the father of all lies, I find it best not to pay attention to what any demon has to say."
"Don't ever be afraid or embarrassed to say, 'I thought I heard from God, but I didn't.'"
"The issue with false teachers is not the outside; it's inward."
"These are signs and lying wonders; you have to be wary of."
"Just because Satan gives you something that's 20% true, 30% true, even 60%, 70% true, 80% true, and he wrote that on a note card for you, I'm not going to kiss it because it's mixed with the devil's truth."
"Discernment is the ability to know the difference between what's right and what's almost right." - Spurgeon on discernment
"The biblical definition of demonization debunks wordplay like 'Christians can have demons.'"
"The serpent affirms God exists in the same way Andy Stanley would affirm Jesus exists. We have to hear the hissing around the statements that some of these teachers are making."
"I'm not friends with hell, I'm not friends with death, I'm not friends with 11 of this world."
"God is going to make a big distinction between his anointed and those who are playing or pretending to be his anointed."
"Discern between what is of God, what is you, what is the enemy, what is the world."
"False prophets are going to be way better than the false prophets of times past."
"You can pivot seasons in your life, discern opportunities when the Lord is moving."
"The most important thing... is to have discernment and have a relationship with the most high."
"The word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
"Be careful who you listen to," he warned. "Just because they're doing signs and wonders does not mean it's from God."
"The wisdom of God is foolishness to carnal people."
"Wisdom, Holy Spirit intuition will always warn you someone's a satanic agent."
"Test the spirits is God's command and you better be alerted, beware and be very wary and careful of anyone who tells you you don't need to."
"We must test prophets by the biblical tests."
"Enough is enough. We as Christians must discern these spirits around us and deal with them."
"Maybe the Lord isn't speaking to you because what you're thinking about doing isn't from the Lord."
"Spiritual discernment brings us in tune with those forces and helps us to navigate them."
"The word of God is going to weed you out."
"My view of the Holy Spirit is far too high to allow for someone to stay in a false system indefinitely and feel no conviction about it."
"Take heed where you settle yourself, try all by this single test: Is Jesus and free forgiveness proclaimed here?"
"That's where you're going to gain that godly wisdom be influenced by the word and not the world."
"When you hear accusing thoughts in your mind, they're not from God."
"He may know it as surely as if he read it with his own eyes. Nay, he may know it more surely than that, for if I read a thing with my eyes, even my eyes may deceive me, the testimony of sense may be false, but the testimony of the Spirit must be true."
"You need to distinguish between condemnation and conviction."
"If you want to do theology, if you want to discern where God is at work in something you do, you need Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience."
"...God's Word is always right, therefore that's how they knew of the man that was speaking whether he had the right revelation of the word or not."
"Judge spiritual things with a spiritual mind."
"When you know how to discern, your prayers can be so targeted that you hit the mark."
"Cultivating discernment and an appreciation for nuance is crucial for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding and to live a life that's aligned with their highest truths."
"We've got to be careful as we're sifting through this process not to be lured astray."
"Anything that pulls us away from God, no matter how good or beautiful it may seem, ultimately does not serve our greater good."
"The only way that you can ever recognize when the devil is lying to you is if you know the truth of God's word."
"You can discern what God is doing in your life; you can discern the will of God."
"It is way helpful to know what's going on and how that thing got in so that they can repent and that you can have authority over that thing and take care of it."
"He who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us."
"God is seeking for a generation of men and women who don't know God with their senses but know God by their Spirit."
"You have the right, as a gift from God, to have spiritual discernment."
"I want to be so aligned with the Spirit of God that I can see a fraud a mile away."
"What I'm going to show you in this final teaching on witchcraft exposed today is showing you how a person could idolize a church leader."
"You will always know how much authority you have in your life by what happens when you get near darkness."
"You need to discern things spiritually by following the Bible and not the teachings of men."
"I've been praying for discernment, I've been praying for guidance."
"Spiritual discernment will show you that."
"Anything that is instant is not from God; it's from the devil."
"The spiritual man... understands or discerns all things, though he is not understood by men."
"The spiritual man is judged by no man and he's able to judge all things."
"The gift of discernment is a spiritual gift to see what is going on in the spirit realm that you and I would otherwise not be able to see."
"Your spirit of discernment is so powerful, this how you know that you really belong to God."
"If you all speak with tongues and the unlearned comes in, won't they say you're all mad? But if one prophesizes and reveals the secrets of the heart, won't they fall down and say truly God is with you?"
"We learn to distinguish between a mystical fanciful autosuggestion and experience of spiritual reality."
"There is a difference between the spirits, between the Spirit of God which gives peace and joy, a peace and joy which lasts, and the spirits of this world which excite us for a while but leave us empty, tired, and sad."
"These are the three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God."
"Discernment is a function of the spirit from the Holy Spirit."
"There's nothing that is more great in our lives that God gives us than the ability to recognize deception when it comes."
"The ability to discriminate between the eternal and the non-eternal is the beginning of spiritual freedom."
"This is how we may discern daily by experience that we are coming to know Him."