
Human Equality Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The solution to the problem is to stop looking at 'this guy's white, this guy's black, this guy is Chinese, this guy is Japanese,' but to say, 'this guy is a human being; what am I? A human being. Great, he can be my favorite character.'"
"I speculate that you have an inner experience of life that is as rich, full, urgent, deep, and important to you as my experience of life is to me."
"I just really wish that, you know, one day people realize that we're all human, our hearts all beat the same, we all feel the same, and we all should care about one another regardless of what we look like or what we think."
"There's also the person, human beings are human beings."
"They're realizing that young black people and people of color, that all human beings especially Americans, we just want the same thing."
"God made us equally valuable, but purposely different."
"If you're ethically vegan, you believe that sentient life of animals on par with sentient life of humans."
"All humans, no matter their status, have the same feelings and hearts."
"Human beings, equal and different, reflect the divine image."
"The position of this organization saying tonight is that skin color does not matter instead the character the soul and the spirit of a human being matters and that is what we should always put give a preference on."
"If you're black, Mexican, Arab, Chinese, I don't care what your race is, you're human just like me."
"He's normal, he's just a human being like me, like you."
"We all bleed the same. Fact, we all gotta tie our shoes the same, unless you wear Velcro, then you just step over."
"More important than the color of your skin or your language or your culture or your religion even, is the fact we're all human beings."
"Women are normal, they're human, they're ordinary."
"We're all humans, and that God loves everybody."
"You don't judge each other based upon our humanity but on the color of our skin."
"Don't compare yourself to celebrities, we're all human."
"Race, for example, doesn't affect our fundamental capacity."
"Nobody's life is more or less valuable than those of say Etika or Reckful. We are all human the same. Don't make the same mistake again." - Clara
"It's like everybody everybody just a human being."
"We all have the same organs, it's not about what you have, it's about who you are and what that person connects you with and for how long that is."
"Love must be the driving force in all human nature, regardless of sex, race, sexuality, gender, age, nationality, whatever." - Magnus Hirschfeld
"What separates a person in Mexico from a person in America? Nothing except a border."
"The opposite gender is not alien. I am a human being, therefore nothing human can be alien to me."
"Whatever happens... we need to insist that the people in Tasmania... were fully human... there was nothing less human about them."
"I see people, I don't see skin color, I don't see sexual preference, I don't see gender, I just see people."
"The Bible got it right all along because the Bible has always taught that there's only one race."
"We gotta see us as human beings man because as soon as we say anything about any other culture everybody comes down on our necks."
"We're image bearers of God, we're all part of one human race."
"God created one race, the human race, and human beings created racism."
"We are all brothers and sisters, and no one is superior, no one is inferior."
"All human beings are equal around the planet."
"It shows the world that we are all the same."
"All lives matter equally because we are all human beings."
"Why don't we treat people as fellow human brothers?"
"There is only one race, and that is the human race."
"We judge people for what they do, not for how they were born."
"The confusion is all about the fact that it's one God and it's one human race. We keep dividing ourselves off and thinking, 'Oh, he's different,' but actually, there's only one God."
"Society made us different, but God made us all human beings."
"We're all human beings, and they propagate all these identities—left, right, black, white, gay, straight—to prevent unity."
"A human is a human, period. What difference does it make?" - Reiteration of the universal value of human life.
"Watch out for that story of good guys and bad guys. It's not a real story. Watch out for labels. There's no demons fighting a holy war on this planet. We're all human beings."
"Struggling with same-sex attractions doesn't make you any lesser of a human or Muslim."
"The declaration of independence is a kind of ringing declaration of human equality."
"We are all the same. We're all circles: some are natural, some are enhanced."
"It's about the content of your character, not the color of your skin. We all bleed red; that's what we have in common. We're all in the human race." - MLK
"Every human being on Earth should have the same expectation of rights."
"There's no superheroes here. There's just people."
"We're all human beings, I don't care what color you are. We should all have the same rights. Why doesn't the government see that?"
"There's only one race on the planet, that's the human race."
"There's only one race, it's the human race." - Jane Elliott
"We're all born naked and we're all equal no matter what."
"We're all humans, you're a human, he's a human, and we should all be treated the same even if you have differences."
"Humans are equal in value, but they are different in abilities."
"Race is an illusion, we're all human beings."
"Cruelty, unkindness, exploitation, injustice, all these are only possible if we think the other is other."
"We're all human beings, we all breathe the same air, we all desire the same basic things."
"It's about being united as people because we are all essentially the same."
"Some people do not object; they regard this as being a refreshing expression of liberalization, of open borders, of human equality."
"Regardless of our diagnosis, we're still human beings just like everyone else."
"I think we're all the same, everyone's created by God."
"There's only one race on the planet: the human race."
"Human equality is an assumption built into the idea of the social contract because in the state of nature everybody's naturally equal."
"The spiritual hierarchy matters more than social hierarchy. Human dignity exists in all, regardless of status."
"We're all children of God, we're all human beings."
"Nobody is a special person on this planet."
"We must be equal because according to the book of Acts chapter 17 verse 26, out of one blood God made all nations."
"The Quran speaks of equality among humans; it says that they were all created equally from a single mother and father."
"At the end of the day, we are literally all the same. We are just these beautiful souls housed in our vessel as our body that we're staying in."
"All human beings are equal; the only difference being who is more righteous, virtuous, and in good conduct in the sight of God."
"You are valuable because you were made by and for God in the same image and likeness I was created."
"Basically, we are the same human being."
"We're all just humans and just treat each other how you would want to be treated."
"We all humans, we all built the same, you know, we all have to assign the same energy, and we always everyone can achieve anything."
"Some people are Hindus, others are Turks, some are Muslims, but you must recognize that there is only one caste, one social class of all humankind."
"All humans of all races, creeds, and color are born with the indwelling spirituality that their creator gave to them."
"True feminism is about recognizing that we're all human, right? And even though I'm a woman, it doesn't make me exempt from having any faults."
"The only difference between human beings is the one who's most god-conscious, righteous in the sight of God."
"Don't take people for the face value where they come from and don't judge."
"Our racial differences are meaningless."
"We are all equally human beings in the sense that we have our own lives, we have our own cognitive capacities, and the important thing is that each of us is free to develop our own capacities to our fullest extent."
"Human being is a human being, it doesn't matter where you're from."
"Every human being has the same price tag."
"You have to kind of like humble yourself too; it's just like you are a human being."
"We are all on the same plane as all of humanity."
"I ain't even know you were gay till you said it, and I don't care if you're gay, you're a human."
"Every human being is equal in value."