
Proving Wrong Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You're going to let them be right, bro, or are you going to prove the haters and the doubters wrong?"
"We are proving the people who said that we didn't have a chance wrong."
"I would do anything in my power to prove them wrong."
"Daddy, I'm about to prove you wrong right now."
"I'm proving them all wrong, they about to be sick off this one."
"I wish them all the best and I would love to be thoroughly proved wrong."
"It's crazy. He proved a lot of people wrong."
"I'm in the process of healing and I'm going to prove a lot of people wrong, I'm going to prove myself right."
"We're changing the narrative and proving Google wrong."
"If you think I'm not a threat, I'm like, ah, incorrect."
"Do you want to prove everyone wrong? Show them how smart you really are."
"It's just a challenge to prove people wrong."
"Work your ass off and prove them wrong."
"Carolyn is proving the doubters wrong."
"It fuels my fire, it just makes me get in the gym and work harder and prove them wrong."
"You definitely proved them wrong."
"If they don't want me, I'll go fast by the dust and prove them all wrong."
"There's only one way to prove him wrong and that's to read this book and start living this life and prove him wrong."
"There are great leaders out there, proving Zahir wrong."
"I just want to prove you wrong because you are wrong about me. I am talented, I do deserve to be here."
"I'm so excited to prove you wrong."
"Best revenge you can get is just proving him wrong."
"You're proving them wrong. You're showing them wrong."
"jake once again exceeded expectations y'all can continue to not believe in this kid but he's going to continue to prove you wrong undefeated jake paul and that's why i'm just like yeah welcome to the show"
"In life, you're always going to get people that doubt you. You take it on board and use it as motivation to prove them wrong."
"I don't have many people that doubted me in the past but the few that did, the sly comments they'd throw my way, they really served as fuel that would really make me want to prove them wrong."
"If life's got you down, get up and prove them wrong."
"I proved everyone wrong. It was such a crazy moment for me."
"I just always had that belief that 'I'm gonna prove you wrong.' Like, 'I'm gonna do this.'"
"You might not believe in me but I got enough in myself and I'll prove you wrong."
"You know your year can't be that sublime you may be right but I'll prove you wrong we'll both find out in time if there lies lies lies lies"
"We're just proving everyone wrong every day."
"I'm going to use this pain to prove you wrong."
"Honestly, I feel like I've had a chip on my shoulder always, to prove people wrong."
"He just proved a lot of people wrong."
"Proving them wrong isn't about changing their opinions but transforming your own self-image."
"When people say you can't, show them anyway."
"Got to love to prove the haters wrong."
"I just got to keep proving people wrong, that's my path."
"Whenever asked why, it was basically the answer was because my dad said you can't do it. So he proved him wrong."
"To all the people that said I couldn't do it, I proved you wrong."
"You thought I was going to get it wrong, huh? Well, you thought wrong."
"I've always had people telling me that I can't do something, and then I've proven them wrong."
"Being doubted is a part of life, but at the same time, proving people wrong is another part of life."
"People assumed that because they can't make it, you can't make it either. Prove them wrong."
"You work really hard for it, man. You basically proved everybody wrong."
"Tony has proved me wrong more than probably any other player."
"I always underestimated you and assumed you would fail, but you kept proving me wrong."
"James Daunt is just out here proving everybody wrong."
"I used to love when people told me I couldn't do something. I'd be like, 'Let me show you, 'cause I'm gonna do it.'"
"The coolest part about the industry is proving people wrong."
"My mom legit said that she thinks I'm gonna be a terrible father, so I'm gonna prove her wrong."
"Think about all the people who doubt you, who say you can't, and go prove them wrong."
"I just wanted to prove all the doubters wrong, and that's what we did this year."
"I was pretty fixated on proving people wrong."
"I'm really, really excited to, you know, prove a lot of people wrong."
"It's amazing what the power of proving people wrong can do."
"I proved them wrong last time, and I'm ready to prove them wrong again."
"Just wait and see, we love proving people wrong."
"And I'm going to show them they made a mistake."
"I'm not gonna lie to y'all, you know, I just like proving them wrong."
"Anytime you have an opportunity to prove people wrong, that's what I intend to do."
"If you know me, I love a challenge, and I kind of want to prove some people wrong."
"Ain't nothing like proving a hater wrong, best feeling in the world."
"You always wanna take on challenges and prove the naysayers wrong."
"I'm about to prove that haters wrong for real for real."
"We proved a lot of people wrong and we always believed in each other here."
"If someone says you can't do something, show them that you can."
"I'm going to show you you're wrong about me."
"That's how you prove people wrong, you just be a better person."
"You prove people wrong that way; you be tough, you handle, you know, be humble, work the right way."
"I proved them wrong though, if they're betting against it, you're like, 'I'm gonna prove you wrong, I'm gonna show you everything is something.'"
"Just have a go, see what you can do, prove everyone wrong."
"You're proving people wrong here."
"He proved everybody wrong, he proved us wrong, he proved anybody who doubted him wrong."
"That's the beauty of football, you know, people prove you wrong."
"We proved them wrong, that's a victory within itself."