
Haters Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"You're going to let them be right, bro, or are you going to prove the haters and the doubters wrong?"
"Like I said, you never meet a hater doing better than you."
"Haters give you more free press than the fans."
"Haters are what make you succeed, huh? Nah, haters won't make you succeed. No, it's not true love as well as hate, it's all love."
"Haters gonna hate. Let 'em hate and watch the money pile up."
"If you don't have haters, you're not doing something right. Salute your haters."
"There's too many haters out there, be positive."
"We all have to deal with haters. Haters don't really hate you; they hate themselves, want to be you, or simply are jealous and envious of what you have or who you are."
"Once you understand you're gonna have haters, and haters are secret admirers, then you're just like, alright."
"You know you made it when you got haters."
"Haters don't think of me less than, they make us. I'm doing better, I'll be the doctor."
"No greater feeling than shutting up your haters."
"Haters are your biggest fans because they always say the opposite of love isn't hate it's indifference."
"I'm hoping that we could go on this new path and just do things differently, like retreat and hide our connection, not because I don't want people to know I'm with you, but because people are haters. They can't see nobody happy, especially me."
"I do ignore haters, I block them."
"Your haters are forced to watch you succeed and win at everything."
"Haters are the biggest fans, truly they're making her hella money."
"Thank you for all you haters, you are obsessed, you're addicted to me, it's okay, I know you like me."
"Haters don't stop nothing. They are not decision-makers. Power brokers. They don't stop nothing, man. And they don't pay your rent, bro."
"I don't mind the haters I love them they motivate me because they wait for distance."
"Work until your haters ask if you are hiring."
"Don't let the haters stop you from doing a thing."
"You're always gonna have haters no matter what you do."
"Genocide, you know, haters hate you because they ain't you."
"If they hate, let them hate and watch the success pile up."
"Haters don't hate, haters don't hate, and bosses like you gonna get paid."
"haters on YouTube are like taxes they're guaranteed"
"That's when it goes back to accept the love, ignore the haters."
"Your haters are actually your biggest fans because they'd be watching."
"Haters are our motivators, so thank you for the extra motiv."
"Winners focus on winning and haters focus on winners."
"If you ain't got no haters, you ain't that gifted."
"An apology is not for your haters, it's for your followers."
"If you don't got haters, you ain't doing something right. I'm going to tell you that right now."
"I don't give my attention to haters. If there's hate on my page, I don't engage with them. I don't want nothing to do with them."
"Maybe the haters are expressing their thoughts because they actually care, and caring is a good thing."
"You're gonna have haters and you're gonna have motivators but you gotta learn not to listen to any of them but yourselves."
"I love you guys. To my haters, what's up?"
"The best thing you can do against the haters, if you do your job the best way you can do, that's the hard punch for them. That's it. 100%."
"You have to be a little bit controversial. No big successful content creator has zero haters."
"Haters can't stop this shine, they can't stop this grind."
"Yeah, these people are fascinated. The more they try to make themselves out to be haters, the more I feel like these people are really like somebody's biggest fans."
"How do you avoid haters? We don't, where are they?"
"If you don't have haters, you're not doing anything with yourself."
"Your Divine protection really be exposing your haters."
"Shout out to my haters for making me stronger, right mom?"
"Your haters have metastasized. It's the hate in your body that's metastasized. Most haters are [__] malignant anyway. Who cares? Recruit some more."
"Haters is your marketing team let them work cuz they going to rap and they going to talk they marketing you ra we we don't look at it like that but these [__] marketing you."
"Haters are always gonna hate. You've grinded hard to get all that you have. You definitely deserve all your blessings."
"Don't let haters stop you from taking risks or being confident."
"Biggest problem being a hater is can't learn."
"Let's give a moment of silence to the haters."
"There's haters and stuff everywhere, but overall, it seems like there's parents and family and people that care about you."
"If you ain't got haters you ain't doing [__] no that's real."
"Haters are your marketing team, let the [__] work, let them work."
"There's always gonna be haters, use that [__] as a motivator."
"Wherever God is doing great things, you'll always find some haters."
"Stop trying to find haters. If you got them, you got them. If you don't, really know. Focus on you, right?"
"Just so you know, all you haters, yeah, I'm never feeding the haters. Don't feed the trolls. Often, I probably don't even see a bunch of them, but the ones I see, I block."
"There was a good group of haters out there."
"Your haters are trying to tap into your essence, but their imitation version is going to stink. They can't replicate what's truly yours."
"You must learn to ignore all the haters."
"Haters mad, the grass isn't always greener on the other side."
"If you don't got haters then you're just not doing something right."
"Haters are like pigs in the mud. They want you to get down to their level and roll around with them."
"More people gravitating to me, man. My message, you know. You got a couple of haters, but it comes with it. The hate comes with it."
"If you walk in there and you're your stereotypical meathead and you don't know anything about the health conditions that could possibly be there, your questions are not good."
"You cannot be ashamed of your haters because they're not hating on you, they're jealous of the gift that God has placed inside of you."
"Just take it as a compliment because when you have a hater, you know you're doing something right"
"That should be something that you're applauding but you know what it is? They're just a hater. Their mama a hater, their grandmama a hater, their aunties are haters."
"You got to be grateful, you need haters, what is you complaining about? What do you think a hater's job is to hate? So let them do their goddamn job, what you complaining about?"
"The haters always hate more than the people who are fans of the 90 who like you."
"Ignore the haters, they don't understand the struggle of living in the berry family."
"If you don't have haters, you ain't doing nothing right."
"Clearly if you don't have haters, you're not loud enough."
"If you ain't got no haters, you ain't popping at the end of the day."
"In this life, people are always going to hate, you know what I'm saying? It's just haters are going to hate."
"Don't let haters on the internet get you down."
"If you ain't got no haters, you ain't popping period."
"I need some new haters because the old ones starting to like me."
"Torture your haters with your success. Intentionally make sure they see you win and win at a big level."
"I don't really care about what the haters say. I just ignore them."
"Get out of your way, become who you want, and watch those haters come out that you thought were your friends."
"Let the haters hate and watch the money pile up."
"Every time I spit these raps, I got my haters standing back."
"Just ignore it if people are haters."
"The reason why haters attack anyone is because they have anger in their hearts. They have that unresolved childhood trauma."
"All haters are narcissists. Narcissistically, they can't get over themselves, so they attack you."
"Guys, relax, you all got haters. None of you are Mother Teresas."
"...if you don't have haters you're not doing your job right... that's right what sign that you're doing something right."
"I feel like you're triggering your haters because maybe some of these haters were your friends one day. They felt like they can have somebody just like you in their life, but life taught them that you were very unique."
"Your haters are triggered because no matter how much they copy you or how much they steal from you or how much they try to hurt you, they can never get to you."
"You're triggering your haters because you walk in a room filled with haters with your head up high. You're not scared of nobody, you are powerful, and I feel like that is very triggering for these haters."
"Haters really don't want to hear you pipe off more than them free hugs."
"You're putting your haters to shame."
"Girl, ain't nothing wrong, girl. Continue to take care of yourself, keep your babies close, and just ignore the haters, that's all."
"People are jealous and they're haters."
"Ignore the haters, let's put that a sign, literally it needs to be right there, you know what we should do to really just bring the 2014 back, put that up, put like a Chevron sign that says like 'live laugh love' or something like that."
"If people are not talking, then it's a problem. But with enemies, man, you must have enemies. You must have haters. That's boring, you must have haters, have people who want to envy you, have people who want what you have, man."
"I would like to thank the haters because you spent years doubting us."
"If you hating, just put it on a t-shirt."
"She commented on a few of my videos saying, 'Keep your haters out my life and get your own.'"
"They're stuck in the past and that's what's making your haters big mad."
"Some of your haters are big mad because they can't even stalk you."
"Your haters are big mad because they can't have what you have."
"If you're hating you are lame and that's on."
"Trust, your haters already know that, that's the secret."
"People can have enemies where it's mutual, but when it comes to haters, there's only one reason: they see something in you that they want."
"Your hater is making themselves mad."
"One thing in life you're gonna always have haters, embrace them."
"I think this is the wake-up call for the last remaining Logan Paul haters."
"The people who come back each and every day are the people that I want to see each and every day, and the haters can come every day if they want to."
"When you're doing something right, you will have hate. If you don't have no haters, you're not popping."
"Have you guys ever been able to confront a hater yeah yeah yeah yeah like in person or online,"
"One of the greatest forms of victory over all your haters is success."
"All my haters, all my trolls, close your eyes and picture me rolling. It's your boy Floss, I'm out."
"Most of your haters will come out of envy."
"Violence ain't the only way that you can deal with the haters."
"We love you, yeah the haters, haters gonna hate."
"Don't ever let the haters bring you down."
"These haters are fueling your success; that's why they say your haters become your motivators."
"Live life to the fullest, regardless of the haters."
"If you liked the video, send it to your haters; when they watch it, they lost ten minutes of their life they'll never get back."