
Financial System Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"The free market is the fix for not only the financials but some of the cleanest markets in the world are run by free market governments."
"The problem is that culturally we don't want to go after Wall Street. The system that we have built is built to not go after Wall Street."
"The bottom line is this: Americans can rest assured that our banking system is safe."
"This is the system not being against you but working for you for once."
"You cannot hope to have a functioning financial system if there are no functioning risk-free curves for people to price assets or hedge assets."
"Bitcoin could be a good insurance policy against the current financial system collapsing."
"Our banking system is sound, and that Americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them."
"Trust is critical. We have killed trust in the Western financial system, and I don't think it's ever coming back."
"We have a system where we have to borrow in order to have an economy; we have to be in debt to the banks."
"The point of the book is to look at what the main central banks in the world have done, in an unprecedented way since the financial crisis, to artificially stimulate the financial system."
"And unfortunately, what's happened with crypto is that instead of becoming this revolution in equity and building a more egalitarian financial system, it's become the very apotheosis of the corruption it aimed to replace."
"If the current global financial system collapses, we need to ensure that the global citizenry has a seat at the table in determining the new system, rather than leaving it to be decided in backroom deals."
"What's going on in the background in the mortgage industry is really, really important because mortgages, in the end, and the mortgage industry, and banks, that's the engine of the housing market."
"Part of the reason that we haven't seen the financial system teeter during this major economic shock was because of those guardrails that we put in place."
"The digital future has seemingly touched the monetary system... it's all about faith and trust."
"It was probably the single most important thing that Alexander Hamilton did in his life."
"The problem here isn't that a few reckless people on Wall Street did crazy things. The problem is deeper than that. It's systemic."
"If you understood the political system and you understood the financial system you've equipped yourself with the tools to be unstoppable."
"They've exposed some real inequities and corruption that exists as part of the infrastructure of what is considered the heart of our free market system."
"Money is just the accounting system. The dollar's just the accounting system. If you start printing lots of money all you're doing is debasing the accounting system. It doesn't make anyone richer."
"When I see the next run on the shadow banking system... that'll be the sign that this cycle is over and that a disaster lies on the horizon."
"America is going to have confidence that the banking system is safe."
"At the end of this reset, we're going to go to a sound money system not because anybody wants to."
"The credit system in this country is an industry designed to prey on poor and desperate people."
"Most people don't understand that the shift in the currency and the financial is a shift in a consciousness."
"Simply saying let's create more money, let's jolt that money into the banking system, that's not a solution to a depression."
"You have to write down... bad debts... a different Financial system... make credit a public utility."
"We're out of tools here. There isn't anything left in the toolbox of the existing financial system."
"We've never gone through one of these cycles with fiat currency before."
"If our system was so safe, sound, and secure, why did they need to borrow almost 165 billion dollars in a backstop liquidity program?"
"The entire system that we're seeing right now on Wall Street is in fact rigged against the little guy."
"The financial system as it is today will never stand for a return to plain vanilla banking."
"Banks are special... they can create money, so when a bank gives a loan, the money for that loan didn't exist beforehand."
"What is it about repo? What is going on there? What are the systemic monetary issues that keep leading to these repeated monetary crises where lender of Last Resort doesn't happen anyway?"
"The protest vote in this case is bitcoin; it's the only way you can really stick the knife into the guts of the banks."
"The bigger issue for our economy right now is not that there's too much money or that the money doesn't get the hugest return on investment and all of the places that it goes. But that it needs to be there."
"Everybody kind of gets that crypto is like a way to equalize the system for the little guy."
"There's just too much cash sloshing around in the system."
"A new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months."
"Is there something much worse underneath the hood in the plumbing of the financial system that is about to break?"
"Our financial system has always been based on trust, but CBDCs introduce programmable digital control."
"Crypto could mess traditional finance up. It's a threat to banking."
"Crypto is the only chance we have to destroy this financial cartel."
"Here's how the WEF plans to scare us about the financial system."
"When all confidence is lost, gold becomes a component of whatever the new money system is."
"Bitcoin is the way out of their controlled system that favors only the wealthy and the elite."
"If people just stop using the dollar, it's the end of it."
"We need to create another system, and that system in my opinion and Jeff's opinion as he eloquently says is built upon Bitcoin."
"In a search for paper, you can't be out here chasing money because we don't control the currency."
"We believe that we have essentially found a way to hack the system."
"There's gonna be opportunities at some point in the story to position yourself to prosper but given the risk level in the system right now boy, I'm really nervous."
"Bitcoin is its own border. It is one entire system that you can move any amount of money that you want to at any time, whenever you want."
"What is left is what the big banks have been doing since 2008."
"What underpins of world order is always the financial system."
"Our entire economic system is built on this fiat currency, this money that's sort of a fiction."
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"Even in the midst of crisis, there's potential for amazing positive repercussions."
"The debt cannot be paid back, it will be defaulted on whether it's via non-payment of current currency units or the devaluation of current currency units via hyperinflation or hyperdeflation."
"Crypto is the solution to all of the central points of failure, opacity, and blatant corruption in the current Global Financial system."
"Crypto is a technology that can update the financial system."
"Anytime a politician has to say the banking system is sound and it's safe you should probably start to ask some questions about what the hell is going on."
"This is not just about making quick gains in stocks, it's about fighting back in the financial system."
"It always comes down to the same thing: money needs to circulate. If participants aren't willing to circulate money, it doesn't matter how much money you create."
"There is no reason why the greatest financial system in the world cannot settle trades in real time."
"Our system of finance comes down to one basic word: trust."
"It's a rigged market and we're part of the rigging."
"Converting the U.S fiat currency back to an equity-based currency could offer several potential benefits."
"Your banking system was designed to keep you in a debt-based system."
"Bitcoin, it is a solution to the issues that we have in the banking system."
"Let all the big companies just go under. Yes, let them drop out. Who cares? Save Main Street, forget Wall Street."
"People need to understand this as well, world central banks have one product and it's debt, that is it. They issue nothing else but debt, they do not create wealth, they create debtors, that's all they do." - Greg Mannarino
"The confidence in the fiat system is getting destroyed by the day."
"You don't get a new monetary standard very often in a lifetime. Moments like this invention, possibly humanity's greatest invention."
"Cryptocurrencies have no basis, no government backing, no institutions backing. It's a decentralized system."
"All dollars are lent into existence, and every loan that gets paid off is a dollar that ceases to exist."
"Bitcoin is far from the bitcoin that we were talking about in 2018... it's clearly shaking the system." - Christine Lagarde
"Bitcoin isn't just a currency or even a store of value. It's an entire trusted, verified, secure financial and accounting system of value."
"Banks don't actually care about you; they only want your money."
"The whole system is totally insane when you really stand it." - Mike Maloney
"The truth becomes clearer when we simply look at our current banking system."
"The reason I love bitcoin is because of scarcity."
"This is more than enough for us to prove that the palace and vineyards are a single legal and financial system. The same people pay for everything."
"Is it all a ponzi scheme? By definition, it is a ponzi scheme. There is more debt than money in the world, and every time you repay that debt, money disappears from the economy."
"But it's clear right now for the countries that they need to create an alternative. It will take some time but probably faster than we expected three four years ago."
"The governments and the central banks are set up in a way to actually steal your money."
"It really is the way this the fiat money system is set up that chooses the winners and the losers."
"Wait for the Quantum Financial system for housing market reset."
"This is the only place in the country where people can actually overpower the money and rewrite the rules of the economy to work for us."
"Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels."
"The system must move to one backed by Commodities and real things... not the opaqueness of the system."
"Bitcoin's first technological breakthrough was as a superior form of money."
"Bitcoin is another type of gold, another type of value. The traditional financial system is going to get wrecked."
"For the first time in human history, we have a financial system that is not predicated on government violence, that is crypto."
"You become your own bank when you no longer become interdependent on the system."
"A debt Jubilee, you know, student loan debt forgiveness, mortgages forgiveness, write it all off."
"We're challenging the financial system with cryptocurrency."
"If we lived in a world in which the money was hard, people would just hold the money and they would think of the future."
"Especially as it pertains to younger people, there has been a real Awakening around the systemic inequalities and quite frankly inherent unfairness of our financial system."
"Wealth inequality is at Gilded Age levels or Beyond, and most people are starting to realize that when it comes to things like massive student debt, The Limited job market, stagnant wages, and a basically rigged Financial system, we are not playing on Fair terms."
"If you're on a fixed income in an exponential system, you're going to get more poor."
"Most people will be better off in a monetary system that doesn't cheat them all the time."
"I think that's right but part of the volume of noise around gold and the economic system is our indebtedness."
"Climate change presents a risk to the global economy and the financial system."
"In theory, if you had a receipt for all goods and services and no more than that, then you would have pretty much a sound system on paper."
"It's not even about the score. 80% of the world is stuck on the score when the banks don't even look at the score as the first thing."
"This dollar system, it's not perfect, but it seems to be holding together."
"The financial system has an embedded growth obligation, it has to keep growing or this particular system breaks and it has to keep growing at a percentage of the previous year, so you have a compounding interest thing which means you have an exponential curve."
"The Fed is basically gone from missing inflation to the risk of potentially missing a financial accident."
"Iraq's steps to engage in the international financial system contribute to enhancing economic development."
"I think almost any president, with full information, would have just said okay I can either risk a collapse in the banking system...or I can come in and spend...to bail these guys out."
"I think what the coronavirus situation has revealed even more than 2008 is that the basic line that they've been giving us about what the financial system is supposed to be for is clearly not true."
"We need to regulate this business and lay digital assets on top of our existing Financial regulatory framework."
"We live in a financial system that mathematically cannot continue on the same path."
"The new rules we passed restore what should be any financial system's core purpose: Getting funding to entrepreneurs with the best ideas, and getting loans to responsible families who want to buy a home, or start a business, or send their kids to college."
"Ethereum's value proposition would just be like an alternative financial system."
"Larry Fink was on...the Davos...talked about the application of tokenization technology for safety and soundness of the financial system."
"I Will Teach You To Be Rich," the book, is all about a system that allows you for your money to flow and you spend less than one hour per month on your finances."
"The only solution in the end is for us regulators and our successors to continue to monitor the entire financial system and to try to identify problems and to respond to them using the tools that we have."
"When I got on the right system for my money, that's when my life changed."
"I think it's very powerful you know it has the potential to completely reorganize how the financial system works."
"Bitcoin gets around monopolistic financial intermediaries that interpose themselves between buyers and sellers."
"I don't really think we need a central bank I was the head of the central bank but now that I'm out of there I don't think we really needed one."
"The 18-year cycle is the single best tool for explaining the system, how it operates, who wins and who loses."
"The financial system is an efficient way of bringing together those who save with those who borrow."
"I started to learn through the Occupy movement... that not only was the Obama administration pumping trillions of dollars into the financial system to keep that same financial system that screwed my family."
"When loans are made based on good solid criteria... this system works really well."
"The points don't matter and everything's made up, much like our financial system."
"The ability to issue debt period is a debt based system they've created."
"Too much leverage in the financial system makes things fragile, makes things more vulnerable to booms and then more vulnerable to busts."
"The money multiplier is the amount of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves."
"It's extremely bullish that this system exists."
"80% of Americans are not happy with the current financial system as it is today; they think it's too slow, the fees are too high, it doesn't serve everybody equally."
"I would really encourage you to figure out a system that you agree with and just go all in on it."
"We may have created a sort of Frankenstein in the financial system that has become too large, half of it securitized and channeled through markets that are difficult to control."
"The entire economic system is so goddamn fragile."
"It's easier to blame, but find the mirror at ourselves, we're not part of this whole money game."
"I've created a practical system for aligning yourself with the flow of money."
"I would love for our financial system, which has many flaws, to be better."
"Systematic risk is the risk inherent in a financial system."
"The dollar plays an important role in the global financial system and it's increased rather than diminished."
"I think our financial system is extremely fragile."
"The U.S. financial system is one of the great assets of the country; it is the envy of the world."
"The gold standard is one kind of constraint; in fact, with the gold standard, you can do away with the central bank."
"If we can make the financial system work properly, then we can have a much better World both domestically and on a global level."
"One of the most essential functions of the financial system is to share risk, which is mainly handled by the banking sector."
"The circular flow of income recognizes that the economy works by the flow of money round and round."
"The BSA provides a foundation to promote financial transparency and to deter and detect those who attempt to misuse the US financial system."
"Crypto is really kind of forcing us to address questions in our existing monetary and financial system that we have let go unanswered for far too long."
"The most powerful sanctions to date have blocked Russia's largest financial institutions and its central bank from the global financial system."
"Improving the functioning of the financial system is thus an important public policy objective."
"Building a financial system fit for the future requires a vision for what we want to achieve."
"Good investment management is a crucial factor in ensuring that our financial system promotes economic growth."
"We're talking about a changeover of the entire financial system."
"The agreement not only was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent countries but also created two important global financial institutions: the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund."
"This whole system only works if the system is always over collateralized."
"...you can't really consider the future of China's economy without considering the future of its Financial system as a whole."
"The current fiat financial system cannot be saved; there's a monetary reset underway."
"...I really am not convinced that we have a healthy Financial system that is designed to promote productivity in our economies."
"I'm going to show you how the economy is set up and how money printing is set up to disproportionately benefit the rich."
"Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin give the public an escape route from the splatter zone when this bubble invariably bursts."
"We stand ready to act if needed to safeguard the stability of the Canadian financial system."