
National Issues Quotes

There are 346 quotes

"This idea of weaponizing capital is very dangerous and is probably the largest issue that our country is going to face over the next couple of years."
"We think we deserve to know what's going on in our own country."
"Let's try to unify as Americans and try to get something done to prevent these future instances from happening."
"I'm interested in helping the people of this country right now."
"Our families are hurting, our country can do better."
"The American voter was complacent to just sit back, watch it all happen, and vote. Well, now people have woken up because this country is dealing with serious issues."
"We have divided our country in a very deep way."
"Your mouth gets you in trouble, and the country has really serious problems we need to address right now."
"Democrats can't look and hear these stories without realizing what a disaster this administration has brought onto this country."
"USA Facts is more than just a source of information; it's a tool that can help provide answers to pressing questions about the current state of the nation."
"We are not a great nation when we have 40 million people living in poverty and in despair."
"American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country."
"The NLC is sounding it loud and clear that Nigerians are hungry, that our currency is weak, that transportation is high, that there's insecurity everywhere, that there is unemployment everywhere."
"In the history of our country there has never been a disgrace like what's going on right now."
"In the midst of a very tough week for Americans..."
"We have to tell the story of the crossroads where our nation is coming apart, and it will continue to come apart, or we can use this moment as an opportunity to transform. But there is no going back to where we were."
"America, we will make us better than what we saw in that video."
"This is what it takes to take our country back."
"Let us campaign and deal with the issues of the problems of the country."
"We have got to begin addressing the enormous crises facing this country."
"We have a major problem with security in Nigeria."
"If we can't all be on the same side on this stuff then we're done as a country."
"We are headed for a national divorce very quickly, and it's gonna be messy."
"We're supposed to be the greatest country in the planet and this is what some of our American citizens have to go through."
"How can we advance the country... if we can't even discuss the problems?"
"The U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 107 percent... that's a total public U.S. debt divided by the nominal GDP."
"And it isn't just gonna solve mass shootings, it's gonna solve all the shootings that are going on all over the country."
"These are dark days, dark times for our nation."
"Nigeria has been destroyed, it has to be rebuilt and you have to reimagine it."
"There is no problem of India which cannot be solved with risk-taking initiatives."
"Our inability to have any sense of unity as a country is a tragedy."
"You people have been responsible for dividing this country to a Breaking Point creating a projection of national Division."
"Let's just remove this hate that's going on in our country."
"It's absurdity piled on absurdity... and very bad for the country."
"We hate what's just happening right now in our country."
"Finally, a collapse is not going to solve any of China's problems."
"It's a national emergency and it demands a national solution."
"The country was in the midst of a full-blown constitutional crisis."
"Looking at the big picture, don't we have enough to just really as a country all agree we need to look into it?"
"Trump's got to finish that character Arc he's got to finish what he's what he came here to do."
"This is not out of this is not out of frustration this is out of determination and resolve to get our country back on track that's what it's about."
"There is one fundamental focus that Xi has, it's on China, and his problem right now is that China is eroding from under him."
"There are some fundamental changes which need to be done... We need judicial reforms in this country."
"India has suffered, it needs to understand and assert itself."
"If more guns was the answer, the United States of America would be the safest nation in the world. But it's not."
"Nigeria is struggling, Nigeria is on drip. We must forget about APC, PDP, and all. Let's look at what we can do to help this country."
"The next parliament should be about the recovery of the economy, the NHS, education, all of the issues they care about rather than simply the division and disunity that will come from having another independence referendum."
"This is urgent. These things that we talk about are absolutely fundamentally important to the health of American democracy."
"These are tumultuous times, but we can and will have a respectful exchange about the big issues facing our nation."
"President Biden said, 'Look, we got a lot of people hurting out in our country today, and we have to act. We need to act fast.'"
"It should not be a Democrat or Republican issue. It should be an American issue."
"I think it is always important to be able to work with people on issues of national importance across the political divide."
"This country is fracturing and falling apart."
"We have problems like we've never had in the history of our country."
"Just wanting change, rich people want it, poor people want it, everybody wants change. Our country is really doing poorly."
"If we don't seize this opportunity that we have, we will lose this country."
"Judgment is coming if we don't repent as a nation."
"This is a national tragedy, entirely self-inflicted."
"America, we have lost our story, we have lost our narrative, we have lost our North Star, and our out-of-control spending is freely only one part of it."
"We can't ignore what's happening in the country, and it's going to get worse."
"Brexit is still a profound and long-term national diminishment."
"It's a very dark day for American democracy."
"He has seemingly solved the nation's biggest issue in a way that the people are supportive of."
"Nigeria is messed up. Nigeria is killing a youth. Nigeria is killing everybody clean up."
"Understanding what's actually going on under the bonnet about in your country or your economy is like what we should all be trying to do."
"2012 to 2022 has actually seen China develop a lot of issues... Every bad thing that's happened in China has been under the leadership of Xi Jinping."
"That case in Chicago is a disgrace to our nation."
"A country is crying out for leadership, leadership that can unite us, leadership that brings us together."
"We have no accountability left in this country."
"Now I'm running for Congress because we're going backwards on national security health care and women's rights"
"I feel like this country is in desperate need of religion."
"This is a bad recipe for our country no matter how you cut it."
"Some of us can be healed, overcome, and save our country."
"This is an election unlike any other. This is an election about us."
"The evidence is clear, a largely foreign funded targeted and coordinating attack on critical Canadian infrastructure is hurting Canada and harming Canadians."
"Trump is reflecting this wake-up that's occurring about the fact that, lo and behold, there is a country that's emerged, and it is rivaling us in many dimensions, and its behavior is unacceptable."
"The Democrats are still in bed with the people who screwed over this country."
"Sri Lanka is in full crisis mode, this is by far the largest economic crisis the nation has faced since independence."
"Right now the american people need more support."
"There are certain things that rise way above partisan differences that threaten the United States."
"Republicans are doing this on the national level."
"School choice is on the California agenda and nationally."
"We're in hard times, and it's our duty to try to address that hardship."
"This is a brotherhood, this is a country...we've got to figure these things out."
"This is the real conversation that needs to be had in America."
"Virtually every day the destruction of the family is at the root of nearly every problem plaguing America."
"I think America is mature enough to deal with the truth."
"We are facing a very serious crisis in this country."
"The greatest nation on Earth cannot keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next."
"Economic issues overwhelmingly Americans agree."
"Our country should be ashamed of what's going on."
"This is a self-inflicted wound on our nation."
"The greatest problem that our country is confronting today is pervasive civic ignorance."
"Life has gotten much harder for virtually every American across the country."
"It's about a transformation in consciousness."
"The moral leadership of this nation matters."
"I felt God's fierce intention to save America."
"An unfolding assault taking place in America today."
"This country is just becoming extremely divided."
"As sad and hurtful as some things are, this can be the catalyst for unbelievable change in our country."
"The Turkish lira has almost halved in value over the last year, disastrous from turkey's perspective."
"Politics at the national level is more like religion."
"If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we'll never address the very real problems our country faces."
"I agree with you, this is not a left issue, this is not a right issue, this is an American issue."
"This is our time. I believe that... we're going to get this right in America."
"This is a unpleasant time for America... but the good news is the rule of law still matters."
"Whether you agree with him politically or disagree with him politically the guy clearly cares clearly cares he he empathizes with what the hell the is plaguing our country."
"If the US was energy independent from the get-go, this wouldn't be an issue."
"The whole damn country needs a kick in the ass."
"Germany is quite literally facing its most serious energy crisis in Generations."
"We are playing with fire in America right now."
"The nation's sort of political center of gravity seems to be in two places right now."
"Every single public official dropped what they were doing in Canada to handle this."
"We are gonna sort this country out the way it should have been."
"Climate change is a major, major crisis for this country."
"Fatherlessness is the number one problem in America, not just Black America but in America."
"This is a decisive moment in our country and in our future."
"If Thursday is truly about setting out the state of the nation, we're going to have to look past the carefully crafted smoke and mirrors."
"This is why it's so important that every one of us, every single American stand up and say no war with Iran."
"The crisis on the border is a national problem. It Demands a national solution."
"Tonight we meet at an urgent time for our country."
"If your national project revolves on doing this issue that's currently happening and ongoing and you turn a blind eye to that then there are always going to be people that say it's not enough we need to do more of it."
"A number of Americans are very concerned and very alarmed."
"America has been captured by fraudsters and criminals."
"What a horrid leader, Canada, get it together."
"Foreign policy starts at home. Fix your home first before you tell others. You need to have your house in order."
"Saga that speaks volumes about the state of our country... symptoms of a society that's been LED astray by those more interested in power than principle."
"The Republicans and the Democrats have both committed treason against the American people."
"Venezuelans can solve all their problems themselves."
"China's national credibility is collapsing." - Tiffany Meyer
"The only way to prevent us confronting the problems our country's facing... is to pit us against one another."
"This is a deeply deeply troubling and disturbing and shakes up the entire core of the nation."
"It is outrageous that Canada's state-funded news agency is spreading an incomplete story."
"God bless you all and I never thought anything like this could happen in America."
"Our elections were like those of a third world country, and now this massive election interference at a scale never seen before in our country."
"We've always had problems... but that doesn't mean we have to throw out everything."
"The real chaos that Nigeria is going to face, the one that will shake Nigeria to its foundation, it's not actually because of Elections only."
"How much lunacy can we the American people put up with with the incompetency and frankly the intentionality because this is very intentional what's happening to our country."
"The entire nation needs to come together and stop focusing on elements of fear."
"This is not a left issue, this is not a right issue, this is an American issue."
"This isn't an issue of politics, this is an issue of sovereignty."
"It's destroying the country... we're tearing each other apart."
"It's a disgrace to our country. It's a hoax. And it should never, ever be allowed to happen again."
"People are getting sick and tired of watching this country that was filled with great promise go down the tubes."
"Violence, especially against minorities at the hands of police, is not unique to the United States, but it's the rate of that violence in the U.S. that is staggering."
"Until you figure out why they hate us so much... we're never going to fix any of the problems in this country."
"Maybe a little humility will help us get to a more of a national renewal."
"The British state is at the center of this moral failure."
"I just feel sad about the state of the country really."
"We have to bring the country together to solve the problems."
"Is it because the Haitians are somehow inferior? Or is it because their resources are being sold, and they're getting none of it?"
"I feel as though we have lost our sense of balance in this country."
"Can you understand the rage in the country as a result? I know I can."
"We will not be able to free Cuba if we don't fix our country."
"The truth is America needs to have a serious conversation about Joe Biden and the Biden family and their business dealings."
"Thank you, Mr. President, for your national call to action."
"We have to have a complete and total recalibration of what we value in our country."
"But I think he feels that what’s happened in this country was a bad thing and bad for our country."
"Britain's broken. How on Earth did we get into this mess?"
"What's wrong with America today is that we are reaping from having not sown to the word of God as a culture."
"People of Australia should be goddamn livid."
"How can we come back as a country from just how much of a clown Sideshow it's all become?"
"Nigeria is not working. People are asking that something should be done."
"If we are ever to solve the problems we are facing, we must recognize national responsibility for this issue."
"America's got a problem and we have to stop talking about this like this is just a specialty issue."
"The only thing that is going to save Nigeria is the mercy of God."
"It's time that we have conversations in this country."
"Everyone's under, this country is going down, man. There is a massive and steep decline that's really happening very swiftly."
"There's something very seriously wrong with the governance in this country."
"America's jarring inequality is a national emergency."
"His perspectives on the issues like nuclear threats, border security, energy policy are vital contributions to the National conversation."
"A lone voice amidst the chaos, fearlessly questioning and challenging the decisions that have shaken the nation's faith."
"We have a problem in this country that transcends anything in the political realm: incompetence."
"United States sleeping on their faces... becoming complacent... in huge trouble."
"Why and how India has become the global epicenter."
"This is going to be the month that defines the future of how these issues are seen in America."
"This is not something to break up the United States over."
"I mean, that Americans are saddled with. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Just look at our healthcare system. Just a disaster."
"I do think this is going to end up being a critical turning point for our country this year. I have confidence in Attorney General Garland."
"The biggest threat to the United States is not terrorism, it's not weapons of mass destruction, it's not climate change, it's... our debt."
"We have to wake up, America has to wake up, and we have to start being smart to deal with these tyrants. We can't continue to let them run all over us."
"We have to be known as the party that has answers to every question facing Canadians."
"Thank you, Iowa yang gang! What an amazing crowd here tonight."
"This will go down in history as a profound failure of our national government."
"I just feel like we're just too corrupt as a nation as a system for this to really work."
"We need to sort out the borders thing because it's what we inherited."
"We need to be talking about the systemic aspects that are plaguing our country."
"No, America has crap infrastructure. This is an embarrassment."
"America is so much closer on these issues than some people in the media would want you to believe."
"Thank you for standing up for liberty in Canada."
"The crisis that is unfolding is a humanitarian crisis, a public health crisis, and a national security crisis."
"America is a house on fire and flooding simultaneously."
"You've been looking at things that you wouldn't have believed possible in our country." - President Trump
"I think that many countries are in demographic decline."
"We've got a problem in this country, I think we need new management."
"South Sudan is still an issue, and rivals have agreed to unify the army command."
"It is time for a Reckoning for justice in this country."
"Corruption kills entrepreneurship, nobody thinks in a corrupt country."
"The real issue here transcends political affiliations, it's about the core values of our nation."
"Things are going to get very very nasty in the country."