
Request Quotes

There are 1950 quotes

"I've been asked by I think all 10 billion people on Earth to play."
"Can I just get your attention for two minutes? Just two minutes."
"We have a lot to do, could we please just chill?"
"Dude, if you want us to remove that doll, can you turn one of these candles off?"
"Can I breathe? Can I just breathe a little? Like, I just want to breathe a little. Please, I'm asking you politely, tell me to breathe."
"I never do this but I'm gonna be bold and ask for a photo because I feel like I'm never gonna get like this type of opportunity."
"Tell me I'm beautiful, please tell me I'm beautiful."
"I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here. Could I see her, please?" - The Terminator, The Terminator.
"Can I take that bottle and can I get one more bottle? Yeah, to go to bed."
"Can I get some keys where's that piano guy at, can I get some keys or something you guys?"
"Separate isolated platforms will lead to radicalization and civil war on our Weimar Germany."
"Is there any way I could hear the Harley Quinn giggle?"
"More Ghostbusters, can you turn all the lights on in the office?"
"I never wanted this. Now, do you love me enough to respect this and leave?"
"If you guys want to see me Pokemon hunt in roblox again, please let me know."
"We're just asking for paperwork, you're disturbing our peace."
"Let us know if you want us to unpack this further."
"I'm tired of these artists, can you show me somebody that's a little bit different?"
"I've had more good days with you than anyone else, just give me one more good day."
"David Schaefer respectfully requests that Fanny be disqualified and that this case be dismissed."
"More maps for the love of god, we need more crucible maps."
"To whomever is reading this now, I only ask one favor: to get through the door, you turn the radio back on."
"Give me the three Tok please, give me the silver."
"I'm double lucky. I'm very lucky to have her, and I'm lucky in that I know how lucky I am."
"Just give me the look, okay? I have suffered."
"Oh my god what I was going to ask will wait can I get it can I get another kettle one on the rock."
"I'm asking anyone who has reposted or shared the image of me... to please stop."
"Please don't leave without me I'll just be super quick."
"Please, please stop hitting the like button so much, it is literally ruining my life."
"Mom, please don't turn the internet off, I need this squad battle game."
"Redemption has to be something that she asks for."
"Can we ban Skull of Gul'dan just for my mental well-being?"
"There is a formal request to authorities... for an investigation to be opened."
"Sorry, but can you delete this? He belongs to a company and this would give him so much trouble."
"If you want to see Galadon dressed up, then let us know."
"Somebody tabbed you like that out for me, please."
"Ma'am, can we please come inside and use your phone?"
"It would mean the world to me, literally, if you'd hit that subscribe button."
"Can I have flowers please? Talk work, Nintendo!"
"It'd be great if you can I'd appreciate it very much indeed."
"Father, do something in this place today that changes us."
"I beg you to be kind but if not then I beg could I die in a very entertaining manner."
"He then bowed to Lionel and begged him to teach him his magic."
"So this Christmas, my friends, do me a favor."
"Can we talk, please? That's all we asking for. That's all we asking for."
"Whoever it is please stop do tick-tock videos or something."
"Please hit that like button for me, I would appreciate it."
"If you want me to start doing tutorials on the bases themselves please let me know in the comments section below."
"That was a ton of fun! My only request, I wish there was more."
"Show us something, please show us something."
"We're similar, maybe that's why I thought that I could ask this of you all."
"If you have any ideas where I can find a huge amount of warhorses then by all means let me know, but otherwise I thank you very much for watching and I will see you next time."
"Please let Pete know we would love to see more videos from him."
"Can you read my comment just once please? It would make me so happy."
"Now I'm gonna put out an askin' and say hey, listen..."
"Please let's have better communication next time."
"Gas and groceries for my boys and me please."
"Let's go, man! I've been wanting them to add Sky Royale as a custom server, dude. Let's go!"
"I need just a little bit of evidence, Brenda."
"If you're a part of the Ninja Warrior team and you're watching this, can we ever go on your course, please, and film the video? Yes, yes!"
"Disarm the baby cannon please and thank you."
"I want a battleground that is team deathmatch... it should be a thing make it thank Blizzard."
"I like being with you the most. Will you stay with me?"
"For the Golden State Warriors, just please make us healthy, man."
"Can we get rid of the fire in the middle of our house, please?"
"Can we have bonkers in the new smash brothers?"
"Drop a like on the video for that. I need all the likes."
"Season five is amazing. More of this please."
"Chief, grant me the honor of this challenge."
"Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, 'cause I need to know."
"Can we get 20,000 likes? It's free, doesn't do anything to your YouTube account."
"This is the coolest thing ever, can we have this in all manhunts please?"
"I hope it's not imposing, but can you please help me with one more thing?"
"This is delicious, mother, more please."
"That's all I ask, for them to do a thorough investigation of her death."
"So many of you have asked for this one, so hopefully you enjoyed it."
"I really don't have anywhere to go. Can I just stay here for tonight?"
"Do you have somewhere more private we could speak?"
"Now if you haven't subscribed already, I would love it if you did."
"The Duke can see me," said Holmes. "Please tell him that I am here."
"World's Strongest Man, do us a favor, get a live stream going."
"Graciella asked Gabby if she could pick her up."
"It's my last request. Kill me by your own hands."
"Zabara the great Mystic of the Beyond shall grant your request."
"Can we go eat please? Let's go eat."
"Will you treat my sister with all the respect she deserves?"
"What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said to him, 'Rabbi, let me recover my sight.'"
"Let me have this one, okay? Let me have this one."
"As always, thanks for watching, click that subscribe button."
"Rimuru asks Veldora if he wants to become his friend."
"Give the people what they want; ask and then you shall receive."
"I want keys to the 512, come here now, let's go."
"I'm really annoyed, seriously stop."
"Please stop insulting my intelligence."
"Kuma specifically asked Vegapunk to remove his consciousness."
"I want this in real life, why doesn't it not exist? Funko, get on it now."
"Can you turn me on? Someone turn me on, please."
"Give me 20 niches for faceless Tick Tock account."
"I'm in need of a savior but I'm not asking for favors."
"If there's an intelligent Spirit here that wants to talk to us, can you please make a sign?"
"Subscribe please, I'm begging you."
"I'm going to be in your class, just so you know, if you could call me this, that would be I would really appreciate it, thank you."
"Thank you Elon Musk, please pay for my blue check."
"It's time for egg delivery. What? Can you deliver 60 eggs?"
"He can't believe such a little child created it and he immediately requests that Aisha bake him the famous chocolate cake."
"God, please give me a baby sister, can you give me a girl, please? Amen."
"Would there be a man in the world who could refuse such a request from such a cute little girl?"
"I would have to ask to go to the bathroom."
"If we do get a request that we recognize, we forward that to our instances"
"I need a hit, so baby give it to me."
"Can we get sparkles on the good bin, please?"
"I just wanted to get you outside so I could ask you and your friends respectfully to leave the premises."
"I want you to Che to me next time."
"I don't want him to disappear again. I would be sad if that happened, so please keep playing tournaments this year Eagle, please."
"Can I have a sausage buddy please, mate?"
"It is accurate and so your request to change it to Pro per is denied."
"Feel free to subscribe, I'd appreciate it."
"I am respectfully asking and requesting that my trial be slightly delayed as I have no access to the materials needed to prepare for trial. Thank you."
"Can we work on a beard? Just for this moment?"
"But in return, he wants S June to clear the image of Anna's mother."
"How an impossible request was granted."
"You have to take her. That's the last thing I'll ever ask of you."
"Can't you read me a bedtime story just this once, Eden?"
"Can you give me something to work with, Gary?"
"If you enjoyed this video, please go ahead, hit that like button."
"I don't drink it do I can we get six of those."
"I would like you to do us a favor, though."
"Please, General, can you help us?"
"Don't be afraid to ask your waiter to show you how to skin it gut it take the stuff out."
"What can I do so that you guys go back to doing what you do before?"
"Tell them to send the damn helicopters!"
"...if you could do me a favor and just hit thumbs up I'd really, really appreciate it."
"My throat is a little bit dry already. Would it be okay if I can get a sip of anything, please?"
"If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask, and God will give liberally to those who ask."
"Wow, that's beautiful. If something happens to me, could you please give this to MJ?"
"If you haven't subscribed yet though, go ahead and hit it one time for your boy."
"I come like the Mystic to throw myself on the hospitality of the British people."
"Mom, I want my sideburns to be even for Ron's picture."
"Tomorrow I just want to borrow it for one day, please Daddy."
"Prayer involves asking for something from someone who you believe has it."
"Stop showing replays on lap three, please. If there's anyone out there listening that has any influence, stop showing replays on lap three. That is when DRS is enabled, that is when there is action, that is when there is tension."
"Do me a favor ma'am, go on and stand up for me, please."
"Of all the characters that I haven't covered yet, Reinhardt is probably the most requested."
"I feel like anyone's saying you want a cookie is always a sarcastic comment."
"One thing I ask of God, it's only this that I'm going to ask."
"Would you please do me a kindness? If you've enjoyed this video at all, please subscribe."
"Don't forget to hit that like button for me before you go."
"Lady, do you mind if I wash my other sock?"
"Can we have our envelope, please?"
"She tells him that she likes him and asks him to please focus on her today."
"Mommy, what a beautiful pillow fort! Can we have something to eat please?"
"Hunter, make it happen, baby, the internet wants it so bad."
"Please be kind in the comment section to these people."
"You're getting paid more money than ever, do me a favor."
"Just hang out here and then, um, and then can you let me go?"
"Bring some silverware to Tottenham please."
"Please go into this video with an open mind."
"There aren't enough [Pokemon], and I want you to draw more new ones."
"I love you and can you bring home some milk."
"I kind of want to make a manual weigh in down below so I'm reaching out to you guys for some help."
"May I please ask that you do something with the guy behind me? He looks like he's ruining my pic."
"I'm pleading. Somebody, please, if you want to give bruel something for Christmas, anybody work at Bowman? Anybody got any inside connections? Can we get a Bowman cask strength Hazmat barrel pick?"
"Can you please turn over your armpit and your breath?"
"Magic 8-ball can we please eat at ihop."
"We would send for you if we needed you."
"Having said that, I would love for you to call Julet and tell her that you left the ring stain."
"Please do me a favor, get out of here."
"You would be 11 if you get me a hot chocolate, then you'd be a hundred if you got me a hot chocolate."
"I ain't looking for a handout but can I get a hello gummies and some true colors?"
"What the [ __ ]? Can we have a hint? It's made by a celebrity."
"If you dug that intro by the way and if you like what I'm doing please make sure to subscribe."
"Could we get a Tony Stark voiced AI for a Riri suit please?"
"If you're turning off my light, please stop doing it."
"Can you please turn it off? Clearly there's something here."
"Ask for what you want, if you want to have an increase in vision, if you want to have an increase of hearing, ask."
"Please subscribe to us on YouTube."
"I need a sequel right now. Thank you."
"Can you write the history of my life?"
"I would really appreciate if you did click the red button down below and subscribe to the channel."
"I just need you to get a little Gizmo for me from your uncle, something small he won't even know is missing."
"It shall be given to you, up to half the kingdom."
"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me."
"Can you pray for me? Can you pray for me?"
"Just give me something, man. Just give me something."
"Can I use your phone during the surgeries?"
"I'm not sure how to ask this, but I was wondering if you could help us avert the complete and utter destruction of all existence."
"You'd better buy me some wine and wait a month."
"I can't have BeBe Winans in front of me, can you give me a little something like a notes, a little?"
"I know this seems really weird my car broke down and I need a ride home"
"That's amazing can I have that writing please"
"If y'all don't mind snap it up for me real quick."
"I wanted to speak to you about Ladow Hall, if you please, sir."
"Will you let me stay and work with you?"
"Can we have a lift? I'm a bit too tired to fly."
"Thank you. I would be grateful if you could do it."
"Hey Paul requesting somebody to give it to him I assume he means the judges."
"Say a [ __ ] prayer for me after this one."
"Is this you come to me this day of my daughter's wedding and ask me for a favor."
"Ask and it shall be given unto you."
"What a change! Can I have one more chance, please?"