
Creed Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"America is a wonderful nation that is based on the greatest creed that has ever been written on parchment but that it has very often failed to live up to that."
"The creed 'We Shall Overcome' is a long-time mainstay of the civil rights movement."
"Creed one is a goaded ass movie, killmonger does carry the movie a bit."
"The Nicene Creed is still basically the best statement of what all Christians believe."
"...Naruto must stay true to the Creed he's been using for so long and that she has long since adopted for herself to not give up."
"The key ideas here are that Jesus was 'begotten, not made,' that he was 'true God of true God,' and that he was 'consubstantial to the Father.'"
"Character is character, regardless of the race, color, creed."
"It's not about the Creed; it's about family."
"I'll never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy. That's the ranger creed."
"Din Djarin took the Creed and chose to walk the way, just as our ancestors did."
"What I would refer to those things in the New Testament... kind of Proto Creeds or forms of sound words... I want to use the term Creed... to say these are particular documents that the post-apostolic church defined..."
"The Declaration is the American creed that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"If is a person who will affect your creed, then it's haram to associate with him. If will influence you in his bid'ah, then it's impermissible to associate with him."
"Just think about how incredible it is that we have this early Creed that Christians were going around telling each other and we have it like in our Bibles and if you didn't know that then now you know I just find that like super super cool."
"He aderes to the Creed as best he can."
"That's not going to build affection for anyone and that's what you need culture to do. You need culture and creed to be fueling each other and building each other up."
"So if you don't know what the creed is and you're just getting inundated by the culture without even knowing it, it's going to build your affection for that creed."
"Religion has placed itself in a vulnerable position by assuming certain things to be so and building creeds upon these assumptions."
"Our creed is that we think that nothing in the whole world is exempt from laughter."
"Our Pioneers said that we do not have a Creed and that we really base our faith on the Bible."
"Creed bad ass speech though. Creed has a dirty jacket, he smokes cigars, he's got [__] cigar dust on his uniform. He's the physical embodiment of function over form."
"I love that the Creed films are giving some Focus to the relationship of Adonis and Bianca."
"Followers of early Christianity developed short summaries of their faith, known as Creeds."
"Man does not outgrow religion, he outgrows creeds."
"We are Assassins. You do not understand the true meaning of the phrase, my child."
"The council defines Orthodox or Catholic beliefs and creates the Nicene Creed."
"Creeds are much like maps, they give us a map and help us to know where to go and to get to our destination more quickly."
"The Creed is the spiritual seal, our heart's meditation, an ever-present guardian."
"As we go through the creed again, it is a summary of our faith, the essential doctrine."
"It's not in the creed, right? Therefore, it should not be added."
"...the silence between two back-to-back statements of the Apostles Creed... Is it not striking that this oldest and most foundational Christian Creed jumps from Jesus' birth to his death and Resurrection, entirely skipping over his life?"
"...Christianity became creedal... if you don't confess the right doctrines, then you're not a Christian... Paul could be called the founder of Christianity if you understand Christianity as this creedal confessional Christianity..."
"Mandalorian isn't a race. It's a Creed."
"The Nicene Creed is the singular and universal statement of faith of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church."
"This is our purpose. This is our creed."
"So is grogu's lack of creed some sort of bureaucratic loophole or did he just out himself as a spy."
"We've never even met yet somehow I understand your creed. Our creed: loyalty."
"Lord, we believe that you sent your Son, that he died for our sins, that he was buried, and that he rose again."
"It felt bizarre, it shouldn't feel bizarre in a movie called Creed."
"This version of Creed just doesn't have that level of flare."
"Religion is not about believing doctrines. It's not about accepting certain propositions of the creed."
"As a church, we are non-creedal. We uphold the enduring principle of unity in diversity, and we also have and articulate principles of faithful disagreement."
"I think if you treat the Creed as if it's a faith test that you've got to pass, then you totally misunderstand the Creed."
"I really came to believe in the importance of the creed for our understanding of the faith."
"There's no such thing really as a creedless or a confession Christian... We all operate with a functional understanding of what the Bible as a whole means."
"He loved the Ahl al-Bayt but his doctrinal creed was emphatically Sunni."
"When we say the creed, like, for me, that's a huge moment in my worship of God because I feel like that tradition ties us all."
"The difference is that your disagreements don't affect your Creed."
"Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed."
"This is the way. Let it be written in song."
"And so began the age of Creed, the king."
"Trust in God, respect myself and others, understand I have unlimited possibilities, try my best, never give up, and honor the truth in this Creed at all times."
"Our Creed does not command us to be free, it commands us to be wise."
"Nothing is true, and everything is permitted."
"We are nothing if we do not abide by the Assassin's Creed."
"Culture is the embodiment of creed, or more accurately, it's actually the embodiment of religion."
"The words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart."
"I'm going off on my own, following my own creed, and doing what needs to be done."
"They're just really into the army, possibly they're the ones that are really living that NCO creed."
"The main result then of the Council of Nicaea is the production of the creed."
"And the words of the Creed, you'll be forever forged in my heart."
"There's only one way, the way of the Mandalore. This is the way."
"Saving a foundling is the highest honor of the Creed."
"The creed lives within Tonjiro and will be passed on forever, even when he passes on himself."
"Specialist Anderson heroically embodied the Ranger Creed throughout the night and was willing to give his life rather than leave a fallen comrade."
"Follow the safety codes, you will succeed. That's the axeman's creed."
"Robert Killian, the Green Beret, the Army Ranger, he lives by that creed."
"The Holy Spirit will never say 'Amen' to some kind of a man-made creed; it will always punctuate the Word of God with 'Amen'."
"I'm here to teach you today, if you want to learn about Islamic Creed."
"The kingdom has no end as the Creed says."
"Morven Val does not see herself as the emperor's chosen but as an instrument of defense who must place herself between the imperial creed and the countless horrors that seek to defile it."
"Mandalorian weapons are part of my religion."
"Our Creed: no belief, just facts."
"The navy creed is for those in peril on the sea, do whatever you can."
"The first thing in the creed is that the hungry be fed."
"Light of Light, true God of true God; begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made."
"The Creed... is also truth, it's essential to our faith, it is expounding what has been revealed in the Word of God."
"The very idea that a nation might have a creed, a word associated primarily with religion, illustrates the uniqueness of American identity."
"It's called the Nicene Creed, so this is again the first time that all these church leaders got together in one place."
"The Creed... is a hymn of glorification to God."
"Protecting the Creed was her justice, a truly ironic tale."
"Why should we lay our lives down yet again? Because we are Mandalorians. This is the way."
"I aim towards fortitude and to uphold this creed and these things that I have privately and now publicly adopted and confessed."