
Gender Disparity Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Funding stats for women in particular are a shambles."
"Women earn a majority of bachelor's degrees and advanced degrees."
"I wasn't writing about not making as much as my male co-stars... it was more of how did my mentality get in my own way of fighting just as hard as the men to get a better deal."
"I believe there is a serious problem in our society, pretty specifically for men. Everyone is getting lonelier, everyone is having a harder time finding friends, but this is very disproportionately affecting men."
"The last time we saw a woman in Formula 1 was 1976, so clearly something's got to change."
"It's actually illegal to treat men and women differently based on gender."
"Females were more than six times as likely as males to be the victims of sexual assaults known to law enforcement agencies."
"Overall it doesn't get any damn better uh once again no women directors were nominated despite several strong contenders."
"Almost 80% of the most highly compensated employees at the Girl Scouts are male."
"Moms are shamed for any decision they make... while dads can do the bare minimum and be praised."
"The Democrats now hold a twenty-five point advantage among women. Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that math."
"Relative to girls boys are failing in school more girls than boys graduate high school."
"What we see is that even though women, certainly in England Wales, make up only 5% of the population in prison, they count for a third of all the attempts to harm themselves."
"Women start outpacing men in degrees and professional positions, affecting family formations and depopulation."
"Black women make up 12% of the population but 26% of the incarcerated women population."
"Our focus on girls can leave boys behind in regards to education and well-being."
"The real question and controversy is in the why of why do women participate less and earn less when they do."
"Statistically speaking, men argue for higher wages than women do, and that is another reason why they get higher wages."
"According to Google Analytics, most of you aren't ladies."
"There are not enough women in the economic profession, at all levels."
"It's because the entire funnel is just not big enough."
"Women who speak up seem to get way way way worse treatment than men do."
"Pay black women what they deserve, pay them just as much as you would pay a white man."
"Black women on average have to work between seven and eight months just to earn what a white man earned the year before."
"What is fundamentally wrong with a world where there is such a gender disparity in music production?"
"This was not a he-said she-said situation. This was a 50-something she's and one he."
"Women in this family are not seen as important or privileged as men."
"It's a manless world and the few men out there are predators or losers."
"Black women have safety nets that black men don't have."
"Regardless of the subject matter of the movie itself, it just feels like the composing for film has been such a male-dominated industry for such a long time that it is great, it's a breath of fresh air."
"In Islam, a daughter receives less inheritance than a son."
"Of every three Alzheimer's patients, two are women."
"Country music right now is a sausage fest. There are only four women in the country top 20 right now."
"Women's success in the workplace is penalized at home."
"There's a really significant difference of where young men and young women are."
"so much of what we know is based on male physiology and that biases has become so deeply ingrained that guidelines protocols treatment decisions are now biased and will be for generations to come until we figure this out."
"Women tend to apply for jobs only if they meet all the requirements, while men apply even if they meet only a few."
"Bro, look at what [ __ ] gotta do to become famous, bro. All a female gotta do is do this [ __ ] slow as hell, bro. She automatically a global star."
"This 20-year study revealed that men benefit from their physical attractiveness in their career more than women do."
"No matter how good-looking of a man you are, you will never make the same amount of money as an average-looking girl if she wants to get on some kind of porn site. There is a demand for female sexuality, there is not a demand for male sexuality."
"Women ask for raises less often than men."
"Girl groups get less than boy groups on average."
"Women founded startups raised just 1.9% of all venture capital funds in 2022."
"Women are affected by depression more than men."
"Predominantly women are affected by gastroparesis, more than twice as much as men."
"Hypothyroidism is up to eight times more common in women."
"Imagine you were at a birthday party and someone showed up in a Chucky costume; that's what it's like for a woman in a male's prison."
"Men are more likely to get severe disease than women... it is consistent with the cumulative data from other places like China and Italy."
"I'm not yet treated the same as the boys, and so until we are, I'm an actress."
"Women leave Tech at a rate four times that of men."
"Across the North American utility industry, women made up less than 30 percent of the workforce."
"Hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease is a disorder that's about 10 times more common in women than in men."
"Women were not even offered the same opportunities as education in the last century, which obviously is going to impact over time the jobs that they think they are able to do."
"Men have five more hours of leisure per week in the UK and the U.S. than women."
"ADHD in women is horrendously underdiagnosed."
"We criminally underfund autoimmune diseases even though 90% of people with autoimmune diseases are women."
"Women experience burnout in corporations and careers at higher rates than men."
"The gender gap in four-year college degree attainment is wider today than it was in 1972 when the Title IX legislation was passed."
"85% of the science workers, according to a survey in 2020, is male."
"If you're a female filmmaker and you launch your first indie film at Sundance, versus that male filmmaker, in two years he's making a studio movie. It takes her 11 years to get her next film made."
"The bigotry of low expectations is the reason why black men are now going to HBCUs and college at half the rate of black girls and women."