
Pacing Quotes

There are 1192 quotes

"Terrible pacing, too broken up to get invested."
"You both can pace yourself, get to know each other, and that’s where the true attraction shines."
"It told a good story, had good pacing, thought it had good emotional value."
"But pacing is equally important, because it’s what keeps the audience invested."
"I understand slowing things down a little bit, feeling a little bit more grounded in the gameplay."
"What an effort and, Randy, I think you hit the nail on the head, he paced himself perfectly."
"A properly paced game...was exactly as long as it needed to be, no shorter and no longer."
"Books with short chapters are really conducive to a fast-paced reading experience."
"Mary and Max is perfectly paced, perfectly acted, and narrated."
"It's about getting into something but take your time with it and enjoy it. You don't gotta rush into it."
"Once you start understanding things like tone, pacing, or editing... it makes you appreciate certain films a lot more."
"Both these games exemplify the horror genre in its combination of both slow tense build-up and an atmosphere as well as being able to quickly transition to a much more fast-paced scenario and back."
"You don't have to accelerate all the time but realistically slowing down can make your content miles better."
"Compared to the disparate progression through Platinum, Gen 5 is a breath of fresh air when it comes to pacing."
"I really enjoyed the pacing of the movie as well... all the characters were very distinct."
"It's a tight movie, well-paced and well-choreographed, just everything works together and the jokes all just land."
"Even though Homer does something as bad as codependence day it works because it's not just done in a 20-minute chunk."
"Bethesda games are at their best when you explore and go and do things at your own pace."
"This movie is nearly perfect. It's a slow burn for sure, I wanted every single second of it."
"When you start in on a season, you can pace yourself a little bit more evenly and kind of introduce characters as the story needs them to be introduced."
"Boring basic scene setups lead to a ton of filler, dragging your pacing down."
"As much as I'd love to be bashing the show for how stupid it is, and it is really stupid still, it is starting to get slightly better at this point, at least in a sense of pacing."
"It knows just when to pull back so as to not undercut any dramatic moments"
"The action was great... I didn't feel it was rushed at all."
"I'm going to give you good pacing, 'cause you knew exactly when to cut away from you and go straight into the gameplay."
"A horror game that benefits from slow, ambient buildup."
"Be gradual, move at your own pace, ease into it."
"Having worlds essentially be segmented into two halves results in a much smoother pace."
"Pace yourself, this is a marathon not a Sprint."
"It's just the right pace when you're actually playing the game."
"First person shooters were there to throw a bunch of enemies at you, empower you, and then, oh, we kinda need to slow the pace down so let's put some security keys every once in awhile."
"Cramming a lengthy meticulously paced series like Death Note into an hour and a half movie means that a lot of character and world building either needs to be sped through at lightning pace or disregarded entirely."
"Build it up again, all the way to that precipice, and then you drop it again. That's the really quality pace."
"Slow down, there is no need to catch up to Marvel. Take your time to tell your epic stories, don't rush them."
"Take things slow, set the pace, and get on the same page."
"The one thing I liked most of all about the game is that the game has wonderful pacing."
"Kubo's writing is well balanced and fast-paced like a great movie."
"In survival mode, the slowness of the pacing is part of the thrill. Each mile is a victory of sorts, and you play in increments of days, not doorways."
"The pacing of this was actually probably as good as it can get for this type of film."
"The fleet now takes a moment to catch their breath." - Commentary on the end of a race
"Take a step back and gather your thoughts and feelings so you don't need to rush into anything."
"Honestly, I don't mind that 'The Silver Eyes' was slow-paced... it gives you more time to relate to the characters."
"Cyberpunk 2077's main story... pacing and dramatic stakes... much more interesting."
"The plotting: immaculate. The pacing: absolutely breakneck."
"What they don't tell you is they want to marry you, they thought about marriage with you, they thought about long-term commitment with your ass [ __ ] all right they're taking it slow."
"Don't rush into love, don't rush into all of these things too quickly. Pace yourself and you'll be fine."
"I'm super excited to watch the theatrical cut because with the understanding of how things are laid out, I think that it makes more sense pacing-wise."
"I think the first movie should have ended with the shot of them seeing Arrakis burn, give more time for setup of the rest of..."
"So just ease into it, guys. You don't have to hit the ground running a hundred percent."
"So, I do think the beginning of this story could have been structured to get you to that point a little bit faster because the story is very short otherwise."
"Take it easy, slow down the pace, and accept that slowing down as being vital."
"Everybody's riding their own Tempo and it was right. You can kind of be doing your own thing, but no more than your Tempo zones."
"If you want to be really efficient at 100 RPM and you also want to be really efficient at let's say 65, you have to do work at both ends of the Cadence spectrum."
"This show is exceptionally well-paced with some excellent character development."
"The primary reason Zuko's arc unfolds so perfectly is its masterful pacing."
"I thought the pacing of it all was just absolutely perfect."
"Dark Souls 3 is full of levels that are subtle dense dynamic and very well paced."
"Everything is very intentional. There's brilliant pacing and the ending is incredibly powerful."
"For this one movie, it is absolutely worth it to slow down for a second."
"Slow it down, you're not in a rush, you're enjoying the moment."
"Even if it gives us a lower score, it's okay, we gotta slow down, think, we gotta use our brain, bro, you gotta go at your own pace."
"This might be one of the most well-paced games I've ever played."
"Wind Waker HD takes several steps to remedy pacing issues."
"The movie rarely stops for a breather; it's constantly on the move, and the characters are in jeopardy at every turn."
"The Last of Us does pacing very, very well. Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog have a keen awareness of pacing."
"I basically learned to just slow down and stop treating storytelling like it's a race. It's more of a marathon where you go at your own endurance and balance out the energy so it doesn't all get consumed in the opening."
"It's about pacing ourselves and that means some days or some weeks or some months are going to be all about one thing instead of another."
"You really have to be able to ride the line well between getting damage in and pushing the pace."
"Breath of the Wild is a game that will go at your pace. You don't gotta speedrun it though that is also very, very cool."
"What really struck us about the storytelling as the hours slipped by is just how effectively the pacing is handled."
"That's the skill that you guys have learned is just the little nuances like that your Edge is your ability to understand pacing."
"The movie's about half an hour too long, which is its biggest downside."
"If Starl continues to release new characters and new relics at the rate that they are, I feel like players might get overwhelmed and constantly be behind schedule."
"The animation plays into the majestic aesthetic, largely through timing and slightly slower pacing."
"The pacing and flow felt like the earliest games in the franchise."
"I loved how it was structured, I felt the story was well-paced."
"The pace is blisteringly fast because of its excellent built-in cooldown mechanics where you have your big meaty holy word spells that are super powerful and then their cooldowns are reduced by your regular heals."
"Half-Life's pacing is another of its most celebrated features."
"If we're in gameplay, I want to play a Spider-Man and seeing Batman Begins avoiding this and instead allowing us to just have the abridged version given to us is so good for the pacing."
"That's how you unfold a story after all you don't tell the reader everything in the first paragraph."
"It's very much a marathon-based game, not a sprint unfortunately like a lot of other games you might be accustomed to."
"Each character's actions have a smooth pace with a feeling of weight behind each blow."
"Walk through the words, don't gallop. We'll wait for you."
"I have a quote okay, um, I saw this thing where someone said I love you too quickly and the guy responded and he said, 'we're reading the same book, you're just a couple chapters ahead.'"
"Increase the window between one achievement and chasing something else."
"The gameplay here feels a lot faster paced, at least in my opinion. I like this a lot and I hope this is something that future games in the series keep around. It's just more fun this way."
"It's not just the greatest to look up to this point in the series but also the best paced and structured."
"The medium is a really interesting well-paced paranormal thriller that plenty of people will find dull but I think plenty of people will really enjoy."
"Just take it slow because you'll end up going the distance."
"The battles are noticeably slower, but that's a minor con in a plethora of pros."
"It's not necessarily about cutting things but trimming the literal prose on the page can make a huge difference for pacing."
"There's something about the cohesion and the well-paced nature of the first film."
"Good pacing is the thing that takes a so-so game and turns it into a great game."
"It's so slow here I'm just trying to get an idea exactly what LAPD is doing."
"Don't try to run faster than you have strength. You've got enough."
"The scares are slow and ultimately more effective."
"It makes for a very slow and sometimes tedious middle act to the movie."
"You're going to have to catch up with them, they might have to catch up with you."
"Life is not actually a race. You don't have to be ahead of the pack."
"I also feel the game has some solid pacing they break up the action and really nice waves giving you these nice set pieces to walk through between action scenes."
"The story of San Andreas is better paced, the predecessors had the antagonist appear a few times and abruptly. That's where San Andreas excels."
"The story never misses a beat, never goes on too long, and progresses swiftly."
"I mean, it just blazes by, every cut is interesting, every beat is perfectly timed."
"You can't win the CrossFit Games on day one but you can certainly lose it."
"Pacing wise, you're looking at 15 to 20 miles per hour."
"In Shadowlands leveling 1-50 feels really good, is well-paced, and is already much faster than it is on live."
"Great pacing, tight storytelling, that makes a movie better."
"The slow quiet moments are every bit as important to the game as the action sequences."
"While I understand the pacing issues people had, I believe the good heavily outweighed the bad."
"The Season is too long, and one of the reasons it feels that way is because there is very little pay off here."
"I really love that Zoya Akhtar took her time with certain scenes... the film really slows down in certain scenes... to allow you to live in those moments."
"I'm all for fights with insane pacing if they can design it in a well-communicated way, but I equally enjoy moderately difficult battles that are bursts of brilliance in between moments to catch your breath."
"Voice acting really slows things down in the 3d version."
"Documentaries are about life. Life needs to unfold. You can't speed up life."
"Pacing is a lot slower, but it tells the story in a pretty faithful way."
"Push yourself only when you need to, otherwise pace yourself and prioritize."
"It's got this frantic high-energy pace... but it pulls at the emotional heartstrings at the same time."
"The movie is fun, it clips along, it's super fast, it's really funny, it's sharp, it's a fun ride."
"I just love that they made it go at a good Cadence and it was like four minutes two minutes three minutes and it was just games games games here you go we're gonna let the games do the talking so to speak."
"The slower you go in your world, the more ideas you get."
"Age of Empires 4 overall has a quicker pacing in the early game, making it more enjoyable."
"The plot feels wholly original and well-paced with a cohesive mix of feel-good themes."
"The character animation can be awkward and the scenes can move slowly,"
"Save Your Tears is gut-wrenching but not so slow that you sink into your sadness."
"The pacing of the game switches between platforming combat exploration and cutscenes so well that you'll never get bored."
"A few times now slime incarnation has shown in a remarkable capacity for finding grounded human moments in outlandish concepts and fantasy clichés."
"And if you give it a shot and you can roll with it slow pacing I think it'll make you fall in love with it too."
"This movie is so sluggishly paced until the point where all this [ __ ] has to be shoved in immediately."
"Just take things at your own pace and be okay with that."
"Don't try to catch up to us. We had a two-decade Head Start and you'll exhaust yourself if you try to do that. Just go at your own pace."
"That’s a massive change for him and the way it's paced? It happens naturally without a single hitch."
"Welcome back... moving impervious slow down."
"Slow down with everything, slow down with the purchasing, slow down with the process, got your whole life to work at this."
"The pacing of the game picks up, and I found some pretty decent fights there."
"Take it in whatever pace you need to, don't let anyone make you feel bad for slowing the game down to think otherwise."
"This movie has spent its entire first 20 minutes on introducing characters with these insane montages."
"They're really stepping up their content pace with the main game."
"They're happy for things to go at the pace that they should be going."
"Steven Universe's measured pace allows its characters to become more complex and interesting than most of the counterparts on prestige dramas."
"Apparently doing research and having opinions is wrong."
"It just seems to have that pace of a classic survival story."
"It's more of a wrestling program in flavor, especially of promos and pacing, than anything WWE's do."
"Most triple-A games have lost all sense of brevity and pacing and tight direction."
"Any pacing can be enjoyable if it's being effective to the story...it goes bad when it tries to force the story or characters or the reader to conform to a rhythm that's just not natural to the situation."
"This season was a bit slow in places but, as always, the finale was epic."
"Take it slow, stretch things out a little bit, and don't make yourself do everything within six months."
"Don't give everything too soon, keep some mystery."
"The game keeps a good pace and offers rankings and stat breakdowns for every chapter."
"It's better to space things out and give people the ability to enjoy it without feeling like they have to do everything all the time."
"It feels like it never outstays its welcome, it just entertains, it's fast-paced."
"Do you like how the game forces you to be slow?"
"I think this feels like it fully leaned into the fast-paced mystery."
"Easily the best-paced movie I think I've seen because it's nearly four hours long but the time absolutely flew by."
"As much as it might seem like the opposite of what we need to do, I think we really just need to go a little slower."
"Unlike Infinity War, Endgame doesn't feel like it's in any rush."
"Demon Slayer understands that high action needs to be followed by moments of relief."
"I think the pacing of the movie was extraordinarily impressive. CGI of this, like every single scene, was intense."
"There's this whole meta game built into it... you move a little bit slower through the game but you move through the game."
"Love this show, but it needs to sort out these pacing issues and give the characters room to breathe."
"It's a brilliantly made game with great pacing, beautiful visuals, and an engaging gameplay experience."
"Retrogrades slow down the energy so you can be more assured."
"The slo-mo mechanic was incredibly well-tuned."
"It's like people saying baseball is boring or cricket is boring cuz it takes a long time and not many things are scored but that means that when something does happen the drama is accelerated is that much more dramatic if it happens every time."
"It is so good it is one of the most fast-paced books I have ever read in my entire life."
"YouTube likes definitely a slower, more mature, you know, it's a more mature audience so they want like a slower pace, more story."
"Just follow peace. If peace says slow down, it's moving too fast, then slow down."
"The storytelling and the pacing of said story is excellently handled."
"Red dots on the minimap are important to the overall pacing."
"Siege engine is really that encounter taking all the fast-paced action exhibition has while running the show on fun Factor."
"Can you slow down? It's a lot harder than most people think."
"Sometimes you have to slow down to go faster."
"It's like really good this is really good damn good written damn good paced damn good animated."
"With this slow pace, it supplements the subgenre of the show and allows the mystery of Jon Arryn to be explored to its full extent."
"They're coming towards you with marriage and commitment, but it feels like between you two, it's a very slow-moving thing."
"Just pace yourself. Whatever dreams you want to make happen, whatever success you're trying to get for yourself, you can do it. Just pace yourself."
"Try to be kind to yourself and go at your own pace during these times especially."
"The structure of this chapter was phenomenal... visually speaking, this was... phenomenal, amazing pacing."
"It's like a drama noir... It really helps with the pacing."
"This book is incredible. The pacing was out of this world. You will not be able to put it down."
"Blade Runner 2049 folks, it's a movie, it's a good movie, and it's slow."
"There's never any part where I felt bored, right? Night-night short, and it's a two-hour movie, and it doesn't feel like it's longer, for Pixar, yeah. It's their longest movie."
"I feel like the pacing of the movie was just flawless, there wasn't a single moment where I wasn't glued to the screen or felt like the story was dragging at all."
"Guacamelee! Gold Edition: A Metroidvania game worth playing to completion, thanks to its excellent pacing and well-designed mechanics."
"You don't have to burn yourself out. Pace yourself and slow down."
"Wouldn't rush into anything... slow things down."
"It's a marathon, don't run full-speed in the first mile."
"The motto in negotiation is: If you want to go fast, you have to go slow."
"Not only was it visually just like jaw dropping, I thought the pacing was really well done."
"It's impressive to me how well-paced the coaster manages to be and is a true standout as one of the funnest experiences of the park."
"We're gonna take things really slow in this let's play."
"You heal when you heal, so just continue going at your pace and giving yourself time. Everything's gonna be okay."
"Start slower than expected, maintain, and then pick it up towards the end."
"Did my pacing strategy work? I will say that it actually did work..."
"I do feel like the pacing slowed down a bit near the end."
"Editing is immensely important for what the film turns out to be. It indicates the pacing. I love editing."
"Virginia decided to focus on recreating the film medium, employing techniques in its pacing which makes it incredibly unique."
"You get to set the pace, and it's impossible for a plant to bloom 365 days a year, right?"
"Take breaks, don't try to consume all the content at once."
"The whole level is just really very slow pace."
"Abuse drill immortality during speed up, and you can effectively finish the level in slow motion for 1/1 Seeds."