
Community Policing Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Citizens are now policing the police because we've seen that the police cannot police themselves."
"The police are the public and the public are the police."
"Cities across the country are piloting community policing efforts, eliminating cash bail, and investing in communities and infrastructure for at-risk neighborhoods."
"The public are so critical in solving crime and that's why the relationship between the police and the community has to have some cohesion to it."
"What's been very powerful is...neighborhood policing strategy...building relationships."
"The most important part of policing in solving crime is connection with the community."
"We need to get back to community policing where the police officers who are in the streets actually live in those streets... It's about caring for each other."
"What is needed is raised awareness, mandatory PSHCE, and well-resourced community policing and mandatory training for all relevant agencies in identifying and reporting grooming indicators."
"Transparency, as I've said before, is the foundation on which trust is built and by which the police and public partnership is cultivated."
"We're going to have to police our communities and produce justice ourselves. That's when we'll start dismantling the bricks of white supremacy."
"Community policing programs are the single most important thing a police department can do."
"What if Brooklyn Nine-Nine really tried to re-imagine what a good police community interaction would be like?"
"Community policing works the best. Let the regions deal with the problems themselves first."
"We need to place more value on the shit that our aunties and uncles have been doing to police ourselves."
"The police should be part of the community, they should not be this alien force that just comes in when the going gets rough." - Jesse Ventura
"You can't have a police department that is demonized by the community."
"Good cops have a high crime detection rate but the best cops have time to make kids' lives a little better."
"Cop watching is a symptom of a realization that government for and by the people is not a passive project."
"When the people believe that the police are on their side, they're way less likely to be violent."
"Part game, part puzzle. If you do it right, it's a functional work of engineering art."
"Defund the police is not about taking money away from all policing. It's about reprioritizing what policing means to a community." - Dr. Rashad Richard
"Less crime, less prison overcrowding. Let's pay for as much community policing as we can get away with."
"I think you need to completely think again about how communities are policed."
"Officials touted it as a way to improve community policing."
"White people who live in areas with more policing tend to be more distrustful of criminal justice."
"There's genuine merit in these dust operatives patrolling neighborhoods."
"It used to be protect and serve... now it's like they feel like they're disconnected from us, totally disconnected."
"The community is policing the community on behalf of the community that is beautiful."
"From dancing cop, basketball cop, and even ice cream cop to the show cops, the message that the media tries to send you is that there are mostly good cops and a few bad ones."
"No one talks about it but black women are being heavily policed by not only black men but by black women in the community."
"If you come here and you commit crime, then you should expect to see one of our officers. But you should also expect that encounter, even if lawful action needs to be taken, to be excellent, professional, and compassionate."
"That's what we need to return to in this country: where citizens feel like the police are working together with them."
"We want you to police the opportunities that our kids have."
"Look guys listen, what we're going to do and we're not going to call them thugs these are just simply large Gatherings these are large Gatherings that are happening across the board and we need to engage our youth youth not criminalize them."
"Defund the police does not mean there should never be police, it means that there should be police who know how to be compassionate, who know how to be responsive, who have been trained."
"Interactions like this need to happen more, and police administrators need to address officers' mistakes."
"Law enforcement... will never do their job to the best of their ability without... trust from the community."
"People have seen what's going on and from whether it was defund the police or whether it was just the way the police had kind of backed off."
"President Biden remarks Wednesday said his crime prevention strategy would focus on strengthening background checks, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and boosting community policing."
"We could actually have policing that is completely different, a completely new version of policing that is more community-based."
"The police department in Canada will give you a positive ticket if they see you doing something positive."
"There's a big divide between citizens and law enforcement... we're trying to close that gap."
"People don't understand that the relationship between community and the police should be a symbiotic relationship."
"The police response was twofold: they got properly tooled up and anticipated future trouble, but they also adopted softer community policing to avoid confrontation in the first place."
"The information from the public is the lifeblood of the police."
"Community policing could help alleviate some of this stuff because if you're looking at a person and that looks like mama or daddy or uncle or cousin or somebody you know, you've got less of an inclination to react in a lethal fashion."
"The most powerful weapon in the police department in fighting crime and keeping communities safe is the trust and confidence of the people they serve."
"There's something real human about a policeman in shorts, in a bicycle helmet, riding down the street on a bicycle."
"Community policing... is the way out of the problems you have."
"It's policing at its best, isn't it? Engaging the community and working with them."
"Beat policing is based on traditional patrolling and utilizes the close relationship with community members within the assigned beat to strengthen police effectiveness and encourage cooperative efforts to make a community safer."
"We need Foundation Black Americans in law enforcement so when you go to the community you can alleviate any problems."
"To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police."
"Country policing is all about people."
"...we still have a long ways to go. I personally will welcome the day that we can quit referring to the distinction between community policing and policing; to me, they're one in the same."