
Coordinates Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"There was also a photo of Utopia and coordinates to a new location."
"In Pygame, the top left or zero zero is the top left."
"Jonah disappears after going to the coordinates that he deduced from the numbers that appeared throughout his life."
"If you want to project something to a plane and you want to get that location, then you can use Vector projection to get that coordinate out of it."
"We're not snapping the x and y coordinates; we're snapping the distance and the angle."
"We call that point the origin; we often give it the letter O and its x and y coordinates are 0."
"The very last thing I want to look at here is the military grid reference system, MGRS."
"The essence of it is this: when you want to travel a certain distance in space, there's a formula that relates the amount of distance you travel to what we call the coordinates."
"After reflection over the origin, point A is at (3, -4)."
"Contrasting with the coordinates stored in the game for physics and logic, referred to as world space coordinates."
"When we think of something on the Earth, it seems kind of easy to think about where it is, right? Just latitude and longitude. New York. Oh, yeah. Forty North, 74 West. Problem solved, right?"
"The points x y will change to negative x negative y, just multiply each coordinate by negative one."
"Once you are inside your advanced settings, simply input the known coordinates: latitude and longitude, as well as the height."
"These symbols will tell him precisely the rate at which his real-world basis vectors are changing with respect to changes in his coordinate system."
"We use program zero for incremental coordinates or absolute coordinates?"
"The coordinates of the points are A(0, 14.5) and C(5.8, 0)."
"On a graph, suppose that the slope of a line is 1.5 and for point A on the line, the x-coordinate is 4 and the y-coordinate is 10. Also, for point B on the line, the x-coordinate is unknown while the y-coordinate is 7. What is the value of the x-coordinate for point B?"
"This array has two dimensions, and so we want to give in the output array we want to get the coordinates in the original array along two dimensions."
"It's gonna be up 1 over 2 up 1 over 2 something like that."
"No, yes. All streets in Salt Lake are numbered from north and south and east. It's not like at the center, yep. It's like everything's numbers. Yeah, you have Temple South Temple, East Temple, your address is like [ __ ] longitude coordinates."
"The center of the circle is at 2, -2, and it passes through the point 5, 2. What's the equation of the circle? x minus 2 squared plus y plus 2 squared equals 25."
"What if one of those sets of coordinates represented Earth?"
"Sabine finally opens the map as it expels coordinates."
"OK, so is everybody happy with this coordinatization?"
"The North Pole is simply located in 90 degrees north latitude."
"Latitude and longitude give us north and south, east and west."
"Reference coordinates are extremely useful in this controller."
"Space-time has always one time coordinate and some number of space coordinates."
"Once you set the point to your preferred location, you can get the latitude and the longitude information."
"When we change the function, we can do things either to the x coordinate or the y coordinate or a combination of the two."
"The coordinates of our turning point are negative four and negative thirteen for the y coordinate."
"The circle equation is x minus H squared plus y minus K squared equals r squared where the center is H, K."
"There's no limit to what you can build in Tableau if you can just figure out those x and y coordinates."
"Every pixel that we are visiting gets an interpolated value that is this kind of blend, right, using these barycentric coordinates."
"Now everything will work and it will have the 3D coordinates."
"Cosine theta equals the x-coordinate."
"If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, that spot at the moment I first sat on it would be zero zero zero zero."
"My local maximum is the point at the top of this mountain, -2, positive 4."
"And I load these coordinates, and I just do some switching here to switch the, I think it's the Y and Z axis because they're flipped in the way I would like them."
"And then I normalize the coordinates, and I get some X, Y, and Z values."
"These paths and co vector fields are geometric objects that don't depend on our choice of coordinates."
"Barycentric coordinates are the most natural coordinates for a simplex."
"The distance between two points is the absolute value of the difference of the coordinates."
"These are the coordinates of the center of one of the most mysterious triangle regions on Earth."
"Any point on this map can be located by determining its horizontal and vertical positions."
"Shared coordinates... can be used to establish each model's relationship to one another via the use of the coordinate system regardless of origins."
"First, let's add a state that will store the X and Y coordinates of the logo once it's being dragged."
"The key thing is that the jumps preserve the parity, the even or oddness, of both your x-coordinate and your y-coordinate."
"UV coordinates in shaders go from 0 to 1, no matter the dimensions or the aspect ratio of the texture."
"Write down the coordinates of point A. So for coordinates, we always want the x coordinate first."
"This starting point right here is going to have coordinates Northing 5000, Easting 10000, Elevation 100, making this the origin point for our project."
"Together, the radius R and that angle Theta describe exactly what point we're talking about."
"Remember a point in a rectangular system is described as an x and y coordinate...left and right movement and up and down."
"We're beginning with our coordinate system, which is a new place to start."
"We're starting with this idea that all of space-time can be put into a coordinate system."
"The coordinates of the minimum point is actually negative B over 2A."
"Similarly with triple integrals, it can be convenient to use rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates."
"Zero comma zero is right in the corner down here, we call it the origin."
"Every position on Earth can be identified using an address, and that's what coordinates of latitude and longitude are."
"What specifies a particular vector in a vector space is nothing more than its coordinates."
"In terms of measuring things, I assume that the pinhole of the camera is located in the world at like zero zero zero coordinates."
"The machine uses the XYZ Cartesian coordinate system."
"All you have to do is average the x's and average the y's, that's it."
"Homogeneous coordinates... a super simple super easy trick."
"The vertices of triangle ABC are A(1,1), B(1,3), C(3,3)."
"A point is a struct with x and y that's its location."
"The center is the origin, zero comma zero."
"The sine of theta is the y-coordinate and the cosine of theta is the x-coordinate."