
Cybernetics Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Do you want your cyber arm to be hacked or something?"
"It's as if the days are long but the years are short."
"The King has a dog, an absolutely good cybernetic boy called Rex."
"What's cooler than a cybernetic dragon not much."
"Having a brain dead zombie cyborg wandering around does seem less risky than skynet."
"If the pioneers of Soviet cybernetics could confidently lay out blueprints for automated socialist planning half a century ago the possibilities today are exponentially greater."
"Cybernetics alleviates the friction, delay, and even conscience of human decisions."
"Cyberpsychosis is defined as a mental illness specifically a dissociative disorder."
"I love that just lying about your weapon's abilities like I've uploaded your blood to my dagger now it will always track you. It's a cyber blade."
"Merry Christmas, my name is Gerald Ford. How long have I known Chris? Probably been about eight or nine years. What would I give Chris as a gift? If I could give him robotic legs, be honest. Give him some cybernetic legs or maybe some dunks too, with the legs!"
"They wanted to bring some badass martial arts to the cyborg combat."
"Bitcoin is a defense system, a cybernetic fence, a cyber Dome."
"He's talking about what some of the issues would be with just cybernetics in general."
"Humanity's loss should only happen when you put in cybernetics that either actually significantly mess with your nervous system or are 100% about violence."
"The magos dominus, a master of the arts of the ligo cybernetica, granted the dread right to create and control the cortex automata built for war."
"...if you offload things to a text file, you can just see them. It is a huge cybernetic boost to your organizational capacity."
"A super majority of responsible with any more than 50 of their bodies being replaced with cybernetics."
"We too are cyborgs... all these different ways that our senses and how we do things in space and time and connect with others and receive information and communicate is highly cybernetic."
"Attack of the Cybermen... great stuff."
"Thor in my timeline is actually a cybernetic replica created by the company that I work for."
"Cyberpunk isn't punk but in the future; cyberpunk is a genre philosophically coming out of the conclusions reached in research of cybernetics."
"We are a system of infinite cybernetic loops operating in reaction to each other loop in our environment, a flesh machine."
"The upgraded synthetic human flesh covered T-800s became the ideal infiltration weapon."
"Cybernetics offers models for understanding processes that are too complicated to model in terms of linear cause-and-effect."
"Darth Vader was left more machine than man due to the near-total cybernetic reconstruction facilitated by the injuries he suffered on Mustafar."
"Cybernetics machines are constructed to help humanity."
"Crime is at an all-time high, advertisements are in the water, and on top of that, everybody is a cyborg."
"Cybernetics was thought to be the next stage of evolution."
"Have you heard of the new science called cybernetics? It concerns man's efforts to develop a perfect thinking machine."
"Cybernetics is the field of science which integrated ideas of sensing, action, and the environment."
"A cybernetic problem is always connected with the control of a dynamic system."
"Cybernetics, coupled as it is with mathematical control methods for solving new problems, can be applied to all aspects of science and technology."
"Cybernetics is hard to understand; it explains complexity and wholeness, an insight to free you from darkness, carry you into the daylight of pure reason."
"Cybernetics is the science of whole systems, and since everything is part of the system, from atoms to galaxies, it's universal."
"Invented by James Watt, one of the earliest cybernetic inventions because what this is doing, you'll notice, is keeping a runaway variable under control."
"It is the science of controlling communication in the animal and the machine."
"Hello everybody, it's very nice of you to come and listen to me talking a bit about the nature and the history of cybernetics."
"It's always been an ideal of mine to be interdisciplinary, and cybernetics is outstandingly an interdisciplinary subject."
"You will become a holist, and that's what I personally set out to become."
"I hope you remember all about the cybernetic model of the viable system because this model deeply underlies the story I want to tell you now."
"Cybernetics allows us to reach a potential we would otherwise never even dream of."
"Victor Mancha uses nanite cybernetics which are basically magic."