
House Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"We need to win the House... there's no point in having the discussion about what we're going to do if that happens."
"Oh my days, yo guys, do you wish you had this house? Come on, this is what I would take baths in."
"The reason I went for a system boiler like this is that this house has two bathrooms."
"This is a brand new house, nobody's ever lived inside of it."
"We love this, the boards that the previous owner of the house installed, it makes everything look so antique."
"It's so overwhelming, I just... there's not many words to describe a house like this."
"With determination, Van sets about constructing the different spaces of the house."
"The whole house, although clearly older, was comfortable and had good vibes."
"This is one of my favorite houses I've been in."
"Who is buying this house? Who thinks they need this house?"
"Your house, your home, is like the foundation for your whole life."
"If you're in your house and there's five ghosts, do something with it."
"It's a beautiful house, use that for your stencil."
"This beautiful house was carved out of a natural cavern in the Ozark Mountains and it looks like an upgraded dystopian movie set."
"This is the house folks, another 124-year-old house. This is the second sale in a row where we're doing that, this house was built in 1900."
"It's always kind of been a dream of mine to build my own house."
"...it feels like a house... it has separate spaces without feeling too closed in."
"Please tell me if you got a house."
"This is incredible. I want one of these in my house so bad."
"I've always wanted a house filled with secret rooms."
"It was deep into the night edging toward dawn when I got back to the house."
"The only thing that can bring House Targaryen down is internal division."
"Oh, the use of the house in this movie is imaginative and awesome."
"He's getting the house in shape and actually making what our dreams were a reality."
"An extreme whole house clean with me."
"I can't believe how many Hidden Mickeys that we found in that house."
"The decor in this house was absolutely perfect."
"Everything in our house is sending out messages."
"There's a modernity the way you've married it to the old historical vibe of the house."
"The house is overflowing with quirky Design Elements."
"This house has received a lot of positive feedback from potential buyers and the transformation is undeniable."
"It's an entertaining house which is really important for us."
"We bought a house and walking around, my wife was so taken by the ornaments in the garden that we negotiated a price for the house plus the complete contents of the garden."
"She and Bruce went up inside the house to check and no one was home; the house was quiet as a tomb."
"Every time he chooses to betray me it's happened multiple times you don't need to return to the castle you can stay at the house."
"I think that you want to think about how is this going to stand the test of time how is it going to look in two years five years 50 years whether you're still there or it's passed on to another family you'll always drive by and remember it as your house."
"Yes, oh my gosh, well you know what, this is great because we have no food at the new house right now."
"Scotland is home, this house is home."
"Wow, your house just got much bigger."
"This house is a five-bedroom, like, honestly bigger than five bedrooms 'cause this is a whole eight."
"I inherited a house for my grandparents... it had a considerable perimeter along with a beautiful veranda and a big back garden."
"So my worry around this has gone away a little bit my next worry is to do with Aesthetics I bought my house because I liked it curb appeal it looks a pretty house on the front I really do genuinely like the look of it."
"This conjunction is happening in your 11th house of friendships, networks, allies, social groups."
"You know when the house just feels a bit lighter?"
"If I come to your house and you serve me coffee out of this cup we are fighting."
"Small houses and yards need small gardens, big houses and big Lawns need big Gardens."
"This is going to be the official second room in this house that is going to have a closet system."
"You want to see, you know it's never good when you first move into a house to start a horror movie."
"The house unsettled the priest from the moment he laid eyes on it."
"It's a shame it's going to be demolished, but not every house is for another person."
"Even the Gothic interior of the house appears to be lifted right from the film."
"If you wouldn't know whose house it was, you'd think it was Dolly Parton's."
"A house is a machine for living in." - Le Corbusier
"I cannot even put into words how excited I am to leave the house. It's just been so long."
"This house is definitely one of the most incredible homes I have ever seen."
"Nothing feels better than leaving your house once you've been."
"A big portion of what I'm trying to save for is a house."
"I want to own a house and build my own house in Texas that's a dream."
"Before my house was yellow, oh wait should I, no, all I'm saying is my house was one color at one point, yes I went to school, yes I came back, my entire house was a different color, yo bro, the same day the whole house was a different color, I said what."
"Selling your house is one of the biggest financial moves you make in life."
"Do you just want to close a door and never see another house?"
"Buying a house is the biggest financial decision most of us will ever make."
"You've got to think of outside space not just as the yard but as an extension of the house."
"The more square footage that I see and the lower the price of the house, the better."
"Initially, we were thinking of having a house that would be maybe less big to start off, but this house already ticks all the boxes for midterm and longterm."
"I'm quite shocked that I've found such a lovely house."
"The house itself, honestly, it was just mesmerizing!"
"If you can find a house that already has radiators on the wall, it means that's great because it looks like it has central heating but all the pipes will already be connected up under the floorboards which is going to save you a lot of money."
"It's giving me a new lease of life this house, I'll be honest with you."
"This is how a house becomes a home."
"Nothing else happened at that house though, and I lived there for another three years without incident."
"I think something attached itself to our family from that house."
"I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that my house doesn't look like a mess because it does."
"I'm in this big house and I've been locked in."
"I worry that the house is going to gradually fill with water."
"So, what I do after I price my items or I try to do, I've okay, I'm in my house, I've made it, I've priced it, I've added the price tag."
"I found this written on a sheet of yellow notebook paper on the floor when I moved into my new house. My landlord informed me that the previous homeowner went missing under mysterious circumstances."
"I figured Solomon's house was there all right, well-ordered palm trees surrounded by an all-white job with a lot of grill work."
"How nice this does his voice, this house is so cool oh my gosh."
"So, that's how much you have to put down for a $400,000 house because I'm assuming that's what you meant."
"If you've ever noticed, if you start a unit up and it's really hot inside the house, the suction pressure is really high."
"It looks like a cute little house."
"The Senate was originally a body to represent the states. The House was given power over spending our money because they are our representatives."
"The house was so perfectly preserved, you didn't have to change anything."
"I mean what an amazing place it's like you're upstairs in someone's house."
"The house is more or less perfect."
"This kitchen is going to sell this house, absolutely."
"This is probably the most used part of my house."
"It seemed like the main purpose of the house was to be able to say who was in the house and who was outside of the house it was a way to kind of know where people stood right."
"This house is a park model RV on paper, and we were able to get that certification through NOAA."
"Never underestimate the power of emotion when you're selling your house."
"We've turned this house from unsellable to sold."
"We decided to set aside money every month... to save up for the house."
"This will be a house of the prophets for the nations."
"Can a house be a home when there's nobody home?"
"...this custom wall with the stones really compliments the rest of the house."
"This house feels so much better, it's so clean in here."
"I like enough that i want to explore more from this house."
"But y'all, I actually like my house now, it's starting to come together."
"Honestly for 50 Grand this is a pretty nice house."
"This right here is probably my favorite part of the house."
"This house really is cozy and I don't mind that it's smaller than the first house."
"This house has so much natural light, which we love."
"Like, I don't want to just add trim to add trim, I want this house to vibe with French country French provincial."
"Make sure the house stands because you didn't just hear the word, you became the word."
"We saw this house. The house was fantastic. It just fits our need perfect to start a family."
"It didn't seem to have the character that I'd want in the house."
"This backyard is what sold us on the house basically."
"If anyone knows where I can find one to come bless the house and the property, I would be elated to get this over with."
"I'm not afraid of the dark but it was different here I feared that house."
"It's a really beautiful way of adding some nature into the house without spending a fortune."
"Let's finish some part of this house so we can put things together, and now we're putting things together and I couldn't be more excited."
"It's not a wow house it's a bit Bland maybe a bit too sensible for me there's just something about it that I don't really feel 100 comfortable with."
"I lived in a house with a number of bedrooms and it never once made me feel better than living in a smaller place, not one time."
"It's meant to be a house not a prison."
"One of the things I've always done at my house...I planted on the north side of a house."
"The house itself is not a script."
"This is probably like this whole area is like my favorite room in the house now."
"I don't understand how a house could have feelings... but if someone was to ask me what I felt, hateful is the word that I would use."
"I've had a few meltdowns, but who hasn't when they move house, right?"
"My old house made me feel worse than actually being at the hospital because it was just so cold and it was a nightmare."
"Every little task adds up slowly to a clean house."
"This is an extremely important step to protect your house from moisture and water damage."
"This could well have been the series save house at all."
"I praise God that he's allowed us to have this house."
"The house at 2316 Chipman Street became a torture chamber for the young couple."
"Our house like a safe haven for stray dogs."
"The last house showed that Jason was more charmed by period features than Peter."
"Welcome to your four bedroom house by this magnificent door."
"I think this is a cool house because it's small and cozy."
"Your certificate is still in the house. Are you planning to use it?"
"But though you may lose your house, you never have to lose your home."
"If I had a magic wand to wave on one thing for this house, it would be an area that we could have a dining table that is brighter."
"If I could change one thing about this house... it would be an area that we could have a dining table that is brighter."
"How secure am I going to feel instead of taking that money and putting it into an account that is my savings account so that at some point I can actually buy a house within my lifetime?"
"A lot of people see footage from our house and they ask us where do we get all these prints, where do we get all these posters?"
"Look at this house, everything okay?"
"That's a pretty big boat. I don't know if you can see it's, uh, it's almost the size of that house right there."
"If it's a good house, I feel so comfortable that I immediately have to poop."
"Tell me, why did you go for this house?"
"We've got a suspicion he might still be in the house."
"I hope that was helpful if you're looking for a house or thinking of buying a house."
"This place was hands down the best house that I've actually ever visited."
"House was built in 1910 by Robert C Davies... they all seemed to pass away from GI or intestinal type issues except for the wife."
"I have so much house content coming up."
"Okay Bertha, I'm taking care of the house for you."
"This house is so haunted, two girls were found murdered here."
"The house is made of walls and beams. A home is built with love and dreams. Oh, I like that."
"No one comes to our house during Halloween it's actually pretty sad but like I get it no one wants to walk all the way down the lane."
"Sometimes fixing a house is just the easy part. It's when people get emotionally beaten and worn down that it goes Way Beyond the bricks and mortar."
"The whole house is really, really taking shape."
"I love this house, it's so pretty."
"Fun and games for you if you buy this house."
"Who wouldn't want a house so large that you'd need breadcrumbs to find your way from the bedroom to the bathroom?"
"We needed a little bit of a bigger space, so I went ahead and got us a little family house."
"The house or something inside of it wants to slowly drain me until I completely melt into it and become a part of the house."
"The first few weeks were perfect, as I was still in my honeymoon phase. But as time passed by, I started to notice some very strange things about my new house."
"I always knew there was something different about the house."
"Exorcism cannot alter the countenance of a house."
"This place became an internet phenomenon... a very strange house."
"Appearances can be deceiving, that was the case with this house."
"The hill was almost a small mountain and the house itself was practically a mansion."
"The directions Anna gave me said that her house was the large one on top of a hill in town."
"May it please you to bless the house of your servant so that it may continue forever before you."
"The rules of my house: No drinking and driving and no drinking and diving."
"This house is just completely transformed."
"That room right there is the creepiest room in this house."
"Let the sound of rejoicing fill this house."
"This makes me feel so like woman of the house, so mature like I've got life together."
"I think a house should always have an organic quality."
"This is a bad house, full of secrets."
"When I saw that house for sale, I thought it was absolutely wonderful."
"It's got to feel like the type of house that people would want to go to and go 'Wow, this is a great house'."
"That's one of my favorite parts of this house, is the staircase for sure."
"For the most part, we're gonna try and keep her original as possible."
"I'm so happy we moved to this house; we love it so much."
"Your baby never needs a hat in the house and certainly not when they're asleep."
"We're happy that the house is about to finish, like it's almost done."
"One thing remains certain: any controversy... has been supplanted by the house on Ash Tree Lane."
"The house feels so creepy, there's like a lot of atmospheric vibes going on."
"The house emerges as as much of a character as the people who inhabit it."
"Happy Friday morning. This Friday morning finds me back at the basement of the new house, glory of glories."
"This house is pretty impressive, see if there's anything left at all inside."
"I shall never forget the day I first heard of that house."
"That's a shame, this is actually a very nice house."
"Very few people have been to this house and not felt it had a certain kind of magic about it."
"We think you have a beautiful house."
"We're here with the utmost respect for you and your house."
"The most important part about a house is the foundation."
"We're starting the process to make this 1963 Ranch house my own on the exterior."
"I'm excited for you, 1963 house, you got new paint, new life, right?"
"It's now America's most famous haunted house."
"We're going to keep you updated on this house because I think it's going to be unbelievable."
"Maybe I'll call this the Gallery House because inside is absolutely spectacular."
"This house is about 10 years old and the current owner came in and they redid almost everything."
"Now this is an amazing house, it's extremely well built and maintained."
"It's a mystery house, 10 out of 10."
"I've thought very deeply about it and I just think yeah, that's my house, I'm a Gryffindor."
"The house being the antagonist is really cool."
"We found a secret room in my house."