
Closing Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Thank you all for showing up, you have a good one."
"This has been scram and I'll see you next time, bye."
"Thank you for watching, see you back tomorrow."
"Thank you so much for watching! As always, I have been AverageTrey. PEACE."
"The most exciting I think is when you're actually sitting at a closing table, you get handed the keys after you sign."
"I'm Michael, this is the Michael N show, see you next week."
"Thank you so much for listening. Have a great day!"
"We will talk to you all very soon, bye!"
"Until next time, I'll talk to you all later. Peace out."
"The puppy dog close is one of the most powerful and best closes of all."
"We'll see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody, bye-bye, peace out guys."
"If you're not good at closing the sale, you're not good at opening the sale."
"Thanks for joining me. See you soon! Bye."
"Until next time, I will see you next time. Smooches, smooches."
"I will catch y'all next week, we out, peace."
"Till next time, thanks for watching. Take care."
"That's all we got for you guys today. Hope you have a great day and we'll catch you guys next time. Peace."
"Good night everybody. Good night. Bye."
"As a closer, you gotta talk, you gotta listen, you gotta train both skills."
"Closing is just facilitating the transaction and not saying something dumb."
"You have to master the ability to ask for the sale. Most people never even ask for the sale."
"Y'all, we're getting our property. We had our closing today, it's the day we go sign the papers all official."
"That has been today's Grand Prix cheers for everyone tuning in and um I think that's it from me."
"And on that note, guys, it's time to close out today's video. Please drop a like if you enjoyed, subscribe to this YouTube channel if you are new."
"Hope you enjoy this video. If you did, subscribe. I'll see you in the next one. Thanks. Peace."
"Click it. That is it from us. We shall speak to you guys next time. Bye!"
"All right, well, that's it for now, folks, so thanks a lot for watching."
"The Inn would be closing soon so not much more ale would be flowing anyway."
"Fantastic job closing the scene by Charity Looper."
"Goodnight, everyone. Goodnight, Indigo Injustices."
"Closing or settlement. Legal title to real property typically transfers from the seller to the buyer at the closing or settlement where all necessary documents are signed, funds are exchanged, and ownership is officially transferred."
"And yeah that'll do it and for now we will see yall later."
"I will see you all next week. Bye."
"My closing is normally a summary or recap. I don't have to preach the whole sermon again, I just preached it, but a quick recap and then try to encourage them and always try to give a challenge when I'm preaching."
"that's all from me so have a good one"
"And I will see you guys all in my next video, love you all."
"Take care, and I'll see you guys in the next video. God bless you guys in Jesus' name. Amen."
"We'll see you on the next video. Take care."
"That's gonna be it for this one. Thanks so much for watching, and we will see y'all again very soon. Bye y'all, bye."
"I'm going to go ahead and get the heck out of here for today."
"Thank you for watching and I will just insert my closing vlog here. All right, bye."
"... do press the like button, do subscribe, and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Take care and bye for now."
"That was it for today, stay safe, cheers."
"These are soft close, so let's close the doors."
"The fun fair will be closing soon."
"Thank you for watching and have a great night."
"And all I can say right now, guys, is ciao for now."
"that's pretty much it for today's video i'm gonna go ahead and call it a night i love you all so much thank you guys for watching this video and i will see you guys in my next one"
"As always, thanks for listening, and we will see you next time."
"Solution questions are excellent closing tools that use the potential value of your offering to secure the prospect's commitment to engage further."
"Your ability to close the sale often depends on how effective you were at generating interest in phase one and presenting your solutions in phase two."
"The average sale requires five closing attempts before a prospect is ready."
"Well, that's all we have time for today, thank you for listening."
"Master the art of closing the sale."
"Closing is regarded as one of the most recession-proof Industries on the planet."
"If you can break down through your questions the limiting beliefs and reinstall the empowering beliefs... you're going to create an objectionless close."
"Closing the sale is a stage in the selling process where salespeople meet the greatest difficulty."
"When you get someone on the phone that's qualified, you possess all the skills necessary to close them."
"Control X Control S to save and then you would Control X Control C to close the document."
"I just want to close out this video and say thank y'all so much for watching."
"Negotiations go all the way up to the closing table."
"When you hear the cuckoo clock chime, it's closing time."
"Forecast category gives you a high-level idea of how close the opportunity is to closing."