
Profit Motive Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"What you do need to do is change one, just one aspect of your health, and if you do it, I can practically guarantee your health and life will change in a matter of weeks or even days."
"Every institution from the hospitals to the pharmaceutical companies to Med schools... make more money when more people are sick."
"The reality...is that very simply put, every lever of healthcare today predominantly makes money when they're intervening on sick people."
"Capitalism is a system in which things are done because they generate profit, not necessarily because anybody needs or wants them."
"Queerbaiting isn't the projection of a false queerness; the queer subtext projected by queerbaiting is queer, but when queer subtext is instrumentalized in the service of profit, it creates a disconnect."
"A system that prioritizes constantly growing profits can make any interaction seem like some sort of transaction."
"Speaking the truth about success stories where you eliminate a profit motive from specific industries is amazing."
"The profit motive needs to be fed by serving the consumer instead of serving a small handful of the ruling class."
"In pursuit of profit, there is no rule that cannot be bent; there is no principle that cannot be undercut, as long as you and your friends are making money."
"If the profit were taken out of wars, do you really believe we would have them?"
"Does some of this depend on who profits from what is this just about our inability to see great dangers in slower motion?"
"The publisher primarily is interested in making profit from your project, and we do not want to make all the money in the world; we want to make the game interesting."
"What makes more sense: that cultural products are becoming increasingly standardized because there is a worldwide cultural Marxist conspiracy, or that they are becoming standardized because when the profit motive dictates production, industries will produce that which has already been proven to sell?"
"The few who own the factories, the mills, the foundries, and wells where fossil fuels and all the other materials for our built environments get made are ultimately beholden to profit."
"The problem is not just Trump's ineptitude, the problem is the for-profit health care system. We don't have an infrastructure that can cope with a national health crisis because our health care structure is designed only for one thing, and that's to make money."
"You cannot morally justify ignoring climate change, but in this world, profit and capital will continue to dominate decisions."
"As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality."
"It's crucial to question whether the pursuit of profits overshadows moral principles."
"Human needs are unlimited, and so in a capitalist society, people want to make a profit, and so they try to satisfy human needs. But since needs are unlimited, there is no end to the process."
"The profit motive is the best way to get people to do things, but the profit motive is not exclusive to free-market capitalism."
"Why fix it if it's broken but makes a shitload of money?"
"Well, it turns out that there are some profit motives behind pushing this drug."
"Peace is not nearly as profitable to those who are in the war business."
"It's the way the United States and its allies have organized and used their military over the last several decades... they've prioritized profit over purpose."
"The market doesn't care. It wants to make money."
"Big businesses are in the business of profit-seeking."
"Sherry went down the rabbit hole and took a very wrong turn and then realized, you know, I can control, manipulate people through this information and make a shitload of money too, right?"
"The system profits from people being unjustly locked up."
"Corporations have no ethical responsibility whatsoever to greater society and only serve to make money."
"Let's get in there and see if we can make some money."
"Well, you came at the right time, but we already made an entire galactic species extinct. Took their homeworld for our own for the sake of profit."
"Doctors make money... they know that they're gonna make a buck off of this."
"At the end of the day, it's a business, you're here to make money."
"The function of our healthcare system today is not to provide quality care in a cost-effective manner to everyone; it is to make as much profit as possible for the insurance companies and the drug companies."
"When it comes to ecological catastrophe... you still have the greed, the short-term thinking, the obsession with profit."
"When social spaces are ultimately built with profit in mind..."
"Facebook knows its products are harmful but puts profits over people."
"The whole purpose of a company is to make money it's not it's not to enact social change."
"There's no question that there is an industry around trying to exploit as much money as you can often at the expense of the misery and suffering of others."
"We are not equipped to handle crises because crisis management isn't profitable."
"YouTube isn't freaking justice YouTube wants to make money and based on their current golden boy, the entire algorithm will shift to their favor."
"Rules don't apply when a corporation is trying to make money."
"That something that saves lives should be, not profitable."
"The more rich people you make, the more money you make, and it's insane."
"When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen."
"It's okay to risk lives because we're making money."
"Going against the scientific consensus on climate change being an existential threat to the human species for the temporary profit of a few already rich assholes, is extreme."
"You think Disney actually cared about your politics? They care about your money."
"We own you. You don't understand how much money we're going to make from this. Billions."
"People aren't in business to lose money, they're in business to make money."
"Removing the profit incentive is a huge point."
"If we have that kind of technology, is it all about money?"
"It's like this really sick money-making business."
"War is a racket... the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
"The profit motive isn't as apparent there yet but it will be."
"Ultimately, Gabby Hannah is a multi-dimensional hypocrite... for profit."
"If you're a publicly traded company, you try to make money from the stock market."
"They are putting profit over people... profit over people and it pisses me off."
"I think that's the shittiest part of it all that we get screwed over while people outside of this country make the money."
"This is a Band-Aid and our government is supposed to help the people but they're making more profit from this."
"The pursuit of profits, this is a structural imperative of the capitalist system."
"The vaccine is ready so a company can make billions and billions and billions of billions of dollars."
"They care about one thing: lining their pockets at the expense of anybody and anything."
"The profit in the United States... distorts our health care system."
"The West is profit-driven, not purpose-driven."
"The office is like a money-grabbing circus every day."
"The label knows what they're doing and they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't benefit the bottom line."
"There is a corrupt special interest that is profiting from these gun laws that are killing Americans."
"It's inappropriate for a parent to sell their children's trauma out for profit."
"People make money from doing good; it's a wonderful thing."
"News companies will make more money if they pick stories that know will make you upset, and they know any story involving Trump is going to make their audience upset."
"What is truly terrifying is when those dangers are ignored and profit is deemed more important than human lives."
"Health care cannot be a for-profit institution."
"In the content era, creativity is devalued under the guise of profitability."
"If the price gets high enough so that randos have jumped on, right? People who don't care about the squeeze, people who just want to be able to say they made money on AMC or GE, then they'll get their day. And that's not what we're here for."
"Fox News is taking a jackhammer to the fabric of American culture to make money."
"The name of the game is obviously to make money, folks. It is to make as much money as we possibly can."
"Exploiting us is lucrative. A lot of people want to keep those systems in place because it's lucrative." - Cube
"Our relationship to guns in this country in the Second Amendment has been subsidized by the very people who profit from us killing each other."
"We all know he did it for profit, right? That's the grift is always the thing with Donald Trump."
"Family, not just friendship or connection. You are loyal to the friends you make throughout the way, but almost every single one of those friends are just vehicles in which you can make money through by way of missions."
"Investors aren't gift givers. They're not super generous. They're really savvy people who are looking to make money for themselves."
"We're rolling dice with our children who can't even discuss it with anybody."
"It's a lot, child. These people, they do whatever they can because they're making the money."
"They're making money and these artists are just trying to make something good along the way."
"There is money to be made, and that is what this channel is all about."
"Maybe that suggests that the market and the system of profit driven decisions in business isn't the best way to go."
"Why fight your enemy when instead you can turn them into profit?"
"Large companies are amoral at best -- more interested in profit than doing what’s right."
"Why is the health of the average American plummeting? Because modern medicine profits from sickness, not health."
"For insurance companies, the bigger the disaster, the more they stand to profit."
"War is about profits, profits for the military-industrial complex."
"Profit is what led to us not being prepared... profit is what led people to fire 52 million people... profit is what making workers... suffer lower pay and lost benefits."
"People are pissed because they said it's a cash grab right which is nuts at the end of the day you have to be stupid not to understand that if you're starting a business of any kind it's for profit in some capacity or another."
"Businesses exist for only one reason: to make a profit."
"Sure, they care about animals, but only the ones that give them money."
"Removing the profit motive entirely from global health will allow us to make the kind of public investments we need."
"They can't make money off a cure, that's very true actually."
"It's a way of commodifying your ill health for the benefit of a very small number of people."
"The pursuit of profit is increasingly leading companies to prioritize their own financial gain over the well-being and privacy of their users."
"The system requires homeless people because if everybody had their needs met, there would be no profit to be made."
"We're going to all make money here... but we got to try and keep our customers happy."
"Private companies making private profits make it harder for millions of Americans to access drug stores."
"The person who's buying crypto is typically doing it... to make lots of money."
"People don't want to know the truth, they just want to make money."
"There's no profit in the cure now, is there?"
"They basically use black Americans for profit."
"Business people are not your friends. They are in business to make money."
"It's all about making the money and pulling money."
"It's really sad for a society that news is a profit-based business that's spun as entertainment."
"They were making money off of every single light that gets hit."
"When you mix business with education, you get business-type results: hiding, dissimulating, making money even at the expense of the most basic kinds of human care for one another."
"He will sell out American values and patriotism... because he wants to make money."
"With the prison industrial complex, there's an incentive to imprison people because there's a profit motive behind it."
"Consumer culture is a carefully curated set of social norms with an agenda, profit."
"The goal of capitalism is to maximize profits regardless of the humanitarian or environmental costs."
"Our health care System itself is incentivized to actually make more money doing more stuff rather than making people healthier."
"At the end of the day, they are financial institutions trying to make money, not charities."
"That's the thing that's so infuriating - the betrayal of truth for profit."
"I think that it sort of starts to turn an opportunity where people could be helping other people into an opportunity where people are making money off other people being hurt."
"If someone could sell, I knew we could make a lot of money together."
"Instead of actually fixing problems that cause psychological issues, large organizations focus their efforts on developing and distributing drugs to remedy the problem and making a profit from it."
"There is money to be made and that you need to get in on this."
"Money is completely detached to anything and money is supposed to be how we measure time energy resources and human action."
"Science has shown us what this stuff does to us and it is these corporations that are pushing the externalities onto us to make profits."
"There's no depths that Disney won't sink to in the Relentless pursuit of profit over artistic Merit."
"Books, you know, they're not just commodities. The profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art."
"In the quest for profits, corporate owners are punching holes through the long-standing wall protecting journalists from corporate meddling."
"Ultimately, the actions of any big corporation legally have to be to the shareholders and to the profits and to the stock price. That's what the board of directors work for, that's who they work for, that's their boss."
"I don't think it makes sense to have a profit motive in keeping people locked up."
"I don't think there should be a profit motive in regard to health care because when there is that, you're literally playing with people's lives."
"Companies are greedy, companies look out for one thing pretty much one thing only."
"Now many big multinational organizations, such as Walmart and Chevron and Coca-Cola, are very concerned about environmental issues, because they recognize that it is a life and death matter for them, that it affects their bottom line."
"The pharmaceutical industry is not interested in the drug you only take once."
"...she asked the publishing world to consider the value of art and literature above the profit motive."
"They care about profits over people."
"FIFA as an organization is the perfect representation of how the profit motive can corrupt."
"I'm very pessimistic about the direction of people running it trying to just make their growth rate in their profit go endlessly to the sky."
"If companies could pay women less, they would hire only women. But the fact is, they don't, because it's about profit."
"Companies prioritize profit over anything else. If they can pay women less for the same output, why hire men?"
"My argument would be that the problems that we've been discussing are intrinsic to a private model for health care because the profit motive does not itself contain an incentive for these good behaviors we're discussing."
"...the internet is run by multi-billion dollar tech companies that are on the profit motif which they have one commodity that they’re trying to get which is your attention; that’s it, that’s what translates into money."
"...they're just going out searching for hits and you know wanting to sell five million records and then I get it that's what it's all about it's all about making money..."
"Under capitalism, a catastrophe becomes a profit opportunity, as seen in the Marshall Islands."
"You have to pull the profit motive out of the machinery of human economics. It's the only way to prevent that decline into barbarism."
"It's completely for profit and for what you know no one feels safer."
"The whole point of all TV shows is to make money."
"It's not his fault. The American Healthcare system is not about helping people; it's about making money."
"'Our prison system is a business. They're privatized prisons that make money.'"
"If we had a body that was interested in creating medicines that was not motivated purely by profits, I think we would probably see it by now, right?"
"I'm not trading because I want to catch big moves, I'm trading because I want to make money."
"Capitalism is driven by the profit motive, not by some innate drive to innovate."
"Businesses are created to make money."
"You're entering into this agreement with an expectation of profit."
"We use cheap labor to keep consumer costs down, we exploit workers to expand our profit margins."
"The private sector has as its prime purpose commercial activities, often funded by borrowing for the purposes of making a profit for the shareholders."
"Idols are nothing more than robots for companies to use to make money, a cog in the machine."
"We all got into this business to make money; we are not a non-profit."
"Follow the profits, follow the Prophet."
"If you're making a lot of money treating cancer, would you really want to suddenly start selling the cure?"
"They made them to entertain and make a profit, just like the film business now."
"You reminded those suit bags what really matters to a candy company: kids and money."
"Some people create hate for profit, and some people create love for free."
"An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in hope of profit."
"The goal of private prisons is to turn a profit."
"We're not here to mess around, we hope to make money."