
Cave Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Welcome to the Priya Nakhon Cave, a truly mind-blowing natural wonder."
"SCP-1351 is a cave located within the Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky."
"Rainforest inside a cave - the discovery of the world's largest cave."
"The biggest cave in the world was explored for the first time in 2009, but that's exactly what happened at the Sawn Doom Cave in Quang Binh Province, Vietnam."
"Mammoth Cave National Park: The world's longest known cave system."
"It doesn't matter what the temperature is outside, it's about 28° inside this cave."
"You gotta get to the part of the cave where your echoes are the loudest."
"This beautiful house was carved out of a natural cavern in the Ozark Mountains and it looks like an upgraded dystopian movie set."
"Spot number five is the birthing cave, one of my absolute favorites in Sedona because it's only 2 miles round trip to reach it."
"...far below the surface in a dark cave lit only by a few haphazardly placed photospores, an old man stared into a dome of thread light."
"It's interesting because if you see the paintings that they found in that cave in France those are 30 plus thousand years old."
"This video is captured in a cave located in southern Germany and is certainly not intended for individuals prone to claustrophobia."
"Welcome to Ruby Falls. It's 148 ft down in the mountain and it's over 1,000 ft underground."
"We proceeded into the cave, and once we were inside, we could see bones of animals all over the floor."
"The atmosphere within the cave becomes one of serenity and tranquility, as if it were designed to provide you with the perfect environment for relaxation and rejuvenation."
"Explore the breathtaking Marvel cave located beneath Silver Dollar City."
"This opportunity for the exploration of an Uncharted cave piqued the interest of many spelunking enthusiasts."
"A secret cave in Britain revealed by a landslide."
"Experts believe the cave was made by the cult of one particular saint."
"The anonymous Wind Cave of South Dakota's Wind Cave National Park is exactly what it sounds like—a windy cave."
"The emptiness inside me was like a cave."
"Stephen is our most famous guide here at Mammoth Cave. He was brought to the cave at 18 in 1838, at the age of 17, given a lantern, and told to take people out on tours. And he quickly took a liking to this job and also fell in love with the cave."
"Right, well, we've been told that we can take a picture in here. This is a Pendle Witch Cave, so it's a bit eerie, folks."
"He shares his story of how he explored the outside area of this cave and was hit with an overwhelming feeling of dread."
"I saw something inside the cave, a pair of eyes turned to me from somewhere at the edge of the light's influence."
"Few people would imagine that there's life in a cave, but there's a whole biological world here."
"Once you get inside the cave, you see it's filled with stalactites and stalagmites."
"The pattern was alarming; all the missing hikers vanished in the vicinity of a recently discovered unexplored cave."
"The entrance to the cave was foreboding, its yawning mouth inviting us to step into a world hidden beneath the Earth."
"The deepest cave known to humankind is Krubera Cave in the Arabika Massif in Georgia."
"This cave is older than 80 million years."
"A newly discovered cave could be the largest in Canada."
"It's Timeless. You could be in a sort of cave dwelling or couldn't you almost."
"It's the only cave that's entirely drive-through in the United States."
"Sam Roi Yod National Park... a genuinely stunning experience I've never seen a cave quite like it in my entire life."
"National Geographic has named this cave as the most sacred cave in the world."
"Mammoth Cave is the longest cave in the world, but apparently it might be even bigger than anyone thought."
"The cave on Rutland Island is believed to be the most haunted place in Northern Ireland."
"There is a giant creature that lives in that cave."
"Inside a mysterious cave that wasn't supposed to exist."
"It's the most decorated cave you've ever seen."
"That's all crystal if you see those stalactites and stalagmites and helictites, it's pure crystal everywhere."
"It's like you're in a palace, and those are statues."
"Let's go to the Gadima Cave, a marble cave which is discovered during the 1960s."
"This is the cave that should have never existed."
"It's so pretty, so nice. Oh my gosh, look at this cave, guys."
"The Forbidden cave, wrapped in whispers and enigma."
"The cave is dark, quiet, empty, with nothing but the old roots to keep you company."
"Blowing Cave in Arkansas is supposedly a secret entrance to an underground world."
"The cave was surprisingly spacious, its walls stretched out and upward into the darkness."
"What I saw was breathtaking: stalagmites stretched throughout the chamber."
"We ran into a cave. Look at that, natural cave features."
"The collection is really neat and I love that the entire thing is in a cave."
"The moon illuminates it from all sides, even a light could be seen in the depths of the inner cave."
"It's a cave and it's so beautiful."
"A huge cave appeared before us; we had never seen anything like it."
"...Lovelock cave was officially designated a historical site in 1984."
"The cave is nothing short of a natural phenomenon."
"We're gonna go explore the cave there, hopefully find some crazy stuff."
"The cave is so large it even has its own weather system, with clouds lingering above."
"The dripstone cave of Postojna is the longest known cave of Slovenia."