
Positive Messaging Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Don't get to a place where you use the term 'this generation of children' and then say something negative."
"The film manages to say that aging as a woman is good, and that's a message lacking from a lot of media."
"I'm here to tell you all 5.6 million of you that things are going to improve."
"Thanks for watching, I hope you find yourself having an awesome day."
"Telling people they have value is a message I'd like to help amplify as well."
"Atoms for Peace helped send this message that hey, we're the good guys."
"What's obvious to you can be amazing to others."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope you're having a really great day."
"Kendall Jenner out of all the Kardashian Jenner sisters is the one that always tries to spin a positive message out of her business endeavors."
"Thank you guys, keep doing what you're doing. Later, bro."
"You cannot solve bullying with more bullying."
"Looking back, these movies are just freakin perfect, they're original, they're smart, and honestly have a really beautiful and uplifting message."
"You shouldn't... get someone saying 'I like WWE and you make me feel like it's okay to continue to like WWE,' and I always sit there and I shake my head and say, 'Well, that's what a lovely message to receive.'"
"I love you so much, don't forget to subscribe, I upload a new video every single Monday and sometimes Friday. I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful day. Bye bye."
"I hope y'all are having a great weekend, man."
"It's [ __ ] possible - touches me in my heart someone said that this ending there this movie was like very steel bur good message you're saying."
"Let's just spread positivity and love and just have a great [ __ ] new year."
"Spread kindness, perfect, that's a great message."
"It's empowering, it's perfect for right now."
"But we still had a lot of fun doing this. I hope you enjoyed and as always, happy painting. God bless."
"God bless you, God bless Germany, thank you so much." - Rick
"That's it for today's video. I hope you guys have an amazing day wherever you are."
"Self care is so incredibly important for positive self image, and positive mental health. That I love being able to share the message that self care in necessary with my products every single day."
"Through it all, we're reminded: You're loved, you're appreciated, you are enough. That's the message we want to spread."
"What is the compelling story to tell right now? I think the compelling story to tell right now is there is hope."
"It's important to have positive, empowering messages on your clothing."
"There's always more on the way. I love you all. I thank you all."
"Hope, coming all across Canada, was the number one word I heard."
"We'll see you guys in the next video insha'Allah, have an amazing day."
"Tyler Hoechlin is pretty awesome as Clark Kent and Superman, and I'm sold."
"Young people are listening to their music and they're sending a good message through their music."
"Thanks guys for watching, have an awesome day!"
"Be safe, be happy, be healthy. It's your boy Crypto Kirby. Peace and love, my friends."
"The nicest super chat: 'Hello, have a nice day, please.'"
"So more Jesus more peace and and continue the trend of less inflammatory hateful life-ending statements would be nice."
"I always like to leave my videos on a positive note."
"Having a rough day? Have a stressful exam coming up? This cat says you got it, go get 'em."
"Everything I'm doing is positive messaging for women period."
"Anaconda by Nicki Minaj samples Sir Mix-a-Lot's 'Baby Got Back,' focusing on the song's positive messaging."
"You are worthy of love, and that's a message to everybody out there."
"Good, it's awesome that there's bros who want people to have health care."
"Sharing the positive side of gaming to people, that's what I want to do."
"I'm positivity on here. I'm motivating on here. But this had to be told."
"I thank you for joining me this week. Do have a blessed day, and I love you all."
"Y'all be good to each other love yourselves peace."
"Right from the beginning, the message of looking beyond hate is the mantra."
"You get to be that light, you guys. Love you guys, have a beautiful day, and I will probably be back soon."
"Miyazaki's mantra: Show positivity and hope, even in darkness."
"Choosing the symbol of Satan to promote positive messages? It's ironic and brilliant."
"I don't want to leave y'all with bad news... I want to hopefully inspire."
"It had a really uplifting message of goodness and value in it."
"All the toxic [ __ ] we put inside of us y'all hold it down out there be safe be well be married Peace Love health wealth and prosperity Tupac cares if don't nobody else care we care here too sometimes."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, have a lovely day."
"Thank you all so much for listening, and I hope you guys all have a wonderful day."
"All foods fit, and you know I am like totally down for that message."
"I believe we should be carefully evangelizing Bitcoin in a non-intimidating fashion to bring hope and good cheer to the general public."
"We have to grab that moment and don't let it go and communicate messages that are very positive."
"Stay kind, stay beautiful, stay safe, stay spooky, and I will see you very, very soon."
"You all take care, God bless, and as always Shine On."
"Thanks for watching. Hope you blossom day and peace."
"Don't try to beat this guy in the gutter...take it higher and reach his voters and give them a reason to vote for us."
"Thanks again for watching, have yourself a good day."
"Thank you for watching this video... have a fantastic day."
"The original show tackled some proper issues and genuinely attempted to spread positive messages."
"Have a wonderful day! I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"We have to uplift those messages and show others that this is how it's done."
"I think that was a clear and very positive signal sent by the leader."
"Have a great night everyone, have a great rest of your day everybody."
"My name is lien arts, stay awesome, stay positive, and as always I will see y'all in the next video!"
"All the very best, guys. Take care and stay safe."
"I'll see you guys in the next video have a good day peace."
"Much love, you all have a great rest of your night."
"If we can keep passing on the right thing and sending the right messages to these kids growing up, then we can start seeing real changes in the world."
"Except of course, we're ending this video on some kind of positive or uplifting note, and the thought I want to leave people with today is a quote by an author named Joshua Becker who said, 'Work to improve yourself, not prove yourself.'"
"Confidence is more beautiful than anything so we're trying hard to just celebrate that message with everybody right now."
"I'm not wrong for wanting the culture to promote a positive message."
"Remember that you're loved and it's been a pleasure until next time."
"Thank you guys for watching, hope you all have an awesome day and take care."
"Guys, you want more? In the meantime, click right there. Stay awesome, stay positive, and as always, I'll see y'all."
"Thanks for watching, stay safe and have a great day."
"Messages from the second pile: I am sending you guys lots of love and light, Virgo. Take care."
"You're moving crazy, big up to everyone in the chat, appreciate you guys massively, god bless every single one of you."
"You're here for four more minutes, so what we usually do in the last little bit of the livestream is end with a positive thought."
"Even a positive scenic message can actually do more damage than good."
"Thanks for watching and have a super-duper delicious day!"
"Thank you so much for listening. Have a great day!"
"Oh my god, dude, thank you so much for watching, have a blessed day!"
"It's always great when developers connect with their communities. It sends a message that they care."
"Thank you for making it all the way to the end and have yourself a great day."
"Thank you for being open-minded thank you for being loved thank you for being you and we appreciate you."
"If you're having a bad day, it's going to get better, I promise."
"Gratitude, positivity, thankfulness. I want you to have something positive to take away from this workout."
"Be well and have a great rest of the week, bye bye."
"It's our time to show the beauty of what we are and we should mention the good about others as well as the negative."
"Keep the faith, hold on, and yeah, some words of encouragement."
"Stay safe and I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one!"
"Thank you guys so much for watching! Stay smiling, bye!"
"Everyone have a lovely weekend. Live long and prosper." - Host
"Thanks for watching guys, I'll see you in the next part. Have an awesome day."
"You guys have yourself a great week. Take care."
"Have a fantastic day! Put a smile on your face."
"Thank you for watching! Be kind to yourself and others."
"Thank you so much for watching to the end. Have a wonderful day."
"Have a great rest of your day, peace, and have a happy Halloween!"
"Regardless if they're completely 100% in line with how I do things the message is still, you know, a positive one."
"Have a wonderful day Reptile Army. Remember."
"I just encourage you... let's share some arrows... message her on Instagram love and encouragement and support."
"In a Green Bear KidTime StoryTime presidency, I will never turn my back on you."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope you're all having a lovely week."
"You do not need to photoshop, you're enough as you are."
"I hope you guys really enjoyed this video. If you did, give it a big thumbs up, share the video, subscribe if you haven't already, and most importantly, have an awesome day."
"And remember buddy, always be grateful, always be kind to others, and always say please and thank you, I'm your buddy Kev, this is Kevs Toy Fun, thanks for watching buddy and I'll see you soon, okay, buh-bye!"
"We want to bring happiness, share positive influence, and inspire millions of people out there who watch our videos."
"Hope you guys have a great day, thanks for all the love and support."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, peace and blessings to all."
"Have a great day everybody and take care."
"Have a beautiful day my friends, a blessed day."
"Have a fabulous day and we'll catch you next time."
"Who can be mad about a song about nice things?"
"People, educate yourself on racism and spread love, not negativity. Only peace, love, and positivity."
"You are loved, you are important. You are loved, you are important. You will be listened to. You will be fine."
"You guys have been wonderful and I'm so appreciative. God bless each and every one of you."
"Jesus was not preaching the bad news; he was preaching the good news of God."
"I hope you're all having a lovely day and you enjoyed this video."
"Have an awesome day and I will see you all tomorrow, okay take care everybody peace."
"As always, thank you guys for watching and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves a great day. See you guys later."
"Have a great day, take care, see you next time."
"Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay happy and we'll talk again tomorrow bye bye."
"The only way this channel keeps growing in 2021 is by you spreading that love."
"Hopefully all of you guys are doing well and staying safe."
"With all of that being said, have a great day guys!"
"Evolve and that's the wonderful positive message for the day."
"I hope you're all having a wonderful wonderful week so far."
"Continue to push out positive content, continue to educate the public."
"Bringing the light, shining the light into the darkness of the grim nastiness that is out there." - Talk Radio TV host
"Take care guys, have a lovely and fantastic day."
"I hope you have a tremendous week and thanks to you for everything you do."
"I hope you have an awesome rest of your week. Thank you for watching."
"Hope you guys have a wonderful day, take care of yourselves and take care of each other."
"You carry a word of encouragement and hope that will set people at Liberty."
"Thank you so much for watching, you legends. I hope you are having a fantastic day!"
"I really like the message that fairy tales spread and the magic that they get to impact not only my childhood but childhoods all over the world."
"Mean people suck. Have a beautiful rest of your day."
"Thanks for tuning in, I hope you're having a good day. If you're not, you're about to, because it's Russell Plays video time."
"I really appreciate that the Clunes did something with a positive message."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, hope you enjoyed. I love you guys so so much, stay positive. Bye."
"The start of the greatest revival in human history."
"Everyone have a very good blessed day. Be safe. We'll talk later Jr investigates."
"Positive messages in children's media, including games, shape values."
"I always preach love, always preach understanding."
"I just wanted to stop by and tell you I love you. I hope today is a great day and I hope tomorrow is an even better one. Take care. Tell someone you love them."
"They are about learning not dieting and I love that messaging."
"Hope you all have an absolutely wonderful day."
"Good morning to your boyfriend, good morning to your grandma. Tell everyone that I personally have said good morning."
"I am glad that each and every one of you exists have a good night."
"Thanks for watching, and I hope you have a beautiful day!"
"Spread light, not hate. Spread positivity, share positivity, give love, give compassion."
"Hope you guys all doing well out there. Hope this Saturday is treating you very well as it should. Happy Saturday to all!"
"Thank you for watching and please don't forget to have a great day!"
"Don't spread fear, spread love and unity, and we'll sort this out."
"Thank you for watching and I hope you have a great day/night/evening."
"Remember to live love and elevate and I will definitely see you guys in the next video."
"Sending lots of love and light to all of you. Have a great day."
"This was a lot of fun to make. I hope that you have a good night."
"Thank you all for tuning in, I'm about to react. Love is love, I love that one too actually. I love them all, to be honest, it's so cute."
"When it comes to marketing, what we're trying to do here rather than just beat them down about all the bad stuff going on, we do want to offer them a solution."
"Take care of yourselves, have a great day, stay safe, and I will see you in the next one. Peace."
"I really want my messages to be uplifting and high vibrational."
"Our message has always been making life and community-enhancing choices... it's not a burden."
"Thank you for watching, have an amazing day and take care everybody!"
"Superpower is your brain, you know? Like, this is a wonderful positive message for kids."
"Believe. You Must Believe. Come on, let's get this message, love bug."
"Good for you, movie. Good message. Good thing to send out to teenage kids who may feel pressure about it."
"We're trying to inspire hope like we're not the enemy."
"If you want to instill positive messaging towards accepting otherness in the community, then this is a great film for that."
"It's a very positive message, it's a very empowering message."
"Majority of the time people push that upon people you know you know how many you know records do you really hear on the radio where they said something like really positive like going to college or something like I'm being serious."
"It's going to encourage me to continue till I can't no more because the positive message and the message that I'm putting out there is very important."
"Getting tattoos that are about me and that deliver a positive message that reinforces things that I don't naturally reinforce."
"Positive messages about knowing your status, about getting tested, about learning about HIV can be very effective."
"It delivers a message saying that it's okay to like what you like."
"I think the messaging is like, you're good enough just the way you are."
"You're on my mind, best wishes, happy thoughts."
"I count my blessings, I think that's really good, the message I have is working."
"Your whole presence is not about giving that; your whole presence is about maybe fashion or something, but then you use that, sure, when you get a following, to give a good message."
"Every day we're out here, we're pushing this message, we're pushing this positive energy."
"No penguins are too lost, no puppet is too small."
"Be your friend, tell a friend something nice, goodbye."
"It's so important that we make sure we curate healthy messages."
"There's not a message that needs to be sent that can't be sent in a loving way using loving words."
"I really love the messages they send."
"I think that's a great message for the kids."
"We need more content, we need more good messages that's going to feed us."
"We're both trying to help people and put out good messages."
"I don't want it to be like a pity party video; I want it to be something positive that I can share with you."
"Sweep the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth, messages that are authentic, edifying, and praiseworthy."
"I want to start feeling better with a single message."
"We wanted to design our t-shirts with good affirmational words on them."
"Oh my gosh, how cute, it says 'I'm a queen'."