
Portugal Quotes

There are 305 quotes

"Decriminalization of drugs, for example, is profoundly successful in the nation of Portugal. But what do they do? They didn't just decriminalize drug usage; they also, on top of that, created systems that eliminated needle sharing and offered up rehabilitation opportunities for people who were regular substance abusers."
"The decriminalization [of drugs in Portugal] seems to have worked out phenomenally for their country."
"None of the parade of horrors that decriminalization opponents in Portugal predicted...has come to pass."
"Difficult times in Portugal have triggered a wave of immigration the like of which hasn't been seen for half a century."
"I think Portugal is gonna tie this game, it feels like it."
"Ruben Diaz to Santa Clara, welcome back to Portugal, pal!"
"This was the final battle of the Portuguese crisis."
"The Portuguese are always considered a favorite especially with their growing talent pool."
"Algarve has a lot of culture and amazing authenticity."
"This comforting winter meal is believed to have originated as a simple farmer's dish, which soon became a restaurant staple and a part of the national cuisine in Portugal."
"The Portuguese model works. We've now had twenty years of evidence. It's clear it works."
"People love Portugal, it's really been coming up, it's been really a great place."
"Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Souza affirmed Portugal's readiness to take part in the training of Ukrainian pilots and engineers on F-16 fighter aircraft."
"I never would have thought Portugal would have made it this far let alone actually like win the competition."
"Pico do Arieiro, my favorite place not just on Madeira but all of Portugal."
"Portugal and Brazil together forever, United as one."
"Next time you plan your trip to Portugal, put Minho on top of your list. You won't regret it!"
"It's absolutely true, I mean listen, they love Portugal."
"I actually think Portugal have got a very good chance of picking up their third international trophy in the last five years."
"Maria the M today Queen Maria the first was actually a largely successful Monarch in Portugal's political history."
"In terms of the startup world and all the tech that you hear about, Portugal is becoming the center."
"Portugal has a fascinating Cuisine influenced by countless cultures from around the world."
"So the final pro, which probably ranks really high on a lot of people's lists as I know it does for us, is cost of living. Now in Portugal in general, the cost of living is affordable."
"Lisbon, Portugal's dynamic capital, invites you to embark on an extraordinary adventure, where time and traditions intertwine with the pulse of modern life."
"Alfonso's first Charter for the New Kingdom of Portugal contained an anagram whose letters spelled Portugal, which meant Port of the Grail."
"Portugal has a little something for everyone whether you're itching to lays on a beach crime in some culture or eat until you food coma."
"Tons of things to do in Portugal: cities, mountains, beach, surfing, cycling, hiking, gyms, yoga, museums, concerts."
"Honestly, I freaking love Portugal. Best driving roads ever."
"Portuguese Cuisine is super hearty and delicious."
"Fresh seafood is a must when traveling along the coast of Portugal."
"Pastel de nata is basically this egg custard pastry that's wrapped up in this really crispy crust."
"Thanks for joining us. I hope you've enjoyed our look at the many dimensions of the heartland of Portugal."
"The Portuguese capital is bound to steal your hearts."
"Portugal unfolds like a page from an old Maritime book."
"Porto and Gaia. Portugal. It starts to expand down the north down south with the retaking from the Moors and you've got a country."
"Portugal offers a remarkably affordable lifestyle, particularly in contrast to other Western European countries."
"Templars in Portugal actually went nowhere. King Denis found the order innocent of all crimes, and the Templars there simply changed their names to the Knights of Christ."
"...it's in Portugal just have more of a word of mouth marketing."
"If you're considering a move to Portugal then I highly recommend checking out my best places to live in Portugal video which I'll link to a card up here and in the description below."
"The Pena Palace is a must-see for anyone visiting Portugal."
"Next to Spain was Portugal, a country who balanced an old alliance with Britain and a shift towards authoritarianism under Salazar."
"Portugal is definitely one that could be done on any size budget."
"How did a French Duke come to rule over Portugal?"
"Portugal: 'Portugal will always be in the top spot for retirement in years to come.'"
"Portugal is kind of like the smallest nation that left the biggest Legacy over 30 times more people than the population of Portugal across the world speak Portuguese than in Portugal."
"I am loving Portugal the people are friendly the prices are very reasonable the weather is great and the food is absolutely delicious"
"I've really been impressed with the coffee in Portugal. They make really good coffee at every single coffee shop I've been to. The coffee is dark, it's strong, it's smooth. It's wonderful."
"Portugal is kind of like Western Europe's Underdog having a Renaissance now."
"Alesio: our favorite region, where you truly fall in love with Portugal."
"Is it realistic to move to Portugal? It absolutely is. In fact, it's probably the easiest one on this list."
"One of the most stupendous miracles of the latter days took place in 1917 and Fatima, Portugal when over seventy thousand people witnessed the miracle of the Sun, a stupendous prodigy promised by the mother of God to the people of that time."
"I love that Portugal has stuck to their guns and says no we're making the wines that we've made forever and if you want to enjoy them with us please feel free."
"Portugal's got enough to keep one occupied for weeks of exploration."
"Portugal has completely transformed its wine industry."
"Portugal has about a dozen major wine regions and about 30 DOCs."
"Portugal impressively punches above its weight class in wine produced per capita."
"Portugal has over 250 indigenous grapes planted."
"...stunning colorful castle...stands as one of the seven wonders of Portugal."
"One of the biggest draws for me to this life in Portugal was the chance and the possibility of being able to grow our own food to feed our family."
"That gives me a couple of shivers though, Portugal has to go through, that is so freaking elegant."
"Portugal offered one of the best residency by investment programs, targeted for everyone including investors, retirees, and global executives."
"Portugal is a very easy place to travel, very safe country to travel."
"Portugal is Rich with culture, history, and interesting little truths."
"Portugal has become a world leader in renewable energy."
"Portugal is safe to say got lots and lots of History."
"Portugal was one of the leading countries when it came to exploration."
"If you love wine, then you need to thank Portugal."
"All of that to say there is something for you in Portugal. There is also an overwhelming amount of free and or affordable and reasonably priced things to do in Portugal."
"Like most if not all of these places, Quinta da Regaleira is a World Heritage Site."
"Understanding of Portugal's huge geographic significance to Britain's navy and trade led British Prime Minister Canning to note in '37 and '38."
"From a Portuguese point of view, this was the moment that Portugal had always hoped for."
"Italy viewed the Portuguese attacks as a benefit for Christianity and publicly endorsed them."
"Portugal is amazing and it has so much to offer from vibrant cities delicious foods interesting culture beautiful beaches and the nicest people you'll have no problem falling in love with this place when Windows a Portugal."
"Thankfully we say this after each travel series but we have felt super safe here in Portugal and we are always out and about at night with our equipment and our cameras and we have never felt a danger."
"Renting a car in Portugal is a great way to get around this country."
"Portuguese food is incredible we always appreciate when we visit the country and they take food seriously it makes the entire experience so much better."
"Portugal is absolutely stunning, is it?"
"We wanted to move to Portugal because we wanted a different way of life."
"Here in Portugal, it's much more about the community as opposed to about the individual."
"Portugal is showing off in style."
"They can do it. I wish they do it because I think Portugal can do it. And I wish Portugal do it. They can do it, that generation can do it."
"It's a gorgeous village that's about 10 km outside of Fundal in Central Portugal."
"Tonight, we'll take you to Portugal to investigate the fabled miracles of Fatima."
"Good morning everyone, hello people, and welcome to Portugal."
"It's another beautiful day here in Portugal."
"It's your very pretty Central in Portugal to travel."
"Traditionally in Portugal, that would be celebrated with chestnuts roasted on the open fire."
"We're about to embark on the journey of owning property and moving to Portugal."
"Algarve is the beach, Algarve is the exotic part of Portugal, Algarve is the place where everyone goes for vacation."
"In Portugal, the strawberry tree fruit is called Medronho."
"Portugal has become the most popular destination for retirees in the world."
"We just wrote why we wanted to move to Portugal, what we loved about the country."
"Portugal is a very attractive country nowadays."
"...I still find Lisbon my home and even if I go abroad... I will always want to come back to Portugal."
"I'm traveling in Portugal right now, which inspired me to make a video."
"Portugal is known for its year-round perfect weather, rich historical and cultural heritage, fantastic beaches, friendly people, and blissful retirement in the sun."
"Hello from Portugal! Wow, yeah, you're a distance. Where is everybody from?"
"At the edge of Europe stands Portugal, a tiny bastion of Christendom whose devotion to the faith has withstood centuries of religious and political turmoil."
"Portugal has gained a reputation as an idyllic location for a relaxing retreat and in recent years, its appeal has expanded to include work exchange programs."
"The Azores islands in Portugal are one of our new favorite travel destinations."
"You have a chance to win that: a trip to beautiful Portugal."
"We're officially welcomed into Portugal."
"Just got to keep that smile on your face and just remember, look where I am, starting a new life in this beautiful country of Portugal."
"If you ever have the opportunity, you should definitely visit Portugal."
"We reached financial independence, quit our jobs as federal government employees, and retired here in Portugal."
"Hello Portugal, hello! How are you all doing?"
"Abandoned places in Portugal are such a gem."
"The capture of Lisbon in 1147 was one of the key events in the formation of the kingdom of Portugal."
"Portugal... if you can take advantage of the non-habitual residency regime it's a ten year program."
"Salvador de Bahia became Portugal's first capital in the Americas."
"Portugal has the westernmost point of Continental Europe and the westernmost point of Europe's domain."
"The Unofficial national animal though, or at least a common national symbol, would technically be the legendary mythical barcelos rooster."
"Portugal was actually the first nation that fully emerged out of the Iberian Peninsula."
"It's one of the 12 most Portuguese villages in Portugal."
"There's lots to love about Portugal."
"If you're looking for something longer term that's going to be a pathway to the Schengen zone, then I think there's a strong reason to favor Portugal."
"We enjoyed starting the day on the square with a pastel de nata: a delicious warm sweet Portuguese egg custard tart which originates from the Belem District of Lisbon."
"If you've not been and you're coming to Portugal, you have to come, honestly."
"Absolutely fallen in love with Portugal the last couple of weeks."
"Any win anywhere would have been enough, but to do it in Portugal... that's something else."
"There's so much content around how wonderful Portugal actually is, and I don't think most of that is misleading."
"Portugal is rated as having some of the friendliest people."
"It's amazing in Portugal, the sky is blue, it's 24 degrees, it's absolutely beautiful."
"Portugal in particular actually ranks as the top most welcoming country in Europe."
"Coming to Portugal was a lot easier, and people were extremely welcoming."
"Portugal is the third safest country in the world."
"We really just fell in love with Portugal."
"We're pretty set on filing for residency in Portugal and then moving back to Azores."
"Contact a tax specialist here in Portugal and ask them your questions."
"There's more certainty to your life in Portugal when you're a citizen."
"The countryside of Portugal is quiet. Just imagine yourself walking around with a cup of coffee in the morning, listening to the sound of the water here."
"Welcome back, and if you are new here, I'm Louisa, and on this channel, I help you fulfill your dream of relocating to Portugal."
"Silver Coast is often referred by the locals as the real Portugal."
"It's close to two major airports, which are the airport in Lisbon and the airport of Porto."
"If you want to experience the culture of Portugal, it is recommended that you choose Silver Coast over Algarve."
"You can really experience that authentic feeling of Portugal that everybody is talking about and meet a lot of locals and a lot of expats too."
"Housing here in Portugal is a bit like the wild west."
"Evora holds World Heritage status thanks to the fact that it's the best example of a city from the Golden Age of Portugal."
"It's one of the most interesting and often misunderstood tax programs in the world, the Portuguese non-habitual residency regime."
"The non-habitual residency program in Portugal is a program we really like, mainly because it is in a country that a lot of people would actually like to live in."
"This program has certainly helped to bring quite a few people to Portugal."
"It's no secret that more and more Americans are moving to Portugal."
"Take your time, this is Portugal."
"Good morning everyone here from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal."
"The Arabs, what they call the Moors, ruled the majority of Portugal and Spain from around the 8th century to the 12th century."
"Portugal, the greatest empire of the early 16th century."
"No country has more and livelier folk festivals than Portugal."
"This is our hilarious salute to the pleasures of the most attractive country, Portugal."
"We've just met the two nicest guys that ever graced the land of Portugal, what are the odds of that?"
"Hello everybody, how are you? Welcome to fabulous Barcelos here in very, very, very sunny Portugal."
"It's Portugal. The sun came out exactly. It was blessed."
"The community in Portugal is very unique."
"William Carvalho remains a real talent and an important player for Portugal, strong, intelligent, and vastly underrated in possession of the ball."
"Busaca was the place where the Portuguese learned they could beat the French."
"Seixal Beach is actually known as one of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal. It is a black sand beach and it is located really close to the Porto Moniz sea pools."
"I would love to go to Portugal, I bet it's beautiful over there."
"The Pena Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it's also one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal."
"The beauty of these sheets is that they're really high quality, 100% linen made in Portugal."
"Vineyard, sunshine, blue skies, and winding roads - Portugal at its springtime best."
"Portugal is an epic surf destination for any ability, there's just so many waves in Portugal, it's insane."
"The thing about the interior of Portugal is really mountainous, and very green and lush. I can see for absolutely miles behind me there."
"One of the great benefits of living in Portugal is they do have public health care."
"Yes, do you come to Portugal, it's extremely cheap and affordable."
"I didn't realize how beautiful Portugal is; I'm so happy to be here right now."
"We recently moved to Portugal without having visited before, just because of timing and the pandemic."
"This is one of my favorite villages in central Portugal, of which there are many."
"Hello there, I'm Joseph, and today we are here in the beautiful village of Castello Novo, one of Portugal's 12 historic villages."
"For those of you who don't know, this is a Pastel de Nata, which is probably the most famous pastry in all of Portugal, and it's absolutely delicious."
"Portugal for food, beer, nightlife, wine, whatever else you want is cheaper than a lot of the rest of Western Europe."
"It's like a never-ending summer, seven good reasons why we moved to Portugal."
"Pico is known as the wine island, well, whale watching, and climbing Pico, climbing the highest altitude of Portugal."
"It is no secret that a lot of people have been relocating to Portugal."
"Good morning, or good afternoon I should say, from Porto, Portugal."
"We've had the best time ever in Portugal; we made some incredible memories."
"I've moved around the world since 2014, so I'm currently living in Porto, Portugal."
"The best thing about Portugal is the weather and the worst thing about Portugal is also the weather."
"Portugal is making it, and I do think Portugal is a country to be reckoned with when it comes to the final."
"That's nostalgia, that's Portugal right there, man."
"Portugal ran on renewable energy for four days in a row."
"Portugal used to be a superpower, did you know that?"
"So here we are, I think this is known as Cascais, something like that, this is one of the premier beaches in Portugal."
"It's hard not to smile; Portugal is amazing."
"Portugal would be dope, and they have amazing food."
"I'm really excited tonight's going to be fun. Freaking love Portugal so much."
"As of 2012, Portugal's drug death toll stat at three per million is, in comparison to the EU average of 17.3 per million, incredibly low."
"The Portuguese famously hugged the coast like crabs for much of the colonial era."
"We're just about to start the trip down on the N2, from the very top of Portugal all the way down to the south coast."
"Hello Portugal, fantastic, another country in the bag, another one to say that I've ridden a motorcycle in, how cool is that?"
"Portugal itself is one of those countries that you don't hear much about, it kind of keeps itself to itself."
"One of the easiest places to retire in Europe is Portugal as a whole."
"The highest altitude of Portugal, people come from everywhere just to climb it and watch the sunrise."
"Peaceful, safe, secure — that's number five. Portugal is one of the safest countries."
"These kind of traditional entrances to houses are seen all over Portugal, and I absolutely love them."
"We're so lucky to live in this beautiful part of rural Portugal."
"Portugal arguably have three world-class attacking midfielders in Bernardo Silva, Bruno Fernandes, and João Félix."
"Portugal, what a beautiful area in the world."
"It's been good Portugal so far, thank you for the incredible views."
"A Portuguese bull fight is different from a Spanish or Latin American bull fight because the bull is not killed."
"It's a beautiful day, tons of sunshine here in Portugal."
"If you haven't been to Portugal or even heard of the Rota Vicentina, it is reason enough to come to this incredible country and just fall in love with it like we did."