
Hair Quotes

There are 727 quotes

"Remember, it's just hair. It will grow back. It doesn't look bad, trust me."
"The average human grows 590 mil of hair in one lifetime."
"If you have an afro, please take care of it."
"White people have a lot of room to let their hair grow out."
"In many ancient traditions, a person's hair is closely tied with spirituality."
"Hair is one of the most important elements of beauty for women."
"From sausages to voluminous - pretty, but honestly a little frizzy."
"Isn't that insane? Look at how well my hair has grown in."
"Hair plays such a big role in your appearance."
"I come from a long line of thick-headed mop tops and I did not think thinning hair was going to be one of my issues."
"There is no logical reason that anyone should be discriminated against because of the texture of their hair or the style of their hair."
"Hair doesn't make you beautiful and my hair doesn't define who the who I am."
"Your hair is your spiritual antennas until the spiritual dimensions."
"This hair makes me want to die a bit because it's too cute."
"Hair, in particular, is an important and distinct aspect of appearance that plays a major role in self-perception."
"Black hair has been stripped away from its culture, but it's time to reclaim it and embrace its beauty."
"My hair is very, very picky so I figured I would give this a go."
"Our hair is such a big part of our identity... yet it doesn't actually define our strength, our beauty, or our resilience."
"The tensile strength of hair is about half the strength of steel!"
"Our clients, our women, can stop whining about their hair and instead wake up in the morning and decide, hmm, who do I want to be today?"
"I'm loving black hair. I love black straight hair."
"Until you honor your hair, you will never reach your full hair potential. You have to fall in love with it and honor it."
"I'm so excited, I haven't had zero extensions attached to my head in some way in probably three years."
"Are you ready for this? New hair, new year, new thrift guide, let's go."
"Don't take the kinks out of your hair, take the kinks out of your mind."
"Remind me never to dye my hair red or cut bangs because it does not suit me."
"Black women have long hair and other black women who simply choose to keep their hair short."
"Maybe she got it highlighted just before her wedding and she's got some fancy locks, some fancy colors on her locks."
"Hair's kind of like wearing a beautiful mask, and it allows you to feel free and express yourself."
"If you don't have hair that holds a curl very well, this may not work as well for you."
"It's about the hair, it's about it, yes."
"I usually will style my hair only at night after I shower."
"Oxidative requires a developer, it oxidizes in the hair which means you see it changing color when oxygen starts to hit it."
"i love her hair when she's walking with samantha"
"What is the point of growing your hair to be a certain length and you can't even wear it?"
"It's that diversity that we need, it is forcing us to learn how to be more inclusive to people who don't necessarily want to wear their hair like we wear ours."
"Doesn't that look precious in my hair?"
"My hair feels super soft. It looks super shiny and bouncy. The definition is there. Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed."
"You don't need super extreme heat to just bump the ends."
"Some clients, they can have a picture-perfect edge up without going crazy deep."
"Your hair's amazing, thank you. No one talks about it enough, and it's like incredible. It's quite in your face, isn't it? But that's what we like."
"But for now it's blonde and I'm happy about it."
"Protein is very important; it makes not just your hair, but your skin and nails. Keratin, a protein, is really the structure of your hair."
"So guys, this is what my hair is looking like, I am so in love with this wig."
"Oh, wow. You're using the Dyson. It's giving you the blown-out look."
"Best hair in the United Personality."
"Harper's hair ate, her little pincer edges were laid, literally no notes."
"Jules, your hair looks... no, it looks... no, it doesn't. It looks terrible. It looks... it looks A1."
"I have always wanted to try the red hair because my little brother rocks the out of it."
"Your hair looks really cute like that."
"Chop off all of my hair... It just makes me feel like I'm getting a new start to life."
"Girls will just change their makeup, color their hair."
"Conditioner is better. It goes on sick, it makes the hair silky and smooth."
"A good hair day equals a good outfit."
"Big news I've whipped up my great hair I'm feeling like a little bit of a granny and I'm feeling it"
"I encourage my hair to be wild. Yes, I do talk to my gray hair because it has received so much hate, and I let it know: you're okay, you do you, you get wild, you get tame, you get frizzy, we can work with it, we can work with it."
"I choose cosmic pop because you can pull off long or short hair."
"If you're ever thinking about cutting your hair let this be your sign you shouldn't."
"I have Afro-kinky nappy hair and by all means let me just say this: I love it."
"Hair is not only strong but also elastic. It can stretch about 30% of its length when it's wet."
"I hate spending money on anything I don't have to except your hair."
"I had so much volume in my hair it just looked absolutely unreal."
"You really cannot see that my hair is only 8-10 inches long."
"Okay so now that I have my hair up."
"One thing I absolutely love that I did there was I didn't use any heat on my hair."
"She's going right down into that lighter part of her hair, which I don't like. We really want to keep that lightener just on that really dark section first."
"I'm getting my hair done, going to get balayage."
"Your hair's sick all right, I like the mullet."
"Hair can be used to convey a lot about who the character is."
"Please if any of you are thinking about cutting your hair off make a video I want to see it it makes me so happy and so excited for you."
"Texturism is the discrimination of kinky hair."
"It's weird. Her hair's real. I think she's a big fan of Wigs Wigs Wigs."
"It's scientifically proven that coconut oil protects our hair by preventing damage and breakage."
"The hair is very strong with great bonds like our sisterly bond."
"Our hair does not grow like that it doesn't. I do not look feminine with natural hair."
"Even though my hair is still not completely wet, I feel a lot better about brushing it then versus when I used to, which was basically when I was fresh out of the shower."
"If it's just hair, if it doesn't work for you, that's okay. But try something different if you are struggling with hair growth."
"...the curls are always just so beautiful and bouncy and touchable..."
"Her hair is hydrated, bouncy, lightweight, and healthy."
"You don't have to worry about like protein overload, protein buildup, making the hair feel stiff."
"Doing this [__], hair is dangerous for her."
"I think I spent a lot of time growing up really hating my hair and having to kind of figure out what to do with it. And now I've grown into this space where I can really appreciate it and call it my crown."
"Trim when needed... Do not be scared to trim your hair."
"When it comes to super super super coily curly natural hair that is like my favorite type of natural hair because it is the most unique kind of natural hair."
"Alopecia is a burden for everybody, men, women, anybody, you know? People love their hair, and rightfully so."
"Look who's here straight off the plane from Paris you guys cherylyn Queen bonjour bonjour she's here she was literally at Paris Fashion Week how long 12 hours ago yeah and she came straight from the airport to do me and Sophie's hair."
"Our hair is versatile, textured, beautiful, political, powerful, bold... It reflects our culture! Who we are and what we've been through!"
"Did you know a fork like this can crimp your hair?"
"Now that's what I call a funky curl."
"Best purchase ever, it makes me look like I know how to style my hair."
"Hair is about having fun and learning. The more you do it, the better you get at it."
"So yesterday when I wore this halo I did not do as tight of curls so I am just gonna take and curl a couple pieces to give a couple tighter curls now."
"...you could achieve pretty much any hairstyle that you want."
"You know they only come second to our beautiful hair."
"My bones are doing that but it's 4:12, 4:12 in the morning, clearly I'm washing this tomorrow. Guys, this is the longest I've ever had braids in my hair, so honestly like I'm proud of myself for keeping them in this long."
"My hair's unique, and I love my curls, so put them up for afros all across the world."
"My hair's unique and I love my curls."
"I don't think my hair is long enough to do that. Oh, but just do the motion, it helps."
"My hair looks fantastic if I do say so myself oh my God she crushed it just darker the dark glaze that's what I get um and she didn't cut it or anything so then just a blowout but she made it like with lots of volume and I think this is my journey tonight."
"Honestly, the best heatless curl hack I've ever tried."
"I'm excited because one PRP session, I'm already noticing changes in my hair."
"Long hair over bald any day. Hair can always be cut, but bald's a one-way street."
"Your hair looks beautiful just the way it is."
"It's absolutely insane how much my hair doesn't hold any kind of curl."
"What's weird is what Kylie was just saying, they cut off all that hair and no length."
"The world of things a black woman can do with her hair whenever she amazes me."
"Let's have fun with our hair together, try different things."
"I could be getting my hair done and getting my hair [ __ ] [ __ ] up like that time I got that wig engagement party stop and I will be like thank you Queen I love it I love it I won't say I like it I will say I love it I love it."
"I just thought I want to have really long hair for Halloween like I want my hair to reach my ass, you know what I mean?"
"This hair is coming out and it's coming out nicely, man. It's looking good."
"The sculpt of the beard is spectacular. I love the sculpted hair."
"My hair has looked way better doing it that way."
"I've been growing my hair out for 10 months just for this just for this."
"I have very curly hair like tight ringlets. It's not this curly hair that you see on other people and their hair is like beautifully relaxed and curly and some people have tight ringlets and it really suits them and they love it and that is fine. I just don't love it on me."
"You're gonna look fabulous when you wear that hair. The energy that hair exudes is such a great energy."
"What if she's swinging her sword and her hair gets in her face and then she can't see? She's gonna lose the fight."
"DD, did I tell you your hair looks especially Fabu this evening? Can I touch it? Thanks. It's the magic of Mr. Marcel."
"...gross on so many fucking levels, as a black person especially with hair like mine very nappy hair and someone who has modeled it is humiliating when people do not know how to do your hair and do not want to talk about it."
"Hair is awesome for movement in your paintings, especially since we're on a swing on the beach."
"Even their hair is bouncing identically."
"If you're watching this video and you're like I have poofy hair not wavy hair no you don't you probably don't you might you might have poofy hair now over here but more likely than not you definitely have wavy hair you just haven't learned how to style it."
"Your extensions at the end don't look stringy and they look full."
"Long hair also has a tendency to drag our gaze downwards."
"Short hair creates a visual break that stops the gaze from being dragged downwards further."
"...touching my hair saying that now I could remember who I truly am and who I was truly meant to be."
"Power, a lot of power in black women's hair. There's a lot of power in it."
"I love the RuPaul hair she's wearing."
"The curl pattern, based on what I'm seeing here, it almost looks like you've just taken a curling iron, developed a medium-sized spiral curl, and then deconstructed it. It's soft, it's tousled, it's not extremely tapered, it has nice beautiful bounce and body to it."
"That's a great hair, and I feel like that grows out of some of the white that we have seen used elsewhere."
"Everybody this hair, I don't even have that hair color anymore"
"The best thing on this tape by far is Jimmy Garvin's hair. Just look at it, it's amazing."
"Hair training seemed to work for me."
"So you can really see what it's going to look like if you have curly short hair or wavy or wavy and it's fine or it's thinning on the top."
"Your hair could be striking for many different reasons."
"Women are embracing their gray hair more and more."
"The whole point of this lightener is that you have control."
"We have officially perfectly bleached roots."
"Black women were clocking her hair constantly."
"If you're unsure what to do with your hair and you have natural warm tones in your hair, you should give warm tones a try. They're really, really beautiful."
"Curly hair with highlights or very light blonde curly hair... you can see all that depth inside the hair when it's so lightened, which just makes it look so much curlier and fluffier."
"Nothing is intentional about my hair. This is just practical because I need to paint Ben's nails so I put my hair up so I don't paint my hair into his nails."
"This is what we're looking right now. My hair is really, really, really curly, so I had to straighten it just a little. Definitely under-processed."
"Reds fade really, really quickly, so anything to sort of keep it as long as possible."
"Maybe all your hair is the same and maybe it doesn't hold the curl that well."
"You'll see that we have some actually decent looking hair right off the bat."
"You would just paint in where you want that hair to generate."
"Hair, when it grows out, it's all dead, even though it's very much here."
"I've quit worrying about it at age 58 I decided to quit coloring my hair...and I love it."
"When black women talk about good hair, you hear things like hair that's not kinky or coarse or nappy."
"Hair like an afro, that's not like an afro."
"My hair felt incredibly soft and smooth, and I would say the thing that I noticed the most is that my hair looked insanely Sleek, no flyaways, no frizz, all of my split ends tamed."
"I will never stop talking about how hard we've made it for black people, black women especially, to love our hair."
"We're attached to our hair and we're attached to our hair's length more than anything which continues to feed this monster inside of us telling us that short hair is technically ugly by our definition and by our standards"
"Many women with kinky coily hair are showing off their waist length tresses making it more common for black women and girls to see that it is not as uncommon for black women to have waist-length hair as we are led to believe."
"No woman should have to part her hair in order to prove that she doesn't have any pieces because at the end of the day unless she's teaching something that is a paid service for hair education what happens with her hair is no one's business."
"My hair is re wack because they just from the tick tock where I got soaked."
"My hair definitely does feel different I think I kind of like the purple to be honest a little bit more than the blue at least in my hair like I feel like the purple works better blue is kind of fun and fresh though."
"If you want long hair, you can definitely do it."
"The reason I' had to do that is cuz I need to keep this length here to work from so me I need I still need to keep length at the bottom for the show men this time thing."
"I feel like your curls have definitely come back in um his hair is fully dried now and it was looking kind of Limp before but now it's kind of obviously gotten really like big which is really cool."
"It's made for your hair so when you're walking around and you spray this in your hair people can actually pick up on the scent from your hair."
"What people find physically attractive about you is literally the whole physique, and your hair is very prominent."
"Healthy hair is a sign of good overall health, if that makes sense."
"I've managed to grow waist length hair...twice. Yes, I said that twice."
"I'm dodging bullets, I'm dodging, you feel me? But the hair and the baby hairs, they still gonna be S."
"I love myself, I love my hair. I can't explain it, uh."
"Getting our hair done also becomes a celebration of who we are."
"I like the chaos of like what's going on in the world of hair right now."
"I remember the first time someone else told me, it was like a Christmas party, I was like 19, and it was like, 'It looks like your hair is sitting on top.'"
"'Shaving doesn't make your hair thicker'. Again, massive myth. What the hell. Um I guess it's because you blunt a hair when you shave it so that when it grows back it feels like it's thicker but it's not actually thicker."
"I don't know exactly what kind of hair type I have. I think I'm in between a 3C, 4A, 4B."
"Not the a-hole. Regardless of gender or the situation, any old should have autonomy over their own hair."
"You're just gonna do one flap of your hair and it's gonna be like, 'Who's that girl?' It smells that good."
"I'm just excited to be having fun with my hair."
"Permanent color is going to be warm and we lift it well."
"I'm so happy with how long my hair is."
"Didn't you all know Sour likes to have her hair washed with dog shampoo?"
"Highlighting your hair is so important."
"Pros knows there's more to you than just your hair type."
"The hair has some thickness itself, so you're going to have to be a little bit further out from the circle we used to map out the head."
"When I go to these maintenance appointments she removes all my extensions wash the extensions real good and then wash my natural hair real good."
"Love your fros, love your cornrows and knots, if it's relax or embrace all your twists and your locks."
"To their credit, the braid is beautiful, the hair looks amazing."
"This mousse... is the best mousse if you want your hair to stay love repurchased love."
"Chili's hair is always soft... I just love it so much."
"So now it'll be even easier to pull my hair back because, as your extensions start to grow, it's a little bit harder to pull your hair back. So, if you do get hair extensions, highly suggest having them as high up as possible, that helps with that."
"I've been getting a little bit of this hair, this beautiful mane, back."
"Hair is an extension of your personal style. It also says something about you without anyone having to say anything just like clothes do."
"Your hair... it can go from edgy to boho to anything in between."
"You gotta take his [__] mask off again. Yeah, cover band member. Oh my God, right here with that weird [__] hair, that [__] looks like a goddamn poet."
"I'm thinking of whether or not I should cut my hair because it's gone to the length where it's just like constantly tangled."
"I love this wig so much, like I rarely wear my hair pushed back like this, although I do like it on me."
"Having healthy hair also accentuates your natural beauty."
"Don't mind my hair, it's a little bit like a funny texture right now."
"The secret to draw any kind of hair is: to use references."
"...my hair will stay pretty much like this until I next wash my hair..."
"Once I started braiding my hair consistently, I started to see a huge increase in my hair's overall growth."
"Putting your hair in a protective style helps your hair to lock in moisture."
"The hair is super glamorous and gorgeous."
"I feel like I always want the hair that's just right."