
Political Interference Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It's critical that the Department of Justice conducts its criminal investigations free from either the reality or any appearance of political interference."
"I was trying to protect the prime minister from political interference or perceived political interference."
"Stop the politics, man. It's getting in the way of these human values that connect us all."
"It's called election interference and it's backfired on them."
"Facebook was a key tool in the strategy of Russian interference in the American election in 2016."
"The deep state players could not allow Flynn to be close to the president."
"It is critical that the Department of Justice conducts its criminal investigations free from the reality or any appearance of political interference."
"Loophole allowing foreign governments to interfere with our American elections."
"I think it's absolutely reprehensible. It's top-down interference with academic freedom and it's extraordinarily dangerous because once that precedent is established then you open the door for political interference."
"The previous administration engaged in an unprecedented campaign of political interference in the federal government's pandemic response."
"It's incredible that we're not doing more with what's been laid out in terms of the actions that Russia has taken to interfere with our democracy."
"We couldn't believe that a presidential candidate was encouraging a foreign power, an adversary, to meddle in an election."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"It's time to stop interfering in that way and turn this around."
"The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency."
"Nothing excuses foreign meddling in U.S. elections."
"The fact for any foreign government to interfere in our election system and for a White House, regardless of party, not to be basically saying the house is on fire and this is not acceptable is shocking."
"When you have the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA interfering in our domestic politics and specifically our elections... that's a problem."
"Russia is at it again with their broadcast interruptions."
"When a left-wing dictator takes over and wants to do good things for people, we do everything we can to undercut them."
"Nobody wants to think that another country is meddling in their politics, is going to overthrow their president or assassinate their president."
"There's no doubt that Russia took an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."
"The shocking document revealed that mainstream social media Network could easily delete any message if a political party told them to."
"Bustani reveals new details of how he was targeted when he stood in the way of the Iraq war."
"We need to understand the interference of the West in Ukraine's history."
"It is becoming distressingly common in this day and age that discussions about culture are hijacked by politicians in the media."
"The Deep State knows this and is trying to sabotage or slow the process forward, but it's not happening."
"The president of the United States is using his power of office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election."
"A billionaire with the power to take back the town square and restore freedom of speech is being thwarted by powerful special interests."
"The First Amendment simply cannot tolerate any interference with a candidate's freedom to speak."
"There was an effort to undermine the presidency of a sitting president because he was the wrong guy."
"The truth about Russian interference will come to light."
"We need to know if he interfered in Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation."
"Smash that like and subscribe button because Trump is trying to shut this channel down."
"Ukraine absolutely did interfere in the 2016 election and its interference was possibly more consequential than anything Russia allegedly did."
"Will the CIA and the FBI allow voters to choose the candidate of their choice, or will we have a repeat of Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas?"
"Never again, never again, never again the third time should they intrude in a national affair."
"Irreparably damaged our country in an attempt to interfere in our presidential election."
"This is why the US had to take him down because it was working and the reason they had any kind of a problem or collapse or the inability to take care of those inside their borders is ironically because they had open borders."
"Democracy is a process of self-determination. If you're interfering in that, you're undermining democracy not supporting it."
"We choose our leaders. That’s the most sacred thing you do as a democracy. And they meddled in that."
"Russia's efforts included disparaging Hillary Clinton... Russia is on Russia's side."
"Politics in the Olympics is the most stupid thing I've ever seen."
"It's a mistake for any diplomat or government official in one country to interfere in the political life of another."