
Philosophical Questioning Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"This book is designed around questions, whether or not we have answers to them because these are questions that we've carried with us in civilization forever."
"If you can't see something, it doesn't exist. That doesn't make sense. What about New York? I can't see New York neither can you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
"Why do you have a reason to live? If you do, then you'll probably make the sacrifice."
"The importance of asking the question 'What would love do?'"
"Can we do consciousness, intelligence, love, and harmony as a diversity of beings without destroying one another in the process?"
"This world is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity, okay? Or law. Is it like the hand of God hovering above?" - Caleb
"To me the game is about precisely that question you will end up asking yourself."
"It's like they have to have a rational answer for everything, right? Some things can't be rationally explained, right?"
"What would truly constitute a God? A being so totally separate from our reality that we may as well be words on a page to it."
"How could anybody who loves anything create that world?"
"If you don't believe in an Akhira, how can you possibly understand the wisdom of this world?"
"Death Note is a work of art that gives the audience not just one question about humanity, but many that are pinpointed to make ourselves question our own values."
"If the rule you followed led to this, of what use was the rule?"
"How are you free? I just don't understand that."
"Why must we always be tested? Why must we constantly endure?"
"A rose without a thorn is it really a rose at all?"
"There are no absolutes... are you absolutely certain?"
"If the system doesn't serve the people what is the point of it?"
"Who's the real monster, god is good."
"It at least shows you that there's more going on than you think to our scientific model."
"If Tesla stock goes to thirty thousand dollars a share but we can't enjoy it, then what's the point?"
"Is truth a bad idea? I mean, that really there really is."
"Human nature doesn't just change like that, maybe. But isn't it also human nature to try to do better than we always have?"
"What does it mean to be a conservative, what should conservatives be conserving?"
"Is the coronavirus a punishment from God? How can we know? What should be our response?"
"As long as we continue asking ourselves these questions... we will continue evolving and growing."
"Does that really matter? Does that impact your life?"
"Just because you can make it happen doesn't mean it should."
"Why are we the pinnacle of creation and not them?"
"You won't really know how to ask a question until you've learned to question life itself. That's where the art comes from."
"Do you guys think God stays in heaven because he too is afraid?"
"Why be closed-minded here? Why be so dogmatic in opposition to this?"
"People become divine and create gods. Are you surprised, Asclepias? Are you an unbeliever like so many?"
"Why? Yeah, and I guess everyone has a different answer to that."
"Legal reasoning gets completely thrown into question around the idea that there's no reasonable person."
"What if your definition of 'we' extended beyond race? What if 'we' was a national thing, what if 'we' was a language thing or a cultural thing? I mean the really Zen level of this is 'we' human beings or not. Fuck it."
"Love can only be singular? Have you ever seen a teapot with only one teacup?"
"Question what you're believing about yourself and the world."
"But for now, we need to ask what does it all mean?"
"Nothing matters a billion years from now, will this matter? No. But in the eyes of the human spirit, does it matter now? Yes, it does."
"If God did exist and had all kinds of reasons that we are not aware of because God is omniscient, could God have all kinds of reasons for doing things that I'm not aware of? Yes."
"Why is God constrained to working within the limits of the human brain that he supposedly designed?"
"Innocent babies are getting killed left and right, raped and everything else. So you mean to tell me God is allowing all that to happen?"
"Who do you want to be by yourself in the long run: the man or woman who does not have time on their side, or The God who is the author of time itself?"
"What if there are others in the cosmos like us? Let's examine the voyages of Voyager 1 and 2 as they discover some quite scary things in the universe above us."
"Fundamentally, Fight Club asks the question: what does it mean to be a man?"
"Hey, if you can do it, how can you really say it wasn't meant to do it, because we can do it."
"Just because they think they're right aren't right necessarily just because society says they're right doesn't mean that that's right."
"Why does him not knowing the outcome of a situation just magically restore free will to the entire universe? Why is this happening? Oh wait, I know why. Because movie, that's why."
"Would you ask the sun why it shines brighter on Sundays than others? Would you ask the moon why it breaks the darkness and some nights and not others? Such is the course of life."
"Sometimes I feel myself rotting, but it feels far away, Amanda. It's rotten here, what do you think? Do you think that everything rots? Of course not, Amanda."
"What if the universe you create looks identical to our universe but with just slight tweaks?"
"Perhaps the ultimate conspiracy then is this question: Could it be possible that all of the subjugation that we have today is a necessary evil?"
"It's a site that challenges our perception of reality and leaves us wondering about the Mysteries that lie beyond our comprehension."
"Question one is not so much a question as a comment: 'Do you remember the time before that, before knowing what atoms were? Were you wrong then or are you wrong now?'"
"Humanity's adolescence is over. We could probably do what we're doing now for another couple of hundred years, but why? Why vacillate and go into a repetition complex?"
"...evil and suffering raise questions about the nature of God because Christians start to ask how can God be omniscient omnipotent and Omni benevolent when evil and suffering exist."
"The truth is, I don't even know if humans are bad anymore."
"Whether it is an aiming at the true or an opening towards the true, this is perhaps what we have asked in our questions."
"Is justice what is mercy? Where's the sacred and full of choices? Where's the truth in all the voices?"