
Content Optimization Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Consider adding end screens to your videos; they can lead to many more views."
"Double down on what's working on your channel right now."
"The easiest way to do this is to go and look at what things people are searching for within your niche."
"Each thumbnail change is a reset in the system and an opportunity to find... a new audience."
"I cut out the part of walking to make this video quick for you guys to watch."
"If you've got thousands of titles that you need to optimize, where do you start? People have so many different favorites."
"Typically, we would tell you that it's probably your title and thumbnail. They're just not cutting it."
"The real secret behind the leftover success was exactly the length that it needed to be."
"Your data is your golden ticket to YouTube. It will lead you to success as long as you're paying attention to it, and you're willing to modify things a little bit along the way."
"Understanding and cracking the YouTube algorithm should be one of, if not your number one priority when trying to grow your channel."
"All these videos at the top are in hot competition so YouTube is always a/b testing the top 10 or so recommendations."
"Just by removing that one second at the end, the video went flying." - Jenny Hoyos
"Over time you will develop this arsenal of hashtags that really really work for you."
"An uptick in the number of views... directly traceable to switching the thumbnail and the title."
"YouTube wants more watch time and average view duration, so focus on keeping viewers engaged."
"If you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up so the algorithm knows it's good."
"I think what I need to do my objective as a youtuber at this stage is to get better optimizing my content."
"We've had more, we've talked about it right, change the title so people can specifically find here one, two, three, they all say the year in the title do they?"
"The change was insane because we did it for about like 30 videos and all 30 of them with the closed mouth actually led to higher watch time on the video."
"Automate the boring tasks and split test my thumbnails and titles."
"Optimize that link in description... make sure that link is at the very top."
"I'm really good at the SEO and making sure the title of this the product is in there."
"I genuinely thought the thumbnail could get better CTR."
"You can pretty quickly test 10 or 20 videos, figure out what styles start to get more views."
"YouTube's algorithm is looking for content that people click on but also that people watch and stick with."
"ChatGPT can assist in understanding user intent and optimizing content accordingly."
"You need to just really ruthlessly go through your content and identify reasons that your videos aren't performing and fix those problems."
"Chat GPT can provide insights on how to optimize content for better search engine rankings."
"Surfer SEO allows you to use AI to work out what you need to put in your content in order to get it ranking."
"SEO is about optimizing your website, your content, your on-page and off-page factors."
"Now Surfer SEO is a paid tool but it's very helpful because it gives you a broad score it says how many words you have how many words you need your headings paragraphs images and other items that you need to add to the article to make it more comprehensive and complete."
"One of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is to use internal links."
"Optimizing your content to rank higher and for more keywords shouldn't be a one-off exercise."
"YouTube themselves on their own help pages have said, 'Hey tags are good for things like common misspellings.'"
"You can also examine the boards the pin has been saved to and check if they're keyword optimized."
"Yoast SEO allows you to target keywords with your content."
"I'm a big believer in SEO and optimizing titles."
"By adding lots of well-optimized pages to your site, not only do you increase the chances that you rank for those relevant terms, but also you increase the number of relevant terms that you can rank for."
"Hootsuite will recommend the best times to post per each network which can be super handy for making sure your content gets to the right people at the right time."
"We are really optimizing our content to show up consistently in search results."
"Most SEO content won't achieve its full potential without the most important ranking factor, which are backlinks."
"Optimization means when you're putting up your content on YouTube, is it optimized to perform well across all the different metrics?"
"YouTube analytics allows us to really adjust and hone in on what people are liking and what they don't like."
"On-page SEO involves optimizing your website both in terms of content and the technical aspects."
"If you have two pieces of pretty similar content, they would be better as one single article."
"Your core content will get you to a base level, and then the A/B testing of your title versus your image will give you the incremental on top of that."
"If you treat your content like a mail merge... we're going to take this information and merge it into this little thing."