
Movie Scene Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"It's really amazing; it alludes like a scene in a movie, in a fairyland."
"It turns out submerging yourself in icy water is bad for you, so Jack freezes to death while Rose is rescued."
"Could Jack have fit on the door? Yes, a hundred percent."
"Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend a good like 20 minutes of this movie as random middle-aged people that work at the Ministry."
"Thor learned his lesson. Going for the head. Together."
"Nothing really beats the bar room brawl perfectly choreographed to Queen's 'Can't Stop Me Now'."
"Guardians of the Galaxy, where Chris Pratt as Star-Lord just straight up drops one."
"If you have seen the original Jurassic Park films then you should remember this scene where Rey tries breaking into the security grid."
"The show ends with the Gecko brothers assisted by Kate robbing a bank. 'Everybody be cool.'"
"Infinity War was a great movie, but Thor spilling his guts to Rocket is one of their best scenes."
"That is badass... the only spot in this movie where I was like okay you're gonna redeem her character that's cool."
"I'm a feminist, but if I was in that situation that Leonardo DiCaprio was in, I would've said, 'Get off.' Equality, right?"
"Most metal ever, probably my favorite scene."
"Feel the mighty strength of Kong as he enters the ultimate battle royale against Godzilla, with bone-crushing primal strength and a legendary new weapon fit for a king."
"In mid-air, he flashes his lucky sticker at his fans, but more interestingly, he sticks out his tongue."
"Few scenes represent the pair's manchild brilliance as absolutely as the sibling fight from Step Brothers."
"Your fight web in the old style, now you face the shredder."
"I liked the scene where Steve Rogers gets the hammer."
"The whole ending scene was fantastic, super satisfying."
"Luke just before he disappears looking at the twin sons."
"That final scene of seeing him swing through New York in the winter, you know, during the snow, it like brought back the memories."
"It's like the end of Return of the Jedi with the Ewoks."
"When Luke saw Yoda do this, Luke said 'Oh my, I don't believe it.'"
"I didn't want to say this, but as soon as they got off the train, you know Draco's gonna come through and yell something at Potter."
"Finally in a movie, we get to see a little bit of the Sith."
"Super easy, barely an inconvenience. How? Well, as he's fighting him, he suddenly gets some help from a cape."
"The Flash going in and freaking saving the entire day, oh my god, it's so cool."
"You have given them peace... I don't feel like we've ever seen... this much emotion from a person in a Star Wars thing before."
"The final scene in Furious 7 is a gracious send-off with the song See You Again playing."
"Loki's death was brutal and impactful, cleverly done."
"That whole fight I do find very impactful I do love the moment when you think that nose kills Tony I think that's a great gotcha moment."
"When Thanos gets to Wakanda what I love that moment where they're all just sure like whoever whichever Avengers are left and they're just trying to take about one of each stone."
"At Tony's funeral everyone rocks back and forth except for Mantis who sways in a rocking motion."
"This feels like it's just going to be the highlight of the movie: seeing the Toon Squad come together, put their hands all in that pile, and go off against the Goon Squad."
"George finally punches Biff, notice he does it with his left hand which catches all of us even himself by surprise."
"It's one of the coolest moments in Star Wars history."
"At the end of The Dark Knight, an innocent child says Batman didn't do anything wrong."
"Thanos creator jim Starlin had a quick cameo in the support group scene."
"It's all very poorly done, like this scene where Freddy kills a guy eating fried chicken, and then his blood squirts down but it looks like ketchup on the plate with the fried chicken."
"At least she gets to be the one to interact with the Silver Surfer and show him a better path..."
"That's the one where they keep cutting off his arms, right?"
"Kong was smart enough to dodge Godzilla's Atomic breath without ever seeing it in action before."
"He's just gonna have to take the mask off and get to watch him eat with his weird face."
"It's too bad Giselle didn't have her Wonder Woman skills in tow; that could have actually helped obtain the prints without needing to sacrifice her own body."
"Louis Prima's 'I Ain't Got Nobody' as Harley escapes from her torturers is not only a fun lyrical statement but also an upbeat compliment to Harley's flowery blood path."
"Nicole Kidman urinated on his face, was it real? Yes, I did the scene."
"While saving people from Ultron, Quicksilver ended up getting shot."
"I cried when Tony and Peter met and they hugged."
"We had brothers whipping ass, dude, I had brothers whipping ass!"
"One of my favorite scenes in the entire movie is when the two of them are in Ravager prison."
"I felt like Sally Field when Whoopi Goldberg tried to cheer her up in Soap Dish."
"The minute that Commodus orders the guards to pre-stab Maximus before their fight just goes to show that he's like, 'I want... I want to win this fight for the people of Rome by making my opponent already bleeding from underneath his armor.'"
"Having the dancing come full circle as he uses it to distract Ronan."
"Few examples are as vicious as Khan crushing Admiral Marcus's head in the third act of Star Trek Into Darkness."
"But then Tobey intervenes and stops Tom from killing Green Goblin."
"The Carnage reveal is pretty sick. When he breaks out of prison, I was like, 'Holy [__], this is awesome!'"
"Luke Skywalker throws his lightsaber away in The Last Jedi."
"One of the most enchanting days was the Yule Ball. Oh, this is when your hands start going down to big woman's ass cheeks, isn't it?"
"Han shoots first, no matter what happens after."
"Kevin McCallister enjoys the perks of having the house to himself."
"The t-rex gets the hero shot. It's about the dinosaurs and this moment is what sells that entirely."
"I love their awkward yet endearing moment at the end of the movie"
"What a great way to start the scariest scene in the whole trilogy. Oh yeah, Circus really looks like this isn't the scariest scene because it doesn't have Hob Bilbo creepy-ass hob face on it."
"What an effective way of demonstrating just how toxic and corrosive the ring is. We're out fishing, and now they're fighting each other to the death. Not good."
"The Amazing Spider-Man 2: powerful death scene, heavy heartbreak, lesson on responsibility."
"Star Wars The Last Jedi: compelling dilemma, surprising decision, tragic outcome."
"The cat ultimately scares the Predator back into the woods after it grabs the homeowner's bag of trash."
"Obviously the most notable memorable scene is when Snape buys his wife Trone a Joanie Mitchell CD that came out like 20 years before."
"I love when they get to that room. I guess it's like kind of like the Boiler Room sort of but there's these big pillars and they all have like Freddy's face on them."
"And all during the run there's a scene where Shug gets up out of the tub when she first meets Celie."
"One of the biggest scenes that I thought was just super dope was when they were all trying to fight Superman when he just came back."
"The end of the movie with blue teaming up with the t-rex to take down the endosaurus rex or whatever the hell it was called like it was that made me go [ __ ] yeah this is stupid as hell I love it."
"Apollo looks at him like, 'What the hell are you doing?' That scene is legit one of my favorite scenes of all movies ever, 'cause the music swells to an absolute crescendo."
"[...] that last scene Glenn Close in that final scene in the bathroom that is definitely a horror movie moment to me."
"This movie is beautiful to put yourself in that place within a scene like that, that's incredible talent."
"Yes, squish him to death. Hell yeah, in the end, she killed the Terminator. Wow, good job, Sarah."
"All the brutality on this island was a movie scene."
"So, this time there's another shark, and this time he's chasing some skiers, featuring young hot Leah Thompson."
"The most important thing is the concept itself. Composing live music for a movie for a scene, that's what you're going to see in this video."
"Crazy-eyed Quentin absolutely loses it and tries to take Leaven and leave everyone else behind."
"A funny Zorro scene: 'Whoa, look at the size of his neck! Is he made of steel or steroids?'"
"The scene on the lava planet Mustafar is the best lightsaber fight in all the movies."
"Speaking of the freezer, okay, so when Halloran is showing Wendy the freezer...how the hell does that make sense?"
"The Geonosis Arena scene, this is like an S-tier scene. This is when you fully realize the full power of the Jedi."
"That Batman scene was like, that they can do what they want. They could do whatever they want. That was so great, don't you think? That's redundant."
"This wasn't only a super villain entrance but also the opening scene for the entire movie."
"Robocop's head rotates all the way round."
"It's what sealed the deal for me in terms of yeah, I'm into this movie. What the British girl sees a bottle of perfume, picks it up, points it directly at her face, and sprays it into her eyes. And it's like, ow."
"I want to start this pitch by showing you a scene from the movie."
"It's probably one of the dumbest kills in the entire franchise, he's in a Karate Dojo in his dream fighting an invisible Freddy and if you thought his training Shadow Boxing was bad this is just cringe to look at it, it hurts man it physically hurts."
"...going back to the window, the eyes glow once more, hearing evil Edie cackle 'you're so cool Brewster' as the titular theme song kicks in."
"Nightcrawler's first live-action scene still holds up to this day."
"The scene with Butch played by Bruce Willis and his girl at the hotel, huh? That was a sweet scene."
"It's now rightfully regarded as one of the most memorable movie scenes of all time and arguably the scariest."
"The whole scene at the beginning with like the actual just like crazy cult people coming in and murdering those people, that was so, that was probably the most intense scene in the movie to be honest with you."
"This movie is a monologue, sir. I feel like my heart is still shattered from that scene and then I have goosebumps."
"One of the most hilarious scenes in Mrs. Doubtfire is when Daniel's welfare worker turns up at his house to check up on his progress."
"The boat chase is incredible. They got the humor spot-on correct, just the right amount of innuendo and puns."
"The dancing scene with John Travolta and Uma Thurman is iconic."
"By the time Daniel Sutton raises his knee for the crane kick, I start sobbing."
"That's like one of the best scenes in gremlins."
"That was easily one of the most chaotic few minutes of a movie I've ever seen."
"The leap of faith from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, exactly."
"Once they're back together, I thought them going down like the whole scene of them dealing with the cops with Bill Murray is so damn good."
"I think they do it so early in this movie. There's the moment where they all kind of leave at once outside of the house and it's daytime, and it is like, 'Oh my god, there's no rules. You can be scared of anything.'"
"This movie is the best scene of the fucking movie because you actually feel like he's doing something so tense. It's cool. You could feel the grittiness of the fingers, like with the chalk on the rock."
"Best scene is when him and Cassian are fighting outside of the Intercontinental of Rome. That scene was so goddamn good."
"I love that whole the crime scene scene. It's just a perfect way to start. Something in the way... Like right from that moment as you're looking at this kid and that's when you start the song, that's... I think that is my favorite."
"The reason for the disconnect is that the longer he gets, the stronger Kylo Ren gets. So he's like, 'I'm just gonna disconnect.'"
"That saber scene when they're both pulling on that... You know, they're equals in that moment."
"The movie is far better because of this scene."
"Best scene in that movie is when Doc Ock comes to life. That scene is a horror scene. It's [__] evil dead in the middle of Spider-Man. How did he transition from horror to action? That [__] happens all the time."
"Yeah, or Viggo Mortensen in 'Eastern Promises,' one of the best. Literally one of the best scenes, it should be required watching for everybody."
"This is the best scene in the movie. It's unbelievable."
"Maybe this is when Alfred sees Bruce Wayne."
"That joke I was talking about, there's one point where one of Alguang's minions, I don't remember exactly what they said, but he just said something stupid and everyone just kills the guy, grabs him and he eats them. Yeah, I was just like, whoa."
"Especially when they go to Dr. Heiter's house and they're like, 'We're all wet, can we come inside and use your phone?'"
"I liked the bit where Margot Robbie's butt was in it."
"We mustn't forget to name drop the dude that's the father of the other dude that's being played by the brother of the dude that played the other dude is how I imagine this scene was written."
"I Sigourney Weaver-ed up the... you know, blew out the door and the alien got sucked out into space."
"That was one of the first times I've ever seen someone get stabbed in the eyeball where it looks real. It was shocking."
"I cried during Avatar when they killed the baby."
"This moment made this movie like the 10 out of 10 level that it is."
"What is it? Just brings you into this like vortex of like, you said, it's kind of like the scene out of, uh, what's the... Myers, Michael Myers. Isn't there like a scene when, like, there's a musk in the air where Austin Powers gets all horned up or something?"
"The severed arm of Georgie...very gruesome."
"Stark was left guarded by two of Aldrich Killian's henchmen, one of whom broke Harley Keener's sister's watch once he learned the correct time."
"You couldn't imagine a scene from a movie being this bad."
"It's arguably the best scene in the movie. It lays it all out. It gets to the root story of Branch Rickey and why he believed in the way that he did."
"Watkins is probably my favorite part of the movie. He walks up to a downed bug, unloads in its eye, and gets covered in goo. It's obscuring his face, and he's speaking through the goo, but they're acting as if they're not covered in goo."
"Kong came through in the clutch because the Mecha Godzilla opened up Godzilla's mouth."
"King Kong finishes off Mecha Godzilla, just chops him up, beats him down, rips the face and rips the head off, goes to work, man, I'm like damn."
"So inside that snow speeder we see Luke Skywalker and snow speeder outfit as well as Dak Ralter his famous accomplice."
"When that little girl cried, it was heartbreaking."
"The most impactful scene of this movie is probably the death of Joker."
"Are we sure Rose and Jack couldn't have both fit on that floating thing?"
"Welcome to Nokogiriyama. So you guys can't tell, literally, a shot from one of the scenes is when you watch Han and Sean and the RX7 and the Evo drift up the mountain over and over again, trying to teach Sean before the Big Race."
"That was hilarious, giving him the gun and being like, 'This is a badass gun.' What are you talking about? Like, Dirty Harry uses this and he's like, 'I don't know who Dirty Harry is.'"
"My god, what's Bond doing? I think he's attempting reentry."
"It's kind of like Piranha, and there are scenes where you're like, holy [__], I can't believe I'm seeing this."
"You guys ever wonder why Rose didn't share the door with Jack?"
"This is the exact moment in the horror film when you're like, 'What are you doing, idiot? Don't put your hand in that water!'"
"Unlike Jaws, in this movie, our heroes discuss their issues while soaking in a nice hot bath."
"You can't tell me that that wasn't terrifying."
"Brian does the right thing, pays off instead of a 10-second car, hands the keys to Dom, and Dom drives off into the sunset."
"The Iron Giant flying towards the nuke and whispering 'Superman'."
"That's the best part of the whole movie, in my opinion."
"It's one of the best sequences I've ever seen in a movie; it was incredible."
"One of my favorite kills is in this movie of Jason where he knocks dude's head totally off."
"Besides, in what other movie are you going to see Keanu Reeves give Satan the finger? That is awesome."
"I get choked up when I watch this sequence in the Up movie. Yes, very powerful."
"This movie is amazing and this scene is worth buying the criterion alone."
"I cried like a child at the end of Terminator 2."
"That shot was the best shot in the whole movie, that shot was crazy."
"This could make such a cool movie sort of like scene, like if you visited some alien world this could easily pass for some kind of alien landscape."
"Elliott and ET on the bike flying past the Moon is not only the best pop moment of this year, it's the best pop moment of all time."
"That was legit awesome that Drift did call Prime 'sensei' in the movie."
"However, he learns the true meaning of 'when nature calls' during this bathroom breakdown where his objection is clearly overruled."
"It's like the band getting chased down by these crazy gigantic ants, and it's just a really, really fun movie."
"You think I didn't cry for 30 minutes watching Carl and Ellie's beautiful marriage?"
"I just imagine like Eddie just holding the Venom symbiote over this cliff just like The Lion King."
"The movie ends with Leo on stage teaching sales: 'Sell me this pen.'"
"I think it's pretty, but I like the way that he overcomes Dormammu and it's not just through combat."
"To see Rey do something so freakin' awesome just gives me chills."
"It reminds me of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul."
"Seeing him turn into Ben Solo was my absolute favorite part of the movie."
"Considering that Gorr is included in this set and that he is shown in battle with the others, I actually think there's a pretty good chance that this Lego set could be a depiction of the big final battle in the movie."