
Ban Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"In the interests of competitive diversity, I think Fury and grief should be banned."
"Deaf noodles was banned from Twitter for the entire year."
"I was banned for spreading [__] on the walls at Nintendo Land."
"That's a hilarious way to be like, no that has to be a fraud because I'm banned for Life."
"We're not going to ban me, you know. There isn't going to be a meeting, 'Dave, we'd like to sit down with you, we're banning you, Dave.'"
"She needs to be banned off of social media. It's not like, 'Oh, I don't like her personally.'"
"It's a relief in some real sense to be banned, and I regard it under the present conditions as a badge of honor."
"My Hypixel ban lifts in 97 years, so in 97 years we can play some minigames together."
"It got banned, third most popular game on Roblox, pretty crazy."
"California has a law to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment."
"Iran banned Pokemon Go for reasons of civil security."
"Mass Effect was banned in Singapore because of one particular love scene."
"To this day over 800 days later I'm still banned on their [__] game."
"The ending literally gets you banned. It deletes the game."
"At some point, I will probably get permanently banned from Twitch."
"It's insane that we don't know why Twitch banned him."
"If Tik Tok gets banned, there are no more safe spaces for anybody online for certain communities."
"House approves the sell or be banned TikTok measure."
"My coworker told me he got banned from a bar when he lived in North Dakota back in 1973 and didn't try going back to it for 30 years, but he finally did, and the moment he stepped in, someone yelled 'Get the hell out of here, Dennis'."
"The ban on romance is now officially lifted."
"They're gonna ban you for twitter if you keep mis uh tweeting out misleading statements that Kevin Durant is the best player NBA. They're gonna ban you."
"These are Aqua Dots, they were banned in 2007 because they contain GHB."
"This next product is a nutcracker, but this one is actually banned from a lot of countries because it was breaking people's necks."
"Foie gras is banned in some states due to concerns about how animals are treated."
"You may recall that the emperor Anastasias attempted to ban this licentious dancing."
"I'm banned. They just don't know who I am. I just look like I sell drugs."
"The US is banning Tik Tok, you're not even allowed to have funny memes on your phone anymore."
"A lifetime ban from competing in the Philippines."
"This card was actually extremely powerful back in its standard format."
"This card is banned for so many reasons outside of being strong. It's annoying, uncompetitive, causes draws, and is a huge headache for tournament play."
"If I lose, y'all all banned from the club."
"Ultimately, Divining Top would likely still be too strong and cause too many issues to be unbanned."
"It's easy to ban, it's hard to build. And if you ban without being able to build, you just lower the quality of life for everybody, right?"
"Tik Tok getting banned in the US."
"Band from the Wellington Airport New Zealand for life."
"You cannot ban Bitcoin, but you can only ban yourself from Bitcoin."
"He may have been banned by the league, but he didn't let the ban define him."
"The lifting of the ban was done because people are at this point where they're like 'yeah, that's weird'."
"I don't know who it was in the group chat, but like, if you don't ban Ding, you're throwing. That guy is nasty."
"World's fattest parrot is banned from bird of the Year contest."
"According to Telegraph, he said he was fundamentally opposed to pineapple on pizza and would ban it if he had the constitutional authority to do so."
"Ikea banned me from using their display toilets."
"Why does Tinder make me feel so lonely and sad? Why did they ban me?"
"The Aprilia MXV 450 was banned by the AMA."
"They ban people like me that make big, big sums of money and just make the people that put down peanuts and win peanuts, they don't mind them because they can afford to pay them out, but if you win too much, they'll ban you basically."
"This is currently now banned in Queensland, in Victoria, and in the ACT, not in New South Wales yet, but very soon the states are all following, conversion therapy becomes banned across Australia."
"I kind of have this odd sense of like pride that I got banned. Like I did it, you know? Like I beat the system."
"That's arbitrage betting. That's the story of how I got banned from Ladbrokes. Who would have thought? I'm actually pretty proud of that to be honest."
"You're banned from men's figure skating for the remainder of your life."
"When you ban something, in this case, the something is access to ChatGPT, it means you don't allow it."
"The owner being the head of the local Council and banning her from all local-owned stores. Talk about Instant Karma."
"Two French boxers once kissed for so long at the end of their match that the French boxing Federation banned kissing in the ring."
"I'm banned for life from the win. I'm 86 forever."
"I travel fifteen to twenty thousand miles a year, so if this was applied to me, then effectively it would be a ban. So the question is, is this maybe better than a ban, but it's only marginally better."
"...I can't believe this is a stance I'm taking in 2024 but I think it's time to ban whips from um from sporting events."
"Hopefully, they ban the renos then it would have been really nice."
"This is to me the easiest card to ban, even if we don't have separate ban lists."
"I never see this card, but being objective, I think the commander format is better off if we ban this card."
"The problems with Astrolabe are real but it being banned isn't really doing much."
"Tick Tock's gonna get banned and they're like you're gonna have to use us."
"I'm banned again, I know it. The only [__] thing that makes sense is I'm banned again because I'm a Republican."
"What do you know, she got unbanned after a few days."
"Scammers get banned and then they lose access to six victims. They're having a bad time."
"This card is insane, absolutely insane. Ban it before it even is legal."
"English club sides had already been banned from all European competition five years earlier."
"I got banned from the school bus because we kept calling the driver a pedo relentlessly."
"We need another global pandemic, that's going to get me banned on Tik Tok again probably, because they love doing that dude."
"I speak for everybody when I say we need another global pandemic. That's going to get me banned on Tik Tok again probably because they love doing that dude."
"I've been seeing a lot of conversation about the TikTok ban."
"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, one of Yu-Gi-Oh's first banned cards."
"One of the main reasons that I've seen as to why people get their eBay accounts banned is because they're selling items from China and then listing it as genuine."
"When your eBay account is banned, you're not going to be able to bid, buy, or sell, leave any feedback, create new listings or revise any existing listings."
"My grandpa has a heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the zoo."
"Red dye number two was banned by federal regulators as a health risk."
"That guy is never allowed on the show again, he's bad luck."
"If you design a quest where you need to follow an NPC and they move slower than your running speed but faster than your walking speed, you are banned from making video games for one year."
"Tommy said to unban me. Twitch, you rock. Tommy, it's good to me, you're the man."
"I'm telling you, it could be a ban from baseball. You have to ask for reinstatement in five years."
"The ban will have a big impact on curbing smoking habits and recruiting new smokers such as our youth."
"Russia moves to ban undesirable Church of Scientology groups."
"The activities of two foreign non-governmental organizations as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation."
"I'm banned from Krispy Kremes all over America."
"He's been banned from visiting my town."
"Historically, the things that China has tried to ban have all turned out to be incredibly good investments."