
Motivational Influence Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I know you. You can't give up. It's what I saw in you when we first met. It's what made me follow you, why I'd do it all over again."
"He's a real hustler, he's got a great motivational story behind him, he's a good speaker too."
"You are somebody's inspiration, a lifeline to too many people."
"Who just makes you want to get up and do the thing? Dolly."
"You guys tend to push people out of their comfort zone in a way that they need."
"You guys are inspirational and make people excited about life."
"You guys are naturally energetically healing people."
"The impact they've had on him keeps him going after everything he's won."
"I just love how amazing of a motivator you are for yourself as well as for me in other people."
"If negativity can be infectious, so can positivity and good vibes."
"Thank you for bringing structure to our lives and for us to stay motivated through all these months and years." - Student thanking Martha Ocampo
"I see other people's enthusiasm as infectious."
"The more conversation you have with them, interaction... they push you more."
"There's a power to that, and if you've seen the movie The Secret you totally understand about the law of attraction."
"I want to be a good example for them and motivate them and want them to work out take care of themselves blah blah."
"Somebody's going to watch us and say, you know what, she was brave enough to do that, I can do that too."
"Nelson pelts is just your average billionaire... most people who actually know Elon... say the opposite... he has no ego... actually motivated by serving Humanity."
"It really helps you to become a better person or at least helps me feel like I'm making progress towards being a better person."
"You inspire this raw passion in other people, just consumed by thoughts of you."
"He gave me that confidence I think that I probably didn't have been."
"It's through that inspiration, that motivational push, that we give ourselves, through loving what we do."
"Kobe Bryant is the first thing I think about, Kobe Bryant, because you don't want to let him down."
"I had a lot of hope hearing those success stories. Well, if it's happened to those people, why couldn't it happen to me?"
"You inspire within them this desire to want something that they never wanted before."
"Instruction does much but encouragement everything."
"Just the senseless commitment to himself and to spreading positive energy, man."
"She decided she wanted to do something, something to change this story."
"She just gave me all the encouragement, and the strength, and the motivation to live."
"Maris implies his faith in his ability to defeat Moro and instills that into Goku."
"I think my music inspires a lot of individuals in the trenches because I come from them and it gives them a lot of motivation to either get up out of them or keep doing what the [__] they doing to try to get up out of them."
"It's mind-boggling to know that so many of you like my work and then on top of that I somehow encourage you to also make art."
"Keanu remained strong and uses his grief as motivation to give to others."
"Competition inspires us more than anything else."
"Has anyone ever been so wrong but also so inspiring to the people around him?"
"You did this. You found a new fight worth fighting for us. Does that sound like something an aimless person would do?"
"I love when people try their own things, it always inspires me."
"Healthy ESFPs will use their kinetic personalities to help energize and inspire others around them."
"You inspire this person to go after what makes them happy, to live more authentically."
"Passion for something, that's like a role model, someone who should be looked up to."
"A new beginning is sparking excitement and motivation within you."
"He always wanted to see those things through... he inspired greatness in others."
"You underestimate the power of thinking positive."
"To have someone like that cheering you on suddenly makes you think that maybe one person can make a difference."
"My job is just to be like a catalyst to remember that, hey, I did this thing."
"Heroes might be dead, but they inspire others."
"When you raise the bar for yourself... you are giving permission to so many people around you... to do the same for their own self."
"Your strong mind and clear vision bring your ideas into the physical realm with ease."
"You're someone who is driven by passion, and this inspires others to ask for more out of life."
"Fear can be a massive motivator, driving us toward growth."
"I just wanted to continue to do what he's doing, I'm giving in his flowers."
"Just are nothing short of inspiring them, um it inspires me and I'm sure it inspires a lot of others."
"It really gave me the inspiration and motivation."
"Can I be an inspiration to the next person around me?"
"I love the way he pushes me; his work ethic is awesome."
"Inspiration works far more powerfully than games, than manipulation, than trying to trick him into anything."
"We love to listen to the passionate people and they are actually a source of inspiration."