
Conservatorship Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Indeed serious questions abound concerning Mr. Spears's potential misconduct, including conflicts of interest, conservatorship abuse, and the evident dissipation of Ms. Spears's fortune."
"Any father who genuinely loves his daughter and has her best interests at heart should willingly step aside in favor of the highly respected professional fiduciary nominated here."
"In my opinion, Dad Spears's removal as conservator is critical to Britney Spears's emotional health and well-being, and is in the best interest of the conservatee."
"Spears addressed the court, raising numerous concerns about her conservatorship and making 'serious allegations regarding forced labor, forced medical treatment and therapy, improper medical care, and limitations on personal rights,' to name a few."
"A conservatorship strips someone of their legal rights ostensibly for their own protection because they are in some way impaired or vulnerable."
"Now that we've seen the ugly, dark side of conservatorships, it's time to call for reform."
"Britney Spears' conservatorship has finally ended and it sheds some light on how conservatorships can be controlling and abusive."
"You have no evidence at all that her conservatorship should be extended and continued."
"A new report from 'The New York Times' says court documents allege Britney has been trying to end the conservatorship for years."
"Britney Spears has been under a conservatorship for more than a decade with her financial and even personal decisions being made for her."
"For the first time in nearly 13 years, Britney will address the court directly."
"When does she get the chance to prove herself? Going through hardships in your mid-20s should not result in a life sentence under a conservatorship."
"From the very beginning, we think it was an unjust situation."
"It's difficult to say that the conservatorship is helping her from being taken advantage of financially when in fact large slots of her money are being spent without her consent."
"I have questions about what made him start looking into this and seeing that this conservatorship is still in place."
"Britney cannot tell her story unless she's out of this conservatorship."
"Britney Spears is actively challenging the conservatorship that has dominated every aspect of her life since 2008."
"Britney said, 'They've done a good job at exploiting my life.'"
"Britney's desire to get married and have a baby has never been impacted by the conservatorship."
"And your dad was a big part of that at the beginning, and he remains a very active part of the conservatorship, from what I've seen and read, is that accurate?"
"My dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship and my management should be in jail."
"The conservatorship saved Britney from disaster and supported her when she needed it the most."
"Amanda Bynes is free. The conservatorship has been terminated."
"Britney might be feeling this way, but legally, the conservatorship did what it was supposed to do. Not cool."
"Britney has been under this conservatorship for over eleven years."
"Britney has not had control of her life for 12 years."
"To have Britney appear in a courtroom and speak directly about her conservatorship is going to be monumental."
"This conservatorship is literally allowing my dad to ruin my life. They're not really listening to what I'm telling them."
"I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive. I don't feel like I can live a full life."
"Lynn selfishly did not want to be a conservator because she didn't want Britney to hate her for this."
"Now my dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship should be in jail."
"This situation's bigger than Britney. This is about conservatorship reform."
"This needs to be a message to other conservators out there that this behavior is not okay and they will go to jail."
"Amanda Bynes's conservatorship is over. Amanda Bynes asked for it to end, documents were filed, the conservatorship ended..."
"Amanda Bynes's conservatorship is terminated in a very normal and non-dramatic process."
"Britney Spears has been under conservatorship for the past 12 years."
"All I want is to own my money for this to end and my boyfriend, um, to drive me in his [ __ ] car and I would honestly like to sue my family to be totally honest with you." - Britney Spears
"The conservatorship has provided Ms. Spears with a structure to help her navigate the daily challenges of her personal life, family matters, medical issues, and career."
"The conservatorship that had controlled Britney Spears's finances, personal life, and medical decisions since 2008...was terminated Friday afternoon in a Los Angeles courtroom."
"She won't do a damn thing unless they remove the entire conservatorship."
"Just getting Britney out of this conservatorship for me is just one more step."
"Britney expressly reserves the right to petition for termination of this conservatorship under probate code section 1861."
"Britney has not had any protection at all. A total sham."
"Tristar was improperly heavily involved in many aspects of the conservatorship from its very outset."
"The conservatorship itself became a hybrid business model. Let that sink in."
"Britney Spears's conservatorship is a nightmare, and if it can happen to her, it can happen to anyone."
"The conservatorship that has controlled Britney Spears's life for over 13 years should end today."
"The conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good."
"The conservatorship is like stripping you of all your civil liberties."
"It's truly insane how much of a prisoner she actually was. She's like an island, making money and paying people to control her. It's ridiculous, sick."
"This whole thing has really blown the top off conservatorships. It's wild and there's not that much to look at for conservatorships."
"It's no longer a question of whether this conservatorship will end but simply when."
"A powerful statement as to why conservatees, even if they need a conservatorship, need their own attorney of their choice."
"Britney wants miss Montgomery to stay, obviously."
"Britney has sent Montgomery countless messages expressing her wishes to remove her father as conservator in any capacity."
"Britney, by law, has rights to have this conservatorship end."
"Britney was subjugated to slavery by the conservatorship."
"This is an organized crime ring, this is not a conservatorship."
"Throughout the course of conservatorship, Spears stripped her daughter of her dignity...and her humanity."
"Jamie unreservedly supports Britney's plea to end her conservatorship."
"Jamie does not seek to and will not serve as conservator again."
"My order of suspending Jamie Spears shall remain in full force and effect until a hearing on removal."
"Britney spears has been under a conservatorship since 2007."
"This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good. I deserve to have a life. I've worked my whole life. I deserve to have a two to three-year break and just, you know, do what I want to do."
"It's no secret that Britney Spears has a lot of really passionate fans and that when the public found out about her conservatorship, the Free Britney movement really started to take off."
"Britney Spears apparently has been under this for like a decade, 10 years, and her father has been, you know, the person over it."
"...the fact that like one of the main lawyers is making 10 grand a week for the past 13 years off of like the conservatorship fees is just that alone is like jail like just straight to jail don't pass go don't collect 100 just throw the man in jail immediately."
"Spears faced personal and legal challenges that captivated public attention, particularly her battle to end a conservatorship."
"Is this like a modern-day thing that we've all just, but like my dad said lawyer-wise, you have to prove a lot of [ __ ] to a court to get conservatorship."
"She could be unwell but not need to be in a conservatorship."
"Her conservatorship was well thought out."
"Your duty as conservator is to do whatever your loved one wants to the extent that it's practical to do so."
"Being conservator doesn't mean 'I'm in charge now and you do what I want'."
"Most of the time, conservatorships go fairly smoothly and they're just wonderful."
"You want to make the person feel that they're in control of their lives."
"I'm a really strong believer in agency, and most people who are mentally ill or have mental struggles are not in a conservatorship, nor should they be."
"Conservatorship is meant to protect like both, like the family and the person who's like ill, right?"
"I'm asking the court to order that you be the sole managing conservator."
"After spending most of her adulthood living under the thumb of a restrictive conservatorship that left her with little control over her own life, Britney Spears finally regained her personal and financial freedom."
"This conservatorship is for people who are gravely ill or a danger to themselves."
"How could somebody who has early onset dementia perform the same set, the same show, every single night in Vegas?"