
Transport Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"We really are on the cusp of a technological revolution across transport and energy."
"It had massive passenger room and all that cargo storage room."
"You can drop people in places that the helicopter could typically not land."
"The fact that she was on an interstate and that she'd been at a truck stop and that it was a trucker who discovered her body the next day also raises the possibility that this could have been a trucker."
"The An-225 Mriya, meaning 'dream,' is a strategic transport aircraft created by the Kiev Antonov Design Bureau."
"There's something magical about riding on a train."
"It's very colorful and eye-catching, a really cool looking train."
"Who needs that plane, dude? We're from the future, we have hoverboards."
"The Pelican is capable of transporting up to 10 troops to and from the battlefield."
"Despite everything, commercial flights still remain the safest form of Transport in the world."
"The people mover is the perfect vehicle for people watching."
"The subway was London's lifeline during the Blitz."
"China is doing initially Russians have their own vehicles."
"The future of transport is autonomous mobility as a service."
"Scientists have no idea how stones of this size were transported to the site and then manipulated into place because the stone isn't local."
"The Quetzal is number one... they've got the platform saddle, they can pick up pretty much most of the creatures found through Ark which makes them really valuable... they are number one on the top 10 flyers list because of those reasons."
"Getting more people on bikes and out of cars is a good thing." - GCN Show
"What kind of monster acts like why he's driving my child and nobody did anything about it yesterday."
"In many places around the world, such as Vancouver in Canada, seaplanes are a normal means of transport and fit seamlessly into the downtown fabric."
"...clearly make a massive difference to the way we decarbonize our transport system."
"London Transport's pursuit of standardized fleet."
"That just shows you the power of synth layering. It can literally transport you from one physical location in the world to another."
"The Lockheed C5 Galaxy cargo aircraft is one of the world's largest military transport aircraft used by the United States Air Force."
"It's not just a mode of transport, it's a lifestyle. It's the epitome of luxury, a rolling palace that allows you to explore the world in style and comfort."
"They can take you away from that space."
"Vienna's public transport system is a seamless symphony of efficiency."
"What a fantastic transport, sweetie."
"What an amazing time that would have been to be alive and see the change in transport."
"I feel like I entered Another Universe when I went in there oh that was amazing I literally feel like I just what is it called transported yeah transported to Puerto Rico."
"Compact and potent, this pump's design ensures Easy Transport and storage, becoming the agile Ally for tasks large and small."
"Active transport goes against the concentration gradient and requires energy."
"These Railways with their iconic steam locomotives became a part of everyday life, bringing prosperity and a unique means of transport."
"For short city journeys of up to five miles, the bike is usually the most efficient and direct form of transport."
"Craig mentions to mark that Nolan is being transported to an unknown location and prepped for his execution for failing his mission."
"The reason to choose different materials or to upgrade the materials that your kayak is made from is really to make it lighter which makes it easier to transport and it actually makes it feel a bit more lively on the water."
"One thing that movies are so very good at is returning us to a feeling associated with a bygone time and place and in so doing transporting us with them."
"This song makes you feel like you're floating. It's a beautiful song. It teleports me to a beautiful state of mind."
"A rare gem in heavy-duty transport."
"Transport agnostic, can be built on top of various protocols."
"Concord proves a quick and versatile means of transport, bringing together seasons and continents in a matter of a few hours."
"Wonderful music that takes you to another place."
"Active transport requires cells to expend energy."
"It holds everything, you can get so much in here and it makes it so easy to transport stuff out of it."
"...the Skyliner is super convenient..."
"Carbon dioxide is transported three ways: dissolved in plasma, bound to hemoglobin, and as bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is by far the most abundant way."
"Mari was first settled in 1884, and then for the next 100 years, it was one of the great inland transport depots."
"The main produce was wool, and these marvelous animals could carry up to their own weight for many hundreds of kilometers."
"I'm gonna start hauling it to the stores."
"We're going to have to do the caging of these boys so that we can tow it down the road."
"I ain't riding on the [__] bus with these [__]."
"This place is the London transport equivalent of Willy Wonka's chocolates Factory."
"All of these vintage London buses are lovely."
"Let's get it all loaded up in the truck, we'll take it home, get it out in the greenhouse, and then I'll run through all the varieties that I ended up with today."
"Inspiration was sought from the country that has perfected alpine transport: Switzerland."
"The only way is that the ocean waters picked those up and transported them up on the continent and buried them on the continent."
"The machine that truly democratized motorcycling and indeed transport."
"Just for the pure joy of me seeing this truck tow Teddy on a trailer to Nashville."
"Our trains all run on fairy dust, and there's glitter in the breeze."
"What's brilliant about London is its transport system; what's a nightmare about London is also its transport system."
"The net annual transport is on average 1 million cubic meters per year."
"The Elizabeth line is so popular it even has its own merchandise ranges."
"The temple as a vessel or ship for the transport of a deity to the earthly realm."
"Air is a transporter; it transports all kinds of impressions in the universe."
"Endocytosis is the bulk transport of molecules into a cell... it requires energy from ATP."
"We're gonna transport you into a world of fairy tale, legend, and folklore."
"It's actually a cheaper means of transportation."
"It's always a breath of fresh air to engage with the open roads of drivers, owners, and their families in the transport industry."
"It still feels like it's going to be great for navigating crowded areas, jumping onto public transit, and carrying on to pretty much any domestic or international airline."
"24 hours a day, seven days a week, Stobart trucks run non-stop across the nation."
"What a piece of rolling stock this really is, I love it."
"Erosion is the transport of those little pieces of rocks... as the rain falls, it's going to detach or break off little bits that have been weathered, then it's going to transport them and move them somewhere else, and then ultimately it's going to deposit them."
"Smells can be a very effective way of transporting us to different landscapes."
"You could be in Manly having a good lunch, have some friends in Rose Bay need a pick up, no worries mate, be there in five."
"Any decision we make as Transport HQ, we make it in the best interests of our customers."
"Instantaneously, he was transported to what he believed was heaven."
"There's something about the railway that never fails to fascinate."
"Lives could be saved as transporting both injured squad members and clients through enemy territory is dangerous."
"Water's strong cohesion allows transport of nutrients and waste."
"The payload is whatever you're transporting."
"The world's first steam passenger railway in 1830, Manchester was again at the forefront of transport technology with the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway."
"Forget wimpy carts and aching backs, the Wolfcraft off-road transport system is your beast mode partner for conquering any terrain."
"If the patient's condition is unstable or if there's any possible life threat, let's address the life threat and then let's just get off scene and proceed with rapid transport."
"The C390 Millennium stands out not just for its ability to transport troops and cargo, but also for its impressive aerial refueling capabilities."
"The phloem transports glucose from the leaves to storage sites."
"These stories will capture your imagination and transport you to different worlds."
"I always love seeing what trains mean to the places they serve."
"It shows London's transport system as the city's guardian, watching over it at all times and on all occasions."
"With its red buses, black cabs, and of course the London Underground, London's transport infrastructure has long played a key role in not only helping the city to develop but also in going some way to defining its very character."
"The beast continues its race throughout the night with its 16,000 tons of cargo and hope in the hold."
"This is the story of a few weeks in the life of an airplane, a very particular airplane, one of the planes which is changing the whole idea of air travel and transport."
"The C5 Galaxy... provides the United States Air Force with heavy intercontinental range strategic airlift capability."
"Transport for New South Wales has begun promoting 15-minute neighborhoods."
"Active transport links need to be versatile, adaptable to any circumstance, night and day."
"It's incredible, isn't it? You and I have used this station for many years."
"Glaciers are capable of great erosion and sediment transport."
"There will always be a market for living next to a Metro station with services every 4 minutes in peak and every 10 minutes off-peak."
"It's about what those social outcomes are to provide some different types of transport needs and solutions."
"I feel like I'm in another world and I feel transported."
"Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to all the other parts of our body for cellular respiration."
"Since the bike folds, it really increases the versatility of the bike."
"It's a form of transport unique to this part of the world and brings a new meaning to the word cruising, don't you think?"
"A car is not just a mode of transport, but a companion on the road of life."
"The ringing experiment showed that it was the phloem that transports sugars."
"Phloem is responsible for the transport of organic substances like glucose and sucrose by the process of translocation."
"The function of blood is transport: blood transports oxygen and nutrients to our cells so that we can use those for cellular metabolism."
"We're looking at ways in which we can give you control over routes a trust for that Transport Security."
"For a quarter century, it carried copper and silver down from fabulously wealthy mines and brought tourists up to view the dramatic scenery along the track."
"With its opening, a new era for the most iconic urban transport system in the world begins."
"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, lovely little corridor coach there."
"Remote mines live on diesel fuel, and to maintain supply, there is total dependence on one industry: Road Transport."
"The transport layer protocol provides end-to-end message transfer capabilities, independent of the underlying network."
"This aircraft is very big, and I'm actually really excited to see that for once there's actually an aircraft which is very quick and easy to take apart for transport and put back together again at the field without having to mess around with wires."
"I'm desperate. Can you help me get my melons to Chicago?"
"The hats of Easter Island, known as pukau, had to be transported from far away and then lifted way up onto the top of the statues."
"I'm still not over the trams yet, I need a moment because they're so freaking cool."
"This notion of transport is one in which objects are just kept as parallel as possible as they slide along."
"Tesla is to accelerate the advance of sustainable transport by bringing mass-market electric cars to market as soon as possible."
"This is not your typical just transport... this is properly an overland expedition vehicle and survival vehicle as well."
"If the Space Shuttle were used as a global transport, safety and comfort standards could be comparable to those of a large transport jet."
"The tunnel has served a vital link between France and Italy."
"I really like their wonderfully ornate carriages."
"It's like a been transported, wow, Aloha!"
"Matatu culture in Kenya is vibrant and deeply ingrained in the country's urban life."
"The transport doesn't need to be ballistic, it just needs to be elastic."
"My love for urbanism and my love for transport... is just deeper than an interest; it's an absolute passion."
"This does have the towing package as well, it gives you a 3,000 pound tow rating on a 2-inch receiver."
"Water carries oxygen, nutrients, ions, electricity, and information."
"Welcome to Transport Vlog, my name is Paul, and I'm really excited to be at the Barangaroo station open day."
"The driver is the face of K-transport."
"It's going to really smooth the ride out for yourself, your passengers, and any cargo that you might be carrying."
"I bought it side on scene, we got this thing loaded up, let's get it back to the rescue hanger."
"These bulbs are grown, not flown; that's a big difference."
"It's actually a very, very relaxing ride, to be honest."
"Being a pilot is a very rewarding job; you're doing not only yourself a service but it's how we transport all over the place."
"Prepare the patient for transport and reassess."
"Load securement is everyone's securement; don't take risks, do the job right."
"The circulatory system's main job is to be a transporter of oxygen, nutrients, and waste."
"We might walk out today with a brand new vending vehicle."
"That's probably like legitimately one of the coolest things you could ever haul on a trailer."
"This project is going to be one of the most important transport projects in the history of India."
"It's a busy little Branch line, this."
"Just an incredibly comfortable, secure way of transporting these things about."
"Blood's main function is its ability to transport substances throughout the body."
"It is literally the most safest form of transport, flying."
"How nice is that, the Dubai trolley."
"It's packaged really well and again something I like to save just in case I'm ever gonna transport it."
"Transport business will always be in."
"The majority of carbon dioxide is transported in plasma in the form of bicarbonate ions."
"Typically waveguides, which usually actually have a rectangular shape, are used to transport high frequency, usually radio or microwave radiation, to where it is required."
"At the present moment, with means of transport always in readiness and the electric wire joining the most distant countries, it might seem that famine was a thing no longer to be feared."
"I like working from home, and well, private transport is much more convenient."
"A unique Mega transport Halfway Around the World."
"The cardiovascular system provides internal transport of nutrients and oxygen to body cells while also removing wastes and carbon dioxide being transported away from body cells."
"We're going to be hauling straight from the field to the ethanol plant, I hope."
"We are transporting precious cargo, so you have to be careful."
"It's also extremely efficient, always running on time to the very last second."
"It's really a picturesque backdrop for the ride to see these big mammoth cranes and these big huge ships."
"Secondary active transport is converting that electrochemical proton gradient into gradients of other things."
"The water carries with it everything that can be washed away."
"The C5 Galaxy is the largest military transport aircraft deployed by the US Armed Forces."
"If you do nanoscale transport, this could be a foundation to understand a lot of papers in literature."
"Some proteins are transporters or channel proteins, acting as channels for molecules moving through the membrane."
"It did signal a path towards more sustainable transport."
"I just love the Walt Disney World monorail."
"She really just transports you into her world of inspiration."
"The best transport is automatically chosen based on the server and client's capabilities."
"This revolutionary freight transport vehicle has proven its crucial role for PepsiCo's 12-hour operations."