
Design Simplicity Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"The real magic isn't from designs that are endless in depth, but the game's flow."
"I really like the Simplicity of it... without having to redraw the characters every single time."
"Keep it simple, you can do quite a lot with very few faces."
"Alert success - background color: var(--success-color)"
"Even if you don't have any design or artistic abilities, you'll be able to follow along with my instructions."
"It's okay to just use rectangles... what's in them matters way more than their shape."
"Having a simple design allows you to invest a lot more energy into the mastery of your execution."
"So this design seems really simple but it's actually very flexible and the skill that it teaches you is to make a consistent shape and a shape that is the same size and a shape that you can kind of expand and shrink to fit into your space."
"It's a really simple design but I think he's really cute."
"Love clean, simple, super easy to look at shoes."
"We really focused on simplicity and ease of use."
"Less is more when it comes to colors on a shirt."
"They've just done what they want to do and it's got one purpose and it does it really, really well."
"Bootstrap's grid system simplifies layout design with easily customizable column widths."
"Simple shapes with simple movements are often way more appealing than whatever you'd end up with trying to add more complexity."
"The design is very simple but it's the placement of these which is going to make the obelisk look good."
"I've got infinite Headroom so much to talk about in this interior so simple yet so delightful."
"Ultimately, what I care about is functionality more than anything else."
"Effective simplicity is far more appealing than an approach of design or content that overwhelms your viewer."
"The award for simplest controls in a next speaker goes to Sony."
"It's not about having a million different font types, it actually looks better to just keep it simple."
"This design is all about simplicity, guys. No longer are guardian farms an immense amount of work."
"We've kept it really simple and easy to use."
"This won't win any fancy awards but it's the true definition of function over form."
"What's really interesting about this Farm design is that its Simplicity also gives it a surprising amount of Versatility."
"Just take the strongest one and just have as few elements as possible."
"The simplicity, the reliability, and the performance that SE gives us in this design was the knife I chose."
"This is clean, by the way. I love the clean simplicity."
"The controls need to work, they need to be intuitive, they can't require any weird gimmicks."
"Simpler it is, the cleaner it looks, the easier people are going to accept it."
"I actually believe it or not if I were to go for this watch, I'll probably won't go for the chronograph. I don't know if that exists or not. It doesn't matter that much but I actually like the simplicity of the classical Royal Oak look."
"It's better that bitcoin can't add anything because it makes it more secure even though it has a giant list of critical vulnerabilities makes bitcoin secure is the fact that you can't just add random [ __ ] all right."
"One of the most important things when you have a tool that's man-made... is that it needs to get out of the way."
"We wanted to make it a little bit less than just this big blob."
"It's quite easy to make it has to be because it has to be repeatable."
"The look and feel is great here, and it's really like again we just did this in like two minutes."
"It feels like they have gotten away from the convoluted idea of making the most complicated and weirdest design theme park of all time."
"This design is so simple, very reliable."
"Everything has a button but it's all very legible, very easy to read."
"One of my goals was to put everything on knobs... to remove the switches and just have everything flow continuously from one thing to the next."
"What if I told you, you could create any design for your CNC or laser by simply just typing it on your keyboard?"
"This is a very clean, very simply laid out high-end device inside."
"It's clear of any real design disruption and the information is just super accessible."
"We have a very narrow width for our content to make it easy to read."
"I'm really glad designers are embracing this simplicity within their designs."
"I love it also in the single color red; you just can't go wrong, it's such a cute design."
"I really like the simplicity of just the t-shirt sleeves with the rest of the design."
"This is indeed a very powerful foundation for designing things. Surprisingly simple though, but can be used very powerfully."
"The reality is most great things when it comes to design are the things that you don't notice."
"Compound path that ensures that this design is as simple as it can be and is all one piece, all one layer."
"The principle of simplicity is upheld while adding a chronograph and never coming across as reductive."
"Tiles also constrain the design space, so they make designing levels a lot easier and more visually consistent."
"I think Lange and their simplicity with the way they manage to balance the highly complicated movements with the simplicity on their dials, that is the sweet spot for the brand."
"Multiplexing has the advantages of less complex wiring harnesses which are cheaper to manufacture and lighter in weight."
"That's a really simple way to add clothes."
"I really like the simple design; it didn't take long to assemble a bunch of these at once."
"It looked so great with just two colors."
"To me, the essence of a clean and simple card is just uncluttered and a little bit of interest."
"Atlas textures are pretty easy to handle and don't engage a lot of processing power and time."
"Fortunately, dashboard design is one of the easiest things that we can change."
"You want to make it as easy as possible for your user to find the right information."
"iOS offers a very clean and refined interface."
"We're using reference points on our quilt as guidelines to quote complex looking designs that are actually really easy."
"Using text and shape, nothing too hard."
"Simplicity is sometimes so beautiful, especially when paired with a nice fun design like this."
"I love the simplicity of the logo, how everything looks."
"The designs are simple, they're classic, and they're absolutely perfect."
"Look how simple these keys are right now."
"It's just so easy to tell the time at a quick glance."
"I wanted to create a simple, elegant design as much as I can and probably add more details in texture and look development."
"It's nothing groundbreaking, but just the silhouettes and the simplicity of it, it's fresh."
"Everything is center-aligned; it has what I like to call a clear contrast: white background, very dark text. This is incredibly easy to read."
"Design doesn't have to be hard, okay? I know a lot of people make it really scary, but it doesn't have to be."
"It makes the whole design process a lot easier."
"I like the way you guys kind of design them to keep them simple and clean, like not overdone."