
Technology Enthusiasm Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"You love tech right and with Linux, you're really getting in, it feels good to use that command line and really have complete control."
"It's a full-fledged PC... The sky is the freaking limit."
"Superfast charging and wireless charging, get excited about weird things."
"It's like a portable lightsaber, I like gadgets."
"I'm one of those dudes, I'm a nerd for it, I'm a dork."
"They're an interesting company... enthusiasts of Linux and open source software."
"You see the play on words with wi-fi and fire how it combines for wi-fi you know I love technology."
"The upgrade potential for a gaming PC is really one of the things that has always drawn me to it."
"I don't love defense technology because I love war. I love defense technology because it's one of the few things that can actually deter one."
"People are ready for something new, they're ready for next gen."
"Steam Deck, really cool. I want to cover it. I think after there's some other videos. There's a lot of content to be made. Absolutely never sleeps. It never sleeps. It's always in my brain."
"I liked the new gadgets a lot, I thought they were really cool."
"I'm a huge fan of getting the most I can out of one of these incredible pieces of technology."
"React rocks what can I say I am 100 unashamedly biased on this one."
"I'm so excited with the way it turned out. If you enjoyed this additive manufacturing content then definitely get subscribed because this printer is probably not even going to be the craziest thing I build this year."
"Chainlink is insane... it's literally the Google of Web 3."
"Everybody's going to find it really really cool to at least try."
"I’m really into this quasi-dual-native-resolution situation."
"The PSP 6: my new favorite way to enjoy Retro Gaming on the go."
"I've never been this excited about a package of technology arriving."
"I'm very excited about the solid-state drive and the SSD."
"Machine learning is actually like I would say the closest thing to magic that we have in our life."
"Y'all need to calm down, this is ridiculous. The iPhone 12 has nine cameras!"
"I've been a bitcoin enthusiast since like 2013, 2014 around that is when I bought my first. I was like blogging about it for the NYU newspaper so I've just been fascinated with this idea of programmable internet money software eating the world."
"This is going to be definitely the most interesting iPhone for me."
"VR is great and I would like to make a full-on dedicated video when I actually set up the green screen and all of that jazz."
"I'm excited for the future of PC gaming, especially in a time with high costs and inflation."
"I love VR and I love everything to do with that technology."
"If you like virtualization, you have to hit the like button."
"This project is open source... which is freaking amazing."
"If this PC was like a Pokémon booster pack, that GPU would be like the rainbow rare Charizard V max for sure, 100."
"Perhaps nobody has more to look forward to in the next year than fans of electric vehicles."
"The Web can do really amazing things, I hope you do agree."
"I listen to audiobooks... I have a real passion for it now."
"You're going to see a lot of zeros and ones for sure. So, yeah, let's jump into the metal parts. It's going to be an absolute blast!"
"A book and a bookmark is always a really traditional and thoughtful gift idea."
"Every programmer says, 'I can't wait till I can program in VR.'"
"This is the kind of tech I get really excited about."
"That was a lot of fun hardware talk, but really what matters here is of course the games."
"For all of my fanboy gushing on the keyboard, the screen is good but it's probably not gonna turn any heads."
"It just happens that this new supercomputer people are supporting to now and saying whoa this could be a big thing in the world of AI."
"If it ends up supporting a full Linux distro I'm probably buying one."
"I'm glad I went through this [ __ ] to help me realize and help you learn and help me develop as a woman and I'm saying."
"I'm definitely a fan of the new hybrid Wear OS with the Tizen UI."
"Evfs are incredible. Flat out, EVFs are incredible."
"I am absolutely loving the new FaceTime features here."
"I am one very lucky son of a gun because I am the reservation holder of two very early Tesla cyber trucks."
"Night vision is freaking sick and it's really cool that in the United States that we are able to own this own latest gen technology and shoot under it and have a good time and that's one of our rights."
"More people are excited about Game Pass than they are about owning an Xbox."
"Designed for enthusiasts, people who want the most out of their gaming experience."
"Linus Tech Tips just has to make everyone a PC who asks for it. Please, I just want a game!"
"We compared two machines today...you know who won? You and I, because we got the baddest stuff there."
"I think it's so cool, more ray tracing in everything."
"One of the things I like doing is looking for unusual pieces of technology, things that may have flown under the radar a little bit or were only sold to a very specialist niche group of people."
"I'm a big nerd for guns, especially, so I really appreciate when developers can do them justice."
"I want a Framework in my backpack and I want a seat at the front of this crazy ride."
"If you care so [ __ ] much about the things that are in your machine, you might as well just be a PC gamer."
"I love to see what developers can do with the platform we build. It's just so exciting." - Jeremy Epling
"Goodbye to 5G action if you fancy some of that and some specs that are truly trouser tent worthy."
"It's an amazing time for VR and I'm super super excited for all these new people to join in on this amazing journey with me."
"Prepare yourself for what could already be the update of the year."
"Their faith and commitment towards Ethereum is real."
"Tech is my favorite, I loved the way he reprogrammed it."
"This is likely to be one of the best phones I have featured on my channel."
"Overall, it's hard not to love these single board computers."
"Massive acceleration is a party trick that wears off pretty quickly."
"I have a feeling there will be more Apple goodies before the end of this year is over, so, be sure to subscribe and hit the bell, so you'll be notified when I get my hands on them!"
"This thing is going to be an absolute dream machine!"
"If you do manage to somehow or another secure a pre-order for that same RTX 3080 or whatever, then by all means jump on it because you're not going to be disappointed."
"You only live once. You wanna have the latest and greatest tech, do that. Alright? Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself."
"I do think it's going to improve like me being able to play games for work but then it's also just a cool fun device and really kind of brought back my love of just messing around emulating tinkering hacking stuff like that."
"Rocking the iPhone 12 Pro Max, dude I love this freaking case."
"I’m pretty excited for the future of this tech and can’t wait to get it."
"We're all addicts... we want the next GPU and we want to upgrade."
"This was super cool, it's in my home lab right now."
"I haven't been this excited to review a phone in a very long time."
"It's so freaking cool, man, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, pulling up the original, beautiful, purely right."
"NX Vim: A fun project to build and a niche to enjoy."
"I find this video tech fascinating I love this stuff it's also just really cool seeing Bloodborne run how it should and how it never probably will so I wanted to share that joy that I felt that we felt."
"Excited to get a few more specifics about it, get some details."
"It's incredible the 570 is amazing man I don't know what else to tell you guys you can run absolutely anything with this gpu"
"Fusion is really cool if you know how to use it right."
"It's just PCIe lanes, so anyway this is something cool that I saw and I want to share with you guys."
"I love virtuality. I love VR games. Any chance I get to have any free time, I want to jump into a VR headset."
"Networks are fun, let's build more networks, guys!"
"This is honestly the best thing in the world, I'm actually just so happy that jailbreaking windows has gone so easy now."
"There's just this wonderful shared collective enthusiasm for what Tesla is breaking ground on."
"Or maybe you’re just into gaming and technology, or want to be able to customize your setup, or you just want to be in control of your own system."
"It's fun, tinkering with hardware is what got me interested in computers in the first place."
"I friggin' love lasers. There's just something kind of magical to me about the fact that you're using just light to engrave or cut something. It's just incredible."
"I'm really excited about the combination of magnetic wave stimulation technology or direct electrical stimulation and some other devices."
"I love tech, I love embracing future technology, I am all about the digital."
"Every time Dyson drops like a new product, I feel like Apple is launching a new iPhone or something."
"It's a lot of fun to take control of your computer and your operating systems."
"I was also really passionate about open source software."
"I am a little bit of a nerd at heart; I love computers, I love tinkering."
"There's a brand new Spectrum computer coming out very soon called the Sinclair Spectrum Next, and I'm very excited about it."
"The iPad guy is back, baby, it's iPad time!"
"It's open source, it's free, and it really just kicks ass."
"Keep on home labbing, and as always, I'll see you guys soon."
"I don't like it either. That's why I'm so excited about HTMX."
"I am stoked that Stripe has decided to really put a lot more focus on the no-code path."
"So this update is seriously cool."
"I love electronics, I love technology."
"If you're a tech geek in a continuous hunt for the latest technological trends, then consider getting subscribed to our YouTube channel."
"I'm really excited by it. I think the technology is fantastic and just can't believe more people aren't doing this."
"I'm excited that I found a new distribution to hopefully keep track of in the future."
"It's the headset that makes me actually want to get into VR, and you know what, that's kind of invaluable."
"I love the weird, wonderful, strange like frontiers of technology."
"If you’re a video nerd and know exactly what that means already, yes it is that awesome."
"Rust compiles down to WebAssembly, and WebAssembly is really cool."
"This is probably one of my favorite ways in all the different technology that I've played with."
"Tech is growing on me, like good tech is so fun, it's so interesting."
"This technology is just too exciting not to use it."
"I'm super excited because I just got the brand new B+ Raspberry Pi."
"Programmers are saying, 'Wow, I don't just want to play games, I want to make use of that hardware and I want to be able to do any algorithm that's highly parallelizable, not just graphics manipulation.'"
"If you're new here, my name is Liv and I love everything Tech."
"I built it using all of my favorite technologies... however, those things are great for applications that have lots of features and different behaviors."
"As electric car enthusiasts, we're all excited about the new features and driving experience that Teslas have to offer."
"Stay tuned, what is up App Nation, happy New Year and welcome to 2024."
"I love this, this is freaking awesome. I wish more motherboards did it this way."
"And speaking of nice, oh man, I am loving this iMac."
"Tensorflow is really cool and shiny and new and everyone's excited about it."
"I just love the technology and being part of the community."
"I really love the hardware; I hope the community can make more like ports or homebrew games, hacked games that have basically unlocked the full potential of 32X."