
Event Significance Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The game doesn't start until he's back. That's when they season start."
"January 6, in the events of those days, is the American Rorschach test."
"For the bikers in the crowd, this was vindication."
"The return of VidCon to the Anaheim Convention Center was a big deal."
"What I need right now is for everyone to sit their ass in their seats and pay attention to me. This is the biggest show in pro wrestling history."
"The Oscars used to be a major cultural event... now it's like a nothing, a blip."
"Black love has to be at the tip top of the agenda. If black people come first, then the all-black national convention is for you."
"Interesting thing about BTS is that they came from a very single group in the K-pop world. You have different labels, and in Korea, they have what they call the Big Three."
"This is the first time, the first ever live recording."
"Hogan versus warrior delivered on that front it was a monumental moment in WWF lore and for that reason even though the action inside the ropes wasn't a technical showcase Hogan versus warrior is still a special must-see."
"The lavish event was the first major in-person conference in the U.S since the start of the pandemic."
"It's actually gonna make this event like probably one of the biggest events in final fantasy ever."
"I don't want it to be classed as a farewell tour because it's not a farewell tour but it is a massive massive deal for Manchester United."
"That to me felt like a pretty special event."
"It's massive and look, it's something we've been waiting for nearly eight years."
"Online deals during Prime Day brought third party merchants more than three point five billion dollars of sales over just two days in 2020, up nearly 60 percent from the year before."
"Honestly, this is awesome. This is really huge."
"They have come here because if Uluru was turned on on that day, that ripple effect would run throughout the cosmos and would create a healing that would run in all directions forever."
"This is not only one of the greatest boxing matches them attended, this is a sports spectacle."
"This is the last ghost reaction live stream of the year. That's right baby, that's right!"
"When two of the greatest fighters go head-to-head, what a day it's been for boxing, what a day it's been for the main event at ESPN, and for Melbourne, Australia."
"The battle for Undisputed, the one we've all been waiting for."
"The opening ceremonies of an Olympic Games... there's nothing better in life than that."
"We don't need to play Woodstock, it's not important to us."
"This was the most epic day, most surprising day in Worlds history."
"Those 10 days, man, that was like something special and that was just something that that was what Dreamville is about."
"I think everything that happens has some kind of significance. It's not just happening by chance, it's happening because God is now fine-tuning events to fall into place."
"Minnesota Rocker looking to get their first win with a COD League cross-home event."
"The Super Bowl is about making a statement about your product."
"I think it's a factor in a way... tonight would have been a very different occasion."
"I think it was important for this to happen."
"November... something big is about to happen. This is the wake-up call we've all been waiting for."
"This one will be bigger because it's kind of crossover into the consciousness community."
"There's really not much to update... unless something major."
"The reason why I care is because I think there's been a lot of downplaying of January 6 and it makes me sick."
"This is the first time we've been there since pre-pandemic, and the last fight we had in Australia... we always get amazing moments, we always get big fights, and of course, Saturday night is absolutely no different."
"If there were no Starrcade, there would likely also be no WrestleMania."
"It changes everything, of course. It's a big motivation for us to have so many people here."
"That was the biggest one, and that'll only be topped by Saturday night."
"Tonight's not just about some dance, it's about creating life-changing experiences for everyone."
"We failed as a society, Guillermo, you had a big night."
"It just further shows that they put more eSports on the map for it."
"I think moments are made bigger at WrestleMania simply for happening at WrestleMania."
"People care about this a lot, it's a massive thing."
"It's an event, and that's what it's treated like, an event."
"Tonight, we're gonna be Boston Magazine's in the restaurant, and that's a big deal."
"Forget about it quite quickly isn't that says something about the championship there doesn't it"
"Enjoy it. You're getting to play where the Gophers play. It's a great stage. Win or lose, leave it on the floor." - Ryan Iverson
"Many are looking at this event as a sign from the most high."
"This right here, is the pinnacle of the fifth anniversary party."
"As long as MLB plays 162 games, everybody will forget this ever happened."
"Some people say the Melbourne cup is the race that stops the nation not in southern Tasmania it's the race down the biggest sand June."
"The biggest success of sim racing was the virtual Le Mans, treated with the same seriousness as a real race."
"Life-formula! It's literally the event that celebrates the spark of life."
"What really got me hot was like Dom knew how much I worked on my wine and you know how big this night was for me."
"When I was sitting in the back with Andre I was afraid that if WrestleMania sucked or the main event sucked that would be it for the WWF or WWE whatever you want to call it."
"I asked Sue, like Sue let's try and measure the magnitude of this move and I asked him, do you think this is the biggest event in crypto's history and he said yes."
"One small seemingly insignificant event can lead to a whole chain of events that causes a lot of changes."
"Bitcoin's having event: the most consequential in history."
"Winning the Super Bowl will always be special."
"It's kind of nice to save the really big events for the really big screen."
"This event has taken a life of its own, man. Everybody's talking about UFC Dublin all over the world."
"The Free-For-All this year is going to change the landscape of the Schmoedown."
"It doesn't really bode well for the statement that the smaller teams of course have lower quality players than the top but one LAN doesn't mean everything."
"This is the biggest event ever in combat sports history."
"Significant events happen literally every day."
"It's an incredible story and I mean when you look at everything that has gone on."
"This situation was real and then of course we're gonna get to the oscar acceptance speech."
"More so than any of the weapons any of the armor the skipping of such a crucial event is infuriating."
"Minor events can be made to seem huge and extremely significant and major ones can be downplayed or totally overlooked."
"If you see something happening unfavorably, know that it was meant for you."
"It's about the larger outcomes... and appreciate how it isn't just about the event itself."
"I think it's as big of an event as anything in wrestling this year."
"It's a monumental moment regardless of the outcome."
"He lost the WWE Champion lost in a match that will have no direct effect on what happens at WrestleMania."
"That's the look... it was for the preliminary competition."
"Each and every event means so much in the context of this championship."
"I tell you what, each and every event means so much in the context of this championship."
"This event had such a legacy attached to it and for good reason."
"Bottom line, Barrett Jackson is huge in every way possible."
"There is profound meaning, profound implication, profound significance in this event. But you can only fathom that significance if you locate this event in a context."
"This event is more about probably the future now than the past even."
"It's a huge occasion, and I think pregame during the warm-up is really important to take in the atmosphere, take in the occasion."
"This is a [__] internet event, as it should be."
"Great sporting events are so much about place."
"If you have a game that can understand these individual events and understand what they mean... that's the beauty of agency and emergence."
"The 2019 NAM show is historically significant."
"What's going on right now here is the center of the universe for us."
"You can take the World Series and Wimbledon and the Super Bowl, that's one event, the semifinals of the collegiate basketball tournament."
"This stadium is special, this competition is special, and this fixture... is always special."
"The formula is pretty basic: the reason women's college hoops the other night had higher ratings than the NBA Finals is because it felt like a large event."
"It was fun to see how excited they were for an event of IM's magnitude."
"The NFL draft would not be the spectacle and the event that it is today if it was not for his contributions."
"It's the biggest event in Baltics, a lot of great teams, so impressive event."