
Musicians Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Eyewitnesses reportedly stated that the musicians continued to perform until their final breaths, demonstrating their unshakeable commitment."
"I wanted to know as people who have been on the road as long as you have how did you react when you heard the news?"
"Adaptability is super important for a musician to have."
"It's Glen Campbell, it's John Paul Jones on the melotron on the zeppo. I mean what's the difference tonight?"
"I do very much remember being a broke musician."
"Bar musician: We are not all depressed and hoping some big talent scout from a label shows up."
"Nine out of 10 players become bass players from one of two reasons: they either failed as a guitar player or no one needed a guitar player."
"The story of jazz is the story of great musicians overcoming adversity only to face more."
"Thanks for all the stuff you're doing for musicians out there."
"Cliff inspired too many other bass players to even list."
"Prince influenced so many people and musicians."
"Hit that like button, hit that subscribe button, let's stick together in this tough time for musicians."
"This guitar was gifted to Gary Moore by Claude Nobs in 1998."
"Over a century more than 1600 pianists have been titled Steinway artists."
"As musicians, we must spread compassion and love for the most marginalized people in our communities."
"You are all professional musicians and you are playing your instrument completely and perfectly."
"All of these popular musicians died at the age of 27, leading to the emergence of the 27 Club urban legend."
"There's an old adage about how many guitars does a guitar player need, and the answer is one more."
"That's the blessing and curse of every like passionate guitar player and bass player, I think Eddie called it tone chasing."
"Some of my favorite musicians of all time had really weird habits that gave them a very specific tone on their instrument."
"Dean riffs equal 'I hope you like hybrid picking.'" "Toby does lots of hybrid picking now too."
"It's common, it's easy, it's the picking motion used by great players like Mike Stern, Myka Trisko, and of course the great Eric Johnson."
"Straight Up before Anything Else Musicians and Gamers Alright, Cuz, They're the ones That need it am I right you ever Seen Them They're Gawky all Those Musicians and Musicians and Gamers why, you still got Gamers and Musicians."
"I'm going to show you some mind-blowing tech that will be publicly available and accessible to most musicians very soon."
"They're full-time murderers prior to part-time musicians."
"Everybody has a bit of history. Jimi Hendrix was a hired gun for Little Richard, the Isley Brothers, King Curtis—you know, everyone."
"What is the average show? 10 to 20. Pop musicians tend to play more like 20."
"Even if you didn't like the songs, even if you didn't like the entire aura that surrounded them, the hype and the nonsense, couldn't ignore the fact that these people were phenomenally gifted instrumentalists."
"Cubase can be great for solo musicians, bands, electronic musicians, and music producers of any level."
"If you want to be part of an elegant, extravagant, affluent community of like-minded musicians with a big old Discord server and monthly songwriting challenges."
"I think it was just all those things sort of implanted in my mind that like musicians are kind of these cultural figures that a lot of people pay attention to."
"YouTube's ability to create full-blown stars practically overnight lured in aspiring musicians with dreams of doing the same."
"...these were some genuinely brilliant musicians who wrote some all-time great songs..."
"More and more musicians are coming out and talking about this more so than ever."
"The fact is, those advantages that the musicians experienced during those times are significant advantages over today's musicians."
"Good musicians are ugly dudes. The people that write Drake's songs or like the Beatles are ugly dudes."
"The four greatest musicians who ever lived in alphabetical order are Bach, Beethoven, the Grateful Dead, and Mozart."
"Musicians don't borrow money." [Laughter]
"This was what we did before we became musicians. We were 'Hauling Oats.'"
"I consider myself so lucky to know all the musicians I've come across. Have so many friendships and experiences with so many great musicians. It's like they've made me better."
"I would love for people to say wow, you know what, Yo-Yo Ma went and Marsalis, these are my idols."
"Engineers are brilliant but musicians are the ones that actually are going to be using this stuff."
"...this odd collection of modules for whatever reason is quite intriguing to musicians..."
"Roger did drums on both Arcadia and Power Station."
"...the standards are much higher for musicians than any other people group."
"Sometimes there's just nothing else you could say that would sum up the stories of some rock musicians."
"Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson, Corey Taylor."
"...they're so sick live, like they just... all the best players, they're really good."
"The creative world has real problems right now, musicians have real problems too."
"Here are the four artists that have been so synonymous with the JTM amplifier over the years: Jimi Hendrix, Angus Young, Joe Bonamassa, Gary Moore."
"It's not just a country guitar, but it's been in the hands of every type of musician for forever since its inception in the early 50s."
"Some of the best actors and musicians, these fools are softies. They are so they're precious."
"They turned out to be some of the great pop musicians."
"Musicians like LL Cool J and 50 Cent have been into fitness and lifting weights."
"He was one of the seven musicians who took charge of their career via their creativity."
"...the most amazing bands and musicians that often flew onto the radar..."
"The '27 Club' refers to a group of famous people, mainly musicians, who have died at the age of 27."
"Use the best musicians and let them enjoy the session."
"Musicians have enhanced speech perception in noise." - Dr. Ani Patel
"There's a correlation between how well musicians hear speech perception and the years of musical training." - Dr. Ani Patel
"The darkness of it appeals to me. You know, none of those other guys, you think about Rutherford and Banks. Very talented musicians but really to me, great songwriters."
"Musicians were considered to be on the lower end of the social class spectrum."
"Literally the number one trait the successful musicians have in common, 99%... of the people who had... even if there was dysfunction in the house... the parents were supportive. Very common."
"Musicians endorse love, we endorse peace, we endorse joyfulness. But you have to find it yourself first of all before you can expect the world to become this wonderful place."
"In America, there's a huge emphasis on how to be an entrepreneur and how to really make the skills that we have as musicians into something that we can actually live off of."
"I am a Bass player and I think you guys should be nicer to us we hold the groove"
"Born on May 4th, 1951 in Indiana, Robert Allen Deal later to be known as Mick Mars had an early fascination with music."
"Musicians have instruments, let's take a guitarist for example, you gotta take care of your guitar right?"
"I'm going to devote the rest of my time in large part to finding a way for musicians to get paid for their work again."
"That's our team, a bunch of crazy musicians."
"I would love to see recorded music become a viable source of income for musicians again."
"If there's something going on in the world and you're a musician, it's better speak on it."
"That's what musicians do, they gather around and they serve the common good of a song."
"I guess for musicians it's like riding a bike, you never truly forget."
"I think the musicians of today, particularly the young ones, have had a much greater musical education than in the past."
"Designing posters, especially for musicians, is a lot of designers' favorite things to do because there's so much you can do with a poster."
"The artists talked among themselves nervously, glanced from time to time at the mirror, and rolled and unrolled their music."
"It's not just making software, it's getting the software out there to musicians and seeing how they react."
"Those are two of the greatest artists this world has ever seen."
"I love music, and I love spending time helping musicians do stuff."
"As always, there's already a massive pet problem in the world, so have your bass player spayed or neutered."
"It's been a challenging couple of years for all of us, especially for musicians and performers."
"Musicians are insanely talented people."
"If you ever need to make conversation with an oboe player, ask about today's reed, and they will tell you its full villain origin story for about an hour."
"You know musicians don't have a regular job so if you have a windfall of any sort, save your money, yeah because you'll need it."
"Guitarists are hard to figure out, aren't we?"
"This would make a great gift for any guitar player with the initial CD."
"The most common answer to the question seemed to be N+1, where N is the number of guitars you currently own."
"Gibson acoustic guitars are known the world over, used by famous musicians for decades."
"It's the guys with attitude that stand out."
"I love playing with great musicians, and I got to play with so many great musicians."
"Jazz musicians began to include more and more instrumentalists, forming huge bands up to the size of a small orchestra."
"Musicians and singers are so cool."
"These are slick power supplies that have been well thought out to meet the needs of even the most demanding musicians."
"The best musicians have the lowest egos and the highest discretion."
"Musicians are a flipping great bunch of people."
"That's why I realized why musicians smash up hotel rooms, it isn't because they want to be rock and roll, it's because they miss everybody."
"So it's a kind of magic thing, the circle of fifths, for musicians."
"I think a lot of guitar players, whether or not we've met each other before, have this kind of kindred spirit and connection to each other."
"All those musicians are world-class musicians, oh 100%."
"It's a game changer for guitar players."
"The great thing about being a solo artist is that you get to pick a sort of revolving cast of excellent musicians."
"The most important thing is to really have a good chemistry with the other human beings you're gonna be playing with as people."
"When I first played with Doug and Jerry together, the bar was just immediately raised for all of us; we all pushed each other."
"Musicians are the happiest profession in the world."
"There are musicians out there that are just beyond comprehension how good they are these days."
"It's for all those musicians out there like me, who guitar is my primary instrument."
"Musicians are the children of God. The world is music embodied."
"Call me crazy, but I just have this thing for musicians."
"I really want this place to become a community of like-minded musicians."
"I think musicians are a breed but a breed of our own."
"It's basically like having eight delay pedals at once."
"The musicians played as the ship went down."
"What better group rhythm section to use than guys I've been playing with on a regular basis."
"MusicCares is a great organization that takes care of musicians."
"For many music makers out there, times are tough."
"That's what musicians do, they take inspirations from each other."
"We need to treat ourselves like athletes, we're athletes, musicians are athletes."
"The musicians huddled together under blankets, burned newspapers in the aisle of the bus, drank shots, and told each other stories."
"That's the payoff for us musicians, getting to play it live in front of people."
"You walk away after talking to Johnny and you think a guitarist the best people in the world."
"Most musicians don't have a headshot... by providing this to them, I'm already giving them something that's unique and novel."
"For musicians to see the stuff that made the sounds that they love, it's magic."
"I don't build for collectors; I build for players."
"Isn't every guitarist really a frustrated drummer?"
"It's fine to create a guitar and say okay who wants it, but so much better to talk to the players and to make what they actually want and will use."
"The Rock Hotel was a cheap shared living space where many musicians crashed whenever they needed to get their lives back on track."
"The musicians were everything back then."
"We're not these evil people just out for sex and drugs and money."
"You run into people who you may have grown up listening to or favorite musicians."
"It was such an artist community and just loads of musicians live there, it's just really great."
"It's a fantastic global community of musicians that are really supportive of each other and really value the time that we spend together."
"If you're a professional musician that is on the go, make sure you guys go ahead and check out this track pack Traveler's backpack."
"This is not just a MIDI foot switch for guitarists, this is like a Swiss Army knife for live musicians, studio musicians, content creators, and basically anyone that wants to control just about anything with their feet."
"Rihanna's estimated net worth is more than 500 million dollars, making her the third wealthiest musician in the United Kingdom."
"We wanted to highlight these two because they are very popular, especially for those more advanced players that are looking for that next step."
"Within months, he's got customers like Eric Clapton and Mark Knopfler."
"There's only three types of drummers: the ones that can count and the ones that can't."
"Every musician who's out there needs to turn a great deal of their energy at some point in their career toward music education."
"These earplugs are really, really special. They are designed specifically for musicians."
"Be sure to say hello to your fellow guitar players in the chat; it's a beautiful community we have here."
"They're rock solid players, they are world class."
"Musicians, man, they grow with time, just like all of us."
"I would recommend this for any musician, traveling musician, musician that has to take your instruments and your gear."
"They're normal people that love music, they're musicians."
"Some musicians want to change the world, and some musicians want to entertain the world."
"From musicians and other performers, performance is the main means of income."