
Motivational Advice Quotes

There are 1509 quotes

"I always say it doesn't matter if all the no's that you get, it just really comes down to that one yes, and that one yes can make all the difference."
"You don't have to be me. You don't have to be your father. But be your best self."
"Keep pushing yourself because nobody else can or will do it for you."
"Nobody else can or will do it for you; it's all up to you."
"You're a fighter, not a quitter. Prove it to yourself right here, right now."
"Those who think they can and those who think they can't are both right. Which one are you?"
"Find what you really like to do. Find your voice, find some people who share that idea and are as passionate about that thing as you are."
"The only way to create proficiently, is to create from a place of joy."
"Don't let the best be the enemy of the good."
"Don't ever let anyone say you can't make your mark in the world in a big way."
"Chase the vision, not the money, and the money will end up following you."
"Never compare your beginning to somebody else's middle."
"If you don't chase it, you're going to get criticized."
"The world is a giant opportunity for all of you."
"You're gonna go through it to get to it, that's a fact."
"What matters, is that you keep on trying no matter what."
"If you enjoy making small steps, a little bit of progress, then you're on a great track."
"Don't give up and stay persistent. Don't expect to start and be successful right away overnight. You are going to need to stay persistent if you do want to be successful."
"Eventually, you're going to turn a corner... keep pushing for that."
"The only way things can change is if you love yourself."
"Many people will tell you it is impossible but don't listen."
"It's very important that you do not get discouraged when you do not find instantaneous success."
"If everybody sank into nihilism, then human society would collapse. So you've got to aim at something, sort yourself out, stand up straight, clean your room, and all that entails."
"If you wanna achieve something, you've gotta work hard for it." - Christian Horner OBE
"If there's a will, there's a way. Don't give up, you can keep knocking on doors."
"Go for your wildest dreams and don't compare what success looks like to you to somebody else."
"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. This thing's gonna suck for a long time, like starting any new business. Go crush it."
"The whole point of this video is that you do whatever it takes to get to the interview."
"You aren't going to hit something unless you aim at it, that's for sure."
"Stay strong, have patience... stay true to your heart, your soul, your aligned connection."
"Trust the process. Everything will work out in the end."
"Start to imagine that you are capable, strong, and powerful."
"Some things you have to walk away from in order to move forward; don't rush it, just keep going."
"It's not about what's easy, it's about what matters."
"Learn to think because thinking makes you act effectively in the world. Thinking makes you win the battles you undertake. Like there's no excuse whatsoever for not getting at what it is that you should be doing."
"It's never too late for anything as long as you are passionate about it."
"So just let people know, man. Don't let [__] tell you you can't do it. I did it, and just never say you can't do it because you can do it."
"You have to be relentless. You gotta be great."
"The point I'm making is that to become a millionaire, we all need to start somewhere."
"Trust me, the best way to grind in life is to hustle yourself, got it?"
"If you live each and every day doing whatever you can to get ahead in life, chances are you'll eventually get ahead."
"I'd much rather see you doing something you enjoy than forcing yourself to go through an exercise that you hate."
"You ain't never going to score if you don't shoot your shot."
"Anything is possible, don't close yourself off to the possibilities."
"Remember, you are remarkable. Power should never be dropped on the ground."
"Make sure to find something that you're passionate about."
"Take the opportunity, don't let it slip away."
"It's so humbling to see how much support I have."
"Don't let someone convince you that you can't do something."
"Press on forward, you will reach your goals one day."
"You gotta be low to go high. You have to start from the bottom to be a hero."
"It's time to focus on you and shoot your shot in the direction that you desire to go in."
"You're not stuck, you can do the little steps in the right direction right now." - Ken Coleman
"You don't live your life so you can be in great shape. You get into great shape so you can improve your life."
"Do not let laziness stop you from getting where you want to be."
"You have got everything you need to move on."
"You have the strength to carry on, just keep going forward."
"As long as you get back on track, you didn't f*** up."
"Focus on your gains, not your chafe pains, that's what Pops always taught me!"
"Doubling down on failure is not the road map to success."
"If you don't risk anything... you risk everything."
"If you don't want that to happen... get off your freaking ass."
"Step up your game and get the woman you want."
"Nobody's going to believe in you until you've already done it. The work is going to come before the belief every single moment of every single day."
"Hang in there, pick yourself up, and keep going."
"If you actually want something, you can have it."
"If you want to be good, then you need to actually actively work to improve."
"Trust the process and then persistence. Be the man in the arena."
"It's discipline. Everybody wants motivation." - Dr. Laura
"Find something where it's just like really routine for you... even cleaning up your house or just sitting there and actually just meditating."
"We must all do the best we can in whatever situation we're in. Never give up."
"Life is getting good. It's like the wheel of fortune. You were at the bottom, and now you're moving it to the top of the wheel."
"If at first you don't succeed, try again after repeatedly hitting rock bottom."
"So the shit's important, man. Anything you do, you need to be able to have that perspective in that outcome, so yeah, obviously we're all ready for you."
"You can always create your vision within a budget, it doesn't matter how big or small that budget is. If I can do it, you can do it too."
"The best way to get involved, to get started in anything is to be willing to work for free."
"It's possible. If I could get out of bad habits... you genuinely can too."
"Don't focus on what you don't want, focus on what you want."
"Life is short so you should do what you desire."
"Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier."
"Focus, commit, take action, and follow that course until success."
"No dream is too big. Slow and steady wins the race."
"It's when we most want to turn around that we must keep going when all we see is darkness that we must have faith in the light."
"If you have the means right now to do this and to take this course and you really, truly believe that this is what you wanna do and that this is the right path for you, then just go for it."
"Small realistic attainable goals lead to something larger."
"Challenge yourself to be better than average. You know that's a pretty good thing to say."
"The money should not be the drive at all... It's not worth it."
"You gotta change your mindset for real for real."
"Stop procrastinating, stop being indecisive. I think the universe is going to give you what you want but you got to stop second guessing it."
"Create small victories that lead to the big one."
"Keep 'em attracted, stick with it, and be extraordinary."
"If you're not passionate about it, it's not gonna work."
"Some people get depressed because of the outcomes they have today, I think most people need to be excited about where their journey is going to be in the next two years."
"Don't give up, that's for sure. Don't give up."
"Do what you got to do, focus up, don't let any of these BS excuses get in your way, and that's just me being honest with you guys."
"Start where you are. You don't start where you want to be, you start where you are."
"Do it for the right reasons. If it's your passion, even if you're not very good, but if you're passionate, willing to work, go ahead."
"It's not meant to be. It's God. I'ma get the peach when it's time for it. But meanwhile, work. Have that Candy ethic. Work. You don't have to tell everybody everything you're doing." - Marlo
"The messy middle: where days are long but years will be short. Just keep swimming."
"Believe. Let's just get on board and believe. There's really no harm done in believing."
"As long as you're moving forward, everything's in the right place."
"If you don't have a million dollars yet, you're living a much lesser life than what could be easily available to you with the right guidance."
"Nobody's Gonna believe in you in the beginning nor should they."
"Your approach doesn't need to be perfect. Step by step, work closer to it." - Speaker
"Confidence is your key to success. Confidence in you, come on now, come on now."
"When you visualize your success, you'll start to accelerate."
"Fake it till you make it, so fake it till you make it."
"You can be anything you please if you will make the conception habitual."
"You have to decide: I'm not going to allow the world to make me feel hopeless or powerless."
"Stop arguing for your limitations. Just believe that you can have what you want."
"Now don't never give up, and you know, don't feel that people are gonna laugh."
"No feeling is final. You just keep plugging away."
"You definitely have all the tools that you need to break free from that and move forward. You have amazing opportunities and doors that are open for you. Spirit wants you to go after it."
"You do not have to be fearless, just don't let fear stop you."
"You gotta put in the work if you want the results."
"If you're really trying to like, if you're passionate about something and you really want to do it, just know everyone started small and you always have to like, yeah, we all start from the same spot."
"Keep going, that's all you gotta keep doing...if you keep going, you're gonna strike a really, really successful life."
"You can do anything, nothing is impossible, there are no limitations unless you put them on yourself."
"Just keep moving forward, man. You don't have to have any kind of experience."
"When you find something you're good at, go for it. Go for it. Don't take any prisoners, man."
"For those of you who choose to take action, you will be successful."
"Let's live on nothing. Like live on 60. Let's go make another 100."
"Difficulty isn't a signal to turn back; it's a signal that if you keep going, the rewards just got greater."
"I don't give a [__] if you work flipping burgers, you can go from flipping burgers to being the person that tells the people to flip the burgers."
"Invest in yourself, you will thank me for it."
"Sometimes when you're struggling you need to go higher."
"You can't let this ruin all of your hard work."
"The things that scare should be the things that we chase for or run after."
"Practice things that are going to help you in the long run. Don't self-deprecate, don't indulge into that."
"Don't quit, commit. Don't quit, commit. Don't quit."
"If you see yourself fail once, twice, three times, or however many times, you have to keep going."
"Dream bigger if the dream you're dreaming doesn't scare you."
"Just get bigger, man. That's energy, man. Just get bigger."
"Go big or go home. No, go bigger. Never go home."
"The ball is in your court, it's time to take a shot. Win or lose, at least you tried."
"Don't heed advice from the cowards who neither know victory nor defeat."
"Don't forget how far you've come because you see how far you have yet to go."
"There is a better life, there is a better way if you go look for it."
"Google Trends is a really powerful way to see if your product is currently trending."
"Just shine bright man... make sure you uh you do what makes you feel all right bro... make sure you do what what makes you feel all right today."
"Amateur worries about how they feel... a pro gets up and does it no matter what."
"Just get in the gym and workout for 20 minutes and your life will be better at the end of that 20 minutes."
"If it's important enough for you, you'll find time."
"The advice for the people is live your life. You've only got one at bat. Do something with it."
"Don't make excuses and don't accept excuses from yourself."
"You need to understand that for once, I can't stress this enough to stay true to yourself."
"I want today to be the day you break the cycle in your life."
"Make every day of your life the happiest day so far."
"You get back what you put in into whatever it is you desire to do."
"Speaking of important things, if you feel fear, you should do it anyway."
"You gotta just punch fear in the face, you gotta punch perfectionism in the face."
"It's okay to start before you're ready, you gotta start poop your pants scared, you gotta just start."
"There's a lot more possible, don't sell yourself so short."
"If you're brave enough to take that risk, take that first step in the direction of what you want to see in this world."
"If you want their results, then you got to lose your motherfucking excuses."
"Every human being should only ever do and believe that which moves them towards their goal."
"I really am rooting for Matt... You can learn from this, you can grow, you can change, or you can keep doubling down. Your call."
"Advice for some of you to like look into some law of attraction videos here on YouTube."
"Just don't give up. That's right. That's the most important. Don't give up."
"Focus on your final destination, your big intention. Focus on the light."
"Go forth, whatever state you're in, with your honor."
"Never quit, never ever quit, like I said earlier, that's all you really have to do."
"Follow the things you want to do and go actually do them."
"Remember, if there is no risk, there is no reward."
"The people that you do lose what would they want you to do they would want you to go on and live for them."
"If you want to change the world, start each day with a task completed."
"Write down your goals... it worked for Arnold."
"Don't give up, keep it going one day at a time."
"You could live that lifestyle this year if you take action right now."
"Do not fear, you're going to transform your whole financial situation."
"The best time to change was yesterday, but the second best time is now."
"You gotta just jump to it, you can't keep procrastinating."
"Stay strong everybody, stick to your discipline, time is on our side."
"Enjoy every moment, guys. That's also kind of links to my previous point about being positive not being negative."
"Tough times or not, like I said, keep pushing. Maybe great before anything."
"You should always just stay on your stay ten toes down and just keep going bro, just you just gotta keep going and that's going to get you to exactly where you need to be and um just don't give up have that faith."
"No matter how late it is, remember that fear not short."
"Be direct, be honest, be brave, be bold, be beautiful."
"Never underestimate your power. Never underestimate your light. Choose to keep that light on now."
"Don't give up on your goals. You're so close."
"Just start! Stop thinking about starting and just start."
"Success is easy, guys! It's f****** easy! Make a plan, work the plan."
"Stop worrying about what somebody else ain't doing. You get your ass up and do it."
"Almost there, don't let them talk you out of it."
"Fake it till you make it, and I promise you will get there."
"I can guarantee without a doubt that if you do this... it will change your life."
"We have enough pressure... take that pressure right off... small wins every day."
"You've got this, you're gonna reap the benefits if you just stay consistent and persistent."
"You are so much more than you believe yourself to be. Have patience that there is a plan unfolding; the sky's the limit."
"It's not hard to get to the top, it's hard to stay at the top."
"Maintain if you maintain you're dying. You can't be maintaining or trying to like minimize. You need to be thinking, 'How can I grow during this time?'"
"Just because you hate the sharks doesn't mean you can't swim with the sharks, right?"
"It's just not the hour to be like sitting on our behinds doing whatever we want."
"Use them as motivation, use them as inspiration."
"Once you win that battle in the morning, then once you go out, now you've won something."
"Take your time and don't give up if it doesn't happen right away."
"When you start taking these actions with that money instead of sitting on that money like it's an egg, you're going to get some energy from taking the actions."
"Stick with it, see it through, and see that snowball effect."
"Every time you pay off another debt, the snowball rolls over more money."