
Web Apps Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"A progressive web app is simply that—a great user experience that feels integrated and earns a place on my home screen without having to give up the reach to get it."
"Progressive Web Apps... are regular web apps that give the user a native experience. PWAs are reliable, fast, and engaging, and I think that they are the future."
"Progressive Web Apps: They're reliable, they're fast, and they're more engaging."
"Any web-based app, of course, is going to work, any website because this thing is built on Chrome OS."
"With Streamlit, you can weave interaction into your app using input/output widgets like dropdown menus, sliders, and more. It's a fast and easy way to build interactive web apps from your Python scripts."
"Project Nucleus makes web apps lightning fast, syncing changes cleverly."
"Azure static web apps is my new favorite service in Azure."
"Blazor really comes in for people who want to use C# to build web apps."
"Web apps are saving the Vision Pro."
"If it's gonna be anything, it's gonna be web apps."
"ArcGIS Experience Builder empowers you to quickly transform your data into compelling web apps."
"Progressive Web Apps are also supported with Blazer WebAssembly, which means we can have offline support."
"This is an example where the entire Blazor application is hosted inside of a .NET MAUI shell, which is quite cool."
"When you're building Access 2013 Web Apps, they're very easy to create, they're very approachable from the end users to create applications."
"It's accessible through any web browser, doesn't matter if it's Internet Explorer, we're much more open-ended with other browsers."
"Apps that you build run on any web browser on any device."
"Dash by Plotly is a tool to build interactive data visualization web apps using Python alone."
"Utilizing Google Workspace for your organization gives you access to many web apps and services."
"Web Apps can be full first-class citizens inside of the payment request system."
"This is what you can do with a progressive web app; it looks great, it doesn't look like it's in Chrome, but under the hood, it's actually being delivered by the browser."
"You can build web apps in Apps Script."
"If you don't have accessible elements, you're not going to be able to make accessible apps."
"The beauty of HTML 5 is you can run it anywhere, they're just web apps."
"Progressive web apps can help us grab some of that market share back."
"Progressive Web Apps are a new standard for web apps that behave like regular desktop apps."
"Streams are a critical piece of building performant Progressive web apps."
"This allows us to build really reliable and network resilient web apps."
"If a native app can do it, a webapp should be able to do it."
"One goal for all those web apps is to be as easy as possible for the user to use."
"We want those web apps to feel as native as possible."
"Live Wire's mission is to build on the joy of building web apps with Laravel."
"Service workers are web workers... plus, you get a JavaScript proxy to edit responses of your page network requests."
"If you wanted to do an offline web app with a service worker, you could make something called a PWA."
"With this... we have everything we need to make an offline web app."
"And that's the third part of our story, which is we want to make it easy for you to create script projects, share them, organize your code, and then, able to deploy them as web apps."
"And this brings us to the last part of our story here, which is, we want to make it easy for you to publish your web apps in a way that it is discoverable."
"Progressive web apps... they're live apps and they're part of the real open web."
"Web apps that use the App Shell model effectively can feel like they load instantly."
"If you've built your app shell correctly, the page can load instantly, and the content in the page can load instantly, and you get this amazing experience."
"Progressive web apps are just a new set of practices and technologies that help us build good web apps."
"Progressive web apps are all about building layer upon layer to make your app experience better."
"It's so amazing, right? Like, it's an app in the browser."
"All great apps need to be on the web, especially the mobile web."
"We're really excited about the potential that this new SDK brings for developing web apps right inside your web browser."
"Building Progressive web apps makes a lot of sense; there's a ton of value here."
"Progressive web apps are the culmination of multiple years of my team's work."
"The progressive web app pillars are really just about doing that: providing a great user experience."
"We're truly living in a time where progressive web apps can provide an immersive and integrated experience on all platforms and operating systems."
"Web apps are automatically searchable... and they're shareable."
"With the web having these nice benefits of automatic cross-platform support and reach, why isn't it the default just to build everything as a web app that works everywhere?"
"Our goal is to help developers from all platforms build complex, high performance client apps for the modern web."
"Our goal is to help app developers from all different platforms write complex, high performance client apps for the modern web."