
Gameplay Variety Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Half-Life 2 is especially remarkable in how it continually shifts from one mode of play into another in a way that never feels obvious and always feels welcome."
"You can actually make a game where you can fight, sneak, and talk."
"Half-Life never stays on one type of gameplay for too long or have you do the same thing over and over again."
"We wanted the players to have a chance to get distracted a little bit by figuring out how to open up puzzles."
"Allowing me to choose different guns makes me change my play style."
"It injects plenty of sandbox 'only in Battlefield' moments and solid gunplay... it's certainly not the most fun launch experience... but it's still quite a bit of fun."
"The sandbox gameplay of Metal Gear 5 allowed for a wide variety of approaches to objectives."
"Give out randomized scenarios, goals and objectives each time you do a random quest in order to spice things up."
"There's a lot to offer there if you play it that way."
"Lots of cool boss battles, different paths you could take depending on how you play the game, it's just overall very interesting."
"The variety of bosses, difference in movesets... have all seen a huge step up."
"Runescape dominates MMORPGs because there are many ways to play the game, and none of them are wrong."
"Just be aware that it could get really costly if you start liking it."
"Everything else... lots of great, great options in the book."
"I'd love if you could switch the main character, maybe play as Luigi or Peach."
"Outriders: 'This game throws just enough enemy variety, just enough level design variety, and more than enough loot to just keep you plowing forward.'"
"Each javelin gives you a different way to play the game."
"Action point management allowed for a wide variety of shots."
"Cyberpunk 2077 provides multiple ways to tackle missions, offering replayability."
"You're gonna have fun, you're gonna have dogfight Maps, tank-oriented Maps, little hallway operation Maps."
"It's all about maximizing your playstyle, experimenting with different builds and finding new ways to play."
"Each biome should provide its own very unique flavor of gameplay and encounters." - Harry Krueger
"It's never more than an hour or so of play that you don't unlock some new class or a really fun new ability that totally changes the way that class plays."
"I could go on for hours about this game's level design and variety, its characters, its arsenal, its enemies, its bosses, its unlockables, its challenges..."
"Each map feels different from the last offering an experience for everybody."
"There is so much freedom... makes the game so replayable."
"The sheer amount of different factions that you can play with here is insane, absolutely insane."
"Night vision gameplay... I think it does add a lot of depth and variety to the overall gameplay."
"Rayman Legends features a wide range of gameplay using traditional 2D action and innovative touch controls."
"This stuff gives you an enormous set of options for tackling each part of the game."
"Spider-Man 2 also allows players to seamlessly swap between both Heroes on the fly when exploring the open world."
"It's just a versatile class that supports a lot of different concepts."
"A kink adds different types of hirelings for players to boss around."
"The game's still impressive level design allows for a number of fun ways to infiltrate buildings."
"Rest assured that our goal is to provide alternatives that align with your preferred playstyle while widening the scope to include more viable perk options."
"Each class brings something different to the table."
"I'm finding new things to do still after a month and that's impressive."
"The open world lacks variety and things to do."
"Not one playthrough will be the same as the last."
"Final Fantasy 12: a mixed bag of bountiful gameplay and dense details."
"Surprisingly doesn't end and mixes it up with all kinds of different modifiers and objectives throughout."
"The game gives you several different weapon types to experiment with."
"Variation in encounters and multi-faction elements keep boredom at bay."
"Special weapons are still a thing... some of these weapons are pretty good..."
"The range classes feel different than the melee classes of course but both in very good ways."
"Elden Ring is an open world game where you have an entirely free world to farm with players who can arrive at bosses dungeons and enemies in thousands of different states of power and orders."
"Making the old world relevant would greatly increase the playable area of World of Warcraft and offer a more varied gameplay experience for players."
"Pokemon Trainer's ability to completely change their playstyle at any moment."
"There's kind of like infinite or nearly infinite weapon combinations in liip."
"The regular variants can come at you in a number of ways, being the generic slow-moving walkers or the hellishly fast infected like runners."
"There are a bunch of fun ways to play this RPG including campaign, giant boss fights, and PvP battles."
"If you want to design games, just play as many different games as possible."
"They broke down all the different activity types that you'll be engaging in."
"I’m glad to see these side tasks return from Doom 2016 - it was a good way of getting you to experiment with weapons and see all the horrible glory kill animations."
"A big world full of things to do, that's wonderful."
"The multiplayer really is just so cool. You get different abilities, different weapons, iconic Star Wars weapons."
"Choices that you make in the outer worlds are not the typical good versus evil option instead you have two choices which cause separate outcomes."
"The classes have different succession and awakening lines... unlocking a ton of different play styles to choose from."
"Every red beast that you get has like a different thing."
"Free rooming, amazing storyline, so many possibilities."
"Couple that with eight superbly flexible sandboxes and the most imaginative interactive representation of the second world war in at least a decade and you've got yourself one of the most entertaining games of the year."
"This one's got both competitive pvp and co-op pve so there's something for everyone here."
"The writing is heartwarming, the gameplay is always fun and changing."
"I guess I’m just really impressed by the sheer amount of stuff you can do."
"Do you think it's fine how it is or would you like to see a meta shift so we can see more variety within the game?"
"Playing the Sharpshooter is very fun and if you've just been through a melee playthrough with something like our radar build it's gonna be a completely new experience."
"There's also an insane amount of combinations that you can test out so the game never really gets boring."
"It's a great one to throw in, great way to mix it up, and I don't think there's anything technically wrong with it as long as you're advanced enough to do it correctly."
"There is no right or wrong way to build your character, only a vast range of playstyles to choose from."
"Super Mario Odyssey hits all the right notes with its variety, customization, and nods to previous Mario games."
"One thing that's kind of cool about them is that they kind of force you to play a little bit differently."
"Frost Haven provides so many crazy options that come from not just level up cards but also items, perks, and enhancements."
"This game has an unbelievable amount of variants and potential playtime."
"Ali Ali World offers so many different ways to play and return to the same game."
"A sandbox of opportunities to play around with."
"It's quite nice to have some of the most exciting and fun units playable and not just leave some armies with one single cookie cutter competitive build."
"The more options I have it means I could play the same type of character the same class now completely different than I would have played it five years ago completely than I might play it tomorrow and more options makes the game more interesting."
"From a professional perspective, you also want to see some like Variety in the gameplay as well."
"Each time you're kind of unlocking a different result with regards to that particular recipe."
"I absolutely love the fact that this is so varied. There's so many things to do, so many of those secrets and memories to find."
"It wasn't just about how massive the world was, it was about what you'd be doing in that world, and how you could approach different situations."
"It's not a stealth game, there's many different ways you can do things."
"The big boy console version of this is about as ambitious as you can be. Two different campaigns, two playable styles, two different endings, and a semi-open world format with tons to unlock and explore."
"Overall, Warzone was the highlight of this year, the updates that improve the quality of life and provide a new gameplay variety really did make a difference."
"There's going to never be an absence of something to do."
"Each class of dwarf has a wildly different playstyle... and it all stems down to personal preference when choosing how you want to play."
"Moonwalker: where every level is different and has its own wildly different logic. It's great!"